10 questions! Short answers only! 250 words or less!    Chriss, J. J. (2022).

10 questions! Short answers only! 250 words or less!    Chriss, J. J. (2022). Social control: An introduction (3rd ed.). Polity Press. Chapter 3. Informal Control  Chapter 6. Informal Control: Case Studies   Lippman, M. (2021). Law and society (3rd ed.). SAGE. Chapter 6. Dispute Resolution  Chapter 11. Law and Racial and Ethnic Inequality   Beckett, K., […]

Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe the place of small business in history and explor

Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe the place of small business in history and explore the strengths and weaknesses of small business. 2. Design a solid projected financial plan and conduct a breakeven analysis for a small company. 3. Demonstrate the ability to deliver and communicate marketing massages in coherent and professional manner. 4. Illustrate the ability […]

The most important part of statistics is accurately and effectively communicatin

The most important part of statistics is accurately and effectively communicating the results of a study. For this lab, you will be conducting a statistical analysis for data of your choosing. Lab Procedure: Think of a topic or question that you’re interested in exploring further that can be studied through data. It is recommended, but […]

Unit 2 Process Benchmarking – Marketing Process And Planning, Assignment, BTEC Level 5 , UK

Authorised Assignment Brief 2 Unit Learning Outcomes LO2 Compare ways in which organisations use elements of the marketing mix to achieve overall business objectives. transferable skills and competencies developed  Use appropriate business systems and software effectively to deliver marketing outcomes efficiently, for example to analyse data, produce reports, deliver copy. Produce a wide range of […]

Unit 2 The Marketing Concept Webinar- Marketing Process And Planning, Assignment, BTEC Level 5 , UK

Unit Learning Outcomes LO1 Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other business units of an organisation. Transferable skills and competencies developed Articulating and effectively explaining information. Communication and listening, including the ability to produce clear, structured business communications in a variety of media. Conceptual and critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. […]

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