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Home » Your task is to advise an investment group on emerging opportunities and prepare a briefing paper on an opportunity that you believe they should (AUD500k), or should not invest in.

Your task is to advise an investment group on emerging opportunities and prepare a briefing paper on an opportunity that you believe they should (AUD500k), or should not invest in.

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Your task is to advise an investment group on emerging opportunities and prepare a briefing paper on an opportunity that you believe they should (AUD500k), or should not invest in.

This assessment will be conducted in pairs.
Pairs will be automatically assigned by the MyUni system.

Your task is to take the lens of a venture capitalist and research an opportunity of interest to deliberate whether or not you would invest AUD500K. This task is important for anyone aiming to get involved in the world of entrepreneurship for two main reasons: (1) understanding some aspects of the due diligence process is crucial for all entrepreneurs as this will help them capture the expectations of investors and enhance their ability to raise capital; (2) deliberating as to whether or not a business or a business idea is a good opportunity helps develop a framework to which entrepreneurs can refer when evaluating their own venture.

As this is a foundations course and a general introduction to entrepreneurship, you will primarily be asked to look into the features of the business, market, industry, trends, forms of entrepreneurship, resources and capital structure. You are not expected to analyse the business using complex financial and valuation models as this angle of analysis is beyond the scope of this course. The aim is to analyse the opportunity by referring to entrepreneurship concepts and theory.

You are asked to choose a business that is either (1) already listed or is about to get listed as a public company on a stock exchange (e.g. ASX, NASDAQ, LESG, New York Stock Exchange, Ethereum, etc.), or (2) a new start-up that is currently part of an accelerator, or is being funded by venture capital firms. Remember that the easier it is to find information about the opportunity at hand and its market/industry, the better the analysis and deliberation. The business to be analysed need to be founded within the past 15 years, no more. Avoid the large organizations such as Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Amazon, Tesla, etc.

In-depth research is required in this task and the provision of information from different sources is needed in order to make a rational decision. You can use industry and market reports to analyse the context of the opportunity. You can refer to interviews, press releases, annual reports, announcements or any information published by the business or its related stakeholders. If not published by the business or related stakeholders, avoid using blogs, news articles, vlogs or any types of content that consist of point of views rather than evidence based work.

Each pair member:

Individually each pair member should identify and research an example of an opportunity that they see existing.
Each pair member should prepare a short one page brief to share with their team outlining the opportunity for exploration (Include this brief in the appendices section of the report).
The pair:

Select the opportunity that you wish to further explore as a group.
The pair must develop an analysis of the opportunity by referring to the opportunity screening tool (provided an explained during the course). The tool will allow:
Exploring the opportunity in the context of the various forms of entrepreneurship covered in the unit.
Exploring the market, industry, competition, etc.
Examining the business model, resources and capital structure
Drawing conclusions about the particular opportunity (pros and cons) by taking a short-term and long-term approach.
When deliberating, the pair needs to conclude as to whether or not they would invest the AUD500k and why.
You must write a report examining your analysis. You can use the opportunity screening tool to structure your report, however, this is not mandatory.

A structure similar to this is suggested:

Executive Summary and Opportunity Overview
Opportunity overview
Finance and Resources
Discussion (Deliberation) and Conclusion
Time / word limits

Report: 2500 words for pair groups of 2 people and 3750 words for groups of 3 [Write as much as, and no more than, you need to. Aim to be concise]
You will need to be organised to complete this task effectively. A suggested timeline is below:




Finalise pairs


Choose opportunity for exploration

7 – 10

Research and develop your analysis


Organise, prepare and submit your report

Assignment 2 – In the Shoes of the Investor

Assignment 2 – In the Shoes of the Investor

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeWriting style and presentation (5%)• Visual appeal: cover page, font, headings, white space, professionalism
• Structure: Executive summary; table of contents, headings, page numbers, tense, pronoun use, matches assessment criteria,
• Accurate spelling and grammar.
• Well-structured sentences and paragraphs (not too long, good use of punctuation, no overuse of bullets)

1.5 to >1.25 Pts
High Distinction

Meets all criteria at an outstanding standard

1.25 to >1.13 Pts

Meets all criteria at a high standard

1.13 to >0.98 Pts

Meets all criteria at an acceptable standard or most criteria at a high standard with only a few lapses

0.98 to >0.75 Pts

Meets most criteria at an acceptable standard, but below expectations in some.

0.75 to >0 Pts
Not Pass

Does not meet the majority of the criteria and those that are met, are at minimum acceptable standard.

1.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeOpportunity identification (40%)• Identification of opportunity
• Opportunity overview and how it developed
• Different forms of entrepreneurship considered
• Market, industry, competition well considered

12 to >10.21 Pts
High Distinction

Opportunity is thoroughly analysed to clearly illustrate its “promise” (or not) to the marketplace and society. Significant elements are highlighted and well chosen. Notable depth to the evidence

10.21 to >9.01 Pts

Opportunity is well analysed to illustrate its “promise” (or not) to the marketplace and society. Significant elements are highlighted and there is little unnecessary detail. Strong supporting evidence.

9.01 to >7.81 Pts

Opportunity is analysed to illustrate its “promise” (or not) to the marketplace and society mostly well supported. May include some unnecessary/distracting detail.

7.81 to >6.0 Pts

Opportunity is analysed, but in a superficial manner and lacking supporting explanations. Significant elements are not well highlighted.

6 to >0 Pts
Not Pass

Does not properly support or explain the “promise” of the opportunity

12 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeResources, Finance and Environment (40%)• Identification of risks and forms of finance
• Consideration of other forms of resources and related risks (OPR)
• Consideration of the environment and related risks

12 to >10.21 Pts
High Distinction

Risks and forms of finance related to the opportunity excellently identified and discussed. Risks and forms of resources related to the opportunity excellently identified and discussed. Excellent discussion of the environment and context, and its impact on the opportunity. Notable depth to content is present

10.21 to >9.01 Pts

Risks and forms of finance related to the opportunity accurately identified and discussed. Risks and forms of resources related to the opportunity accurately identified and discussed. Accurate discussion of the environment and context, and its impact on the opportunity. Risks and forms of finance identified. Good judgement shown in similar characteristics for conciseness

9.01 to >7.86 Pts

Risks and forms of finance related to the opportunity identified and discussed. Risks and forms of resources related to the opportunity identified and discussed. Good discussion of the environment and context, and its impact on the opportunity. May provide too much detail rather than concise summaries.

7.86 to >6.0 Pts

Risks and forms of finance related to the opportunity identified and discussed but lack both explanation and examples. Risks and forms of resources related to the opportunity identified and discussed but lack both explanation and examples. An attempt to discuss the environment and context, and its impact on the opportunity.

6 to >0 Pts
Not Pass

Does not properly explore the sources of finance, resources or the environment

12 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeConclusions (10%)• Most significant challenges with the opportunity
• Most significant avenues of the opportunity
• Deliberation and discussion

3 to >2.5 Pts
High Distinction

Concisely and logically draws the analysis work into deep insights the opportunity. Excellent deliberation and conclusion.

2.5 to >2.25 Pts

Draws the analysis work into good, clear insights about opportunity. Very good deliberation and conclusion.

2.25 to >1.95 Pts

Conclusions build fairly clearly on the analysis and contain some good insights about the opportunity. Good deliberation.

1.95 to >1.5 Pts

Conclusions are presented but not consistently built on analysis and/or insights may be superficial. An attempt to provide a deliberation yet lacks rigor.

1.5 to >0 Pts
Not Pass

Omitted or not in any way linked to analysis.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeResearch effort and correct use of references (5%)• References used are relevant to content
• Citations follows Harvard referencing standards
• Citation matches references
• Research effort demonstrated

1.5 to >1.25 Pts
High Distinction

Extensive use of relevant theory, all referenced in correct format. Outstanding effort to explore literature beyond provided material.

1.25 to >0.98 Pts

Good use of relevant theory, with the occasional errors in formatting. Limited exploration of additional material or source beyond those provided through the semester.

0.98 to >0.75 Pts

Correct referencing, but limited use of relevant content AND/OR References relevant but significant proportion incorrectly formatted with no additional exploration

0.75 to >0 Pts
Not Pass

No references or majority incorrectly formatted OR references are irrelevant to content.

1.5 pts

Total points: 30

The post Your task is to advise an investment group on emerging opportunities and prepare a briefing paper on an opportunity that you believe they should (AUD500k), or should not invest in. appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper