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Home » Title: Evaluating the Performance of Wells Fargo Bank: A Consultant’s Report

Title: Evaluating the Performance of Wells Fargo Bank: A Consultant’s Report

For this project, assume you are a paid consultant hired by the Board of Directors and CEO of the bank you’ve chosen, to evaluate the bank.  Following the outline below, report on what the bank is doing in each numbered section and make recommendations about what the bank might do differently for greater success. Create a PowerPoint presentation. An outline or bullet point format — within PowerPoint — is acceptable for most parts of the project. 
Research the bank using a variety of resources such as the bank’s annual report, FFIEC Call Reports, FDIC reports, bank website, literature, and more. A branch visit would be very helpful. Talk to an employee if you have the opportunity.
The sequence of topics generally follows our course content. For topics three through eight, provide a summary of the bank’s situation and make an overall assessment of the bank’s performance in the categories we’ve studied. For example, what are some key financial facts drawn from the bank’s financial statements. (How do the bank’s ratios compare to industry standards?) Does the bank offer a wide range of products? Are they branded? (Use brand names, don’t just write that the bank has checking and savings accounts.) What is the bank doing to grow customer relationships? Are there ethics and CRA policies and reports? Additionally, grade the bank on each category giving an A through F. Say why and make recommendations.
Use “Other” to make additional observations.
Financial institution
Overview (Brief history. market area/branch footprint)
Charter (S&L, Commercial, Sate, National, mutual bank)
Corporate/organizational/management structure
Governance structure
Bank’s Financial condition
Performance measures (Ratios, in particular.) Compare to industry standards.
Bank’s Products & Services (Refer to branded products when possible, not just “checking accounts,” for example
Evidence of customer service
CRA, ethics and privacy policies
Marketing Initiatives — show exaples, screen shots…
Customer and institutional security
Submit your PowerPoint presentation as a PDF file.

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