• NVQ Level 6 – Unit 1 Be able to assess the health and safety competence needs of the organisation : Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety, Assignment, UK

    Unit 1. Be able to assess the health and safety competence needs of the organisation

    1.1 Critically analyse the functions, activities, tasks and job roles of the organisation

    1.2 Identify the health and safety competence needs of the functions, activities, tasks and job roles of the organisation

    1.1 – 1.2 The student should write an assignment in which they critically analyse the functions, activities, tasks and job roles of the organisation. They should move on to identify the health and safety competence needs of the functions, activities, tasks and job roles of the organisation.

    1.3 Evaluate the health and safety competence needs of: the organisation individuals in the organisation

    1.3 The student should write an assignment in which they evaluate the health and safety competence needs of both the organisation and individuals in the organisation.

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  • Thinking critically – does the author make any points or use specific terms throughout the Chapter that you disagree with?

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      Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference      

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    Q1: (C Mitchell)

    Provide a substantive answer to the questions below.  Then respond to at least two post from your classmates.  Feel free to find, use, and cite other sources related to the Chapter topic that further support your answers.

    1. Thinking critically – does the author make any points or use specific terms throughout the Chapter that you disagree with?  If so, why?

    2. Based on your understanding of the reading…  Is a wall or fence a viable solution for securing the U.S. Southern Border?  

    3. What could a bad actor to avoid a border barrier?


    1.  Artifact: A recent (no older than 2020) link to a news story about an irregular operation or event at a U.S. prison (a riot, staff/inmate death, escape, etc.).

    2.  Think: Consider the criteria used to classify correctional clients, such as offense history, risk of future criminal behavior, and treatment needs. What potential challenges arise from focusing too heavily on one classification criterion over others?

    3.  Opinion: Based on your understanding, which type of correctional client (e.g., situational offenders, substance abusers, or the mentally ill) do you think presents the most significant challenge to the corrections system? Why? How could correctional facilities better address the needs of this client group ?

    Q3 (D Mitchell)

    After watching the Memorial hospital video and the ICS leadership videos discuss what role you see leadership playing in disaster preparedness for an organization such as a hospital, school system, industry etc that you may work for in the future. 


    Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) are chemicals that are used to make our life better with technology. Unfortunately as we have read about this week they can be very dangerous if misused or intentionally released to the atmosphere. Watch the videos of TIC accidents such as Bhopal, Chernobyl, LacMégantic or other industrial accident. Discuss the impact and problems by the accident. What could have been done to prevent or minimize the consequences?


    Why is Dürer compared to Leonardo da Vinci? What similarities do they share? How are they different? Whose work do you prefer and why? Use specific examples of each artist’s work to support your opinion and discussionYou may choose a work of sculpture, painting, or architecture, but you must make sure you explain your choice. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images), Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!


    Discuss the two topics. Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded !

    1. The Prehistoric Aegean,

    2. 2.Cycladic sculptures

    Q7 (cooper)

    we discuss the use of crosstabulations (crosstabs) as a preliminary analysis to begin investigating the relationship between the IV and DV. A crosstab creates a “snapshot” of our data. Measures of association help to identify the strength and direction of the potential relationship.

    You are now going to create and post a crosstab of your variables and a measures of association table. 

    Complete the following steps:

    1. Post a brief explanation of your topic. Include your research question and a broad research hypothesis — that is, the relationship of IV to DV. (For example, educational attainment affects family income in US adults.)

    2. Run a crosstab on your variables.  Be sure to explain your findings, including a description of the table, a calculation of the epsilons, and a discussion of the 10% rule.

    3. Run the correct measure of association for your variables (Choose one – either Pearson R, Gamma, Phi, Cramer’s V or Lambda). Explain what the output means in terms of strength and direction of the relationship. Interpret Proportional Reduction of Error (PRE) using the following statement: Knowing the IV will reduce error in predicting the DV by *%.   

    Copy the crosstab and measure of association table into the discussion window or into a document (PDF, MS Word) and attach to discussion. If your table does not fit to the page, choose “copy special” and then “images” or take a screen shot of the table to copy/past into the window.

    Special note:

    When a variable is continuous (interval/ratio level of measurement), for example age of respondent, we do not run crosstabs directly because it will result in a really spread-out table with lots of zeros and low frequency cells. Such a crosstab does not help us understand the data. The correct way is to reduce the level of measurement to either ordinal level or nominal level (group the numbers into categories) by recoding and then run the crosstab. (Please refer to the Lesson Recoding in SPSS for further information.)

    As a reminder, here are the guidelines for choosing your measure of association:

    1. Both DV and IV are nominal variables: Lambda (when it is not a 2X2 table)

    2. Both DV and IV are nominal variables and it is a 2X2 table: Phi

    3. Both DV and IV are ordinal variables: Gamma

    4. One variable ordinal or interval/ratio AND the other variable dichotomous nominal (like Yes/No, male/female, etc.): Gamma

    5. One variable ordinal or interval/ratio AND the other variable nominal (not dichotomous, has more than 2 categories): Cramer’s V.

    6. Both DV and IV are I/R variables: Pearson’s r


    Managing stress in a family today is important. Explain some of the reasons families experience stress and what are positive ways to reduce that stress?

    Are there any areas where you think parenting today, in general, is lacking? While this could be a long list, make sure you include one of these three topics in your reply-  nutrition, sleep, media availability. Please explain why?

    Support your writing with facts and outside information.  Your post cannot be solely opinion.


    Explain why change control is considered a process.  Discuss how the critical chain method is used to control a project.  Discuss how cost control can be accomplished using contracts.  Discuss why updating project forecasts would be necessary.


    Prisons and jails are both classified as correctional facilities, however, their missions and day-to-day operations can vary significantly. The types of offenders being held and the reasons for their incarceration are notably different. 


    areas in which you submit police departments have been found to be defective or deficient concentrating on i.e., constitutional due process, civil rights, use of deadly force and police brutality, abuse of discretion, corruption and police-community relations. In doing so, generalize about any possible solutions to these problems and reforming the criminal justice system.


    Why is knowing (or estimating) the product demand so crucial for a firm? What are the differences between estimating and forecasting demand?  In your response, include an example of a business that has suffered from poorly forecasting the demand of its products. Evaluate how or why the business made such a mistake.


    1. Identify the symptoms of stress experienced by law enforcement personnel and how can stress impact their work?

    2. How does PTSD affect police officers and what can departments do to help officers experiences PTSD


     Compare and contrast these three roles. As part of your comparison, discuss the unique characteristics of each leadership style as it relates to law enforcement administration.

     Conclude by explaining which of the three styles, in your opinion, is most effective for today’s police leaders and why you chose that particular style.


    At University Hospital, the Database Management Systems (DBMS) administrator is responsible for creating and maintaining databases. Several departments have asked him to develop a process to keep track of all the data they document. In the past, they have had problems creating a system that modeled well and supported end-user access. The database administrator must create a way to track all the data in the organization.

    · What steps should the DBMS administrator take to ensure the information is organized and stored for easy access?

    · Explain your steps.


    This week we will examine important health indicator rates of countries.  You will use the World Bank Data found here:


    Scroll down to the topic “Health” and choose one (1) of the following indicators:

    Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)

    Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births)

    Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)

    Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births)

    Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months)


    When you click on the health indicator of your choice, you will see a table with a list of 247 countries in the first column and dates in the top row.  Look at the most recent year data and choose one (1) country to compare to the U.S.


    State the year, rates of the indicator you chose for both the U.S. and the country you chose, as well as the name of the country.  Include the units for the rates (ex. 6 deaths per 100,000 women) and discuss what it means and how they were calculated. Discuss the similarity/difference in these rates and why you believe the similarity/difference occurs?


    Your post title should include the health indicator you chose and the country you chose to compare to the U.S. Try not to repeat indicator/country combinations as there are many to choose from; however, if you do post one that was already selected that is okay. 

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  • The Hub and Spoke Concept continues its development in the various modes of transportation (Maritime, Air, Truck, and Rail). Describe some of the key advan

    The post The Hub and Spoke Concept continues its development in the various modes of transportation (Maritime, Air, Truck, and Rail). Describe some of the key advan is a property of College Pal
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     The Hub and Spoke Concept continues its development in the various modes of transportation (Maritime, Air, Truck, and Rail). Describe some of the key advantages this concept brings to the various modes of transportation. 

      The post The Hub and Spoke Concept continues its development in the various modes of transportation (Maritime, Air, Truck, and Rail). Describe some of the key advan appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

    • The attachment Clinical Issue Teaching Plan- sweet study is my rough draft with the references I will be using. The attachment CIT Plan Format is the rubri

      The post The attachment Clinical Issue Teaching Plan- sweet study is my rough draft with the references I will be using. The attachment CIT Plan Format is the rubri is a property of College Pal
      College Pal writes Plagiarism Free Papers. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

      The attachment Clinical Issue Teaching Plan- sweet study is my rough draft with the references I will be using.

      The attachment CIT Plan Format is the rubric.

      The attachment Clinical Issue Teaching Plan- Mental health (Depression) is the format I will be using.

      Create a powerpoint with the information that I provided.

      • attachment

      • attachment

      • attachment


      Mental Health Topic

      Clinical Issue Teaching Plan

      Title: Depression in Adults


      Increase the proportion of adults with major depressive episodes (MDEs) who receive treatment MHMD-05

      Teaching Objectives

      1. Discuss how to identify depression

      2. Identify SDOH in depression

      3. Treatment/Management Medications/Psychotherapy

      4. Nurse Practitioner Well-Being

      Teaching Outline

      1. Discuss how to identify depression

      a. Video (YouTube)

      b. History and Physical Findings

      2. Identify SDOH in depression

      a. structural conditions include factors such as



      socioeconomic status,


      food security,


      social support,


      childhood adversity,

      the neighborhood social and physical conditions in which people live,

      the ability to access acceptable and affordable health care

      3. Treatment/Management Pharmacologic/Nonpharmacologic

      a. Medications

      b. Psychotherapy

      c. Preventive Service Task Force

      4. Nurse Practitioner Wellness

      a. The importance of NPs to manage their mental wellness.

      (Patient interventions are most effective when they are modeled by clinicians who are at their healthiest mentally and physically.)

      b. American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) Psych Mental Health Community

      (Join community to obtain the latest mental health updates)



      Clinical Issue Teaching Plan Format


      1. Select the HP 2030 Objective you want to use

      2. Research the topic by reading journals and listening to you tube videos. Consult google scholar and the library for references.

      3. Using the information from the above sources identify what you want your audience to know (teaching objectives)

      4. Make an outline of how you want to present this information to your audience {Teaching outline).

      5. Compose your 4 blackboard discussion questions.

      6. Compile your reference list.


      [Title] Homeless Veterans

      [BB Question ]

      1. Reduce the proportion of people who can’t get medical care when they need it — AHS04 .

      [Teaching Objectives]

      1. Discuss factors which inhibit homeless veterans from seeking healthcare.

      2. Discuss factors that contribute to veteran homelessness

      3. Identify strategies/interventions to increase the portion of homeless veterans who receive healthcare.

      [Teaching Outline]

      I. Factors that contribute to veteran homelessness SDOH

      a. Mental Health Issues

      b. Substance use.

      c. Lack of income or low income.

      d. Lack of social support.

      e. Adverse childhood experiences

      II. Factors which inhibit homeless veterans from seeking healthcare

      a. Insurance

      b. Access to care

      III. Identify strategies/interventions to increase the portion of homeless veterans who receive healthcare.

      [Black board Discussion Questions – Minimum of four]

      1.Describe factors which contribute to veteran homelessness.

      2. Propose an explanation of why a service member of lower rank is more prone to homelessness.

      3. Identify two interventions that you as an advanced practice nurse could implement.

      4. What role does mental health play in the population of homeless veterans.

      [Voiceover PowerPoint Presentation – Minimum of 10 slides, nor more than 20]

      · Healthy People 2030 focuses upon helping more people achieve economic stability.

      · People with steady employment are less likely to live in poverty and more likely to be healthy, but many people have trouble finding and keeping a job.

      · Many people face challenges and dangers they can’t control — like unsafe neighborhoods, discrimination, or trouble affording the things they need. This can have a negative impact on health and safety throughout life

      · Without health insurance, people are less likely to have a regular health care provider and more likely to skip routine health care. This puts them at increased risk for serious health problems. Evidence has shown that strategies to reduce financial and other barriers to health insurance access can help increase coverage rates

      · People’s relationships and interactions with family, friends, co-workers, and community members can have a major impact on their health and well-being.

      · In the United States, 1 in 10 people live in poverty and many people can’t afford things like healthy foods, health care, and housing.

      · The neighborhoods people live in have a major impact on their health and well-being.

      [Reference List]–60201639

      Why Veterans Remain at Greater Risk of Homelessness

      Tsai, J., & Rosenheck, R. A. (2015). Risk factors for homelessness among US veterans.  Epidemiologic reviews37, 177–195. 9, 2022 4

      Thurston, Andrew Why Veterans Remain at Greater Risk of Homelessness The Brink Boston University





      ID of HP2030


      Identification and Discussion of Healthy People 2030 objective and how it is related to your population

      Teaching Objectives


      Relevance to HP 2030 Objective

      Teaching Outline


      Organized and focused. Connect information. Framework for the PP presentation

      BB Question Formulation 


      Are they formulated based on the content in the teaching outline and teaching objectives

      Voice Over PP Presentation


      Does it include the main points from your teaching outline. Graphics are appropriate. Slides are visually appealing. Are slides and vocalizations congruent.

      BB Facilitation


      Guides and assists students in learning for themselves Monitors the discussion board. Provides feedback

      APA format/ References


      Establishes standards of written communication concerning:

      · the organization of content

      · writing style

      · grammar

      · citing references




      Clinical Issue Teaching Plan

      Title/Topic: Depression

      HP 2030 Objective: Increase the proportion of adults with major depressive episodes (MDEs) who receive treatment MHMD-05

      Teaching Objectives: After viewing the power point and engaging in a discussion the learner should be able to:

      Describe depression and how SDOH impact treatment

      Recognize symptoms of depression

      Utilize tools to screen for depression

      Implement strategies to increase the number of adults who receive treatment

      2. 3. 4.

      Teaching Outline: Outline


      Describe depression and its impact upon society and individuals

      YouTube Video

      Identify symptoms of depression

      Videos & PowerPoint

      Barriers to Treatment

      -knowledge, access, screening, lack of trained professionals

      Videos & PowerPoint

      Strategies to Improve Access to Care

      Insurance, increased awareness, increased screening, online counseling, mental health apps

      Videos & PowerPoint

      1. Describe how certain SDOH impact the development of depression in adults.

      2. Distinguish at least four symptoms of depression

      3. Identify two tools that can be used to screen for depression.

      4. Relate two strategies to increase the number of adults who receive treatment

      The post The attachment Clinical Issue Teaching Plan- sweet study is my rough draft with the references I will be using. The attachment CIT Plan Format is the rubri appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

    • Select a state health policy reform innovation Discuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislat

      The post Select a state health policy reform innovation Discuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislat is a property of College Pal
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      This assignment is an analysis of local, state, or federal health policy.

      1. Select a state health policy reform innovation
      2. Discuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislature), the funding structure, and (to the extent statistical data are available) its impact. ethical outcome based on evidence.
      3. Examples of state innovations include Maryland’s hospital rate setting, Vermont’s single payer system, and Massachusetts’ health reforms

      Submission Requirements:

      • Formatted per current APA style, 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
      • Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

        The post Select a state health policy reform innovation Discuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislat appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

      • Select a recent case where a company faced a public issue significantly impacting its stakeholder relationships and analyze the strategies to address the i

        The post Select a recent case where a company faced a public issue significantly impacting its stakeholder relationships and analyze the strategies to address the i is a property of College Pal
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        Select a recent case where a company faced a public issue significantly impacting its stakeholder relationships and analyze the strategies to address the issue.

          The post Select a recent case where a company faced a public issue significantly impacting its stakeholder relationships and analyze the strategies to address the i appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

        • Review Chapter 4 in the Jansson text.? Review?the article by Rome and?Hoechstetter?in the Learning Resources this week.? Search for and?select at least

          The post Review Chapter 4 in the Jansson text.? Review?the article by Rome and?Hoechstetter?in the Learning Resources this week.? Search for and?select at least is a property of College Pal
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          • Review Chapter 4 in the Jansson text. 
          • Review the article by Rome and Hoechstetter in the Learning Resources this week. 
          • Search for and select at least one scholarly article that explores the intersection of your selected social problem and the influence of public opinion. 

          Post a brief reminder of your social problem and address the following: 

          • How does public opinion influence political approaches to the problem? Explain.  
          • What policy advocacy approaches and skills can you use to address the problem with political leaders?  
          • What are the social justice implications of your approach? 

          Be sure to cite the article you selected to inform your Discussion this week, as well as additional sources from the Learning Resources this week. Provide full APA-formatted citations for your references. 

          • attachment



          Substance Abuse in Adolescents

          Walden University

          SOCW 6361-5


          Substance Abuse in Adolescent

          Adolescence is a critical time when an individual develops biologically, psychologically, and socially. At this time, substance abuse becomes a social problem affecting many youths in the world. It is also at this time that youths become vulnerable to different kinds of influences such as experimentation, peer pressure, and stress which may lead to substance abuse and addiction. According to the report given by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA 2022), about 22% of students in high school use illegal drugs while alcohol remains a common use substance. These substances used by adolescent have negative impacts on their health, academic performance, and mental wellness. This essay is going to look at how substance abuse has become a social problem, how it affects its population, and how social work values affect the problem.

          The problem of substance abuse among adolescents has been recorded for decades but it became a social problem around the 20th century that is around the 1960s and 1970s (NIDA 2022). During that time, the United States enforced a movement known as Counterculture which did experiments on adolescents to improve public knowledge about the abuse of the substance. NIDA (2022) also says that in tackling the problem, there was also an initiative launched by President Nixon “War on Drugs” in the year 1971 which aimed at law enforcement, treatment, and prevention of the substance. Besides that, the Drug Abuse Resistance Education(DARE) campaign was also launched to teach youths about the consequences of substance abuse in 1983.

          Originally, the abuse of substances among youth was connected with certain groups of people which varied with subcultures and socioeconomic groups (NIDA 2022). As time went by, the type of adolescents, who have been affected by substance abuse has varied widely. In recent days, the problem has gone beyond race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic boundaries. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA 2019), nowadays, adolescents who come from households with low-income, unstable families, and mental health problems are the ones that are affected the most.

          According to Nath et al., (2020), substance abuse among adolescents has posed a major problem to social work values and ethics regarding the individual’s respect and self-improvement. While social work has the objective of empowering beings and promoting their well-being, substance abuse mostly leads to self-annihilation and behaviors that are unfavorable to others. Substance abuse also results in stigma as a result of addiction, which goes against the social work value aim of encouraging social justice and lowering inequality (Nath et al., 2020). The majority of the adolescents who abuse the substances are mostly seen as criminals instead of being given support services that line up with social work ethics of care and understanding. Social workers play an important role in providing solutions that focus on the prevention, treatment, and education of substance abuse among adolescents.

          Several key policies need to be addressed in the identification of the policies that might be able to address substance abuse. The next step is to conduct an analysis that is thorough to the local, state, and government policies that exist (SAMHSA 2019). The analysis will focus on reviewing school-based programs, juvenile reforms, and mental health services that have the objective of reducing substance abuse use. Policies that support harm reduction strategies such as counseling should be enforced and collaboration with groups such as SAMHSA that work on the prevention of substance abuse policies should be used to give solutions to substance abuse adolescents.

          In conclusion, the abuse of substances in adolescents has become a crucial social problem that people have tried to address for a long time. Initially, the problem was being addressed through condemnation ways that were so scary, but nowadays, the problem is being addressed through prevention, harm reduction, and mental health support initiatives. Nath et al., (2020) say that most adolescents are being affected by the abuse of substances, and it’s important to derive policies that are congruent with the values and dignity of social work and justice. Substance abuse can also be prevented through endless research with advocacy where social workers implement long-term policies that help adolescents affected by substance abuse.


          Nath, A., Choudhari, S. G., Dakhode, S. U., Rannaware, A., & Gaidhane, A. M. (2022). Substance abuse amongst adolescents: An issue of public health significance. Cureus.

          National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020). Monitoring the future survey: Trends in prevalence of various drugs.

          Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2019). Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

          The post Review Chapter 4 in the Jansson text.? Review?the article by Rome and?Hoechstetter?in the Learning Resources this week.? Search for and?select at least appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

        • Respond to at least two colleagues who identified a different case and provide feedback on your colleague’s trauma-informed approach. Use the Learning Reso

          The post Respond to at least two colleagues who identified a different case and provide feedback on your colleague’s trauma-informed approach. Use the Learning Reso is a property of College Pal
          College Pal writes Plagiarism Free Papers. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

           Respond to at least two colleagues who identified a different case and provide feedback on your colleague’s trauma-informed approach.

          Use the Learning Resources to support your posts. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.


           Brady, a 14-year-old Caucasian male lost his mother at early age. This trauma has caused friction between him and his father Steve. Steve has denied that the death of his wife has had any effect on Brady or himself or that he needs any help. As a result, the trauma and grief caused behavior concerns with Brady and has pushed Steve to direct anger and frustration out on Brady, emotionally, mentally, and physically. This has affected the security of Brady’s home life, socialization skills and the ability to succeed academically. Early developmental trauma like child abuse or neglect can manifest in symptomatology other than typical PTSD. Such experiences can hinder the formation of secure attachments and effective coping skills throughout life (Levenson, 2020).

           One modality that would be appropriate for the development stage is Interpersonal Therapy (IPT). IPT is an approach to treatment that focuses on how interpersonal relationships and social interactions affect mental health and well-being (Morin, 2022). According to (Levenson, 2020).

          Trauma-Informed case conceptualization links presenting problems to cognitive schemas, coping skills, and attachment styles that might have evolved in response to unresolved trauma. IPT will allow Brady one on one time with a therapist to address the root cause of his behavior problems, which is grief from the death of his mom. Continuing family therapy would be appropriate for both Brady and his father in order to work towards healing and repairing their relationship with his father.

           An assumption of IPT is that the client, Brady has to be motivated to change and willing to put in the work. The basic principles of IPT assume that helping patients to improve problematic interpersonal relationships or circumstances that are directly associated with the current mood episode will result in symptom reduction (International Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (ISIPT), n.d.). However, change is reluctant to happen if there is lack of desire to change.

          Teens can be hesitant about opening up, so as social workers, it’s important to build a foundation of trust in order to reach the goal of a breakthrough.


          Brady Trauma-Informed Assessment and Intervention Trauma-Informed Evaluation and Treatment Plan for Brady

          Assessment of Trauma/Developmental Impact

          Brady: A fourteen-year-old white male

          Traumatic History: Lost mother three years ago; ongoing physical and emotional abuse by dad. Many of Brady’s attachment relationships were likely disrupted in a threatening manner due to his mother dying during the early childhood developmental period (Brandell, 2020). Levenson (2020) noted low self-esteem, fear, and behavioral issues in part as the result of the continued sexual abuse of Miguel by his abusive father.

          Current functioning in multiple domains appears to be affected by this trauma history:

          Feelings: Insecurity, Anxiety and Moody

          Behavioral: being impulsive, cursing without concern; school-related problems

          Cognitive: Concentration consists of difficulty

          Relational fear of the father and lack of confidence to go to school.

          These effects align with the effect complex trauma can have on an adolescent developmental trajectory (Levens, 2020). However, the proposed Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) offers a ray of hope. It is designed to address such issues and could significantly improve Brady’s condition.

          Recommendation for Treatment Approach:

          Based on his developmental stage and trauma history, Brady would be well suited to TF-CBT. This therapy, designed for children and adolescents ages 3-18 who have experienced trauma, combines trauma-sensitive interventions with cognitive behavioral treatment, family therapy, and humanistic principles.

          Brady would benefit from components of TF-CBT, including:

          • Trauma and Its Consequences Psychoeducation
          • Trauma experience cognitive processing
          • Desensitization to trauma-associated cues
          • Safety Improvement and Future Development

          Caregiver involvement, such as that which would be integral in addressing the ongoing trauma due to Brady’s dysfunctional family dynamics (Lougheed, 2020), is also a component of TF-CBT. Assumptions and Potential Pitfalls

          Some basic assumptions of TF-CBT are:

          • Trauma symptoms are treatable
          • Cognitive and Behavioral Strategies Can address Trauma Impacts
          • Taking Caregiver Involvement Is a must for the success of treatment

          Some potential traps to avoid while applying TF-CBT with Brady may include:

          • Brady’s dad tried treatment to resist

          What happens if there is abuse or other violence Rena has experienced in their life and the trauma of that ongoing while being on a boat they cannot leave?

          Brady had two things working in his favor, though. One was that he had some developmental delays, which would give us a bit more grace within the protocol.

          Treatment of co-morbid conditions such as learning disabilities may be complicated. In this context, it is proposed that a comprehensive trauma-informed assessment with validated tests be used as part of treatment planning (American Psychiatric Association). Those physical abuse problems may also require closer safety monitoring and interaction with child protective services.

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          • Referencing section 10.1 of Mr. Spear’s employment contract in the Chapter 8.2 ?case study. Spears v. Grambling State University 111 So. 3d 392 (2012) The

            The post Referencing section 10.1 of Mr. Spear’s employment contract in the Chapter 8.2 ?case study. Spears v. Grambling State University 111 So. 3d 392 (2012) The is a property of College Pal
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            Referencing section 10.1 of Mr. Spear’s employment contract in the Chapter 8.2  case study.

            Spears v. Grambling State University

            111 So. 3d 392 (2012)

            The jury initially found that failure to provide 60-days notice negated the “with cause” termination. Do you agree with the jury, or with the decision of the appellate court?

            What does this case teach you about the specificity needed when writing contract clauses?

            Be specific and use the information presented in this chapter to justify your answers. You should be very detailed and explicit. Illustrate what you  know.

             Melvin Spears, Jr. VS Grambling State University :: 2012 :: Louisiana Court of Appeal, First Circuit Decisions :: Louisiana Case Law :: Louisiana Law :: US Law :: Justia 

              The post Referencing section 10.1 of Mr. Spear’s employment contract in the Chapter 8.2 ?case study. Spears v. Grambling State University 111 So. 3d 392 (2012) The appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

            • Read, review and provide specific feedback on at least 3 of your classmates’ Sport Outreach Plan drafts from the previous week. Each post should point out

              The post Read, review and provide specific feedback on at least 3 of your classmates’ Sport Outreach Plan drafts from the previous week. Each post should point out is a property of College Pal
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               Read, review and provide specific feedback on at least 3 of your classmates’ Sport Outreach Plan drafts from the previous week. Each post should point out strengths with specific suggestions for improvement. Posts should include connections to Scripture. 

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              SMGT 504

              Discussion/Peer Review Assignment Instructions

              You will complete four Peer Review exercises involving colleagues’ Sport Outreach Plan drafts in this course. You will attach your previous week’s Sport Outreach Plan draft submission by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the Module/Week. Then you will carefully read at least three of your peers’ drafts and post three responses of at least 200 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned Module/Week.

              Your response should offer suggestions for improvement, related information on the topic, questions for clarity and further insight into your colleagues’ work.

              The objective of the assignment is for students to both learn from each other’s plans as well as contribute feedback that helps improve plans throughout the course.


              1 Evangelism and Discipleship Assignment Jeffrey S. Headrick School of Business, Liberty University SMGT 504: Foundations of Sport Outreach 2 Evangelism and Discipleship Assignment

              Several weeks ago my Sports Outreach foundation was based on Matthew 6:33 which says “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (NIV). While sports is a great way to open the door for ministry, the main emphasis must be on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our faith in him is the whole reason we do what we do. This is the first level: Theological Truths. As Christians, we have been given a command to go and share the good news – the redemptive plan of Christ. Linville (2017) speaks of this when he states that the Apostle Paul in the New Testament wrote on how Christians are called to participate in redemptive activities by being God’s ambassadors (p. 167). While we can always make adjustments with our sports outreach program on certain issues such as which sports to play, facilities, or schedules, our doctrine must be very solid. What we teach and preach in the sports outreach must be theologically sound, the cornerstone and foundation of the program. Philosophical Principles is the second level. This should cover the when, where and with whom this sports outreach is for (Linville, p. 167). I have already covered the “with whom” in my previous Mission and Vision Assignment as I am creating a Sports Outreach for the members of the Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation that is 17 miles east of Livingston, Texas. This reservation was established in 1854 and at this point in time there are about 590 members residing there (Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas, 2024). One of the most important points to remember when ministering to the Native Americans is to contextualize the gospel message to their own people group. My Sports Outreach team has to use the right methods to successfully accommodate them. Missionaries to Native Americans have said the same things. One cannot come in and forget about the Native American traditions 3 and way of life if they are going to reach them for Christ. In the same way, our Sports Outreach must facilitate a program for the people that also allows them the correct methods of discovering the gospel of Jesus Christ in ways that align or coincide with their Native American ways and verbiage (Garnica, 2016, p. 24). Traditionally all sports have a particular blocked off time of the year in which their season begins and ends. Our plan is to follow those traditions. For example, my Sports Outreach will have its basketball league in January and February. Likewise, softball season will be in the months of April and May. Coordinating dates and times with other activities on the reservation is very important. Before we execute our dates, days of the week, and times, we must do our homework and make sure it doesn’t interfere with the events and protocols on the reservation. Facilities also play a major role in the Sports Outreach. They can often be a determining factor in the success of the program. Fortunately, the reservation has the facilities for both of these sports. In April 2022 they broke ground on the reservation for a 49,000 square foot Education Center that would house education facilities, a library, play areas, and a large gymnasium (Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas, 2024, p. 5). There are also two churches on the reservation with facilities that we plan to use. The final level of organizing evangelism and discipleship in a Sports Outreach is the “what we do”, the Methodological Models. This level involves strategies and seeks to find relevance and effectiveness to those the Sport Outreach is designed to minister to (Linville, 2017, p. 166). I stated in an earlier paper that during basketball season we will have a time of outreach 4 after the game called Fifth Quarter. Also, during softball season the outreach afterwards will be called Extra Innings. The outreach after the game is meant to offer a celebratory but relevant approach to reaching people for Christ. We will all meet at one of the local churches or the event center on the reservation for a post-game meal and some fellowship together, focusing on building relationships. Once the meal is over there will be a time of praise and worship. I’m wanting the connections we’ll have with the two local churches to help make this part happen. Finally, there will be a guest speaker and then an invitation for salvation. All volunteers helping with these post-game outreaches will be trained in praying for people and being able to effectively lead them to a saving knowledge of Christ. This is the most important part of the entire outreach since “…Jesus Christ is the source, center, and sum total of salvation” (Willmington, 2018, p. 4). Through strategic planning and well-trained volunteers I believe we will have much success, showing the community around us what sports and a Sports Outreach can do in winning people for Christ. 5 References Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas. (2024, September). In Wikipedia. pp. 1-7. Coushatta_Tribe_of_Texas&oldid=1226633132&action=edit Garnica, R. (2016). Discussion of how to effectively communicate the gospel considering generations, cultures, and Paul’s Biblical example. Selected Honors Thesis, Southeastern University. Paper 40. Linville, G. (2017). Recreation and sports ministry. An evangelistic approach. In J. Garner (Ed.), Recreation and sports ministry: Impacting the postmodern culture. (2nd ed., pp. 163-188). Liberty University Press. Willmington, H. (2018). The doctrine of salvation. The Good, Great, and Glorious File, Liberty University. 1.



              Connection Sports: Evangelism and Discipleship

              Conner J. McCullen

              Liberty University

              SMGT 504: Foundations of Sport Outreach

              Dr. Kevin Heisey

              14 SEP 2024

              Authors note

              I have no known conflicts of interest to disclose

              Questions, comments, or concerns should be sent to Conner McCullen:

              [email protected]

              mailto:[email protected]



              Connection Sports aims to create a sports program that revolves around evangelism and

              discipleship. Utilizing sports is a unique way to spread the Gospel but must be done correctly.

              Planning and executing practices and scrimmages need to revolve around the Gospel in order to

              develop disciples instead of developing “elite” athletes. Connection Sports wants to multiply its

              disciples in order to reach more people in the community and beyond. Just as the Mission

              statement says: We exist to make disciples through sports in our community.

              Keywords: development, Gospel, discipleship, faith



              Connection Sports wants to prioritize the Gospel in its sports program. It is easy to let

              sports media and sports behavior consume practices and games, however, Connection Sports

              plans on turning these examples into lessons that highlight the Gospel. The Gospel highlights the

              life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It also teaches how to help others grow in their faith

              through discipleship and mentoring. The theology of evangelism should be rooted firmly in the

              biblical theology of mission and shaped by the gospel it is proclaiming (Coetzee et al., 2023).

              Evangelism is the first step to leading people to Christ and creating a foundation for them to go

              forward in spreading the Gospel. For Connection Sports to do this, the program needs to stand

              firm on its belief and stay in the light to progress participants’ faith to the next level.

              The three sports that Connection Sports will be offering to kick off the program are flag

              football, baseball, and soccer. All have very similar outlines when it comes to practices and

              games. Each week that these programs are in season, the goal of each sport will have two

              practices a week, and a game on the weekend. The goal for each practice is a 2-hour time

              window, and games will have 1 to 2 hours depending on the sport. It is crucial to know the

              timing of practicing to create not only a structured practice but also a structured fellowship.

              Fellowship is looked at as a group of people who share a common interest; sports and the


              Within the 2-hour window, Connection Sports plans on starting each practice with prayer.

              From there, the first 20 to 30 minutes of practice will be dedicated to a written plan of Bible

              study. This is to help the athletes take and understand the Word to not only apply it to the

              upcoming practice but to their everyday lives. The next hour will be the standard practice for

              whatever sport is being conducted. The practice will be led by the coach, assistant coach, and a


              volunteer with drills dedicated to sport development. After an hour has gone by, the practice will

              end with the study they started with. The last 20 to 30 min the team will discuss how the

              participants applied it to their practice, what they learned from it, and how they can implement it

              into their life. Lastly, every practice will close out with another prayer. The following practice in

              the week will be another lesson built on the previous one. As stated before, fellowship and Bible

              study will be structured with a lesson plan to keep pushing through the sport season. On game

              day, before competing, Connection Sports leaders will review what studies were the week

              leading up to the game, reiterate the importance of the studies, and put it all together in a prayer.

              Following the game, leaders will discuss again how the participants added the lessons to their

              gameplay and look to shape their hearts and minds around the Gospel instead of the sport they



              Discipleship is probably one of the most important steps to creating leaders in order to

              spread the Gospel. Discipling and mentoring are very similar in regard to development. Both

              focus on personal growth but with discipleship, there is more emphasis on faith driven actions

              and growing to be more like Jesus. Discipleship for the kingdom of God is at the heart of the

              entire discipleship process (Pardede, 2022). Discipleship highlights walking with people and

              nurturing their relationship with God so that they may help others do the same. Connection

              Church, where Connection Sports is based out of, really strives to create disciples through

              discipleship. This is extremely important because the discipleship starts at the top with the

              coaches of the sports teams. The coaches of Connection Sports teams need to be discipled in

              order to disciple others. Their walk with Christ is just as important as the athletes and should not

              be overlooked. Coaches carry the image of the team and program, and they need to stand firm in


              their faith to keep the integrity of the program’s values. As the coaches learn and grow through

              discipleship, they are able to go and disciple participants in the program.

              Connection Sports long to create disciples within their program, especially when they are

              at an age to influence. The goal is to offer discipleship to teenagers in the program so they are

              well-equipped with the Gospel and continue to prosper in faith. In the off-season of the sport

              they participate in, Connection Sports wants to get more involved with the teenagers’ life and

              offer discipleship once a week with a leader that comes from the church or within the sports

              program, such as the coach. This way, Connection Sports will be able to build them up for the

              next sports season and give them a platform to be a leader for their peers. Since Connection

              Sports’ mission statement highlights creating disciples within our community of sports, it is

              important to understand that they are being equipped and ready to serve Connection Church.

              Connection Church’s mission statement reads: We exist to make disciples and multiply churches

              among all nations. The strength and influence of the church is wholly dependent upon its

              commitment to true discipleship; producing transformed lives and seeing those lives reproduced

              in others (Onyinah, 2017). Onyinah (2017) goes on to say that discipleship is the means to

              fulfilling the Great Commission. Connection Sports’ mission is purposely wrapped around

              creating disciples in the sports community to teach and prepare them for a service much larger

              than sports itself.



              Coetzee, F. R., Nel, M., & Knoetze, J. J. (2023). Evangelism as an invitation to missional

              discipleship in the Kingdom of God. Verbum et Ecclesia, 44(1).


              Onyinah, O. (2017). The meaning of discipleship. International Review of Mission, 106(2),


              Pardede, L. (2022). The relationship between evangelism and discipleship according to Matthew

              28:18-20. QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, Dan Agama, 14(1), 629–648.





              Sport Outreach Plan- Discipleship and Evangelism

              Rahul Champaneri

              Dr. Heisey

              SMGT 504

              September 12, 2024

              Liberty University Online


              This paper will inform the reader about how athletes will grow as Christians and how they will grow their faith with our organization. Although a lot of Indians are not typically of the Christian Faith, we will make sure all athletes feel included.

              Keywords: Christianity, Discipleship, Evangelism, Indian, Including

              In our program, we want the priority to be getting closer to God and growing your faith. Doing this requires a deep understanding of the culture of Indian Americans, as well as effective ministry strategies. As a program, we will be able to integrate cultural sensitivity by using sports as leverage, as well as engaging in the surrounding community in order to achieve these goals.

              The first step in promoting evangelism and discipleship within our program is to understand and respect the cultural nuances. Indian Americans are often very prideful and passionate about their culture. Knowing this beforehand as staff members, we can use their passion to their advantage by combining their heritage and one of our activities. A specific example would be to incorporate the spirit of Diwali in our program. This is a traditional Indian holiday that lasts 5 days from the 13th day of the dark half of the lunar month Ashvina to the second day of the light half of the lunar month (Preston, 2024). Another way to promote and incorporate evangelism and discipleship with Indian Americans is to incorporate elements of Indian culture such as celebrating festivals, serving Indian food at the camps, and having a Bible study at the end of the day. By doing this, our program is able to create an inclusive environment where participants feel included, valued, and understood.

              Sports have a unique ability to unite people together and break down barriers, most famously done by Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. Using sports as a way to incorporate evangelism and discipleship can be highly effective due to the emphasis on inclusivity. In our camp specifically, our campers will engage in competition (friendly or competitive) to build relationships while growing their faith in Jesus Christ. An example as to how they will be able to grow their faith, we will encourage all campers to pray before and after the camp. We will show examples of Major League Baseball players praying before their games in order to inspire the campers and emphasize the importance of Prayer. One of the most popular Major League Baseball players in today’s generation is Ronald Acuna Jr. He is one of many MLB players to emphasize the importance of God in his life by performing the sign of the cross before stepping up to the plate. This, along with pointing to the sky after a player hits a home run, are two of the most common forms of showing evangelism in professional baseball (Hochstetler, 2009). This act is inspiring to many athletes out there, especially in baseball, as these young kids are mimicking their idols.

              Community engagement is crucial for the importance of practicing any evangelism and discipleship program. Our program will aim to create a sense of community and belonging among our participants and their families. During our program, we will host social events such as family days and community service days. Community service is going to be an essential part of the developmental part of our program because it will allow our campers to see the different types of backgrounds everyone comes from. Not every person has been able to see the different cultures, upbringings, age groups, and economic backgrounds (RHC, 2024) that community service will bring.

              In conclusion, promoting evangelism and discipleship in our program will require our staff to take a culturally sensitive approach to promote the word of Jesus Christ, as well as using baseball as a tool to get the kids to have fun. By understanding and respecting the Indian culture, leveraging the power of sports, creating a loving and inclusive community, our program can create an environment where participants feel valued and are open to increasing or exploring their Christian Faith.

              Works Cited

              Hochstetler, D. R. (2009). Striving towards maturity: on the relationship between prayer and sports.  Christian Education Journal6(2), 325–336.

              Preston, C. (2024, September 13).  Diwali. Encyclopædia Britannica.

              RHC Program Introduces First-Year Students to the Importance of Community Service. (2024, September 4). US Official News, NA.

              The post Read, review and provide specific feedback on at least 3 of your classmates’ Sport Outreach Plan drafts from the previous week. Each post should point out appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper