Instructional Strategies and Technology

Instructional Strategies and Technology Your site principal has asked you to share at the weekly Professional Learning Community meeting about instructional strategies and technology-based resources. You are to share 1 instructional strategy appropriate for primary grades, 1 instructional strategy appropriate for upper elementary grades, 1 technology-based resource appropriate for primary classrooms, and 1 technology resource […]

Information and Management

Information and Management Included the prospectus form draft, read it with the suggestion then fix it based on the suggestion. Also, Using the Prospectus Form with Section 1 and the Research Purpose completed, draft a review question(s) that meets the review questions requirements in the Prospectus Form appendix. Check tips on how to do your […]

Argument and Persuasion Essay

Please read through the Essay #4 module notes for important information on Argument and Persuasion Essay. Important Links:  Library Databases: to an external site. NPR: to an external site. PBS Newshour: to an external site. Searching the library databases all at once: to an external site.   Check tips on how to do your Online […]

 Annotated Bibliography Summary

Before your essay is due, you must also complete an annotated bibliography Summary of your topic. This annotated bibliography is essentially a Works Cited page, with a short paragraph for each citation in which you summarize the article and explain whether it is useful for your essay. Your annotated bibliography must include at least four citations, with a paragraph-long […]

Interview Report

Interview Report For this assessment, you will create a 2-3 page report on an interview you have conducted with a health care professional. You will identify an issue from the interview that could be improved with an interdisciplinary approach, and review best practices and evidence to address the issue.   Introduction As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, […]

Cultural Differences and Domestic Business

In the Learning Activity titled ‘Cultural Differences and Domestic Business Interactions,’ you were presented with a number of case studies on U.S.-based companies and their movement toward developing more inclusive practices. Select any two of these cases and evaluate them. Your evaluation can be in the form of a visual presentation, a chart, or a […]

Security Risk Report

Comprehensive Privacy and Security Risk Report Executive Summary Throughout this quarter, several critical privacy and security-related risks have been identified within our systems and operations. These risks, if not addressed, could expose sensitive data, harm organizational reputation, and result in non-compliance with regulatory standards. The primary risks include unauthorized access, insufficient data encryption, inadequate training […]

NCSBN and ANA Review

NCSBN and ANA Review Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency. Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation. Check tips on how to do your Online Assignment Help. The Assignment: (8- to 9-slide PowerPoint presentation) Develop a 8- […]

Stakeholder & Leadership Groups Proposal

Stakeholder & Leadership Groups Proposal For this assessment, you will create an 8-9 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment. Check tips on how to do your Online Assignment Help. Instructions Please follow the Guidelines for […]

Using the community site selected in the Topic 1 assignment, Carrfour Supportive Housing (see attachments – part 1), perform an assessment of the community (town/city/county) (miami/miami/miami-dade) using the “Explore Health Rankings” ( and “Environmental Justice Dashboard

Using the community site selected in the Topic 1 assignment, Carrfour Supportive Housing (see attachments – part 1), perform an assessment of the community (town/city/county) (miami/miami/miami-dade) using the “Explore Health Rankings” ( and “Environmental Justice Dashboard” ( The community assessment will include secondary sources (credible websites) and a physical appraisal (i.e., windshield survey) of the community. The Community Teaching Project has […]

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