Title: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: The Unique Creation of Humans for a Relationship with God

Essay: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Assignment
In the “Biology of Behavior” chapter, the authors of your textbook write: “We are fearfully and
wonderfully made, and the complexity of our brain is amazing evidence of God’s creation. Also,
the complexity of our brain uniquely positions humans to be able to have a relationship with
God.” Using information from the textbook to support your responses, answer the following:
 What information on our nervous system and brain stands out to you as evidence that we
have been uniquely created to be able to have a relationship with God?
 How does the information from chapter 2 support the biblical view that we are “fearfully
and wonderfully made” and uniquely created for God himself?

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Title: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: The Unique Creation of Humans for a Relationship with God
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