Instructions for Business Plan: Throughout this course, you will be creating your own business plan. There will be 4 main parts each consisting of its own rubric and a final summary discussion. The required amount of words is 200-250. Please complete the sections below to obtain full points.
Late Work and Make-up Policy for Adaptive Business Results:
Only accepted 1 week after the due date, one grade letter reduction.
Instructions for Business Plan Part 2: Please follow the rubric below to obtain the max amount of points. Answer each criteria question in its entirety by providing in-depth analysis based on your research of the business plan.
- Post 1 online article about “How to Start a Business.” Explain 2 strategies that you would apply to assist in making a profit.
- What type of leadership classifies your company: hierarchical or flat? Explain your decision. Describe the organizational chart for your company.
- How will your company be identified: sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC etc? What is 1 advantage and 1 challenge with your type of business formation?
- As an Entrepreneur, what type of records would you maintain in order for your business to be credible and ethical under a CPA scrutiny.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outco
View RubricBusiness Plan Part 2Business Plan Part 2CriteriaRatingsPtsStart-Up Planview longer description/ 10 ptsOrganizational Structureview longer description/ 5 ptsOwnershipview longer description/ 5 ptsRecordsview longer description/ 5 ptsTotal Points: 0
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