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“Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Literature Review”

Your final literature review paper is due by Sunday 7/14. You will take your 10 article summaries, synthesize them, and create a final literature review. This means you will put them in sub-topic categories. Do not copy and paste each article summary submitted into 1 long paper. It is CRITICAL that you model your paper off of the example. The paper should be a minimum of 7 pages (not including the title and reference pages). You may use additional articles but the original 10 must be included. This assignment will be submitted through Turnit In. If your % is above 30%, you need to reevaluate it. You are able to submit until the due date. I will accept it at a greater % but be mindful that it could be an issue. If it is deemed that you have plagiarised, you will receive a 0 for the first assignment. If it occurs again, you will automatically fail the class.
Below I provided all 10 of my article summaries and also the rubric and example literature review that was given to us.

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