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Home » For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a

For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a

For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for one of the following cases. Your instructor will assign you your case number.

Case 3
Chief Complaint
“neck swelling”
History of Present Illness (HPI s A 42-year-old African American female who refers that she has been noticing slow and progressive swelling on her neck for about a year. Also she stated she has lost weight without any food restriction
PMH Patient denies
PSH Surgical removal of benign left breast nodule 2 years ago
Drug Hx
No medication at the time
Allergies NKA
Subjective Mild difficult to shallow, Neck feels tight, Pt states she feels Palpitations
Objective Data
PE B/P 158/90; Pulse 102; RR 20; Temp 99.2; Ht 5,4; wt 114; BMI 19.6
General 42-year-old female appears thin. She is anxious – pacing in the room and fidgeting, but in no acute distress.
HEENT Bulging eyes
Neck Diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland
Lungs CTA AP&L
Card S1S2 without rub, Tachycardia
  • benign, normoactive bowel sounds x 4
    GU Non contributory
    Ext no cyanosis, clubbing or edema
    Integument Thin skin, Increase moisture
    Neuro No obvious deficits and CN grossly intact II-XIIa

    answer the following questions:

    1. What other subjective data would you obtain?
    2. What other objective findings would you look for?
    3. What diagnostic exams do you want to order?
    4. Name 3 differential diagnoses based on this patient presenting symptoms?
    5. Give rationales for your each differential diagnosis.

    Submission Instructions:

    • Your initial post should be at least 550 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.
    • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
    • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.