Hello, thank you for sharing the material you presented within your initial discussion post. I believe the topic of examining concussions in children is interesting in relation to their cognitive development in comparison to adults. I found research, which utilized neuropsychological tests. Long et al.(2023) presented research which focused on examining executive functions in ndividuals diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The study had adult participants who utilized computerized neuropsychological tests, namely the Cambridge Neuropscychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) (Long et al., 2023). According to Long et al.(2023) three core areas were measured to determine the neurocognitive ability of each participant, which include being able to absorb and store visuospatial information, to be able to redirect focus on stimuli and one’s capability to respond. The results indicated the participants diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder didn’t have any concerns related to utilizing the variety of computerized tests (Long et al., 2023). In general, do you feel it’s assumed individuals who have been diagnosed with a neurological disorder, would struggle with utilizing assessments? Why or why not?
Thank yo
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