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Home » “The Impact of the California Nursing Practice Act on My Professional Status as a Registered Nurse” The California Nursing Practice Act (NPA) is a set of laws and regulations that govern the practice of nursing in the state of California. Its main purpose is

“The Impact of the California Nursing Practice Act on My Professional Status as a Registered Nurse” The California Nursing Practice Act (NPA) is a set of laws and regulations that govern the practice of nursing in the state of California. Its main purpose is

Review the California Nursing Practice Act (NPA) and write an essay reflecting on the impact that the Act (or a specific part of the NPA) will have on your professional status as a registered nurse. The introduction can briefly describe the major functions of the NPA, but the body of the essay should be personal and reflective.  Again use evidence-based articles to support your position. 
This can be found at
The essay should be no longer than 2-3 full pages, typed, double -spaced, and be written at a university level following APA format.

The post “The Impact of the California Nursing Practice Act on My Professional Status as a Registered Nurse”

The California Nursing Practice Act (NPA) is a set of laws and regulations that govern the practice of nursing in the state of California. Its main purpose is appeared first on academicassistpro.