- This is a discussion board limit to your team. Make three separate posts to share with them.
- In one post, list three keywords you found in the reading. Provide three things: (1) the keyword, (2) your definition of it, and (3) why you believe it is important.
- In another post, pose two open-ended questions you have about this topic.
Stretch your own understanding. Ask a question that you can’t answer. Open-ended questions are complex questions that (1) get people talking, (2) cannot be answered with “yes” or “no” or a single word or short phrase, (3) may be provocative or controversial, and (4) cannot be answered with a simple search of the internet. - In another post, complete two sentence stems, making connections to your personal experiences, with enough detail to show that you can apply the current topics to your life experience. Suitable sentence stems are like the following: “This is like when…”, or “This remind me of…”
- Return to this discussion board to address the open-ended questions of a colleague or support their selection of important keywords and life experiences. Make sure to engage with this discussion three times.…
This is a discussion board