Title: Exploring Career Paths: A Comparison of Three Professions

Prepare a narrated PowerPoint Presentation based on what you researched to complete your draft in week # 3. Please, make sure you take into consideration the feedback you received and read the rubric carefully as well as these instructions. 
Research at least three professions in your career of interest and answer the following questions.
1. What are your three chosen professions? What similar and/or different skill sets did you find among the three professions? (Critical Thinking, Communication, Emotional Intelligence.)
2. What are the educational and professional experience requirements for the three occupations? (licenses/certifications, required years working in the field, degree attained.)
3. What FNU resources on campus can help you gain experience in any of your three career interests? Explain how these resources can help you. 
The presentation must be narrated, and you must include a references slide formatting your sources in the APA 7 format. Use the rubric for additional guidance. 
MicroSoft Power Point has an easy function to record your voice for a Power Point. Go to this quick video tutorial if you are not sure how to do this.

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