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Comparing Sovereignty and Private Property in Political Philosophy

150-350 words each 
If you had to compare Hobbes’s Sovereign to Plato’s regime types, which one would say it most resembles?  What kind of powers must the Sovereign possess (discuss at least two)?  What about human nature makes such an arrangement necessary?
According to Locke, what is the origin of private property if it is naturally held in common?  What are the two main limits on its accumulation, and how could one get around that?
Locke claims that the fundamental rule for all commonwealths should be salus populi suprema lex (§158).  Explain.
What is the difference between “self-regarding faults” and “acts injurious to others” (sometimes, “immorality”)?  Where does Mill say the distinguishing line is between these types?
According to Smith, why is the relationship between workers and masters combative?  Whose side is the government on?
You must cite outside material.

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