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Home » Title: Applying This Week’s Content to My Interest in Education Development in Developing Countries This week’s content on international development has reinforced my interest in education development in developing countries. The readings and lectures have highlighted the importance of education in promoting economic growth

Title: Applying This Week’s Content to My Interest in Education Development in Developing Countries This week’s content on international development has reinforced my interest in education development in developing countries. The readings and lectures have highlighted the importance of education in promoting economic growth

Weekly Reflection and Prompt: Each week you will need to write a short reflection (2-pages double spaced, 1” margins) on the week’s lectures and readings and apply it to a topic of interest to you. The prompt for this weekly response is:
How does this week’s content (readings and lectures) apply to an area of international development that you are most interested in.
NO more than one paragraph (half a page or less) is allowed to be summary. Most of the weekly reflection should be applying the content to an area that you are interested in. You must cite at least one reading per week. Above is the instruction of the essay;
References must come from in-class materials;

The post Title: Applying This Week’s Content to My Interest in Education Development in Developing Countries

This week’s content on international development has reinforced my interest in education development in developing countries. The readings and lectures have highlighted the importance of education in promoting economic growth appeared first on academicassistpro.