• Task 1 Study and analysis two network simulation software tools. Study the latest version of the NS3  simulator tool. Describe the new API and model change history of NS3.

    Wireless Networks and Security (MN603 Assessment-2) Assignment Help

    Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines


    T2 2024

    Unit Code 


    Unit Title 

    Wireless Networks and Security



    Assignment 2 (Group assignment, 3-4 members per group)



    Implementation of Wireless networks and performance evaluation

    Purpose of the  assessment  

    (with ULO  Mapping)

    The purpose of the assignment is to compare NS3 simulators with other current  network simulators. Developed, modified and studied wireless routing protocols  performance with NS3 simulator. Design and implement Wireless Local Area  Network (WLAN) technology based on IEEE 802.11 standards to ensure efficient  and secure data transmission. 

    Students will be able to complete the following ULOs: 

    Analyze and compare wireless communication protocols.  Compare standard-based technologies used in various networks.  Test and evaluate various wireless networks performance. 



    Total Marks 


    Word limit 


    Due Date 

    Week 11; 27/09/2024



    All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a  completed Assignment Cover Page.  

    The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body)  font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section  headings.  

    Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed  appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.


    If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration  Application must be submitted directly on AMS. You must submit this  application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment.  Further information is available at: plans/policies-procedures-and-guidelines/assessment-policy



    Academic Misconduct is a serious offense. Depending on the seriousness of  the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion  from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves  familiar with the full policy and procedure available at 

    For  further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your  Unit Description.

    Use of 




    (GenAI) in 


    More information about the use of Gen AI in student assessment can be  found in the full policy and procedure available at: Further support can be found in the  

    Further details on the type of assessment tasks, and whether Gen AI is permitted to be used or not are provided in the assessment brief.



    (AI) Score  


    Not acceptable AI score more than 30%. Please check your assignment  AI score before submission.

    Assignment Description 

    This assignment consists of three tasks.  

    Task 1 Study and analysis two network simulation software tools. Study the latest version of the NS3  simulator tool. Describe the new API and model change history of NS3. 

    Task 2. Involving analysis and modification of the NS3 lab exercises code. Task 3 It is a case study task. You need to analyze and answer three specific questions.  

    [Total Marks 55]  


    Task1 [Marks 10+10=20]    

    Q1. Explore and analyze the following network simulator and write a short comparative study  report.  



    Q2. What is the latest version of NS3 simulator? What new features are added in the latest version  of the NS3 simulator? Write a short report on the Changes from NS-3.38 to the latest version of NS3  simulator. Describe the new API and model change history of NS3. 


    Task 2 [Marks 15]   

    Q2. Write a Multihop Ad Hoc wireless networks program for simulating in the NS3 simulator. Name  the program as your group number. Your program should generate 5 packet captured files. Also  give the name of the xml file as “Your Group name.xml.” Execute the program and execute NetAnim  for visualization of the performance of your Multihop Ad Hoc program. Take a screenshot of the  created .xml file in the NetAnim display. Screenshot of 5 packet captured files that your program  generates. Attach the code of your program in the submission report particularly 5 packet  captured generation code.  

    [Hints: You can use Lab-3 task ( program and modify it according to the Task2]


    Task 3 [Marks 25]  

    Q3. Case Study:  

    Many wireless devices use wireless technology, yet they lack the necessary security protections. In  an Australian Information Security Association (AISA) members gathering in Melbourne a security  researcher, who has himself a diabetic, demonstrated a wireless attack on an insulin pump that  could change the delivery of the patient. In this gathering another AISA member who is a security  vendor found that they can scan a public space from up to 91 meters (300 feet) away, find  vulnerable pumps made by a specific medical device manufacturer, and then force these devices to  dispense fatal insulin doses. 

    Based on the above scenario, write a short report and answer the following questions:  a) Conduct research on the current state of the attacks on wireless medical devices and proposed  defenses to mitigate the attack.  

    b) Should the vendors who make this wireless medical device be forced to add security to their  devices? What should be the penalty if they do not?  

    c) As per Australian cyber security laws, what should be the penalty for an attacker who  manipulates a wireless device.  


    Source: Book: Security Awareness: Applying Practical Cybersecurity in your world, Mark Ciampa, Cengage.

    ————————————————-:End of Task:—————————————————

    Marking Guide 

    Section to be included in the report 

    Description of the section 



    Q1. Explore and analyze NS2 and  NS3 network simulators and write a  short comparative study report. Q2. What is the latest version of  NS3 simulator? What new features are added in the latest version of the  NS3 simulator? Write a short report  on the Changes from NS-3.38 to  latest version of NS3 simulator.  Describe the new API and model  change history of NS3.

    Q1. Detail Comparative study report  on NS2 and NS3 Network simulators. Each simulator description in the  study will be 5 marks each.  

    Q2. Correct and appropriate answers  to this question. 10 marks.


    Task-2: NS3 Simulation 

    Correctly written the Multihop  Ad Hoc wireless networks program for  generation of 5 packets captured files and appropriately created .xml file. Provided codes.


    Task-3: Case Study 




    Conduct research on the current state  of the attacks on wireless medical  devices and proposed defenses to  mitigate the attack. 

    Research the current state of the  attacks on wireless medical devices  and proposed defenses to mitigate  the attack. 


    Should the vendors who make this  wireless medical device be forced to  add security to their devices? What  should be the penalty if they do not? 

    Appropriate answers on question  part b.


    As per Australian cyber security laws,  what should be the penalty for an  attacker who manipulates a wireless  device.

    As per Australian cyber security laws,  currently explained the penalty for  an attacker who manipulates a  wireless device. 



    Write a summary of the report  highlighting the positive and negative  points.


    Reference style 

    Follow the IEEE reference style.  Reference should be cited in the body  of the report.


    Format of the report 

    Report Layout and Format. Format  must look professional. 


    Marking Rubric for Assignment #2: Total Marks 60












    Very Good 




    Task 1



    study report on  NS2 and NS3 


    simulators. /20

    Explored, studied,  and compared their  features on NS2  

    and NS3 simulators.

    Relevant and  soundly  


    and wrote a comparative  study report.


    relevant and  


    study reported.


    study reported  but not up to  

    the standard. 


    study report is  poorly written

    Task 2  



    Correctly written  the Multihop  Ad Hoc wireless  networks program  using and  generated 5 packet  capture files. 

    Provided codes.

    Very good.  Written the  Multihop  

    Ad Hoc 



    program and  generated 5 packet  

    capture files. Provided  


    Good in writing  the Multihop  Ad Hoc wireless  networks  


    generated 5 packet capture  files. Provided  codes.


    writing the  Multihop Ad Hoc wireless  



    Generated packet capture  files. Provided  codes but hard  to find the  location where  change has been  done.

    Poorly or not  

    attempt writing  the code. 

    Task 2  




    created .xml file.  And generated 6  packets captured files. Provided Valid  Screenshots. 

    Created .xml file. And  generated  






    screen shots. 

    Properly named  the  

    .xml file. And  



    captured files.  Provided  

    relevant visible  screen shots


    named the  

    .xml file. And  



    captured files.  Relevant screenshots are not  

    clearly visible



    Hard to find the  .xml 

    File. No output  of the screen  


    Task 2  

    Case study 


    All topics are  

    pertinent and  

    covered in depth. 

    Topics are  

    relevant and 


    relevant and  


    Some relevance  and briefly  


    This is not  

    relevant to the 

    Ability to think  

    critically and source  material is  






    Research the  

    current state of  the attacks on  wireless medical  devices and  


    defenses to  

    mitigate the  



    excellent ability to  think critically and  present an  


    research report and  attack mitigation  techniques.


    ed good  

    ability to  


    critically and  present a  


    report and  




    Demonstrated  good ability to  think critically  and present a  good research  report and  




    Demonstrated  ability to think  critically and  

    present a fair  

    research report  and attack  



    Did not 


    ability to think 

    critically and 

    present poor  

    research report  and attack  



    Should the  

    vendors who  

    make this  

    wireless medical  device be  

    forced to add  

    security to their  devices? What  should be  

    penalty if they  do not? /4


    proposal for dog  vendor penalty 

    Very good  

    proposal for  dogy vendor  penalty 

    Good proposal  for dogy vendor  penalty 

    Fair proposal for  dogy vendor  

    penalty . 

    Poor proposal  for dogy vendor  penalty .

    As per  

    Australian cyber  security laws,  

    what should be  the penalty for  an attacker who  manipulates a  wireless  


    Excellent strategy  for an attacker who  manipulates a  

    medical wireless  


    Very good of  your proposed  strategy for  an attacker  


    manipulates  a medical  



    Good strategy  for an attacker  who  

    manipulates a  medical  

    wireless device.

    Fair strategy of  for an attacker  who  

    manipulates a  

    medical wireless  device.

    Not relevancy of  your prosed 

    strategy for an  attacker who  

    manipulates a  medical wireless  device.


    Excellent summary  of the report  

    highlighting all the  positive and  

    negative points

    Very good  

    summary of  the report  

    highlighting  most of the  positive and  negative  



    summary of the  report  



    number of the  positive and  

    negative points. 

    Fair summary  of the report  

    highlighting a  

    few numbers of  the positive and  negative points.

    Poor summary  of the report.  

    Failed to be  


    positive and  

    negative points.



    Clear styles with  

    excellent source of  references. Cited  well in the body of  the report. 



    style and  

    cited in the  

    body of the  report.

    Generally good  referencing  


    Sometimes clear  referencing style



    with many  


    Format and the  report Layout. 


    Exceptional report  layout, style and  

    language used

    Very good  


    layout, style  and 

    Good report  

    layout, style  

    and language  



    report layout,  

    style and  

    language used

    Poor report  

    layout, style and  language used

  • Case Study  Procurement Scenario   GBI re-sells a range of bicycles. There is a request for the Deluxe Touring Bike (black). After

    Accounting for Managers (HM5001 T2) Assignment Help

    Individual Assignment 

    Case Study 

    Procurement Scenario  

    GBI re-sells a range of bicycles. There is a request for the Deluxe Touring Bike (black). After reviewing the stock, you realize that stock is required, and you are required to start the procurement process. The Deluxe Touring Bike (black) is purchased from the vendor; Olympic Protective Gear. This vendor is already created in the system. You create a purchase order for the Deluxe Touring Bike (black), which is forwarded

    to the vendor. The goods arrive, and you will create a goods receipt and verify the physical receipt in stock. An invoice will arrive, which will need to be entered into the system. Payments will be posted to the vendor, and you will review the impact the purchase has on General Ledger. 

    Your task is to complete the procurement process from a specified scenario and produce several screenshots to verify the completion of the process. The screenshots are to be inserted (pasted) in the specified areas below. If you are unsure how to take a screenshot, please refer to Google. 

    Required Steps 

    Purchase Order Data






    BI US 



    Olympic Protective Gear 101### (where ### is 

    your logon number)

    Purchase Group 

    North America 



    Deluxe Touring Bikes (black)

    DXTR1### (where ### is your logon number)



    Net Price 

    $1400 each




    DC Miami 


    Deliverable: Procurement 

    1. Insert a screenshot of your Purchase Order



    You could take a screenshot once the process is complete or use the Display Purchase Order functionality

    Goods Receipt Data 




    Storage Location Finished Goods US00

    Invoice Data 




    Company Code GBI Americas US00


    XI (Input tax)

    Payment Data 


    Description Value

    Posting Date 

    Today’s date

    Journal Entry Date 

    Today’s date

    Value Date 

    Today’s date


    Today’s month

    G/L Account 


    House Bank 








    2. Insert a screenshot of your Process Flow





    3. Insert a screenshot of your Post Outgoing Payments



    Fulfillment Scenario 

    GBI re-sells a range of bicycles. The company have had an Inquiry from an existing customer (The Bike Zone ###) for 4 Deluxe Touring Bike (Black). As indicated, the customer is already in the system. Once you create the Inquiry, the customer has requested a formal Quotation. The customer receives the quotation and sends GBI a Purchase Order

    which is entered into the system as a Sales Order. As there is enough stock, you will complete the Delivery process. An Invoice will be created, and sent to the customer, and then GBI will receive Payment from the Customer. 

    Note: If you did the exercise, then your customer will be there. If not, then you will have to create the customer. The process of creating a new customer is given on page 68 of the SAP Tutorial. 


    Your task is to complete the fulfillment process from a specified scenario and produce several screenshots to verify the completion of the process. The required data for various steps is displayed below. All other data is the same as the exercise you have previously completed. The screenshots are to be inserted (pasted) in the specified areas below. 

    Required Steps 

    Create an Inquiry 




    Sales Organization 

    US East 


    Distribution Channel Wholesale 





    Sold to Party 

    Bike Zone ###



    Cust Ref 


    Cust Ref Date 

    Today’s date

    Valid From 

    Today’s date

    Valid to 

    one month from today


    Deluxe Touring Bike (Black) DXTR1###

    Order Quantity 




    4. Insert a screenshot of your Inquiry



    Create a Quotation with a Reference


    Description Value

    Cust Ref 


    Cust Ref Date 

    Today’s date

    Valid From 

    Today’s date

    Valid to 

    one month from today

    Req Deliv Date 

    Today’s date

    Create Sales Order with Reference 


    Description Value

    Purchase Order No 


    Cust Reference 


    Cust Ref Date 

    Today’s date

    First date 

    Tomorrow’s date



    5. Insert a screenshot of your Sales Order



    Delivery Process 




    Ship to Party 

    Bike Zone ###

    Planned Creation date

    Due up until next week

    Picking Quantity 


    Storage Location 

    Finished Goods FG00

    Create Invoice 




    Ship to Party 

    Bike Zone ###

    Billing Date From 

    Today’s date

    Post Receipt of Customer Payment




    Company Code 



    Posting Date 

    Today’s date

    Journal Entry date 

    Today’s date

    Journal Entry Type Billing Doc. Transfer RV


    Current Month

    G/L Account 








    6. Insert a screenshot of your Journal Entry





    7. Insert a screenshot of your Process Flow



    Marking Criteria

    Marking criteria 

    Weighting in 

    Total Grades 

    1. Insert a screenshot of your Purchase Order 4% 

    2. Insert a screenshot of your Process Flow 4% 

    3. Insert a screenshot of your Post Outgoing Payments 6%

    4. Insert a screenshot of your Inquiry 4% 

    5. Insert a screenshot of your Sales Order 4% 

    6. Insert a screenshot of your Journal Entry 4% 

    7. Insert a screenshot of your Process Flow 4% 

    TOTAL Weight 


    Academic Integrity 

    Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding Academic Integrity, as Academic Integrity is integral to maintaining academic quality and the reputation of Holmes’ graduates. Accordingly, all assessment tasks need to comply with academic integrity guidelines. Table 1 identifies the six categories of Academic Integrity breaches. If you have any questions about Academic Integrity issues related to your assessment tasks, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines and support resources. Many of these resources can also be found through the Study Skills link on Blackboard.  

    Academic Integrity breaches are a serious offense punishable by penalties that may range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment. 

    Table 1: Six categories of Academic Integrity breaches


    Reproducing the work of someone else without attribution. When a student submits their own work on multiple occasions this is known as self-plagiarism.


    Working with one or more other individuals to complete an assignment, in a way that is not authorized.


    Reproducing and submitting the work of another student, with or without their knowledge. If a student fails to take reasonable precautions to prevent their own original work from being copied, this may also be considered an offense.


    Falsely presenting oneself, or engaging someone else to present as oneself, in an in-person examination.

    Contract cheating 

    Contracting a third party to complete an assessment task, generally in exchange for money or other manner of payment.

    Data fabrication and falsification

    Manipulating or inventing data with the intent of supporting false conclusions, including manipulating images.

    Source: INQAAHE, 2020 

    Marking Rubric


    Very Good 









    Insert a 

    screenshot of your Purchase Order [4 


    All the steps are followed properly, and all the 


    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Almost all the steps are 

    followed, and almost all the screenshots 

    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Most of the 

    steps are 

    followed, and the relevant 


    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Some steps are followed, and some relevant screenshots 

    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Most of the 

    steps are not followed 



    some relevant screenshots 

    are pasted.

    Insert a 

    screenshot of your Process Flow [4 


    All the steps are followed properly, and all the 


    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Almost all the steps are 

    followed, and almost all the screenshots 

    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Most of the 

    steps are 

    followed, and the relevant 


    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Some steps are followed, and some relevant screenshots 

    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Most of the 

    steps are not followed 



    some relevant screenshots 

    are pasted.

    Insert a 

    screenshot of your Post 


    Payments [6 Marks]

    All the steps are followed properly, and all the 


    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Almost all the steps are 

    followed, and almost all the screenshots 

    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Most of the 

    steps are 

    followed, and the relevant 


    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Some steps are followed, and some relevant screenshots 

    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Most of the 

    steps are not followed 



    some relevant screenshots 

    are pasted.

    Insert a 

    screenshot of your Inquiry [4 Marks]

    All the steps are followed properly, and all the 


    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Almost all the steps are 

    followed, and almost all the screenshots 

    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Most of the 

    steps are 

    followed, and the relevant 


    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Some steps are followed, and some relevant screenshots 

    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Most of the 

    steps are not followed 



    some relevant screenshots 

    are pasted.

    Insert a 

    screenshot of your Sales 

    Order [4 


    All the steps are followed properly, and all the 


    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Almost all the steps are 

    followed, and almost all the screenshots 

    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Most of the 

    steps are 

    followed, and the relevant 


    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Some steps are followed, and some relevant screenshots 

    are pasted 

    according to the given 


    Most of the 

    steps are not followed 



    some relevant screenshots 

    are pasted.



    Insert a screenshot of

    All the steps are followed properly, and all the

    Almost all the steps are followed, and almost all the

    Most of the steps are followed, and the relevant

    Some steps are followed, and some relevant screenshots

    Most of the steps are not followed properly.

    your Journal Entry [4 Marks]

    screenshots are pasted according to the given


    screenshots are pasted according to the given


    screenshots are pasted according to the given


    are pasted according to the given instructions.

    However, some relevant screenshots are pasted.


    All the steps

    Almost all the

    Most of the

    Some steps are followed, and some relevant screenshots are pasted according to the given instructions.

  • In this individual research paper, you will explore a contemporary issue in systems analysis and design, integrating academic research with practical application. The assignment is designed to deepen y

    System Analysis and Design (HI5030 T2) Assignment Help

    Individual Assessment Cover page


    Assignment Title: Practical Application and Research on Contemporary Systems Analysis and Design Issues

    Assessment Overview:

    This assessment relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the Unit of Study Guide. This assessment is designed to give students skills to explore the latest system analysis and design trends, challenges, and future directions.

    In this individual research paper, you will explore a contemporary issue in systems analysis and design, integrating academic research with practical application. The assignment is designed to deepen your understanding of the selected issue and its real-world impact on business information systems. You will critically analyse the issue, apply relevant methodologies to a real-world or hypothetical scenario, and propose solutions to address the challenges it presents.

    1. Issue Selection:

    • What You’ll Do: Choose a contemporary issue from the list provided by the unit coordinator. Some examples of issues you might consider include:
      • Agile vs. Waterfall Methodologies: The challenges and benefits of agile methodologies compared to traditional waterfall approaches in system development.
      • Data Privacy and Security: How emerging privacy regulations, such as GDPR, impact system design and the challenges of ensuring compliance while maintaining system efficiency.
      • Integration of AI in System Design: The opportunities and challenges of incorporating artificial intelligence into business information systems, including issues related to data quality, bias, and explainability.
      • Cloud-Based Systems vs. On-Premises Systems: The considerations and trade-offs involved in choosing cloud-based solutions over traditional on-premises systems, including security, cost, and scalability.
      • User-Centred Design: The importance of user experience (UX) in systems analysis and design, and the challenges of balancing user needs with technical requirements.

    2. Research and Practical Application:

    • What You’ll Do: Start by conducting a literature review on your chosen issue. Look for academic articles, industry reports, and case studies that discuss the issue in depth. Then, apply the insights from your research to a practical scenario. For example:
      • Agile vs. Waterfall Methodologies: After reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches, you could apply them to a project management scenario in a software development company. You might create a prototype or design document showing how an agile approach could be adapted to a traditionally waterfall project, highlighting the potential benefits and challenges.
      • Data Privacy and Security: If your issue is data privacy, you could apply your research to a company that needs to redesign its information systems to comply with GDPR. This could involve proposing specific changes to data storage and processing practices and demonstrating how these changes would be implemented.

    3. Impact and Solution Analysis:

    • What You’ll Do: Analyse how the selected issue impacts the design and implementation of business information systems in your scenario. Discuss how the issue affects system functionality, data management, and the communication of requirements to stakeholders. Then, propose practical solutions or methodologies that could address these challenges. For example:
      • Agile vs. Waterfall Methodologies: Your analysis might reveal that while agile offers greater flexibility, it may be less effective in highly regulated industries where detailed documentation is required. You could propose a hybrid approach that incorporates the flexibility of agile with the structure of waterfall.
      • Integration of AI in System Design: You might identify that the use of AI introduces new challenges in data quality and bias. To address this, you could propose a framework for regular audits of AI systems to ensure they are fair and transparent.

    4. Documentation and Communication:

    • What You’ll Do: Compile your findings, analysis, and proposed solutions into a well-organized research paper. Your paper should clearly articulate both the theoretical research and the practical application. Ensure your writing is accessible to both technical and non-technical audiences, using clear explanations and supporting your arguments with evidence from your research and application.

    The report submission structure is as follows:

    1. Cover Page
    2. Executive Summary
    • Overview: Briefly summarize the issue, your research approach, key findings, and proposed solutions.
    • Key Takeaways: Highlight the most critical points of your analysis and conclusions.
    1. Table of Contents
    • List all the sections and sub-sections with corresponding page numbers.
    1. Introduction
    • Background: Provide an overview of the selected issue and its relevance in the context of systems analysis and design.
    • Purpose: State the purpose of the report and what you intend to achieve through your analysis.
    • Scope: Outline the scope of your research, including the specific business information system you are focusing on.
    • Structure: Briefly describe the structure of the report to guide the reader.
    1. Literature Review
    • Theoretical Background: Discuss the key concepts, theories, and methodologies relevant to the selected issue.
    • Current Research: Summarize the findings of recent studies and reports related to your issue, identifying any gaps or areas of debate.
    • Relevance to Business Information Systems: Connect the literature to the business information system you are analysing, explaining how the issue impacts this system.
    1. Analysis of the Issue
    • Description of the Issue: Provide a detailed explanation of the issue, including any challenges and implications for system design and implementation.
    • Impact on Business Information System: Analyse how the issue affects the specific business information system you are focusing on. Use examples or case studies to illustrate your points.
    • Comparison of Methodologies/Approaches: Compare different methodologies or approaches that could be used to address the issue within the context of the selected system.
    1. Practical Application
    • Scenario Description: Describe the real-world or hypothetical business scenario where the issue is being addressed.
    • Application of Methodologies: Explain how you applied the selected methodologies or techniques to address the issue in this scenario.
    • Outcome: Discuss the results of your application, including any improvements or challenges encountered.
    1. Proposed Solutions
    • Solution Description: Present the solutions or strategies you propose to address the issue within the selected business information system.
    • Justification: Justify your proposed solutions based on your research and practical application, including any advantages or potential limitations.
    • Implementation Plan: Outline a high-level plan for implementing the proposed solutions, including key steps, resources required, and potential risks.
    1. Conclusion
    • Summary of Findings: Recap the key findings from your research and analysis.
    • Implications: Discuss the broader implications of your findings for the field of systems analysis and design.
    • Future Research: Suggest areas for future research that could build on your work.
    1. Recommendations
    • Actionable Steps: Provide specific recommendations for organizations or practitioners dealing with the selected issue in the context of the business information system.
    • Best Practices: Highlight best practices that could be adopted based on your findings.
    1. References

    Student Assessment Citation and Referencing Rules

    Adapted Harvard Referencing Rules

    Holmes has implemented a revised Harvard approach to referencing. The following rules apply:

    1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources that provide full-text access to thesource’s content for lecturers and markers.
    2. The reference list must be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: “References”.
    3. The reference list must include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged A-Z alphabetically by author surname with each reference numbered (1 to 10, etc.) and each reference MUST

    include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source. For example:

    1. All assignments must include in-text citations to the listed references. These must include the surname of the author/s or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of the content, and paragraph where the content can be found. For example, “The company decided to implement an enterprise-wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al., 2004, p3(4)).”

    Non-Adherence to Referencing Rules

    Where students do not follow the above rules:


    1. As per the Student Handbook, late penalties will apply each day after the student/s has been notified of the due date.
    2. Students who comply with rules and the citations are “fake” may be reported for academic misconduct

    For students who submit assignments that do not comply with the rules, a 10% penalty will be applied.

  • You are an IT consultant who has been hired by a small business that provides web design services  to clients. The business has experienced growth in recent years and has expanded its

    TECH2100 Introduction to Information Networks Assignment Help

    Assessment 2 Information  

    Subject Code: 


    Subject Name: 

    Introduction to Information Networks

    Assessment Title: 

    Report Evaluation

    Assessment Type: 


    Word Count: 1,500 Words (+/-10%)


    30 %

    Total Marks: 




    Due Date: 

    Week 10


    Your Task 

    This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will prepare a written report that  evaluates the network architecture and communication protocols of an organization and provide  recommendations to address any problems identified. 


    Assessment Description 

    You are an IT consultant who has been hired by a small business that provides web design services  to clients. The business has experienced growth in recent years and has expanded its operations to  multiple locations. The management has noticed that the network has become slow and unreliable,  and the employees are having difficulty accessing the resources they need to perform their work. 

    Your task is to evaluate the organization’s network architecture and communication protocols,  identify any problems, and provide recommendations to address them. Your report should include  an executive summary, an overview of the organization’s network architecture and communication  protocols, a summary of the problems identified, and your recommendations for addressing them. 

    Case Study: 

    ABC Web Design is a small business that provides web design services to clients. The business  has grown rapidly in recent years and has expanded its operations to multiple locations. The  company’s employees work remotely from different locations and rely on the company’s network to  access the resources they need to perform their work. 

    The company’s network architecture consists of a central server located at the head office, which is  connected to satellite offices and remote employees via a virtual private network (VPN). The  communication protocols used by the company include Transmission Control Protocol/Internet  Protocol (TCP/IP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). 

    Recently, the company’s employees have experienced slow and unreliable network performance,  and they have difficulty accessing the resources they need to perform their work. Additionally, there  have been instances of lost or delayed emails, which have caused communication breakdowns with  clients. 

    You have been hired by ABC Web Design to evaluate the organization’s network architecture and  communication protocols, identify any problems, and provide recommendations to address them. 

    This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes:


    Evaluate the main technologies, models and protocols used in data communications and  networking.


    Identify problems that emerge among the networks that constitute today’s internet  architecture.


    Recommend and apply solutions for common internet architecture problems.


    Assessment Instructions  

    • Your report should be submitted in Word Document or PDF format and be approximately 1500  words in length, excluding references and appendices. 

    • Your report should include an executive summary, an introduction, a discussion of the  organization’s network architecture and communication protocols, a summary of the problems  identified, and your recommendations for addressing them. 

    • You should include relevant diagrams or figures to support your analysis and recommendations. • Your report should be properly formatted with headings and subheadings. • Your report should include a minimum of ten (10) academic references from credible sources,  

    such as peer-reviewed journal articles, industry reports, or academic books. These references  should be cited using KBS Harvard referencing style. 

    • Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment  criteria.


    Important Study Information 

    Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy 

    KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating,  plagiarism and other academic offenses under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. 

    Please read the policy to learn the answers to these questions: 

    • What is academic integrity and misconduct? 

    • What are the penalties for academic misconduct? 

    • How can I improve my grade? 

    Late submission of assignments (within the Assessment Policy) 

    Length Limits for Assessments 

    Penalties may be applied for assessment submissions that exceed prescribed limits.  

    Study Assistance 

    Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on  the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Further details can be accessed at 


    Generative AI Traffic Lights  

    Please see the level of Generative AI that this assessment is Level 2 has been designed to accept:

    Traffic Light 

    Amount of Generative Artificial Intelligence  (Generative AI) usage 

    Evidence Required


    assessment  ()

    Level 1


    No Generative AI allowed 

    This assessment showcases your individual  knowledge, skills and/or personal experiences in the  absence of Generative AI support.

    The use of generative AI is prohibited for this  assessment and may potentially result in  penalties for academic misconduct, including but  not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment.


    Level 2


    You may use Generative AI for research and  content generation that is appropriately  


    See assessment instructions for details 

    This assessment allows you to engage with  Generative AI as a means of expanding your  understanding, creativity, and idea generation in the  research phase of your assessment and to produce  content that enhances your assessment. I.e.,  images. You do not have to use it.

    The use of Gen AI is optional for this  


    Your collaboration with Generative AI must be  clearly referenced just as you would reference  any other resource type used. Click on the link  below to learn how to reference Generative AI. 

    In addition, you must include an appendix that  documents your Generative AI collaboration  including all prompts and responses used for the  assessment. 

    Unapproved use of generative AI as per  

    assessment details during the content generation  parts of your assessment may potentially result  in penalties for academic misconduct, including  but not limited to a mark of zero for the  

    assessment. Ensure you follow the specific  assessment instructions in the section above.

    Level 3


    You must use Generative AI to complete your  assessment 

    See assessment instruction for details 

    This assessment fully integrates Generative AI,  allowing you to harness the technology’s full  potential in collaboration with your own expertise. 

    Always check your assessment instructions carefully  as there may still be limitations on what constitutes  acceptable use, and these may be specific to each  assessment. 

    You will be taught how to use generative AI and  assessed on its use.  

    Your collaboration with Generative AI must be  clearly referenced just as you would reference  any other resource type used. Click on the link  below to learn how to reference Generative AI.  

    In addition, you must include an appendix that  documents your Generative AI collaboration  including all prompts and responses used for the  assessment.  

    Unapproved use of generative AI as per  

    assessment details during the content generation  parts of your assessment may potentially result  in penalties for academic misconduct, including  but not limited to a mark of zero for the  

    assessment. Ensure you follow the specific  assessment instructions in the section above.




    Assessment Marking Guide

    Marking Criteria 

    F (Fail) 

    P (Pass) 

    C (Credit) 

    D (Distinction) 

    HD (High Distinction)  

    _____| 30 marks 

    0 – 49% 

    50 – 64% 

    65 – 74% 

    75 – 84% 

    85 – 100%

    Research and  


    _____| 8 marks

    Little or no evidence of  research or analysis.  The report lacks any  meaningful analysis of  the organization’s  

    network architecture  and communication  protocols.

    Some evidence of  

    research and analysis  but lacks depth or  

    clarity. The report  

    provides a basic  

    analysis of the  

    organization’s network  architecture and  


    protocols but fails to  identify all relevant  


    Thorough research and  analysis, with clear  evidence and  

    explanation. The report  provides a  


    analysis of the  

    organization’s network  architecture and  


    protocols, with a clear  explanation of all  

    relevant issues.

    Extensive research and  analysis, with insightful  recommendations. The  

    report provides an in depth analysis of the  organisation’s network  architecture and  


    protocols, with insightful  recommendations that  are well-supported by  evidence.

    Exceptional research and analysis, with insightful and original recommendations. The report provides an exceptional analysis of the organisation’s network architecture and communication protocols, with insightful and original recommendations that demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter.

    Recommendations or  Solutions 

    _____| 8 marks

    Fails to provide any  recommendations or  solutions. The report  does not offer any  

    recommendations or  solutions for addressing  the problems identified.

    Provides some  

    recommendations or  solutions, but they may  not be well-supported  or practical. The report  provides some  

    recommendations or  solutions for addressing  the problems identified,  but they are not well supported by evidence  or may not be practical  to implement.

    Provides practical and  well-supported  

    recommendations or  solutions. The report  provides practical and  well-supported  

    recommendations or  solutions for addressing  the problems identified,  which are based on  sound analysis and  evidence.

    Provides innovative  and well-supported  recommendations or  solutions that go  

    beyond the scope of  the instructions. The  report provides  

    innovative and well supported  

    recommendations or  solutions for addressing  the problems identified,  which demonstrate  creativity and  

    originality, and go 

    Provides creative,  


    recommendations or  solutions that  


    exceptional critical  

    thinking skills. The  

    report provides  

    exceptional and  


    recommendations or  solutions for addressing  the problems identified,  which demonstrate  exceptional critical 



    beyond the scope of  the instructions.

    thinking skills and  


    Clarity and Depth of  Discussion 

    _____| 6 marks

    The report provides a  superficial discussion of  the organization’s  

    network architecture  and communication  protocols. The  

    discussion lacks depth,  coherence, and  

    relevance to the  



    The report provides a  basic discussion of the  organization’s network  architecture and  


    protocols but may lack  coherence and  

    relevance to the  

    assignment instructions  in some sections.

    The report provides a  clear and coherent  

    discussion of the  

    organization’s network  architecture and  


    protocols, with a focus  on the assignment  


    The report provides a  thorough and insightful  discussion of the  

    organisation’s network  architecture and  


    protocols, which is well organised and relevant  to the assignment  


    The report provides an  exceptional and  

    engaging discussion of  the organisation’s  

    network architecture  and communication  protocols, which  

    demonstrates a deep  understanding of the  subject matter and  

    exceeds the  

    requirements of the  assignment  


    Quality of Writing 

    _____| 4 marks

    Numerous errors that  make the report difficult  to read and  

    understand. Writing is  poorly organized and  lacks coherence.

    Several errors that  

    occasionally detract  from the overall  

    readability and  

    understanding of the  report. Writing is  

    organized but lacks  coherence in some  sections.

    Minimal errors that do  not detract from the  overall readability and  understanding of the  report. Writing is well organized with a clear  structure.

    No errors. Writing is  clear, concise, and  

    well-organised with a  coherent structure.

    No errors. Writing is of  exceptional quality, with  a clear and concise  structure that is highly  coherent and engaging.

    Use of Evidence and  Sources 

    _____| 4 marks

    Fails to use any  

    sources or evidence to  support claims.

    Uses sources or  


    inappropriately or  

    without sufficient  

    relevance to support  claims.

    Uses sources or  

    evidence appropriately  and effectively to  

    support claims, with  some minor errors in  referencing or citation.

    Uses sources or  

    evidence effectively  and accurately to  

    support claims, with  accurate referencing  and citation.

    Uses sources or  

    evidence exceptionally  effectively and  

    accurately to support  claims, with exceptional  referencing and citation  that

  • COMP6210 – Big Data Assignment help COMP6210 – Big Data Assignment 1

    COMP6210 – Big Data Assignment help

    COMP6210 – Big Data Assignment 1 


    Semester 2, 2024 

    School of Computing, Macquarie University 


    The Olympic historical dataset “” is available on iLearn. This dataset contains information  about athletes who participated in the Summer and Winter Olympic Games from 1896 to 2022. 

    Programming Environment: 

    MongoDB & Studio 3T: Used for creating databases and importing datasets into collections. • Pymongo: Used for connecting to MongoDB and extracting information from documents within  collections. 

    Mrjob: Used for implementing MapReduce programs. 

    Task 1: Data Curation (20 marks) 

    Task 1.1 – Data Extraction (10 marks): Extract information about medal-winning athletes in the Summer Olympics from the 1980 edition to the 2020 edition. Note that you need to verify whether the athlete  participated in the Summer Olympics and whether they won a medal (gold, silver, or bronze). Then, extract  the following values: 

    For each qualified athlete, create an entry in the format: <id, country, year, event, medal>. Store these entries  in a text file named “athletes.txt”. Refer to the following screenshot for formatting (note that the screenshot  is for reference purpose only; actual results may vary).

    You can also use other delimiters, such as commas, semicolons, underscores, or quotation marks, to separate  each line’s values. The “athletes.txt” text file will then serve as the input for the subsequent MapReduce  programs. 

    Task 1.2 – Data Organization (10 marks): Using the generated “athletes.txt” file as input, implement a  MapReduce program to sort the data in ascending order based on the athlete id. The partial results of Task  1.2 are similar to the following screenshot (note that the screenshot is for formatting reference only; actual  results may vary). 

    Note that for records with the same athlete ID, there is no specific requirement regarding their order.


    Task 2: Data Analysis with MapReduce (60 marks) 

    Using the generated “athletes.txt” file as input, implement three MapReduce programs to complete the  following analysis tasks. 

    Task 2.1 (20 marks) Find the top three athletes who won the most number of medals in each category (gold, silver, and bronze) in 1980-2020. Firstly, you need to calculate the total number of medals each  athlete has earned in gold, silver, and bronze categories, respectively. Next, sort the athletes in descending  order based on their medal counts for each category. Finally, for each medal category, output the top three athletes along with their respective medal counts. 

    Note that there is no specific requirement regarding the order of medal categories. The partial results of  Task 2.1 are similar to the following screenshot (the screenshot is for formatting reference only; actual  results may vary). 

    Task 2.2 (20 marks) Find the top three countries with the most number of gold medals in 1980-2020. First, you need to count the total number of each medal type (gold, silver, and bronze) for each country.  Then, sort the countries in descending order based on their gold medal count. Finally, output the top three countries along with their medal counts for all medal types (gold, silver, and bronze). 

    The partial results of Task 2.2 are similar to the following screenshot (note that the screenshot is for  formatting reference only; actual results may vary). 

    Task 2.3 (20 marks) Find the top three events with the highest medal counts for each decade in 1980- 2020. Firstly, for each decade (e.g., 2010-2020, 1980-1989, etc.), you need to find the event with the  greatest number of medals for each country, i.e., calculate the total medal count by summing gold, silver,  and bronze medals. Then, within each decade, sort the events by their total medal count in descending  order, and output the medal counts of the top 3 events (Note: The decades should be listed in descending  order, and the medal counts for the top 3 events within each decade should be also sorted in descending  order). 

    The partial results of Task 2.3 are similar to the following screenshot (note that the screenshot is for  formatting reference only; actual results may vary). 

    Task 3: MapReduce Flowcharts (20 marks) 

    For the three MapReduce programs in Task 2, create a 3-4 page Word or PDF document that includes  flowcharts to illustrate the process of each MapReduce program. You can use specific data examples to clarify  the processes. Note that your flowcharts should be consistent with your code. You can refer to the following  example provided in the Week 5 lecture notes as an example. 

    To create your diagrams, we recommend using the online diagramming tool. If you choose  to use online tools, you can include the diagram link in your document. 

    Programming Environment:  

    You are required to use Python to complete all code-related parts of this assignment. The use of other  programming languages is strictly prohibited and will result in a loss of all marks. 

    For Task 1.2 and Tasks 2.1-2.3, you are required to use only the MapReduce model to complete the corresponding  tasks. The use of any additional Python programs is not allowed. Even if correct results are obtained, failing  to use MapReduce will result in 0 marks. 


    Submit a zip file named ‘’ via iLearn. The submission should include the  following items: 

    • Source code for Task 1: ‘’ and ‘’. 

    • Source code for Task 2: ‘’, ‘’, and ‘’. 

    • Output files for Task 1: ‘athletes.txt’ and ‘output1_2.txt’. 

    • Output files for Task 2: ‘output2_1.txt’, ‘output2_2.txt’, and ‘output2_3.txt’. 

  • How do you think the HFMA can support your career growth and development?

    2 paragraph include reference -SWS FORMAT


    Choose a topic found on the HFMA website. Provide an overview of the topic in one paragraph.

    • Be sure to include an explanation regarding how it applies to something that you learned in the course. How do you think the HFMA can support your career growth and development?
    • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

    The post How do you think the HFMA can support your career growth and development? first appeared on Courseside Kick.

  • Models that pertain to the distribution of a resource within supply chains are often referred to as networks

    Models that pertain to the distribution of a resource within supply chains are often referred to as networks. Distribution among these networks is key to the success of a business while also keeping cost production at a minimum. Discuss at least three ways that linear optimization models can be applied to both physical as well as abstract network problems to increase efficiency in supply chain management.

    The post Models that pertain to the distribution of a resource within supply chains are often referred to as networks first appeared on Courseside Kick.

  • Childhood Trauma And Borderline Personality Disorder

    The topic Is: Childhood Trauma and borderline personality disorder

     introduction & Background on your topic:

    What is your topic?

     Who is affected by this topic?

    How does it affect the community as a whole? 

    Cost Associated to the issues

    Short-term effects versus long-term effects

    Please use the template provided as well as the rubric. This section of the paper should be 1-2 pages plus a title page and a reference page. 



    The post Childhood Trauma And Borderline Personality Disorder first appeared on Courseside Kick.

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    The post Solving shortest-route problems enables a business organization to use their resources more efficiently and minimize expenditures, thereby increasing overall production and profit first appeared on Courseside Kick.

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    The post There are many areas of study about how the brain affects our psychology (the way we think, feel and behave) first appeared on Courseside Kick.