Choose one of the short stories we’ve covered so far:
“Rappaccini’s Daughter”
“Bartleby the Scrivener”
Write an analysis focused on what you feel is the most interesting aspect of the work. Explain, with examples and analysis of those examples, why you feel that’s the most significant/interesting/important part of the work. Why is that “thing” necessary for understanding something important about the work?
Be sure to quote passages from the text to back up your claims. AND, analyze those quoted passages with close textual analysis (i.e. explain what specific words, phrases, sounds, metaphors, similes, etc. do to help support the understanding you have of the work.) Quotations should not constitute more than 30% of your writing. You may paraphrase other passages if you need to.
The post Choose one of the short stories we’ve covered so far:
“Rappaccini’s Daughter”
“B appeared first on assignment in 6hours.