Assignment 5: Spend some time exploring at least 10 apps in the Android or Apple app store that may be useful for teaching your specific subject area

Assignment 5: Spend some time exploring at least 10 apps in the Android or Apple app store that may be useful for teaching your specific subject area. The idea is that you dont pick the first four apps you find for your project, but actually look around the app store to explore the available options. […]

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the organization you have been working with over the past few weeks just called

Company Name: Amazon  This week: The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the organization you have been working with over the past few weeks just called. She informed you that her organization is going to introduce a Total Quality Management (TQM) approach throughout the organization. She has asked for a report on the following:  An overview […]

As you recall, the first part of the Signature Project is where you began exploring a real, ongoing conflict that has yet to be resolved

As you recall, the first part of the Signature Project is where you began exploring a real, ongoing conflict that has yet to be resolved.  The second part of the project (value: 70 points, plus 30 points for the associated checklist) includes a revision of the first section, plus the addition of another section describing any […]

Jason, a seven year old child, is in the second grade. At school, his teacher noticed he was having problems sitting during class

answer the questions that follow: Jason, a seven year old child, is in the second grade. At school, his teacher noticed he was having problems sitting during class. She asked Jason why he was wiggling around in his seat and what was wrong. Jason replied that his daddy had given him “a real whipping” last […]

For this assignment, you will apply the ethical research skills practiced in the Week 1 and Week 2 trainings

For this assignment, you will apply the ethical research skills practiced in the Week 1 and Week 2 trainings. This will help you organize and retain important information from your diverse research sources and will prepare you for the writing you will do in the coming weeks. You can use a similar process in any […]

Youve visited the school, seen that the resources are decent, and think that the administration is supportive and effective

                             Making Urban Schools and Classrooms Effective You have just graduated, and you quickly find that the job market is tight. Youve been offered a job in a large urban high school with a student body that is overwhelmingly minority. Youve visited the school, seen that the resources are decent, and think that the administration is […]

In 1997, after spending more than one-half billion dollars in development and after extensive test marketing, Procter & Gamble in partnership with Frito-Lay and Nabisco launched a series of snack food products made with Olestra, a “no fat” substitute

 Please review and answer the following question in a 2-3 page word document: In 1997, after spending more than one-half billion dollars in development and after extensive test marketing, Procter & Gamble in partnership with Frito-Lay and Nabisco launched a series of snack food products made with Olestra, a “no fat” substitute. The campaign launch […]

The first part of the project will be an exploration of a real, ongoing conflict, including substantial backgrounds on the parties involved, the nature of the conflict, and its significance

The first part of the project will be an exploration of a real, ongoing conflict, including substantial backgrounds on the parties involved, the nature of the conflict, and its significance.  The minimum length of this section is three pages, not including cover and reference pages. A minimum of three references is expected. Every word of […]

One of the most common questions the general public asks about intimate partner violence (ipv) is “Why does she stay? “Health educator Lawrence Green and his colleagues (1980) identified three types of factors that can affect the help-seeking process by either encouraging or discouraging action

 One of the most common questions the general public asks about intimate partner violence (ipv) is “Why does she stay? “Health educator Lawrence Green and his colleagues (1980) identified three types of factors that can affect the help-seeking process by either encouraging or discouraging action: Predisposing factors: attitudes, perceptions, or beliefs that either facilitate or […]

A  one-page reflective journal response for your required readings this week     from Read Chapter 4: Family Violence in your textbook

   A  one-page reflective journal response for your required readings this week      from Read Chapter 4: Family Violence in your textbook Read Chapter      5: War and Terrorism in your textbook Read Chapter      6: Life Threatening Illness in your textbook    Title   From trauma to healing: A social worker guide to   working with survivors   […]

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