• Briefly highlight what the report is about, the reason for the report, the locality you are discussing and the local public health concern you have chosen to identify specific healthcare services and review the role of the nurse

    Activity 1:

    Please become familiar with your learning outcomes for the module

    On successful completion of this module the student will be expected to be able to:

    1. Demonstrate knowledge of epidemiology, demography, genomics and the wider determinants of health, illness and wellbeing and apply this to an understanding of global patterns of health and wellbeing outcomes.

    2. Discuss and explain the factors that may lead to inequalities in health outcomes.

    4. Consider how mental, physical, behavioural, and other health related outcomes may be improved by understanding and explaining the principles, practice, and evidence-base for health screening programmes.

    5. Apply understanding of national and local data related to the health care needs and associated services of a local population.

    (NO COVID 19 PLEASE). 

    Activity 1:

    To write your health report you will need to become familiar with some key public health information sites.  As such please review the following links:

    NHS digital (Links to an external site.)

    Office of National Statistics (Links to an external site.)

    NHS England Data Catalogue (Links to an external site.)

    PHE Public Health Profile (Links to an external site.)

    PHE Public Health Fingertips (Links to an external site.)

    The Health Report

    The assignment for Module 2 is a 3000-word health needs assessment reviewing local, national, and worldwide health patterns and wellbeing outcomes. You will choose a locality familiar to you (Within the UK could be Cambridgeshire or London Borough of Hillingdon) and identify one public health need within this area. You will highlight the implications for healthcare for this public health need.  Additionally, for your selected health need you will identify and understand the local health services available and the role of the nurse in health promotion delivery.


    There are 2 sections to the report:

    Undertake a virtual research tour of your local health, social services, and health services to identify one key public health concern. Discuss what the data suggests about public health needs and implications for healthcare locally. Compare this to national and worldwide statistics.  Identify key inequalities and barriers within this area that may impact on healthcare.

    With focus on the public health concern that you have identified discuss and highlight the health services, charities, screening, and role of the nurse in this area.

    Guidance to undertake the Report.

    Module Exploring and Promoting Health and Well-being.

    3000-word Health Needs Assessment Report.


    Title Page

    Contents Page

    1. Introduction ………….1500 words

    2. a) Locality

    b) Health and Social Care data – to include diagrams, tables etc.

    3. a) Determinants, inequalities, and barriers to health

    4. a) Review of current service provision …………1000 words

    b) Role of the Nurse in health promotion and screening

    5. Conclusion …………………….500 words

    6. Recommendations for practice

    7. Reference List

    8. Appendices – if required

    1. Introduction: (1500 words)

    Briefly highlight what the report is about, the reason for the report, the locality you are discussing and the local public health concern you have chosen to identify specific healthcare services and review the role of the nurse in promoting health in this area.

    2) Undertake a virtual research tour of your local health, social services, and health services to identify key areas of public health concern.

    a) Choosing a locality:

    Choose one area or locality.

    The local area you study in this area should be:

    Somewhere that interests you and/or which you are familiar with (placement area or local home area)

    One which you can use published data to inform a discussion about social and health care needs in that area.

    Detail your choice of area.

    NB: It would be better to pick a county as your locality because you are more likely to get reliable data (If data collection is not at 90% of the population it will not be recorded in the figures and merely be left blank).

    b) Collect and discuss social and health data about that area that you have chosen:

    Finding Statistics and Information:

    Gather insight data on ONE prevalent public health need.

    This data should be gathered from local joint strategic needs assessments around the health of your chosen population, in your chosen community and in relation to your field of nursing mental ill health like depression or suicide if you are a mental health nurse.

    Utilise information from reputable source using Public health England Local Authority Health Profiles (Links to an external site.)

    Other sights that will support the data in your assignment could include NHS digital (Links to an external site.), Office of National statistics (Links to an external site.), and NHS England Data Catalogue. (Links to an external site.)

    Identify one key health and social care issue in your chosen locality by reviewing the epidemiology and prevalence of this data, e.g., mental ill health like depression or suicide if you are a mental health nurse.

    Demonstrate the Statistics.

    Demonstrate this data in tables, graphs, or pie chart and in a brief written summary.

    Identify your sources.  

    Discuss the Statistics:

    Discuss what the data suggests about public health care need in that area and the implications for health care. Support this information with key research that may validate your findings.

    Within your discussion compare your findings to national and worldwide figures. What implications can you draw from this?

    3. Identify the determinants, inequalities, and barriers to health:

    Within your locality, identify the environmental, societal, and social determinants of health (like poverty, education, culture, economy, geography, and gender) that create health inequalities.

    Health inequalities are unfair avoidable differences between groups of people. Look at the differences in the status of people’s health such as the life expectancy, access to care, behavioural risk factors from the data. E.g., It may be that this particular county that has higher suicide rates than the rest of the UK, find out why this might be the case.

    You can use publications such as the Kings Fund (Links to an external site.), NHS England (Links to an external site.), Public Health England outcomes framework (Links to an external site.), Health Knowledge. Org (Links to an external site.), Naidoo and Wills Foundations for Health Promotion Book (chapter 2 and 3) or any other health promotion textbook to help develop your discussion.

    Try to really understand the determinants that have impacted to create this health inequality causing a health need in this area.

    4. Review the services and health care that are available for the public health need that you have chosen (1000 words)

    a) Identify local, national policy, services, charities available for your public health concern

    For example, if you have chosen rising teenage depression the services might include GP, CPFT, counselling, NHS therapy, CBT, MIND, Life craft, Samaritans.

    Highlight briefly what these services provide and what the local / national guidance recommends, e.g., Cambridge and Peterborough Foundation Trust (CPFT), National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), Public Health England (PHE), Royal College of Nursing (RCN), Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

    b) Look at the role of the nurse in health promotion and screening in this area

    Highlight what nurses do in identifying the health issue and any screening if applicable for the public health need you have identified, e.g., practice nurses and the use of screening tools to identify depression.

    Once the health concern is identified look at what the nurse does to make every contact count and to empower the patient to make healthy choices e.g., discussing a change model and apply to the patient who is contemplating change like the empowerment model.

    What health promotion services does the nurse provide, e.g., for depression trained mental health primary care nurse, face-to-face patient contact, clinical supervision, planning meetings, role development, communication, and dissemination with the rest of the primary health-care team, and preparation of materials for patient use?

    5. Conclusion: (500)

    Summarise the findings in your essay and make recommendations for future practice

  • The  Report Written Assessment The written assignment for Module 2 is a 3000 word Health Needs Assessment reviewing local, national and world health patterns and wellbeing outcomes. You will choose a locality familia

    The  Report Written Assessment

    The written assignment for Module 2 is a 3000 word Health Needs Assessment reviewing local, national and world health patterns and wellbeing outcomes. You will choose a locality familiar to you and identify one public health need within this area. You will highlight the implications for healthcare for this public health need.  Additionally for your selected health need you will identify and understand the local health services available and the role of the nurse in health promotion deliver

    Learning outcomes that the Public Health report covers

    • Demonstrate knowledge of epidemiology, demography, genomics and the wider determinants of health, illness and wellbeing and apply this to an understanding of global patterns of health and wellbeing outcomes (LO 1)
    • Discuss and explain the factors that may lead to inequalities in health outcomes. (LO 2)
    • Consider how mental, physical, behavioural and other health related outcomes may be improved by understanding and explaining the principles, practice and evidence-base for health screening programmes. (LO4)
    • Apply understanding of national and local data related to the health care needs and associated services of a local population. (LO5)


    Outline of Report

    1. Undertake a virtual research tour that explores the health needs of a chosen community, the social services and the health services available to people, in the communities in which they live, and identify a contemporary public health concern. (1500 words)
    • Choose one county / locality (where your placement is or your local home area)
    • Gather insight data on ONE prevalent public health concern.
    • This data should be gathered from local joint strategic needs assessments around the health of your chosen population, in your chosen community and in relation to your field of nursing about e.g Childhood obesity rates or dental decay if you are a child nurse, rates of mental ill health like depression if you are a mental health nurse, or rates of cancer, smoking or long term conditions if you are an adult nurse.
    • Needs assessments data information is collated in countywide public health insight data in PHE local authority health profiles. Supportive data and information can also be found in NHS digital, Office of National statistics, NHS England
    • Record and report on your chosen public health concern using tables, graphs and a written summary of the data.
    • Compare this to national and worldwide figures. What implications can you draw from this?
    • Identify any health determinants and inequalities in your chosen locality which may impact on the public health issue you have identified, and the overall health of this community. Relate your findings to social data such as employment rates, level of education, economic deprivation


    Review the services and health care that is available for the public health need that you have chosen (1000 words)

    • Identify local, national services, charities available for your public health concern
    • Look at the role of the nurse in health promotion
    • Review any screening provided in this area if applicable


    1. Introduction: (300 words)

    Briefly highlight what the report is about, the reason for the report, the locality you are discussing and the local public health concern you have chosen to identify specific healthcare services and review the role of the nurse in promoting health in this area.


    2) Undertake a virtual research tour of your local health, social services, and health services to identify key areas of public health concern. (600 words)

    1. a) Choosing a locality: (100 words)
      • Choose one area or locality
      • The local area you study in this area should be:
        • Somewhere that interests you and/or which you are familiar with (placement area or local home area)
        • One which you can use published data to inform a discussion about social and health care needs in that area
      • Detail your choice of area.
      • NB: It would be better to pick a county as your locality because you are more likely to get reliable data (If data collection is not at 90% of the population it will not be recorded in the figures and merely be left blank).


    1. b) Collect and discuss social and health data about that area that you have chosen: 

    Finding Statistics and Information:

      • Gather insight data on ONE prevalent public health need
      • This data should be gathered fromlocal joint strategic needs assessments (JSNA) around the health of your chosen population, in your chosen community and in relation to your field of nursing e.g. Childhood obesity rates if you are a child nurse, rates of mental ill health like depression or suicide if you are a mental health nurse, or rates of cancer, smoking or long term conditions if you are an adult nurse.
      • Utilise information from reputable source using Public health England Local Authority Health Profiles(Links to an external site.) 
      • Other sights that will support the data in your assignment could include NHS digital(Links to an external site.), Office of National statistics (Links to an external site.) , and NHS England Data Catalogue. (Links to an external site.)
      • Identify one key health and social care issue in your chosen locality by reviewing the epidemiology and prevalence of this data, e.g. Childhood obesity rates if you are a child nurse, rates of mental ill health like depression or suicide if you are a mental health nurse, or rates of cancer, smoking or long term conditions if you are an adult nurse

    Demonstrate The Statistics (100 words)

      • Demonstrate this data in tables, graphs or pie chart and in a brief written summary
      • Identify your sources  

    Discuss The Statistics: (400 words)

      • Discuss what the data suggests about public health care need in that area and the implications for health care. Support this information with key research that may validate your findings
      • Within your discussion compare your findings to national and worldwide figures. What implications can you draw from this?


    1. Identify the determinants, inequalities and barriers to health: (800 words)
    • Within your locality, identify the environmental, societal, and social determinants of health (like poverty, education, culture, economy, geography, and gender) that create health inequalities.
    • Health inequalities are unfair avoidable differences between groups of people. Look at the differences in the status of people’s health such as the life expectancy, access to care, behavioural risk factors from the data. E.g. It may be that this particular county that has higher suicide rates than the rest of the UK, find out why this might be the case.
    • You can use publications such as the Kings Fund(Links to an external site.), NHS England (Links to an external site.), Public Health England outcomes framework (Links to an external site.),  Org (Links to an external site.), Naidoo and Wills Foundations for Health Promotion Book (chapter 2 and 3) or any other health promotion text book to help develop your discussion.
    • Try to really understand the determinants that have impacted to create this health inequality causing an health need in this area.


    1. Review the services and health care that are available for the public health need that you have chosen (1000 words)
    2. a) Identify local, national policy, services, charities available for your public health concern
      • For example if you have chosen rising teenage depression the services might include GP, CPFT, counselling, NHS therapy, CBT, MIND, Lifecraft, Samaritans
      • Highlight briefly what these services provide and what the local / national guidance recommends, e.g. Cambridge and Peterborough Foundation Trust (CPFT), National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), Public Health England (PHE), Royal College of Nursing (RCN), Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)
    1. b) Look at the role of the nurse in health promotion and screening in this area
      • Highlight what nurses do in identifying the health issue and any screening if applicable for the public health need you have identified, e.g. practice nurses and the use of screening tools to identify depression
      • Once the health concern is identified look at what the nurse does to make every contact count and to empower the patient to make healthy choices e.g. discussing a change  model and apply to the patient who is contemplating change like the empowerment model
      • What health promotion services does the nurse provide, e.g. for depression trained mental health primary care nurse, face-to-face patient contact, clinical supervision, planning meetings, role development, communication and dissemination with the rest of the primary health-care team, and preparation of materials for patient use
    1. Conclusion:  (300 words)

    Summarise the findings in your essay and make recommendations for future practice

  • You have been asked to give a poster presentation based around your work and research on a clinical problem in your practice setting. The purpose is to lay out the evidence and a potential implementation plan to your colleagues

    Create a poster presentation to communicate an implementation plan to bridge the gap between the evidence you will research and clinical practice. You will then record audio of no more than five minutes presenting your poster.


    Master’s-level nurses need to be able to think critically about the evidence, outcomes data, and other relevant information they encounter throughout their daily practice. Often the evidence or information that a nurse encounters, researches, or studies is not presented in the exact context of that nurse’s practice. A key skill of the master’s-level nurse is to transfer evidence from the context in which it was presented and apply it to a different context in order to maximize the benefit to patients in that new context.

    Professional Context

    Master’s-level nurses understand the importance of utilizing evidence-based practice in their healthcare setting. The challenge is bridging the gap between the evidence and clinical practice. “This is the way we’ve always done it,” is a common response and may not indicate evidence-based practice is being utilized. Furthermore, when a practice problem is identified, what are the steps to communicate the need for change with the interprofessional team?

    One way to communicate the need for quality improvements, as well as your plans for achieving specific changes, is through a presentation poster. This type of communication tool is used both in the workplace and at professional and academic conferences. Being able to convey the essence and value of a project in a compelling and succinct way is a valuable skill, and it is vital within the constraints of a single poster.


    You have been asked to give a poster presentation based around your work and research on a clinical problem in your practice setting. The purpose is to lay out the evidence and a potential implementation plan to your colleagues in order to bridge the gap between the evidence and the practice to improve the quality and outcomes of care.


    Identify a clinical problem in your work setting and develop an implementation plan to carry out your evidence-based practice proposal using a poster presentation. ]

    Your Implementation Plan should include the following:

    · Background on the clinical problem.

    · PICOT question.

    · Stakeholders that will be impacted.

    · Action plan for implementation.

    · Potential barriers to project implementation.

    · Baseline data that will be needed to evaluate outcomes.

    · Search strategy and databases used.

    · Summary of the evidence with a critical appraisal of its quality.

    The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your poster presentation addresses all of them.

    · Develop a PICOT question for a chosen clinical problem.

    . Include a graphic that is relevant to the clinical problem.

    . Provide a background on the clinical problem identified.

    · Outline an action plan to implement the EBP project that includes:

    . The recommended practice change.

    . Proposed timeline for implementation.

    . The tools or resources that will be needed to support the project.

    · Identify the stakeholders and potential barriers to project implementation.

    . Who are the stakeholders that will be impacted?

    . What are the potential barriers, such as a lack of knowledge, time, skill level, motivation, or resources that could impact project implementation?

    · Propose outcome criteria to evaluate the evidence-based practice project.

    . How will outcomes be measured?

    . How do your outcomes align with the Quadruple Aim?

    · Evaluate the evidence that supports the need for practice change.

    . In the notes section of your poster presentation:

    . Describe your search strategy and databases that were used.

    . Summarize your findings with a critical appraisal of the quality and relevance of your resources.

    · Convey purpose of the poster presentation in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.

    . Integrates relevant and credible sources of evidence to support assertions, using current APA style.

    If you choose not to use the provided template, there are templates in PowerPoint or on the Internet that can help you get a start designing your poster.

    Submission Requirements

    · Font and font size: Appropriate size and weight for a presentation, generally 24–28 points for headings; no smaller than 18 points for bullet-point text. Use a suitable professional typeface, such as Times or Arial, throughout the presentation.

    · Length of presentation: No more than five minutes.

    · Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3–5 sources of current scholarly or professional evidence that support your evaluation, recommendations, and plans. Current source material is defined as no older than five years unless it is a seminal work.

    · APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.

    Competencies Measured

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

    · Competency 1: Apply evidence-based practice to plan patient-centered care.

    . Outline an action plan to implement the evidence-based practice project that includes the recommendations for practice change, a timeline, and tools or resources needed.

    · Competency 2: Apply evidence-based practice to design interventions to improve population health.

    . Identify the stakeholders and potential barriers to project implementation.

    · Competency 3: Evaluate outcomes of evidence-based interventions.

    . Develop a PICOT question for a chosen clinical problem.

    . Propose outcome criteria for evaluating the evidence-based practice project and how the outcomes will be measured.

    · Competency 4: Evaluate the value and relative weight of available evidence upon which to make a clinical decision.

    . Evaluate the value and relevance of the evidence that supports the need for a practice change.

    · Competency 5: Synthesize evidence-based practice and academic research to communicate effective solutions.

    . Convey purpose of the poster presentation in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.

  • Consider a previous experience or hypothetical situation pertaining to medication errors, and consider how the error could have been prevented or alleviated with the use of evidence-based guidelines.

    For this assessment, you will develop a 3-5 page paper that examines a safety quality issue pertaining to medication administration in a health care setting. You will analyze the issue and examine potential evidence-based and best-practice solutions from the literature as well as the role of nurses and other stakeholders in addressing the issue.

    Health care organizations and professionals strive to create safe environments for patients; however, due to the complexity of the health care system, maintaining safety can be a challenge. Since nurses comprise the largest group of health care professionals, a great deal of responsibility falls in the hands of practicing nurses. Quality improvement (QI) measures and safety improvement plans are effective interventions to reduce medical errors and sentinel events such as medication errors, falls, infections, and deaths. A 2000 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report indicated that almost one million people are harmed annually in the United States, (Kohn et al., 2000) and 210,000–440,000 die as a result of medical errors (Allen, 2013).

    The role of the baccalaureate nurse includes identifying and explaining specific patient risk factors, incorporating evidence-based solutions to improving patient safety and coordinating care. A solid foundation of knowledge and understanding of safety organizations such as Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and The Joint Commission and its National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) program is vital to practicing nurses with regard to providing and promoting safe and effective patient care.

    You are encouraged to complete the Identifying Safety Risks and Solutions activity. This activity offers an opportunity to review a case study and practice identifying safety risks and possible solutions. We have found that learners who complete course activities and review resources are more successful with first submissions. Completing course activities is also a way to demonstrate course engagement.

    Demonstration of Proficiency

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

    • Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.
      • Explain evidence-based and best-practice solutions to improve patient safety focusing on medication administration and reducing costs.
    • Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks.
      • Explain factors leading to a specific patient-safety risk focusing on medication administration.
    • Competency 4: Explain the nurse’s role in coordinating care to enhance quality and reduce costs.
      • Explain how nurses can help coordinate care to increase patient safety with medication administration and reduce costs.
      • Identify stakeholders with whom nurses would need to coordinate to drive quality and safety enhancements with medication administration.
    • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.
      • Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar or punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
      • Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

    Allen, M. (2013). How many die from medical mistakes in U.S. hospitals? Retrieved from

    Kohn, L. T., Corrigan, J., & Donaldson, M. S. (Eds.). (2000). To err is human: Building a safer health system. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

    Professional Context

    As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will be responsible for implementing quality improvement (QI) and patient safety measures in health care settings. Effective quality improvement measures result in systemic and organizational changes, ultimately leading to the development of a patient safety culture.


    Consider a previous experience or hypothetical situation pertaining to medication errors, and consider how the error could have been prevented or alleviated with the use of evidence-based guidelines.

    Choose a specific condition of interest surrounding a medication administration safety risk and incorporate evidence-based strategies to support communication and ensure safe and effective care.   

    For this assessment:

    • Analyze a current issue or experience in clinical practice surrounding a medication administration safety risk and identify a quality improvement (QI) initiative in the health care setting.


    The purpose of this assessment is to better understand the role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in enhancing quality improvement (QI) measures that address a medication administration safety risk. This will be within the specific context of patient safety risks at a health care setting of your choice. You will do this by exploring the professional guidelines and best practices for improving and maintaining patient safety in health care settings from organizations such as QSEN and the IOM. Looking through the lens of these professional best practices to examine the current policies and procedures currently in place at your chosen organization and the impact on safety measures for patients surrounding medication administration, you will consider the role of the nurse in driving quality and safety improvements. You will identify stakeholders in QI improvement and safety measures as well as consider evidence-based strategies to enhance quality of care and promote medication administration safety in the context of your chosen health care setting.

    Be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so that you know what is needed for a distinguished score.

    • Explain factors leading to a specific patient-safety risk focusing on medication administration.
    • Explain evidence-based and best-practice solutions to improve patient safety focusing on medication administration and reducing costs.
    • Explain how nurses can help coordinate care to increase patient safety with medication administration and reduce costs.
    • Identify stakeholders with whom nurses would coordinate to drive safety enhancements with medication administration.
    • Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style
  • As patient safety concerns continue to be addressed in the health care settings, nurses can play an active role in implementing safety improvement measures and plans. Often root-cause

    For this assessment, you can use a supplied template to conduct a root-cause analysis. The completed assessment will be a scholarly paper focusing on a quality or safety issue pertaining to medication administration in a health care setting of your choice as well as a safety improvement plan.

     As patient safety concerns continue to be addressed in the health care settings, nurses can play an active role in implementing safety improvement measures and plans. Often root-cause analyses are conducted and safety improvement plans are created to address sentinel or adverse events such as medication errors, patient falls, wrong-site surgery events, and hospital-acquired infections. Performing a root-cause analysis offers a systematic approach for identifying causes of problems, including process and system-check failures. Once the causes of failures have been determined, a safety improvement plan can be developed to prevent recurrences. The baccalaureate nurse’s role as a leader is to create safety improvement plans as well as disseminate vital information to staff nurses and other health care professionals to protect patients and improve outcomes.


    For this assessment, you may choose from the following options as the subject of a root-cause analysis and safety improvement plan:

    • The specific safety concern identified in your previous assessment pertaining to medication administration safety concerns.
    • The readings, case studies, or a personal experience in which a sentinel event occurred surrounding an issue or concern with medication administration.


    The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to analyze a root cause of a specific safety concern in a health care setting. You will create a plan to improve the safety of patients related to the concern of medication administration safety based on the results of your analysis, using the literature and professional best practices as well as the existing resources at your chosen health care setting to provide a rationale for your plan.

    Use the Root Cause Analysis and Improvement template to help you to stay organized and concise. This will guide you step-by-step through the root cause analysis process.

    Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

    • Analyze the root cause of a patient safety issue or a specific sentinel event pertaining to medication administration in an organization.
    • Apply evidence-based and best-practice strategies to address the safety issue or sentinel event pertaining to medication administration.
    • Create a feasible, evidence-based safety improvement plan for safe medication administration.
    • Identify organizational resources that could be leveraged to improve your plan for safe medication administration.
    • Communicate in writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.


    Additional Requirements

    • Length of submission: Use the provided Root-Cause Analysis and Improvement Plan template to create a 4–6 page root cause analysis and safety improvement plan pertaining to medication administration.
    • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
    • APA formatting: Format references and citations according to current APA style.
  • You will submit a final, professional version of your sport outreach plan that includes revisions to your Sport Outreach Plan Comprehensive Draft Assignment built on instructor feedback.

    You will submit a final, professional version of your sport outreach plan that includes revisions to your Sport Outreach Plan Comprehensive Draft Assignment built on instructor feedback. The assignment is part of a professional style review and revision process with the objective being for you to create a highly polished, flawless, professional quality plan.
    The plan should be directed toward a general audience of your program’s hypothetical
    stakeholders- partners, funding sources, participants, staff- and tell them clearly and concisely
    what your organization and its activities are all about.
    You will submit three Microsoft Word documents-
    1. A clean version of the Final Sport Outreach Plan
    2. A version that uses the track changes function and your comments where necessary to
    clearly indicate where your revisions were made and what the revisions are.
    3. A well-organized and clear log of all changes and revisions from the Sport Outreach Plan
    Comprehensive Draft  

  • Research an employee relations case using the following website: Identify the issues or problems that took place both short term and long term and how the issue or problem could of all been avoide

    Research an employee relations case using the following website:

    1. Identify the issues or problems that took place both short term and long term and how the issue or problem could of all been avoided by being proactive.
    2. Give a recommendation going forward as if you were the employee relations expert consulting to the company. Draw on what you have learned through the class and the text book if applicable.

    Hot Tip: Remember to complete the executive summary last, as it is a summary of section II-VI and information will be repeated.

    Required Sections and Guidelines

    • Executive Summary, 2 points
      • In 2-3 sentences, summarize the case and issue(s) at high level of the employer and key person (s) (hyperlink the case from CanLII as well)
      • Briefly identify the major problems facing the employer and key person (s)
      • Summarize the judgement and or the recommendation of the case.
    • Statement of Problem, 2 points
      • State the problems facing the employer/key person (min 1 – 3)
      • TIP: Include a hyperlink to the page if available
    • Causes of Problem, 2 points
      • Identify and link the symptoms and root causes of the problems (How did we get here) (min 1 – 3)
      • Differentiate short term from long term problems
      • Conclude with the decision facing the Judge if any 
    • Decision Criteria, 2 points
      • Identify criteria, documentations and/or reference material used in the case.
        • Criteria/References/Case Law (External) (min 1 – 3 each)
        • Documentation/Policies/Reports (Internal) (min 1 – 3 each)
      • TIP: If you are unable to find this data then reference some similar past cases and any internal material that the company should have in place. 
    • Recommended Solution and/or justification, 2 points
      • Identify the judgment, and penalty as a result. If there was no information of the case being resolved explain what you think could be a likely court order or what the company should do to prevent this to going to Alberta Employment Standards or to the courts?
      • Judgment or potential judgement in your opinion
      • Financial penalties or your thoughts around what this could cost the company (May be more than financial cost) 
    • Reflection / Summary, 2 points
      • In a 5-7 sentence Summary: How could have the issue been avoided? What proactive measures could have been in placed to prevent this situation? What would you recommend to this organization as an employee relations consultant?

     Research an employee relations case using the following website . Your task will be to identify the issues or problems that took place both short term and long term. Think also about how this could of all been avoided by being proactive. Give a recommendation going forward as if you were the employee relations expert consulting to the company. Draw on what you have learned through the class and the text book if applicable. Remember to complete the executive summary last, as it is a summary of section II-VI and information will be repeated.


    Required Sections

    Format For Written Case Analysis Guidelines

    I. Executive Summary



    (2 Points)


    Complete last

    In 2-3 sentences,
    summarize the case and issue(s) at high level of the employer and key person
    (s) (hyperlink the case so I can find it)




    Briefly identify the
    major problems facing the
    employer and key person (s)




    Summarize the
    judgement and or the recommendation of the case.




    II. Statement of the Problem


    (2 Points)


    State the problems
    facing the employer/key person


    Answer (hyperlink to
    page if available):

    • A

    • B

    • C


    Causes of the Problem


    (2 Points)


    Identify and link
    the symptoms and root causes of the problems (How did we get here)


    Answer :

    • A

    • B

    • C

    Differentiate short
    term from long term problems



    • Short Term:

    • Long Term:


    Conclude with the
    decision facing the Judge if any



    IV. Decision Criteria


    (2 Points)


    Identify criteria,
    documentations and/or reference material used in the case.


    Law (External):

    • A

    • B

    • C



    • A

    • B

    • C

    If you are unable to
    find this data then reference some similar past cases and any internal
    material that the company should have in place.

    Recommended Solution, Justification


    (2 Points)


    Identify the
    judgment, and penalty as a result. If there was no information of the case
    being resolved explain what you think could be a likely court order or what
    the company should do to prevent this to going to Alberta Employment
    Standards or to the courts?


    Judgment or
    potential judgement in your opinion:

    • A

    Financial penalties
    or your thoughts around what this could cost the company (May be more than
    financial cost)





    (2 Points)


    In a 5-7 sentence
    Summary: How could have the issue been avoided? What proactive measures could
    have been in placed to prevent this situation? What would you recommend to
    this organization as an employee relations consultant?




                    / 12


  • imagine that you are a new counselor at the college’s student center, you will provide an assessment and a treatment plan for someone presenting with an electronic addiction. You will prepare a 8 page paper about a new client you are seeing

    imagine that you are a new counselor at the college’s student center, you will provide an assessment and a treatment plan for someone presenting with an electronic addiction. You will prepare a 8 page paper about a new client you are seeing that includes answers to the following questions and topics. What is the presenting electronic addiction problem? Provide a brief statement regarding why this student has come in today. What motivated this client to get help? What is the electronic addiction? Describe any short and/or long term risks of this addiction. Relate this information specifically to this client’s situation. What is/was the progression of use of this addiction? (Social issues?) What changed to cause your client to suddenly seek treatment? Assessment. (Identify a valid and reliable tool that you believe can be effective to assess this client’s situation; explain why you feel this tool would be appropriate for your client.) What is this client’s biological/medical background? Are there any psychological issues? What is this client’s social background? What are some of this client’s strengths and challenges in relationship to this addiction? What intervention will you suggest to help with this client’s electronic addiction? Create an evidence-based treatment plan which would include: Goals Objectives Action Plan Intervention Rationale/justification for your treatment plan Challenges, and how to deal with them Reference list (Do not include Wikipedia as a scholarly/reliable resource). You should include at least 5 scholarly references. If you have questions about the requirements of the project, be sure to discuss them with your mentor well in advance of the final submission. Consult the Course Calendar for the due dates. [CO1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] THREE STEP REQUIREMENTS You will complete your final project in three steps: Step 1: Final Project Part I: Introduction Complete your Introduction of the final paper. This should consist of two paragraphs. The first paragraph describes the problem of the client you are going to see. You should describe why they are coming in, what motivated them? It’s a brief story. Your second paragraph should explain about their electronic addiction, including risks, issues, etc. You may use the first four questions in the above list as a guide. Consult the course Calendar for the due date. Step 2: Final Project Part II: Assessment Tool and Treatment Plan Complete the body of your final paper. You will find this easier if you break this section down into several parts. For example: Part 1: What is electronic addiction? Why did your client seek out treatment? Part 2: What type of assessment will you do? What is the client’s biological/medical/psychological/social background? Part 3: Create an evidence-based treatment plan. Part 4: What will/does the future hold for your client? You may also use questions 5 to 11 in the above list as a guide. Consult the course Calendar for the due date. Step 3: Final Project Part III: Final Paper First, modify and combine Part I and II of the final project you finished early into one formal paper. During the process, add a conclusion at the end. The conclusion should be about two paragraphs. The first one re-explains the basics about your client. The second explains why seeing this client is important and any impact that electronic addiction will have in the future. Your final paper is due on the last day of the semester. WRITING RESOURCES The following links provide online writing aids to help you with your paper assignments. OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University Writer’s Handbook, the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison APA Guidelines

  • Task: A Group of 4 students should answer the following questions: How can Black Diamond integrate social responsibility into its culture? Provide examples.

    Hc1052 Organization Behaviour Assignment Help 

    Group Assignment


    Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
    Trimester T2 2024
    Unit Code Hc1052
    Unit Title Organization Behaviour
    Assessment Type Group Assignment
    Due Date + time:

    October 11, 2024

    11.59 pm (Melb / Sydney time)

    Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) 1,2,3,4
    Weight 40%
    Total Marks

    Assignment (40 marks)

    (if also presentation component, please add here)

    Word limit 3000 words
    Submission Guidelines
    1. All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
    2. The assignment must be in MS Word format unless otherwise specified.
    Academic Integrity Information Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessments must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Please learn about academic integrity and consult your teachers with any questions. Violating academic integrity is serious and punishable by penalties that range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.
    • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date and time, along with a completed Assessment Cover Page. Late penalties apply.
    • Your answers must be based on Holmes Institute syllabus of this unit. Outside sources may not amount to more than 10% of any answer and must be correctly referenced in full. Over-reliance on outside sources will be penalised
    • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes Institute Adapted Harvard

    Referencing. Penalties are associated with incorrect citation and referencing.

     Group Assignment Guidelines and Specifications

     Note: The lecture slides may contain the basic key concepts only and students are expected to have read a wide range of scholarly literature to complete the assessment. Students are expected to have undertaken additional research using Google Scholar and ProQuest research database. If you’re in doubt about what is a peer-reviewed article, please ask your tutor in the interactive tutorial sessions or the unit coordinator in the drop-in sessions.
     Each group of 4 students will analyse the following exercise and submit a collaborative written report.

     A group is required to select one of the following topics.

     GROUP EXERCISE 1: Strengths-Based Development

    Learning Objective: This exercise incorporates many ideas in this unit with the main point reinforcing the fact that each individual is different. Intelligence is a related concept in this situation and identifying other personality traits when deciding the corporation’s course of action.

    Learning Objective: Explain why different people are motivated by different things.

     Summary: The goal of this exercise is to give students practice aligning individual and organizational goals, and thinking like a manager in managing employee motivation. Identify any business of your interest and imagine that you are the management team. Your company’s business strategy is to provide high-quality customer service and to provide high-quality products. You are not the cheapest store in town, but you expect your employees to create a service-oriented atmosphere that customers will be willing to pay a little extra for. You recognize that your sales staff will be essential to your business’s success, and you want to create a system that motivates them to help create a competitive advantage for your business. Because this is the first store you have opened, you have the opportunity to decide how to best motivate your staff. Market-competitive starting salaries have already been established, but you have decided to allocate 10 percent of the stores’ profits to use to motivate your sales staff in any way you see fit.

    Task: A Group of 4 students should answer the following questions:

    1. What behaviours would you want from your sales staff?
    2. What goals would you set for your sales staff, given your answer to Question 1?
    3. What type of system would you set up to reward these behaviours?
    4. What challenges would you be on the lookout for? How would you proactively address these potential challenges to prevent them from happening?

    GROUP EXERCISE 2 – Ethical Decision-Making at Black Diamond Equipment

    Learning Objective: Explain the impact of diversity and its benefits in contemporary organisations Summary: Black Diamond Equipment specialises in climbing and skiing equipment. The global company looks for employees who share the company’s attitude, values, and passion toward outdoor sports and ethical values. Black Diamond also promotes fair labour practices, sustainability, and low environmental impact.

    Task: A Group of 4 students should answer the following questions:

    1. How can Black Diamond integrate social responsibility into its culture? Provide examples.
    2. How does the global nature of the company and its markets influence how it thinks about employee diversity? Provide examples.
    3. If you were the CEO of Black Diamond, how would you create a culture of inclusion to help your company realize the benefits of diversity? How can diversity be a source of competitive advantage at Black Diamond?

     GROUP EXERCISE 3: Attitudes, Values, and Perceptions

    Learning Objective: To explore several concepts discussed in this unit, such as attitudes, values, and perceptions and how they affect behaviors.

    Summary: The case begins by outlining a scenario of VPs reporting monthly sales when the president of the company throws a chair at a VP reporting low monthly sales results, stating: ‘Next time, I won’t miss.’ Consultant Lynn Taylor calls bosses like this Terrible Office Tyrants, or TOTs. Managers who can’t control their power when they’re placed under stress. Taylor provides 20 common traits characterizing TOTs, including bragging and bullying. Taylor offers some concrete coping techniques for subordinates of TOTs including putting everything in writing and be a star performer.

    Task: A Group of 4 students should answer the following questions:

    1. According to some experts, the sort of behaviour reported here is more prevalent in the business world than in the rest of society. Assuming this is true, why do you suppose that’s the case?
    2. How might attitudes, values, and perceptions affect the behaviours illustrated in this case?
    3. Many people think of stress as a simple problem. In reality, however, stress is complex and often misunderstood. Discuss some stress management techniques.

    Assignment report structure should be, as follows:

    • The report must include Holmes cover page with who did what section in the report.
    • Table of Contents
    • Executive Summary
    • An Introduction and background information of the selected exercise: Briefly introduce the purpose of the report. Within the introductory paragraph, you need to address the key topics you will address in the body paragraphs
    • Detailed analysis of the questions in the selected exercise.
    • Conclusion: The conclusion must briefly summarise the key points in the body paragraphs
    • Reference List: Please include all in-text references in the list of references formatted in the ‘Adapted Harvard Referencing’ requirements. A minimum of 10 references is required.
  • Critically evaluate the role of digital marketing in contemporary marketing strategy. How does digital marketing help businesses reach their target audience more effectively than traditional marketing methods?

    Question 1                                                                                                                  (10 marks)

    Explain the concept of the marketing mix and how it serves as a tool for marketing managers to influence consumer demand. Provide examples of how different elements of the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) can be adjusted in response to changing market conditions.
    (400 – 500 words)

    ANSWER (box will enlarge as you enter your response)

     Question 2                                                                                                                  (10marks)

     Critically evaluate the role of digital marketing in contemporary marketing strategy. How does digital marketing help businesses reach their target audience more effectively than traditional marketing methods?(400 – 500 words)


     Question 3   


    Discuss the importance of understanding consumer behavior for developing an effective marketing plan. How can marketers use consumer insights to create value for both the company and its customers? (400 – 500 words)


     Question 4                                                                                                                  (10 marks)

     Case Study 1

    Naked Juice, a brand owned by PepsiCo, established in the early 2000s, was once a leading player in the organic juice market in Australia. Known for its commitment to using only organic fruits and vegetables, Naked Juice built a strong reputation among health-conscious consumers. However, in recent years, Naked Juice has experienced a significant decline in sales and market share. Despite its early success, the brand has struggled to adapt to the evolving preferences of its target market, which has shifted toward a broader emphasis on health, sustainability, and low-sugar content. This shift has left Naked Juice behind, relying on outdated marketing methods and failing to connect with a new generation of consumers.For more information about Naked Juice, please access the link below:


    Identify the key issues Naked Juice faces in its current market position and consider what changes in consumer behaviour should be taken into account when developing a new marketing strategy. Discuss how Naked Juice can rebrand itself to appeal to the health-conscious consumer segment, the role of integrated marketing communication in repositioning Naked Juice’s brand and recommend specific marketing tactics Naked Juice could use to rebuild its brand image and regain market share.
    (400 – 500 words)


     Question 5                                                                                                                  (10 marks)

    Case Study 2


    Wyze Labs, a mid-sized smart home technology company, is preparing to launch a new smart home security camera designed to offer advanced features at an affordable price. The company has identified a growing trend of consumers seeking cost-effective, user-friendly smart home devices that integrate seamlessly with other smart home ecosystems. However, the market is highly competitive, with established brands like Amazon’s Ring, Google Nest, and Arlo already dominating the smart home security market. Wyze Labs wants to differentiate its product by emphasizing affordability, ease of use, and innovative features like person detection and compatibility with a wide range of smart home systems.For more information about Wyze Labs, please access the link below:


    Analyse the potential challenges Wyze Labs might face in positioning its new product in the competitive smart home security market and recommend the marketing strategies, including the use of the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and digital marketing tactics, that Wyze Labs should employ to effectively target its desired consumer segment and maximize its reach and engagement with potential customers (400 – 500 words)