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Home » Title: Pursuing Justice in Durrenmatt’s Suspicion

Title: Pursuing Justice in Durrenmatt’s Suspicion

In many of his works Durrenmatt is concerned directly or in-directly with an almost obsessive idea: justice. But he does not neglect the idea of the frailty of human justice and the necessity of persistence to obtain justice. In Suspicion Barlach unmasks an unpunished war criminal – Emmenberger represents a national shame the German people bore. Durrenmatt finds in his fiction an opportunity to pursue a theme of racial and national justice, using the detective genre. Barlach confronts Emmenberger with these words: “What happened in Germany, happens in every country if certain conditions occur… No person, no nation, is an exception.” How does Barlach obtain justice ? Give a specific instance and quote from the story to support your answer. Please remember to give a page number for your quote. Now, reconsider the quote cited above. What do you believe? Is this statement true?  What in the novel or in your previous educational or life experience supports your opinion? Try to give evidence or examples to support your ideas. 

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