Choose from ONE of the following eras (time periods) of music history and write an essay/report, (600 words) detailing several interesting facts/information about the time period.
Medieval (1150 -1400)
Renaissance (1400 – 1600)
Baroque (1600 – 1750)
Classical (1750 – 1820)
Romantic (1820 – 1900)
20th Century (1900 – 2000)
Modern (2000 – current)
Include major composers, list some of their contemporaries, mention some of their most famous works, discuss elements of style and popular forms, and provide evidence to support your topic/subject.
Your extra credit report should be 600 words.
Please elaborate but be concise and write as much information as possible regarding the music history time period you have chosen.
Extra Credit will count only if you have done all other assignments/requirements.
*****Turn in your extra credit report here.**
The post “Exploring the Rich History of Classical Music: A Journey through the Time Periods”
The Classical period, spanning from 1750 to 1820, is often referred to as the “Golden Age” of music. This era saw a appeared first on academicassistpro.