
  • Imagine you have been asked to write an article for a popular medical magazine on the role of the sensory system and the effects of damage within it. Choose 2 of the 5 senses. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word article on how damage

    The sensory systems are largely intertwined with the nervous system because the nervous system receives sensations and interprets what they mean. When there is damage to part of a sensory system, it may change the sensory experience.

    Imagine you have been asked to write an article for a popular medical magazine on the role of the sensory system and the effects of damage within it.

    Choose 2 of the 5 senses.

    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word article on how damage to the nervous system affects the sensory experience. Include the following:

    • Identify which nervous system structures are involved in that sensory system.
    • Identify which peripheral nervous system structures are involved in the chosen sensory systems, including sensory and motor neurons.
    • Explain potential or hypothetical damage to the structures.
    • Describe how the damage has affected the nervous system’s function, including autonomic nervous system responses (parasympathetic and sympathetic) as well as somatic nervous system responses.
    • Explain why this change in the nervous system has occurred.
    • Explain external indicators, or symptoms, of the damage.
    • Describe how the sensory experience may be different because of this damage.

    Include a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed sources.

    Format your article according to APA guidelines.

  • Project management models, methods, and artifacts are identified and selected in various ways with the purpose of properly leading and managing projects. To address the

    Project management models, methods, and artifacts are identified and selected in various ways with the purpose of properly leading and managing projects. To address the project needs of the organization, it may be necessary to understand methodologies and artifacts from many governing bodies (such as lean, six sigma, etc.) to implement a project management style that complements your delivery culture.

    In this assessment, you will create a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation where you select at least four project methodologies (or frameworks) and compare their delivery approach and artifacts used to manage projects.

    • Select four project management methodologies.
    • Explain the delivery process for each methodology. Assess supporting artifacts used to manage projects for each methodology.
    • Compare the selected methodologies, referencing practical use in today’s environment.
    • Determine the model you would use in your workplace to manage projects. Explain why it would be the most effective approach to project management.
  • discussing a famous and perhaps infamous court case in American history that, either in your opinion or popular community opinion had a wrong verdict (outcome)

    Students will conduct research and write a 4-5 page (1000 words minimum) paper discussing a famous and perhaps infamous court case in American history that, either in your opinion or popular community opinion had a wrong verdict (outcome) to the case and why. For instance, in the OJ Simpson case, many people believed he was guilty of murdering Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman, yet he was found innocent in criminal court. The paper would discuss the details of the case, how the prosecution and defense argued, how the verdict was reached, etc. (You cannot use this case!) The paper is to discuss how the verdict was reached and whether the controversial verdict rested with the prosecution’s failure to prove the defendant’s guilt or with the defense’s lack of argument, etc (win/lose). Also, discuss the facts of the case and debate the arguments brought forth from both parties. Additionally, based on the information researched, the students are to take a side in whether they believe the defendant is innocent or guilty in the crime accused and debate why they believe so at the end of the research paper. The paper must be in APA format and contain an introduction, the body of the research. and a conclusion. The paper MUST contain in-text citations from at least three sources The research paper should give an “abstract” on a separate paper (attached before your written researched paper) that includes why the specific court case choice was chosen and where most of your research was conducted. Don’t forget a Works Cited Page at the end! APA Style:

  • Visit a religious institution or spiritual center that is different from your own religious/spiritual path. + Write 3-5page essay. – Apply two scholarly (peer-reviewed or research) articles and the Hutchinson text.

    Visit a religious institution or spiritual center that is different from your own religious/spiritual path. + Write 3-5page essay.

    – Apply two scholarly (peer-reviewed or research) articles and the Hutchinson text. + Brief description of the religion/religious institution including a summary of primary beliefs. Describe the major beliefs/customs (if any) related to birth, death, marriage and sexual orientation (appropriate citational evidence expected). -Identify the religious institution you visited and describe your time there.

    -Reflect on your visit. Address how diversity and difference shape the human experience and the formation of identity by discussing the dimensions of spiritual person, religion and culture.

    -Briefly identify and describe two theoretical perspectives (cite text) that may be helpful in enhancing professional social workers’ understanding of spirituality, religion and culture. Discuss how each perspective may facilitate engagement, assessment, intervention or evaluation of practice with individuals, families and groups.

    -As it relates to spirituality, religion and culture, discuss 3 strategies to promote social and economic justice and human rights with individuals, families and groups.

    -Cite from scholarly sources and chapter 6 and 8 from the book Hutchison, E. D. and Charlesworth, L.W. (2024). Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment (7th Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains to your supervisor why they should hire an anthropologist: An introduction that provides an overview of the problem your industry is experiencing Two major anthropological concepts from the learning

    Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains to your supervisor why they should hire an anthropologist: An introduction that provides an overview of the problem your industry is experiencing Two major anthropological concepts from the learning resources that demonstrate the relevance of anthropology to this problem A short research plan that an anthropologist would use to explore the problem Two examples of the types of problems that anthropologists have addressed in the same industry or similar industries (See your week 4 recommended readings for some examples) The unique perspective an anthropologist brings to the issue A conclusion with a convincing paragraph that wraps up why your supervisor should hire an anthropologist — I already have the topic picked out and I will send once a bidder is selected.

  • You are a teacher at an early learning center that serves  children from infancy through early elementary (K–3) age. You have a  passion for children’s books and have worked hard to educate yourself on  the characteristics of quality children’s literature


    For this Performance Task, you will develop a PowerPoint Presentation  on evaluating quality children’s literature and demonstrating and  evaluating a quality read-aloud presentation for young children.


    Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively.

    PowerPoint Presentation on Quality Children’s Literature and Quality Read-Aloud Experiences


    You are a teacher at an early learning center that serves  children from infancy through early elementary (K–3) age. You have a  passion for children’s books and have worked hard to educate yourself on  the characteristics of quality children’s literature across multiple  genres. To communicate your love of books and reading to the children  you work with, you have also developed your skill and talent for reading  aloud to children. Through tone, cadence, animated expressions,  enthusiasm, or even earnest solemnity, the artistry of storytelling can  create a unique shared experience while nurturing positive dispositions  toward reading and language learning. 

    With this knowledge and experience in mind, you decide to share  what you have learned about quality children’s literature and quality  read-aloud experiences with your colleagues through a PowerPoint  Presentation in two parts.

    • Part One recommends quality fiction and nonfiction books across  multiple genres for a specific age group, and explains information and  examples for evaluating children’s literature based on guidelines for  quality; 
    • Part Two features an audio recording of up to 10 minutes of you  reading aloud a quality fiction or nonfiction book and explains how to  evaluate the read-aloud experience based on criteria for engaging  children and celebrating the joy of reading.

    Note: For this Assessment, you will need to choose a  target age group (e.g., infants/toddlers; preschoolers) for your  presentation. Select the age that interests you most, with which you  have the most experience, and/or that is most appropriate for specific  books you would like to feature in your presentation.


    • To complete this assessment, you will read a book aloud to a child  or small group of children. Think about a child or small group of  children you know (relatives, friends’ children, etc.) who are in one of  the target age groups below: 
      • Infants and toddlers
      • Preschoolers
      • Kindergartners
      • Early elementary (first, second, and/or third graders)
    • Identify four children’s books appropriate for your target age group: 
      • Two or three fiction books, each representing a different genre (e.g., fantasy, folklore, realistic fiction);
      • One or two nonfiction books, each representing a different genre or  topic (e.g., biography; informational book on a specific theme, such as  animals, families, different cultures).
    • Evaluate each book using the resource “Ten Steps for Reviewing Children’s Books” at and other appropriate criteria from any of the other resources provided in Topic 1, Activities 2 and 3, of this Competency.
    • Ensure that the four books you select represent the following: 
      • Each book meets guidelines for quality, including two specific examples you can explain in your evaluation;
      • Each book is characteristic of the specific genre;
      • Each book has qualities that make it a good choice for promoting  children’s positive dispositions toward reading and language learning;
      • At least one book is an excellent choice to read aloud for Part Two of your PowerPoint Presentation. Note:  In making your selection, keep in mind that your audio recording of the  story should not be more than 10 minutes, in order to successfully  embed the recording in your PowerPoint document. You are encouraged to  time yourself in a practice reading of a story before you select it.  Many picture books and other types of books for young children of 32  pages or less should fit within the time limit. If you select an  information book with sections or a chapter book for primary-grades  children, you might choose an especially appealing section or chapter to  read aloud. Be sure that the portion you read makes sense to the  listener and lets you do your best job reading aloud.
    • Take notes on your own tips for identifying quality children’s books  for your target age group, and aim to have at least three tips to  feature in your presentation.


    • Choose one book to read aloud from among the four books you have  selected in your Part One preparation. Be sure that your selection can  be read within the 10-minute limit for an audio recording in a  PowerPoint document.
    • Aim to read the book to the child or group of children identified in Part One. Important Note:  If you do not have a child/group of children with whom you can share  this book, prepare to read it aloud as you would if you were sharing it  directly with children.
    • Review the resource “Read-Aloud Criteria: Tips for Developing a Great Read-Aloud Experience” document. Note:  You will find directions for how to make a recording of your story  using the audio feature in your MAC or PC version of PowerPoint.
    • Consider how you will apply these criteria to the read-aloud book.  Keep in mind that the magic of a quality read-aloud experience is not  achieved without thoughtful effort on the part of the reader. Telling a  tale—particularly when reading it—requires an actor’s touch and a  reader’s love of words and story. Bringing a story alive is more than  proceeding from beginning to end. It is achieved through the skill with  which the reader sets a tone that matches the text and feel of a story,  lingers over a phrase, and brings characters to life through voice and  expression. With all that in mind: 
      • Set two goals for yourself to meet in creating your read-aloud presentation.
    • Create an audio recording of yourself reading your selected book.  Your final saved recording should be embedded directly in your  PowerPoint document.
    • Listen to and evaluate your recording using the “Read-Aloud  Criteria” document. Take notes and include an explanation of the  following: 
      • How well you met your goals for your read-aloud presentation;
      • At least two strengths of your read-aloud presentation;
      • At least two examples of what could be better/more effective;
      • At least two strategies to apply to improve your read-aloud presentations.   


    Using the PowerPoint Presentation Template, create Part One and Part  Two of your presentation consisting of 16 slides, plus the title slide,  which is provided for you. As needed, use the “Notes” section of the  slides for additional room to provide the required information about the  books and read-aloud presentation that you have evaluated.

    • Title Slide: “Evaluating Quality Literature and Quality Read-Aloud Experiences for Young Children” 
    • Part One Introduction: Quality Literature for Young Children (1 slide) 
      • Identify the age group you are addressing;
      • Explain three key criteria that you used to select books for your target age group.
    • Part One 4 Featured Books (8 slides/2 slides per book)
      For each of the four books you have selected and evaluated: 
      • Identify the title, author, and genre;
      • Briefly summarize the book’s key characters, events, and/or themes;
      • Explain how the book is characteristic of the specific genre;
      • Explain why the book is an appropriate choice for your target age group;
      • Explain your evaluation of the book based on quality standards,  including at least two examples of how the book is free of  misinformation and stereotypes identified in “Ten Steps to Reviewing  Children’s Books”;
      • Explain how this high-quality book can support positive dispositions toward reading and language learning in young children.
    • Part One Summary (1 slide) 
      • Explain your three top tips for evaluating quality children’s literature for your target age group.
    • Part Two Introduction: Quality Read-Aloud Experiences for Young Children (1 slide) 
      • Identify the book you selected to read aloud;
      • Explain three qualities that make the book a good choice to read aloud.
    • Part Two: The Read-Aloud Presentation (1 slide) 
      • Make an audio recording of your read-aloud presentation that will be embedded in this slide;
      • Explain two goals that you set for yourself in creating this read-aloud presentatio
    • Part Two: Evaluation of the Read-Aloud Presentation (2 slides)
      Evaluate your read-aloud presentation to explain: 
      • How well you met your goals for the read-aloud presentation.
      • At least two strengths of the presentation;
      • At least two examples of what could be better/more effective about the read-aloud presentation;
      • At least two strategies to apply to improve your read-aloud presentations.
    • Part Two Summary (1 slide) 
      • Explain at least three reasons why reading aloud to children can  promote positive dispositions toward reading and language learning.
    • References (1 slide) 
      • Cite all resources used in creating Parts One and Two of your PowerPoint Presentation in APA style.


  • Find and read a recent (within the past 3 months) article that addresses an issue or probleminvolving the US health care system. Select the article from a reputable news source that follows the standards of professional journalism.

    Find and read a recent (within the past 3 months) article that addresses an issue or probleminvolving the US health care system. Select the article from a reputable news source that follows the standards of professional journalism. Do not use an article from a scholarly journal.On the template, provide an answer or brief discussion below each question, as it relates to your article. 

    Template: HLAD 305 Assignment #1- Health Care in the News1. Identify and briefly explain the health care system problem or issue presented in the article.2. Which of the ten major characteristics of the U.S. health care system (See Chapter 1, MajorCharacteristics section ) are evident?(Select no more than two.) Briefly explain how they areevident.3. What beliefs and values (See Chapter 2, Anthro-Cultural Beliefs and Values section) arereflected in the problem and/or the proposed solutions? Briefly explain.4. Is the emphasis of the article on a medical model or a prevention/health promotion model(Chapter 2)? Explain your choice.5. Thinking about Blum’s Model of Health Determinants, which of the four major inputs tohealth and well-being (Chapter 2) are relevant to the subject of your article? Briefly explainhow they are relevant.6. Briefly discuss how concepts of market justice or social justice relate to this problem/issue(Chapter 2).7. Do you think this problem/issue could be improved through health care reform (Chapter 3)?Why or why not?8. Which health services professionals (Chapter 4) are involved in or relevant to thisproblem/issue? Briefly explain how they are relevant.9. Provide a reference (use APA format) or a link to the article so the reader can easily find it. 

  • Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment. Include the following:

    Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment.

    Include the following:

    1. Outline a current or emerging health care law or federal regulation introduced within the last 5 years to reform or restructure some aspect of the health care delivery system. Describe the effect of this on nursing practice and the nurse’s role and responsibility.
    2. Discuss how quality measures and pay for performance affect patient outcomes. Explain how these affect nursing practice and describe the expectations and responsibilities of the nursing role in these situations.
    3. Discuss professional nursing leadership and management roles that have arisen and how they are important in responding to emerging trends and in the promotion of patient safety and quality care in diverse health care settings.
    4. Research emerging trends. Predict two ways in which the practice of nursing and nursing roles will grow or transform within the next five years in response to upcoming trends or predicted issues in health care.

    You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice. 

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

  • Develop an Entrepreneurship Due Diligence Report on Impossible Foods, using the articles/information found in the following links.Links to an external site.

    Develop an Entrepreneurship Due Diligence Report on Impossible Foods, using the articles/information found in the following links.Links to an external site.

    2. to an external site.

    Consider the following questions. Note that because this is a general outline, not all questions may apply to this specific business.

    External Environment:

    · How is the economic environment where the business is located?

    · How is the social environment where the business is located?

    · How is the technological environment where the business is located?

    · How is the political/legal environment where the business is located?

    Industry Environment:

    · What is the state of the industry in which the business operates? Is the industry in growth mode, or is it mature or in decline?

    · How does this business compare to competitors in its industry?

    · What is the business’ reputation in the industry and the community?

    · How many competitors are there? What are their strengths and weaknesses?

    Business Environment:

    · What is the state of the business’ target market? Is its target market growing or shrinking?

    · Are its target customers undergoing demographic changes, such as aging, loss of disposable income, or other transitions that could put the business at risk?

    · Is the business’s customer base growing? Is the business adequately diversified, or is it overly dependent on one or two big customers?

    · What kind of staff does the business have? Do employees have skills that are difficult to find elsewhere? Are their wages average, above average, or below average for the industry?

    · Are employees being treated fairly? Is there a lot of turnover at the business?


    · Are the business’ sales increasing?

    · What is the business’ profit margin?

    · Does the business have adequate funding?

    · How much debt does the business have?


    · Is this a business worthy of consideration for investment?

    · What are the reasons for your decision?

    Adapted from to an external site.

    Submission Instructions:

    • The detailed summary should be 600 words in length that uses current APA style and format.
    • Written explanations should use complete sentences, and appropriate grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word usage.  References and citations should be used and in proper APA style.
    • Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
    • Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.
  • RES 3400 Excel Project #1: Pro-Forma Analysis of Single Privately Owned Asset Using the templates provided, input the following assumptions for each of the investme

    RES 3400 Excel Project #1:

    Pro-Forma Analysis of Single Privately Owned Asset

    Using the templates provided, input the following assumptions for each of the investment opportunities in the yellow spaces only.  The rest of the information has been inputted for you, including formulas, and that information does not change.  Note for expenses, only input those that are relevant to the type of lease shown, since there is no “expense reimbursement” available in these proformas.

    Unless otherwise indicated keep the annual rent/inflation/variable based increases as stated in the proforma – increases are consistent with inflation and market conditions

    (Note that you do not have to calculate either “proportionate share” or take into account “base year” for any of these examples.)

    All results are “pre-tax.”  Tax consequences of any results are not being evaluated.


    Compare each opportunity by Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Discounted Cash Flow (NPV), putting them in a table of your own creation and answer these questions:

    What is the capital stack for each – dollar value and % of purchase price for each — Noting that the percentages are of the purchase price?

    ·       Mortgage

    ·       Borrowed Equity

    ·       Cash Equity

    ·       Total Purchase Price

    Which investment has the most in overall returns (NPV) and why?

    Which investment has the best return on cash equity (IRR) and why?

    Which investment would you choose and why?

    Provide 2 articles regarding the relative health and risks involved with the markets of each of these asset types:  big box retail, office, industrial, multifamily.  They do not have to be geography specific.

    Differentiate between the qualitative (i.e. market conditions and their role in long lasting value/performance of the investment) and quantitative (i.e. cash returns from the investment) risks for your investment choice as well as each of the other investment candidates.  Explain why you made your choice and why you did not choose each of the others.

    Investment Opportunity #1:  RETAIL

    ·       Fully occupied single tenant 50,000 SF “Junior Big Box” Retail Building on 5 acres of land.  “B+” Credit Tenant (i.e. TJ Maxx/Marshalls/Burlington Coat/Barnes & Noble)

    ·       0% Vacancy

    ·       Rent $20/SF NNN

    ·       No additional income

    ·       Lease Term = 20 years, start 1/1/2020

    ·       Expenses are as follows (all as a % of EGI)

    o   Property Taxes         15%

    o   Insurance      3%

    o   Maintenance            20%

    o   Management Fee   8%

    o   Reserves for Replacement           5%

    o   Other expenses       5%

    ·       Price = $11,500,000

    ·       Capital Stack:

    o   80% LTV @7.5% Interest Rate, 25 Year Term, Fully Amortized

    o   Constrained by 1.2 DSCR

    o   10% Borrowed Equity@ 15% Preferred Return (Interest)

    o   10% Interest Rate on Shortfalls

    o   Remainder Cash Equity

    ·       Terminal Cap Rate = 9%


    Investment Opportunity #2:  OFFICE

    ·       Multiple Occupancy 100,000 SF Multistory Office Building with consistent 10% vacancy.  In addition to that 10% vacancy, 2 tenants totaling 40,000 SF leave at the end of year 2 and are replaced after 1 year (additional vacancy) with new tenants.

    ·       Full service 5-year leases with 5-year options

    ·       Initial Rent $80/SF, Replacement Tenant Rent $40/SF.

    ·       No additional income

    ·       Expenses are as follows (all as a % of EGI)

    o   Property Taxes         15%

    o   Insurance      3%

    o   Maintenance            20%

    o   Management Fee   5%

    o   Reserves for Replacement           7%

    o   Other expenses       7%

    ·       Price = $11,500,000

    ·       Capital Stack:

    o   65% LTV @9% Interest Rate, 25 Year Term, Fully Amortized

    o   Constrained by 1.3 DSCR

    o   15% Borrowed Equity@ 12% Preferred Return (Interest)

    o   10% Interest Rate on Shortfalls

    o   Remainder Cash Equity

    ·       Terminal Cap Rate 10.5%


    Investment Opportunity #3:  Industrial

    ·       Multiple Occupancy 300,000 SF Multistory Industrial Building with consistent 5% vacancy.  Class “B” Buildings with 24’ Clear Ceiling Heights

    o   In addition, 150,000 SF of tenants leave at end of year 3, and are replaced immediately with tenants paying $15/SF NNN

    ·       Lease Term = 5-year leases with 5-year options

    ·       Initial Rent $12/SF NNN, Replacement Tenant Rent $15/SF NNN

    ·       Additional income consists of 40 truck parking spaces rented for $400/month each.  Spaces are fully rented all the time with no vacancy.

    ·       Expenses are as follows (all as a % of EGI)

    o   Property Taxes         15%

    o   Insurance      3%

    o   Maintenance            20%

    o   Management Fee   8%

    o   Reserves for Replacement           5%

    o   Other expenses       5%

    ·       Price = $65,000,000

    ·       Capital Stack:

    o   80% LTV @6.5% Interest Rate, 25 Year Term, Fully Amortized

    o   Constrained by 1.2 DSCR, requiring

    o   20% Borrowed Equity@ 12% Preferred Return (Interest)

    o   10% Interest Rate on Shortfalls

    o   Remainder Cash Equity

    ·       Terminal Cap Rate = 5.5%



    Investment Opportunity #4:  Multifamily Residential

    ·       Multiple Occupancy 60,000 SF Multistory Apartment Building with consistent 2% vacancy

    ·       Full service annual leases, No base year.

    ·       Rent 30 Studios (400 sq. ft. each) @ $2000/month; 50 1 Bedrooms (600 SF each) @ $3,000/month, 20 2 Bedrooms (900 SF each) @ $4500/month

    ·       Additional Income from Parking (60 spaces @ $300/month) + Laundry/Gym/Storage/Amenity Fees ($400/month/Apartment for 60 apartments)

    ·       Expenses are as follows (all as a % of EGI)

    o   Property Taxes         8%

    o   Insurance      3%

    o   Maintenance            12%

    o   Management Fee   5%

    o   Reserves for Replacement           10%

    o   Other expenses       5%

    ·       Price = $30,000,000

    ·       Capital Stack:

    o   90% LTV @6.5% Interest Rate, 25 Year Term, Fully Amortized

    o   1.1 DSCR

    o   10% Borrowed Equity@ 12% Preferred Return (Interest)

    o   10% Interest Rate on Shortfalls

    o   Remainder Cash Equity

    ·       Terminal Cap Rate 6.5%