PART 2- Argument Analysis: Written response – 10 pts.each
Directions: For each argument determine if it is deductive or inductive and state
that. Apply a test for justification. Clearly state your test procedure in determining
whether the argument is valid or invalid, strong or weak. You must include a test as
justification. Circle the correct response. Next, explain whether it is sound or
unsound, cogent or uncogent, state why and circle or mark X near the correct response.
1) A few American presidents were Libertarians. So, probably the next
American president will be a Libertarian.
Strong Weak
Explain why:
Cogent Uncogent
Explain why:
2) All elms are plants.
All trees are plants.
Therefore, all elms are trees.
Valid Invalid
Explain Why:
Sound Unsound
Explain Why:
3) “All wines are soft drinks.
Ginger ale is a wine.
Therefore, ginger ale is a soft drink.”
Valid Invalid
Explain why:
Sound Unsound
Explain why:
4) “After taking LSD, Alice said she saw a flying saucer land in the shopping center parking lot. Since Alice has a reputation for always telling the truth, we must conclude that a flying saucer really did land there.”
Strong Weak
Explain why:
Cogent Uncogent
Explain why:
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