Category: Uncategorized

  • This paper is on the topic of ethics-related global workplace issues. Please use the APA format and cite at least two (2) sources. I have guidelines on using the APA format and citing sources below. Please submit your research paper by clicking the

    This paper is on the topic of ethics-related global workplace issues. Please use the APA format and cite at least two (2) sources. I have guidelines on using the APA format and citing sources below. Please submit your research paper by clicking the title Final Paper above. 

    Follow the directions below for a step-by-step process.


    • Forced Labor, child labor,working hours
    • Health and safety in the workplace, working conditions
    • Discrimination, harassment
    • Financial malfeasance
    • Fraud, theft
    • Gift giving, bribes

    Assignment Requirements (Use as a checklist):

    • Topic is an Ethics-Related Global Workplace Issue
    • Use 10 or 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman Font
    • Double-space
    • Minimum of 750 words. No more than 1,000 words
    • Minimum of two (2) cited sources
    • Use APA format and parenthetical citations right after cited material (See below)
    • Make sure your name is on the Paper
    • Paper should contain a Title Page, Introduction, a Body, Conclusion, and Reference Page.
  • The Value of Technology in Health Care [WLO: 1] [CLOs: 1, 2] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 5 from Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach. You may also find it helpful to look at the multimedia

    The Value of Technology in Health Care [WLO: 1] [CLOs: 1, 2]

    Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 5 from Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach. You may also find it helpful to look at the multimedia (video) and website listed under recommended resources.

    Medical and information technology has exponentially progressed in recent years and has made an immense impact on health care delivery. Advancements in technology come with a cost.

    In this discussion, please include the following:

    • Identify technology advancements and explain how they are used in the delivery of health care.
    • Critique the value of technology, considering the pros and cons related to cost, infrastructure, and health care outcomes.
    • Explain which technologies you think are more important in the delivery of health care and why.
  • you will be asked to speak on a different aspect of your practicum experience. In the discussions, you will address the various CEPH competencies you are working toward achieving. You will also highlight the data collection or data trends you

    Public Assessment and Health Theory [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 4, 5]

    Each week, you will be asked to speak on a different aspect of your practicum experience. In the discussions, you will address the various CEPH competencies you are working toward achieving. You will also highlight the data collection or data trends you are observing in your practicum. The goal for these discussions is to prepare you for your Final Practicum Report, which is due 10 days after you have presented and passed your Practicum Presentation Revision with your MPH faculty advisor and the MPH full-time faculty.

    In this discussion, address the following:

    • Identify your practicum site.
    • Identify how many practicum hours you have completed thus far. 48.6 HOURS
      • If over 30, 60, or at 90, have you submitted your evaluation to the practicum coordinator? YES
    • Explain how your practicum employs public assessments, communication, health theories and models.
    • Describe the additional efforts you have taken toward achieving the four CEPH competencies listed in your signed Practicum Proposal Form.
  • For this assessment, you will develop a 10-slide business PowerPoint for the economic issue you have been working with as your topic in the previous assessment. You will then present this PowerPoint using Kaltura and submit the video.

    For this assessment, you will develop a 10-slide business PowerPoint for the economic issue you have been working with as your topic in the previous assessment. You will then present this PowerPoint using Kaltura and submit the video. This presentation asks you to examine the feasibility and cost-benefit considerations of implementing a proposed solution for your chosen issue, as well as analyze ways to mitigate risks. Overall, your assessment submission will be assessed on the following criteria: Summarize the problem and the potential impact the health care economic issue has on you, your colleagues, your organization, and the community at large. This is an opportunity to tell your story and what the initiative means to you as a health care practitioner. Remember, this is a presentation. So, you want to be engaging and persuasive in order to build support for what you will be proposing to do later in the presentation. Explain the feasibility and cost-benefit considerations of your health care economic issue, as well as three ways to mitigate risks to the financial security of your organization or health care setting. Make sure to present at least an overview of the data and numbers you are basing your cost-benefit analysis on. Touch upon the ways in which potential risks could pose a threat to the financial security of your organization or care setting while you are addressing the ways to mitigate risk. Support your explanation with evidence-based research or scholarly sources. Describe the changes or solution that you propose be implemented in order to address the economic issue. Include the potential benefits of implementation to your organization, your colleagues, or the community at large. Support your initiative with evidence-based research or scholarly sources. Explain how your proposed solution is culturally sensitive, ethical, and equitable within the context of the community and health care setting it will be implemented. Make sure that your changes or solution are not unfairly burdening or disadvantaging any specific groups. Double check that your changes or solution do not pose any ethical issues and are not culturally insensitive. Ensure that both access and cost are equitable across all groups in the community that the proposed solution will be affecting. Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.

  • The lesson needs to be an original lesson (not one downloaded from the internet) and can be of the subject area of your choice as long as it is appropriate for students from grades K-12 Powerpoint Component Requirements

    Lesson Content Area: The lesson needs to be an original lesson (not one downloaded from the internet) and can be of the subject area of your choice as long as it is appropriate for students from grades K-12 Powerpoint Component Requirements: Your Powerpoint must include the following Cover Page and Objectives Page: The first page of your presentation MUST be a cover page that includes the lesson title, grade level, and your name. An image(s) would be nice but is not required. The 2nd page must include 2-4 specific lesson objectives (e.g., Identify the 3 branches of the government, Identify the members of the executive branch, etc.) Content Presentation Slides: You must include a minimum of 8 presentation slides, in addition to your cover page and objectives page. Do not include activities of these slides; they will be done in Nearpod Do not include hyperlinks or videos on these slides; they will be done in Nearpod PowerPoint Slide Development Guidelines All Slides Guidelines: PowerPoint or other program presentation slides are meant to have key points on them only. They are not meant to be a lesson script. Also, keep in mind that they need to be visible to students. To that end, please follow these general guidelines. Font Size: Font size should be a minimum of 18-24 point font Key Content Included: Because you are able to upload Nearpod as a homework assignment for students to view independently, be sure to include the key content of the lesson on the PowerPoint. Opportunities for active responses will be built into your lesson once you upload it to Nearpod. Key Content Line Length: As a rule of thumb, no not make bulleted key points more than 2 lines long. The exception would be if you have a quote that you want on a slide Do not use all Caps: Use caps only when you are supposed to such as at the beginning of sentences or proper nouns. Exceptions can be made for titles on slides, but only if the titles are short. Actually it is better not to use all caps at all. All caps are hard to read. Images: Include images when you can. Be sure that they are relevant and that they link to the content.

  • Description of Pathology: Start the paper on a new page. In this section, you will describe the pathology (statistics about it, background information, etc.). Give as much information as you can about

    Your paper should include the underlined items below as section headings.

    APA 7th edition Title page:

    This is a separate page by itself, with the following information centered in the middle of the page: course title, paper title, student’s name, instructor’s name, and date.
    Description of Pathology:

    Start the paper on a new page.
    In this section, you will describe the pathology (statistics about it, background information, etc.). Give as much information as you can about it but be sure it is relevant information and not just filler. It should be a comprehensive introductory section of the condition in one to two paragraphs.
    Normal anatomy of the major body system affected: In this section, you will describe what is considered normal anatomy for your particular pathophysiology. For example, if you are discussing a disease related to the brain, explain what is normal for the brain from an anatomical standpoint. You should show comprehensive knowledge of the fundamental concepts and communicate information using scientific vocabulary. There should be little to no discussion of the condition itself in this section.

    Normal physiology of the major body system affected: In this section, you will be discussing physiology. Keep in mind that when describing physiology, it isn’t enough to merely provide a list of functions of the body system (Ex: Neurons send signals throughout the body), instead, you need to be able to describe how it does it. The how is the physiology. There should be little to no discussion of the condition itself in this section

    Mechanism of Pathophysiology: This section is likely going to be the most in-depth and longest section. In this section, you will explain your particular pathophysiology from a scientific standpoint. In the previous two sections, you explained what is considered normal, in this section, you should describe what the pathophysiology is doing that is causing these issues, how the normal anatomy & physiology is affected/different in a person with your condition. You should show a thorough understanding of the anatomical and physiological changes contributing to the disease. Some good keywords to search for when doing your research might be “Pathology of __________”, Pathophysiology of __________.”

    Prevention: In this section, you will explain how your pathophysiology could be prevented. This should outline possible prevention protocols, or clearly indicate if none is available based on the current scientific literature.

    Treatment: In this section, you will explain how your pathophysiology is commonly treated. Provide possible treatment protocols for the condition based on current scientific literature. Be sure to bring in nursing relevant information and how you might be involved in the treatment of the condition.

    Conclusion: Finally you should summarize your findings. All good research papers should include a conclusion where you wrap up and summarize all of the important points made in your paper.


    As with the Title page, this should be a separate page by itself.
    All references should be included in correct and complete APA format.
    All references must be cited appropriately in the paper using APA-style in-text citations.
    A minimum of three reputable sources are required for this assignment.
    Requirements for Topic, Length, & Submission
    The length requirement for this paper is between 4-6 full pages of content, double-spaced – this does not include the Title page and the Reference page (both on separate pages) that do not contribute to page count. Use of images/tables/diagrams will not count for total page number either.

    Students will be assigned individual topics related to physiology and pathological conditions of physiological systems by their instructor. You must write your paper based on your assigned topic.

    Your paper must be submitted as a PDF (.pdf) or Word document (.doc or .docx). These are the only file types that will be accepted.

    Between 4-6 full pages of content, double-spaced – Title page and the Reference page (both on separate pages) do NOT contribute to page count. Use of images/tables/diagrams will not count for total page number either.
    Be sure to include in-text citations where appropriate. You should have a minimum of one in-text for every final reference you have listed.
    A minimum of three reputable sources are required for this assignment.
    All sources need to be cited properly in APA format – in-text citations and references
    Times New Roman, 12 pt. font

  • Past Medical History: Gastroesophageal reflux (treated with diet); is negative for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, stroke or head injury or depression Allergies: No known allergies Medications: None Family History • Father deceased at age 78 of declin

    Past Medical History: Gastroesophageal reflux (treated with diet); is negative for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, stroke or head injury or depression Allergies: No known allergies Medications: None Family History • Father deceased at age 78 of decline related to Alzheimer’s disease • Mother deceased at age 80 of natural causes • No siblings Social History • Denies smoking • Denies alcohol or recreational drug use • Retired lawyer • Hobby: Golf at least twice a week Review of Systems • Constitutional: Denies fatigue or insomnia • HEENT: Denies nasal congestion, rhinorrhea or sore throat. • Chest: Denies dyspnea or coughing • Heart: Denies chest pain, chest pressure or palpitations. • Lymph: Denies lymph node swelling. • Musculoskeletal: denies falls or loss of balance; denies joint point or swelling General Physical Exam • Constitutional: Alert, angry but cooperative • Vital Signs: BP-128/72, T-98.6 F, P-76, RR-20 • Wt. 178 lbs., Ht. 6’0″, BMI 24.1 HEENT • Head normocephalic; Pupils equal and reactive to light bilaterally; EOM’s intact Neck/Lymph Nodes • No abnormalities noted Lungs • Bilateral breath sounds clear throughout lung fields. Heart • S1 and S2 regular rate and rhythm, no rubs or murmurs. Integumentary System • Warm, dry and intact. Nail beds pink without clubbing. Neurological • Deep tendon reflexes (DTRs): 2/2; muscle tone and strength 5/5; no gait abnormalities; sensation intact bilaterally; no aphasia Diagnostics • Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE): Baseline score 12 out of 30 (moderate dementia) • MRI: hippocampal atrophy • Based on the clinical presentation and diagnostic findings, the patient is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s type dementia. Discussion Questions 1. Compare and contrast the pathophysiology between Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. 2. Identify the clinical findings from the case that supports a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. 3. Explain one hypothesis that explains the development of Alzheimer’s disease 4. Discuss the patient’s likely stage of Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Given the following information on a MPT, what is the anticipated total cash flow available to investors in year 2? Round your answer to two decimals. (Note: You can perform this calculation with the spreadsheet or by completing it iteratively) •

    Homework 3

    Question 1 Given the following information on a MPT, what is the anticipated total cash flow available

    to investors in year 2? Round your answer to two decimals. (Note: You can perform this calculation with the spreadsheet or by completing it iteratively)

    •    10 year FRM, fully amortizing, annual payments

    •    10% CPR assumption

    •    100 loans in the pool

    •    Average starting balance of $350,000/loan

    •    Mortgage rate 5%, annual

    •    No servicing/guarantee fees

                                  Use the Excel template that is part of the assignment to answer this question.

    Question 2 Given the following information on a MPT, what is the servicing fee in year 3? Round your answer to two decimals. (Note: You can perform this calculation with the spreadsheet or by completing it iteratively)

    •    10 year FRM, fully amortizing, annual payments

    •    No prepayment or default

    •    100 loans in the pool

    •    Average starting balance of $350,000/loan

    •    Mortgage rate 5%, annual

    •    Servicing fee of 0.5% of the period’s starting outstanding pool balance

    Use the Excel template that is part of the assignment to answer this question.

    Question 3 Given the following information of the mortgage pool that backs a MPT, what is the regular scheduled payment in month 1 of the security? Use WAC as the mortgage rate and WAM as the number of periods for your calculations. Round your final answer to two decimals.

    •    30 year FRM, fully amortizing, monthly payments

    •    WAC: 4%

    •    Servicer/Guarantee fee: 0.55%

    •    Starting pool balance: 250,342,967

    •    Prepayment assumption: 75% PSA

    •    WAM: 357 (Loans seasoned for 3 months before entering pool)

    Question 4 Given the following information of the mortgage pool that backs a MPT (same as Question 3), what is the dollar amount of prepayment in month 1 of the security? Remember PSA is calculated based of month of the mortgage, not the security. Round your final answer to two decimals.

    •    30 year FRM, fully amortizing, monthly payments

    •    WAC: 4%

    •    Servicer/Guarantee fee: 0.55%

    •    Starting pool balance: 250,342,967

    •    Prepayment assumption: 75% PSA

    •    WAM: 357 (Loans seasoned for 3 months before entering pool)

    Question 5 Given the following information of the mortgage pool that backs a MPT (same as Question 3), what is the total cash flow of the pool (i.e. to the issuer/SPV) in month 1 of this security? Round your final answer to two decimals.

    •    30 year FRM, fully amortizing, monthly payments

    •    WAC: 4%

    •    Servicer/Guarantee fee: 0.55%

    •    Starting pool balance: 250,342,967

    •    Prepayment assumption: 75% PSA

    •    WAM: 357 (Loans seasoned for 3 months before entering pool)

    Question 6 Given the following information of the mortgage pool that backs a MPT (same as Question 3), what is the total cash flow of investors in month 1 of this security? Round your final answer to two decimals.

    •    30 year FRM, fully amortizing, monthly payments

    •    WAC: 4%

    •    Servicer/Guarantee fee: 0.55%

    •    Starting pool balance: 250,342,967

    •    Prepayment assumption: 75% PSA

    •    WAM: 357 (Loans seasoned for 3 months before entering pool)

    Question 7 Given the following information of the mortgage pool that backs a MPT (same as Question 6), what is the month 1 ending/month 2 starting pool balance for this security? Round your final answer to two decimals.

    •    30 year FRM, fully amortizing, monthly payments

    •    WAC: 4%

    •    Servicer/Guarantee fee: 0.55%

    •    Starting pool balance: 250,342,967

    •    Prepayment assumption: 75% PSA

    •    WAM: 357 (Loans seasoned for 3 months before entering pool)

    Question 8 Given the following information of the mortgage pool that backs a MPT, what is the dollar amount of prepayment in month 32? Round your final answer to two decimals.

    •    30 year FRM, fully amortizing, monthly payments

    •    WAC: 5%

    •    Servicer/Guarantee fee: 0.5%

    •    Prepayment assumption: 300% PSA

    •    Loans were not seasoned before entering the pool

    •    MBS has been active for a few years in collecting payments from borrowers and making payments to investors

    •    It’s currently month 32 in the pool

    •    Starting pool balance at month 32: $52, 234, 988


    Given the following information of the mortgage pool that backs a MPT
    (same as Question 8), what is the starting pool balance for month 33 of this
    security? Round your final answer to two decimals (Hint: N=360 when t=1,
    N=359 when t=2, N=358 when t=3 …).


    30 year FRM, fully amortizing, monthly payments

    WAC: 5%

    Servicer/Guarantee fee: 0.5%

    Prepayment assumption: 300% PSA

    Loans were not seasoned before entering the pool

    MBS has been active for a few years in collecting
    payments from borrowers and making payments to investors

    It’s currently month 32 in the pool

    Starting pool balance at month 32: $52, 234, 988



    Question 10 For a given MPT using 50% PSA as the prepayment
    assumption, would you expect the prepayment rate in month 40 to be higher or
    lower than the prepayment rate in month 45?

    1) Higher 2) Lower 3) Remain the same 4) Cannot be
    determined with the information given



  • Assignment 2: Strategic Planning Report  Course Objectives for Assignment:   Present and defend an argument for or against a selected health care industry practice, incorp

    Assignment 2: Strategic Planning Report 

    Course Objectives for Assignment:  

    • Present and defend an argument for or against a selected health care industry practice, incorporating examples of logical thinking and critical analysis. 
    • Evaluate healthcare information technology (HIT) and health information management (HIM) in terms of the effects of HIT and HIM on clinical and managerial decision making, reporting, and health outcomes. 
    • Evaluate the current and future needs of the healthcare workforce, the role of healthcare workforce management, and significance of workforce management in the healthcare environment. 


    Over the past few weeks, the class has reviewed several topics including the key aspects of workforce management, health policy, and information technology. Applying the information reviewed this week on finance and economics, we will explore how each of these weekly topics are connected from a healthcare administrators’ viewpoint. During each of our weekly readings, information was obtained on the importance of healthcare workforce structures, how policy is created, the significance of quality as well as change management, read about the foundational components of healthcare finance, and learned about the core elements of economics. Based on each of these areas that we have read about during class, discussed during our weekly discussions, and from your own research, you will provide insight to each of these topics, applying the information to the scenario below, for this week’s assignment 

    Assignment Scenario: Role Playing as a Healthcare Administrator for Your Desired Healthcare Setting 

    Step 1: Identify your desired healthcare setting and healthcare administrator role for the scenario. Look at “Healthcare Setting and Role” section below for your report. It is important to note that your selected healthcare facility is part of a large healthcare system, and you are one of the many administrators that the system has but you will be playing the role of the executive leader for your specific healthcare setting within your organization’s large healthcare system. 

    Step 2: Based on your selected healthcare setting and role from Step 1, you will be presenting information at the next executive leadership meeting. Each administrator for your organization will be presenting information to the healthcare system’s executive leadership team, and you are required to complete the strategic planning report as part of your presentation. You will use the Strategic Planning Report Template, provided below, to prepare for this upcoming meeting. Each topic will need to be sufficiently addressed with supporting evidence that will assist the executive leadership team in preparing for next year’s budget and related to updating the strategic plan for your facility. 

    Assignment Requirements: 

    Complete the Strategic Planning Report using the Word document template provided within this assignment prompt. You will complete this report for the meeting, ensuring that each question provides the executive leadership team with the appropriate amount of details with supporting external evidence, so your facility’s budget and strategic plan are ready for the upcoming fiscal year. You will need to include at least 5 APA formatted references from the last five years with correlating in-text citations for the report. Please ensure that an APA 7th edition cover page, the report, and an APA 7th edition reference page are provided. 

    • Check file #2 for the Strategic Planning Report Template 

    Healthcare Setting and Role:  

    Laboratory Director for a 25-bed critical access hospital (CAH) with swing beds for post-acute care to provide skilled nursing services, has an average length of stay of 3.5 days, offers a birthing center, provides cancer and infusion services, and has a connected assisted living facility. Your CAH is one of seven CAHs for your nonprofit healthcare system which is located within a rural Illinois town.

    References/sources: I am going to upload files of the articles needed to support this homework. Once assigned, I will upload the files.

    Here’s the reference list each citation is correlated to the file number going to be uploaded:

    3.     Listl, S., Grytten, J. I., & Birch, S. (2019). What is health economics?. Community dental health, 36(4), 262–274.

    4.     MjåsetChrister, IkramUmar, NagraNavraj, S., & FeeleyThomas, W. (2020). Value-Based health care in four different health care systems. NEJM Catalyst.

    5.     Shrank, William H., DeParle, Nancy-Ann, Gottlieb, Scott, Jain, Sachin H., Orszag, Peter, Powers, Brian W., & Wilensky, Gail R. (2021). Health Costs And Financing: Challenges And Strategies For A New Administration: Commentary recommends health cost, financing, and other priorities for a new US administration. Health Affairs, 40(2), 235–242.

    6.     Reiter, K.L. & Song, P.H. (2021). Gapenski’s healthcare finance: An introduction to accounting and financial management. (7th.ed.). Health Administration Press. 

    7.     Bindra, P. (2018). The core elements of value in healthcare. Health Administration Press.

    8.     Nowicki, M. (2018). Introduction to the Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations, Seventh Edition: Vol. Seventh edition. Health Administration Press.

    9.     Robert Lee. (2019). Economics for Healthcare Managers, Fourth Edition: Vol. Fourth edition. AUPHA/HAP Book.



    A white sheet with black text

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    A screenshot of a document

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    A screenshot of a white table with black text

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    A screenshot of a test

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  • The purpose of Journals is to give you a space to write freely about your reactions to the chapter readings. Although it is not the focus for the journal assignments, you are strongly recommended to follow

    Discussion – What is service?

    (Please read assigned chapters first. You will need to refer to the text.)

    Required Textbook Readings

    • Syllabus Review
    • Read Bordoloi (Ch1 and 2), Zeithaml (Ch1) (WLO 1, 2)


    Required Text:

    1) Bordoloi, S., Fitzsimmons, J. A., & Fitzsimmons, M. J. (2019). Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology. McGraw-Hill Education.

    2) Zeithaml, V. A., M. J. Bitner, & D. D. Gremler. (2018). Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm (7th edition). McGraw-Hill.


    Assignment Part 1

    Make a list of five occupations that can be considered as part of the service industry? Think outside of the hotel and restaurant industry. Then, support your argument based on the characteristic of service discussed in the text

    Assignment – Journal


    The purpose of Journals is to give you a space to write freely about your reactions to the chapter readings. Although it is not the focus for the journal assignments, you are strongly recommended to follow APA guidelines in preparation for the Capstone. Make sure you include in-text citations including the page number, as we have two required textbooks.


    General Instructions:

    • Create a journal entry for each week. One journal entry for a weekly topic
    • For each journal entry, write at least one full paragraph (i.e., 3+ sentences) for each of the three prompts below. 
    • Include details to demonstrate that you are connecting the reading material with personal experiences and understandings.
    • Each journal entry is worth 100 possible points graded based on the criteria listed below.

    Required Textbook Readings

    • Syllabus Review
    • Read Bordoloi (Ch1 and 2), Zeithaml (Ch1) (WLO 1, 2)


    Required Text:

    1) Bordoloi, S., Fitzsimmons, J. A., & Fitzsimmons, M. J. (2019). Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology. McGraw-Hill Education.

    2) Zeithaml, V. A., M. J. Bitner, & D. D. Gremler. (2018). Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm (7th edition). McGraw-Hill.


    Assignment part 2 Journal Entry


    Writing Prompts for Each Journal Entry:

    • Something that gave you an AHA! moment
    • Something that triggered your emotions
    • Something that you’re still wondering