
  • SOSC A121 – Psychology For Everyday Life Assignment

    Assignment Task


    In your own words, define the following terms you have learnt in Unit 1. Explain each concept by using behaviours exhibited by character(s) in some movie(s)/drama(s) as example:

    a. Self-discrepancies

    b. Optimistic explanatory style

    c. Self-handicapping

    d. Self-defeating behaviour

    e. Self-monitoring

    Notes to students

    1. Draw discussion materials from Unit 1, and the corresponding unit in the Study Guide.

    2. Define each term in your own words.

    3. For each term, find a character in a movie or drama who exhibited the relevant behaviour as example. For each example, explain in detail what happened in the movie/ drama and how that can illustrate the concept under discussion.

    4. You may use the same movie/drama character to illustrate all the five terms or use characters from different movies/dramas to illustrate each term.

  • You are a Registered Nurse working at the Bowerbird Estate aged care residential facility. Bowerbird Estate is located in a rural township (population 8,000) in Central NSW.

    Assignment Task


    Registered Nurses have a significant role to play in advancing the quality of patient care in clinical workplaces. Leadership competence within clinical practice, at all levels, is recognised by the Nursing and Midwifery Council Registered Nurse Standards for Practice. This assessment task provides students with an opportunity to propose a leadership approach to address a clinical problem as represented in the following case. It is expected that this activity will foster deeper understanding of change leadership in nursing contexts.


    You are a Registered Nurse working at the Bowerbird Estate aged care residential facility. Bowerbird Estate is located in a rural township (population 8,000) in Central NSW. The town is located 50 km from the nearest regional centre and hospital. The facility provides care for 100 residents, many of whom are some distance from their families and friends. The facility is staffed by Registered, Enrolled nurses and Assistants in Nursing, kitchen, cleaning and administrative staff. A Director of Nursing, a Deputy Director of Nursing and a Business Manager oversee the operations of the facility. The services of a Diversional Therapist, a Physiotherapist, a Pharmacist and several medical doctors from the local general practice are employed by the facility.

    During a recent accreditation visit, the accreditation team found that residents in the facility were at risk of pressure injury, with no consistent approach to prevention. The lack of consistency posed a risk to the safety and quality of resident care. The team recommended a change to current practice, including the development of an appropriate procedure, and a training program for all care staff to attend.

    In response to the recommendations made by the accreditation team, the Director of Nursing has asked you to develop a proposal in which you are to outline the appropriate change leadership approaches you will take to implement the change, to satisfy the accreditation requirements.

  • TCHR5001 – Play And Pedagogies In Early Childhood Education Assignment

    Assignment Task


    Early childhood teachers (ECT) need to have a thorough understanding of diverse theoretical and philosophical foundations of play-based pedagogies to critically consider the possibilities and challenges associated with incorporating play into our early childhood education practices. As an ECT, part of our responsibility is to advocate for the recognition and significance of play as a fundamental right of every child. Moreover, we must strive to create inclusive and collaborative learning environments that welcome diverse perspectives and allow for the development of a shared understanding of what ‘play’ entails, as well as the implications of implementing play-based pedagogies in early childhood policies and practices.

    Assessment 1 requires students to critically engage with theoretical perspectives of play and reflect upon key issues presented in Modules 1-3 and create a digital presentation.

    This assignment aligns with the following Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs)

    • ULO1: identify and analyse the role of play in learning and examine the challenges pertaining to play and pedagogies.
    • ULO2: discuss the diversity of approaches to pedagogies utilised in early childhood education and care, and how they position children, teachers, and parents/carers.
    • ULO3: analyze the relationships between philosophy, theory, and pedagogy to the learning environment for all young children (birth – to 5 years).
    • ULO4: critically reflect on personal philosophy to play and pedagogies for learning and teaching as an early childhood professional.

    Task Description

    Imagine you are working in an early childhood education and care (ECEC) setting and have been asked to present at the family information night. Some families of children aged 4-5 years voice their concerns about the play-based approaches used in your setting. They believe their children should be engaged in more formal, academic approaches to prepare them for school. Other families are interested in the play-based approach but would like to know more about the potential value and benefits of play.

    For assessment 1, your task is to prepare a ‘pitch’ to explain and justify the importance of a play-based pedagogical approach for children now and in their future.

  • As an early childhood educator, it is important that you have a good understanding of theory, Early Childhood curriculum framework (EYLF), National Quality Standard (NQF), and Australian

    Assignment Task

    Unit Learning Outcomes

    This assessment task maps to the following ULOs:

    ULO1: describe and justify curriculum in early childhood education and care services

    ULO2: understand and demonstrate conceptual knowledge related to key learning areas for children from birth to five years

    ULO3: argue, with reference to the literature, how curriculum key learning areas can be applied to support children’s learning

    ULO4: create and analyse learning environments of curriculum key learning areas for children’s development and learning explain the role of the early childhood educator


    This unit develops conceptual knowledge of the holistic and integrated approach to curriculum in the early childhood setting for children aged from birth to five years. Students learn about the importance of play, the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (2022), National Quality Standard (ACECQA, 2020) and use an integrated approach of the learning areas (Australian Curriculum Foundation Year; English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Languages, Mathematics, Science, Technologies, and The Arts).

    Task Description

    As an early childhood educator, it is important that you have a good understanding of theory, Early Childhood curriculum framework (EYLF), National Quality Standard (NQF), and Australian Curriculum Foundation year) and to be able to justify how early childhood educators use play to plan and implement curriculum for young children in early childhood settings. Assessment 1 requires you define curriculum in early childhood education, discuss how educators use play to implement the curriculum and critically reflect on teacher and children’s interactions during an early childhood activity with relevant links to EYLF, NQS Quality Areas (QA), and Australian Curriculum Learning Areas (Foundation Year). This assessment task will enable you to demonstrate a good working knowledge and understanding of early childhood education curriculum, frameworks, theory, and concepts. Note: For this unit, the terms educator and teacher are interchangeable.

    Task Instructions

    Write a critical response to the following three points to demonstrate a good working knowledge and understanding of early childhood education curriculum, frameworks, theory, and concepts.

    1. Define what curriculum means in early childhood education and provide a rationale for your statement using the unit content and readings to support your discussion.

    2. Discuss how educators use children’s play to plan and implement curriculum in early childhood education settings. Justify your response by using theory, EYLF, NQS QA, using the unit content and readings to support your discussion.

    3. Observe the teacher and children’s interactions during an early childhood activity in the video provided in the Assessment 1 folder.

    • a) Identify and discuss relevant EYLF Principles and Practices the educator is using to promote children’s learning and make relevant links to the NQS Quality Areas.
    • b) Identify 2 relevant EYLF Learning Outcomes the children are learning during the activity. Describe a relevant example of what you see in the video that demonstrates the EYLF Learning Outcomes.
    • c) Identify 2 relevant Learning Areas (Australian Curriculum, Foundation Year, English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Languages, Mathematics, Science, Technologies, and The Arts) this activity may be covering and describe an example from the video, for each of your selected Learning Areas.
  • This task allows you to demonstrate achievement towards the unit learning outcomes. The ULOs are aligned with specific graduate learning outcomes – that is, the skills and

    Assignment Task

    Learning Outcomes

    This task allows you to demonstrate achievement towards the unit learning outcomes. The ULOs are aligned with specific graduate learning outcomes – that is, the skills and knowledge graduates are expected to have upon completion of their studies – and this assessment task is an important tool in determining achievement of those outcomes. If you do not demonstrate achievement of the unit learning outcomes, you will not be successful in this unit.

    It is good practice to familiarise yourself with the ULOs and GLOs as they provide guidance on the knowledge, understanding and skills you’re expected to demonstrate upon completion of the unit. In this way they can be used to guide your study.

    Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO)

    ULO 1: Compare and contrast the rules, regulations and legislation as it applies to the property management profession.

    ULO 2: Analyse the impact of property management activities on the investment objectives of clients in relation to the letting, management and termination of property leases.

    Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO)

    GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

    GLO 2: Problem-solving


    The Corona virus pandemic accelerated preexisting trends that shape how organisations understand locational needs and demand for amenities, space, and services (Buelow & Levine, 2021). This has resulted in Corporate Real Estate (CRE) managers being thrust into the limelight, focusing on managing the closing and phased reopening of work environments around the world (CBRE 2020). CBRE (2020) further discussesthat as the world learns how to adapt, the implications for corporations, their employees, and the environments in which they work promise to be nothing short of transformational.

    Corporate Real Estate managers therefore are in a unique position to completely change the way that they think of, and provide, workplace strategies. Given the uncertainty surrounding the current environment, planning future real estate and workplace solutions requires organisations to be highly flexible, not only in the way they respond as an organisation to economic, social, and technological changes, but also in the capacity of their physical environment to respond to those changes. Chiarella et al., (2022) argue that strategically located workplaces built for purpose and integrated into corporate cultures, operating models and strategies are more important than ever. Furthermore, Chiarella et al., (2022) posit that companies should cease viewing corporate real estate as a cost center and instead approach real estate as a source of competitive advantage.

  • Describe endorphins, substance P, and how they work together to help us live a better life

    1. Describe endorphins, substance P, and how they work together to help us live a better life.  Do not forget the last part of the question.
    2. What is diacetylmorphine, and why is it so dangerous?  There are individual physical and larger social implications for the dangersDiscuss both.
    3. How can we therapeutically use opiates?  Why can they be used for those uses/what features of the drugs make them able to be used therapeutically)?
    4. It is stated we are under an opiate addiction pandemic.  Explain why?
    5. REAL-WORLD ISSUE: What is the best pharmacological way to break an opiate addiction? (Defend your answer against other options and support your choice.)  Personal feelings aside, argue for a pharmacological treatment, and defend it.

    The post Describe endorphins, substance P, and how they work together to help us live a better life first appeared on Courseside Kick.

  • Explain the considerations that must be made on the constraints of cost and scope when estimating activity durations


    • Study project cost analysis, including cost estimating and budget development.



    Activity Duration Estimating

    1. Explain the considerations that must be made on the constraints of cost and scope when estimating activity durations.

    2. Discuss the primary benefit in three-point duration estimating.

    3. Explain the use of contingency estimating.

    4. Explain any constraints in using the top-down versus bottom-up approach in duration estimating.

    5. Discuss project estimation  considerations in regulated industries that have complex and changing  requirements, such as healthcare, finance, and energy. What should  managers of projects in such industries do to remain abreast of changing  requirements as they pertain to estimation (response should be  applicable across all such industries)? 

    The post Explain the considerations that must be made on the constraints of cost and scope when estimating activity durations first appeared on Courseside Kick.

  • Conduct a 30 page research comparative analysis on the quality of life and the well-being in Autism.  This analysis needs to address two questions: 1. Exploring the

    Conduct a 30 page research comparative analysis on the quality of life and the well-being in Autism. 

    This analysis needs to address two questions:

    1. Exploring the links between receiving special education versus going to a public school with autism.

    2. Outcomes of social and community inclusion for those with Autism. 

    Please cite minimum 25 references/databases.

  • Case Analysis Based on what you have learned from the following articles: 1. Adelgren, C. (2024, June 3). The True Impact of Blockchain for Global Supply Chains is Yet to be Realized. Supply

    Case Analysis

    Based on what you have learned from the following articles:

    1. Adelgren, C. (2024, June 3). The True Impact of Blockchain for Global Supply Chains is Yet to be Realized. Supply & Demand Chain Executive.

    2. Bateman A, & Bonanni L. (2019, August). What Supply Chain Transparency Really Means. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles.

    3. McGrath, P., McCarthy, L., Marshall, D., & Rehme, J. (2021). Tools and Technologies of Transparency in Sustainable Global Supply Chains. California Management Review, 64(1), 67-89.

    4. Min, H. (2019). Blockchain technology for enhancing supply chain resilience, Business Horizons, 62(1), 35-45.
    => Please do a professional PowerPoint analysis for the attached case study. Keep the details of each slide in the note box

    The slides must address the following: 

    • A brief analysis of the scenario / situation 
    • Should Walmart try to scale blockchain technology and use it for more than improving food safety?  If so, why and how? 
    • Should Walmart try to scale blockchain technology for all of its food products?  If so why and how? 
    • How might Walmart ensure its suppliers adopt the practices necessary for blockchain to be successful? 
    • For which stakeholders other than suppliers should Walmart demonstrate value via the blockchain? 

    Format Requirements: 

    • Title page should include group number and names of all team members
    • All references used in the presentation must be cited in the Notes section of the PowerPoint slide it is used, APA citation method 
  • Part 2: Communicating Your Partnership Plan Imagine you are a leader in the district/school where you currently work or are most interested in working.

    Assessment TraitsRequires LopeswriteAssessment Description

    School leaders are expected to be leaders within their schools, districts, and the broader school community. While the bulk of each day is spent managing the daily district or school operations and student learning, leaders need to schedule time to connect with potential community partners to formulate and share action steps for creating mutually beneficial partnerships between the district, schools, and the community.

    Part 1: Community Partner Research

    Conduct research about existing and potential new community partnerships at the district/school where  are most interested in working. Locate and record the responses to the following:

    • List the local businesses and/or community organizations that currently partner with the district/school and briefly describe each partnership arrangement.
    • Describe the value that each of these existing partnerships brings to the district/school and the value that the district/school provides to each partner.
    • Identify a minimum of three additional partnership opportunities and briefly describe the value the partner could offer the district/school and the value the district/school could offer each potential partner. Include a discussion about how forming these partnerships could promote positive district/school ethos and reinforce the shared mission and vision of the district/school.
    • Identify the district/school l community stakeholders you would want to engage as part of the partnership development process and the role that each would play in the process.
    • Identify three strategies you could use to grow the partnerships in your desired leadership role.

    Part 2: Communicating Your Partnership Plan

    Imagine you are a leader in the district/school where you currently work or are most interested in working. You know the importance and value of forming and maintaining community partnerships and how by leading and collaborating effectively you empower all of the community stakeholders and foster a shared vision and purpose for the good of the district/school community. Using the research you gathered in Part 1 of the assignment, create an 8-10 slide digital presentation intended for an audience of stakeholders from the district/school community. The presentation should address the following:

    • Explain how forming partnerships with community businesses and organizations can reinforce the shared mission and vision of the district/school and advocate for the inclusion of all stakeholders.
    • Provide an overview of existing partnerships to illustrate how the relationships are mutually beneficial and contribute to the shared mission and vision for the district/school.
    • Identify three additional partnerships you would like to cultivate and articulate the benefits of nurturing these partnerships to promote and support human flourishing in the district/school community.
    • Explain the action steps you will take as a leader to grow the proposed community partnerships. Include a discussion of how you will involve other district/school community stakeholders in the partnership development process to ensure the diverse needs of the district/school community are being addressed.
    • Include a title slide, speaker notes, and a reference slide in your presentation.

    Support the presentation with 3-5 scholarly resources.

    Refer to “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style. 

    While APA Style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.