Institute of School of theology

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                                                                                 The SCHOOL CREED 

Our creed, discipline, and doctrine are the word of God as the Holy Spirit reveals it. All scriptures are given by the inspiration of God for instruction in righteousness. 
                                                                              ARTICLE I-- ORGANIZATION 
The school organization was established in the state of Florida county Broward, the city of Fort Laudable, the 2nd day of January in the year of 2010. The school is now existing under its first administration. This administration is a private school based on legislative law, establishing a constitutional manual that contains presiding officials, and collections and distribution of monies collected officially.

                                                                        ARTICLE II - IT'S OBJECTIVE AND DESIGN 


 familiarity with a variety of religious experiences and traditional. An understanding of how religious morality and justice are integrated with faith. The ability to apply difficult theological concepts and ideas within their writing, research, or in field experiences.
 Please help me finish the school all areas. It is about putting a theology school together.

The post Institute of School of theology appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper