PSY4190 – Child Development, How would you classify the parents

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PSY 4190: Child Development

You’ve been learning about parenting styles in Chapter 12 of the text. Think about a family you know (either yours or someone else’s, such as a friend, a neighbor, etc.) and answer the following prompts.

(1) How would you classify the parents’ child-rearing style(s)? Why? If there were two parents, did the parents use the same style of parenting? Elaborate. 

(2) Are the same parental styles used for all children in the family? Elaborate. 

(3) What factors might have influenced the parents’ approach to parenting? Elaborate.

(4) What were the most common methods of reinforcement and punishment these parents used? Were these techniques beneficial in changing children’s behavior? Why or why not? Did these parents use spanking as a punishment?

(5) Have your attitudes about spanking changed since reading this chapter? Why or why not?

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