“Stress concept”
1. Identification of concept and the background of the concept. Include an overview
of the paper and the purpose of the paper (1-2 paragraphs of about ½ page each).
2. Incorporate relevant research on your concept that has been conducted. There
should be 3 peer-reviewed articles summarized in detail in this section (Must be 1
paragraph each of about ½ page-total of 3 paragraphs in this section). Literature
reviews, meta-synthesis, or meta-analysis are not acceptable.
3. Definitions: Provide definitions for the concept (minimum of 2 definitions) &
other related terms (minimum of 2 definitions) in a paragraph format. This should
include nursing/medical sources (i.e. peer-reviewed journals) as well as definitions
from a dictionary. Need to describe and expand upon the antecedents and
consequences (minimum of 3 each with explanation/rationale) (No lists or bullet
points are accepted). (Should be 4-6 paragraphs).
4. Development of Case: Develop a model case based on the attributes for the
selected concept. Include a definition of a model case and explain how the scenario
provided fits the model case (1-2 paragraphs).
5. Attributes/criteria: Discuss and explain the attributes/criteria developed for
concept (minimum of 3 with explanations/rationales). Clearly state the operational
definition (No lists or bullet points) (At least 2 paragraphs for criteria/attributes
and 1 paragraph for operational definition).
6. Summary and Conclusion: Summary of analysis and must include the purpose
and a summary of the elements of the paper
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1. Identification of concept and the background of the concept. appeared first on assignment in 6hours.