Community Health Program Project: Social Marketing Presentation Assignment Instructions Overview For this Community Health Program Project: Social Marketing Presentation Assignme

Community Health Program Project: Social Marketing Presentation Assignment Instructions


For this Community Health Program Project: Social Marketing Presentation Assignment, you will disseminate your practicum work via a presentation platform, considering social marketing.     


Using the insight from Community Toolbox Chapters 45 and 46 and the related toolkits, you will complete the following:

a.      Create a 10-15 minute presentation of your Community Health Program Project Assignment—present the program as you would to a group of stakeholders, address the following: community assessment, program planning, program implementation, program evaluation, and sustainability.  Explore social marketing as presented in Community Toolbox, and incorporate those principles in your presentation.  Be creative and let your light shine—you are showcasing your work throughout the practicum experience.

b.     Use at least one presentation tool/platform (such as PowerPoint, Prezi, Spark) to present your information. 

c.      Support your presentation with sources throughout the presentation in current APA style.  Include an APA formatted reference list for all sources (minimum of 5 scholarly sources). 

See the Community Health Program Project Resources for instructions for creating video.