Title: “Understanding the Kenyan Protests Against the Finance Bill 2024: Triggers, Generational Involvement, and Global Impact” Introduction: In recent weeks, Kenya has been engulfed in widespread protests against the Finance Bill

Discuss why Kenyans are rejecting the finance bill 2024. What aspects in the finance bill 2024 may have triggered Kenyans to protest.
Why are Generation Z and Millenials most involved in the protests?
Why is the hashtag Reject the Finance Bill 2024 trending even abroad?
Remember your essay should adhere to APA 7 formating guidelines and have a well developed introduction. You dont have to add any sources since this is a current event.

The post Title: “Understanding the Kenyan Protests Against the Finance Bill 2024: Triggers, Generational Involvement, and Global Impact”


In recent weeks, Kenya has been engulfed in widespread protests against the Finance Bill appeared first on assignment in 6hours.