Compile the accompanying course materials (in written / visual format) for the vocational unit Management of Business and Administration on Vessels ( Your materials should be written as a guide for the student, organized into chapters that correspond to the knowledge evidence and and cover each of the multiple criteria’s in functional detail (min 100 words each). Materials should be relevant to the Australian Maritime Industry with due regard to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and Domestic regulations / standards in Australia. Broader nautical science can be referenced where concepts are not geographically limited.
Marking criteria will be based on whether you fully address the knowledge evidence requirements as given in the unit. Further consideration will be given to the inclusion of performance evidence. The materials should be organized in a logical manner according to subject with additional diagrams and images sought out where able. The submission should be made in word document format.
The post Title: Management of Business and Administration on Vessels: A Comprehensive Guide for the Australian Maritime Industry.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Management of Business and Administration on Vessels
This chapter will provide an overview of the course and its appeared first on academicassistpro.