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“Stress concept” 1. Identification of concept and the background of the concept.

“Stress concept”
1. Identification of concept and the background of the concept. Include an overview
of the paper and the purpose of the paper (1-2 paragraphs of about ½ page each).
2. Incorporate relevant research on your concept that has been conducted. There
should be 3 peer-reviewed articles summarized in detail in this section (Must be 1
paragraph each of about ½ page-total of 3 paragraphs in this section). Literature
reviews, meta-synthesis, or meta-analysis are not acceptable.
3. Definitions: Provide definitions for the concept (minimum of 2 definitions) &
other related terms (minimum of 2 definitions) in a paragraph format. This should
include nursing/medical sources (i.e. peer-reviewed journals) as well as definitions
from a dictionary. Need to describe and expand upon the antecedents and
consequences (minimum of 3 each with explanation/rationale) (No lists or bullet
points are accepted). (Should be 4-6 paragraphs).
4. Development of Case: Develop a model case based on the attributes for the
selected concept. Include a definition of a model case and explain how the scenario
provided fits the model case (1-2 paragraphs).
5. Attributes/criteria: Discuss and explain the attributes/criteria developed for
concept (minimum of 3 with explanations/rationales). Clearly state the operational
definition (No lists or bullet points) (At least 2 paragraphs for criteria/attributes
and 1 paragraph for operational definition).
6. Summary and Conclusion: Summary of analysis and must include the purpose
and a summary of the elements of the paper

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1. Identification of concept and the background of the concept. appeared first on assignment in 6hours.