• Module 5: Into the Woods Discussion Posting

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    Module 5: Into the Woods Discussion Posting

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    This posting is a little different from the others as it’s also preparation for your Performance Response.

    For this posting, you will write ten numbered paragraphs of 25-50 words each (you can make a paragraph longer, but anything shorter will not be adequate). Each paragraph must contain a detailed observation and description of a component of the performance. This component might be a costume or a set piece; a specific actor or a specific moment in the performance; or the combination of movement and music at a particular time in the performance, or something else. Whatever you observe, you can write about, but only write about one thing in each paragraph.

    Do not write about characters or plot. I have had past students who recount either the entire story in the 10 paragraphs or write about a different character for every paragraph. I do not want this. Why? I want you to focus on the production and the elements which compose the play. Characters and plot are in the script and more or less stay the same from production to production. The production elements; however, tend to change. Some productions are better than others. Noticing the elements and how they are used is a means of dissecting a production. It is a way for you to critique and notice details outside of the story. Did the lighting add or subtract from the overall experience? In one scene the lights might have perfectly set the mood for a moment of quiet intimacy; in another scene they may have been overboard, flashing when there was no need, taking you out of the story altogether. (Hint: Lighting designers are usually doing their job when you don’t notice the lights at all unless you are specifically looking to see how they are working.) Every element in a production is supposed to help tell the story better. If it does not do that (such as a cumbersome wig which may look cool, but the actor has to keep fiddling with) then it should be cut or changed. Keep this in mind for the rest of the semester and especially for your Performance Response.

    Remember: You are not to write about whether you liked or didn’t like a particular thing- stick to observation/description. You must include at least one paragraph for each of the following categories: staging, directing (apart from the staging), design (one each for costumes, sets, props, lights, sound and other media, such as projections), and acting. Remember: these paragraphs should be observations, not opinions. Focus on what you see and hear.

    Your submitted paper should look something like this:

    My first observation and description.
    My second observation and description.
    My third observation and description
    and so on.

    (Note: You do not have to use the phrase “My (number) observation and description.” Just number your paragraphs and make sure that each paragraph focuses on one thing.)

    Important: Do not attempt to write a coherent essay in which each paragraph leads into the next. Write 10 individual paragraphs about 10 things that you notice.

    At the end of your list of paragraphs, write a short paragraph (paragraph 11 – between 100-200 words) about your experience of the production: what you liked or didn’t like, what you thought, what happened to you as you watched, and so on. Continue to be specific, and use, if appropriate, the observations you made in paragraphs 1-10 (for instance, after describing a costume in Paragraph 1, in your concluding paragraph you might say, “One of the things I really liked was the designs. The kind of detail I described in paragraph 1 showed up throughout the design – I especially liked the way the green embroidery design on the costume transformed into lily pads on the wallpaper.”)

    Each paragraph should be well-written, observing the standards of formal academic writing. Remember to proofread your essay before posting for logical development and correct syntax, spelling, grammar, etc. Students lose many points by not turning in polished work. Polished work is expected throughout this entire course.

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  • PART A 150 words Thought bubbleIn the lecture, you learned about many cognitive processes, including perception.

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    PART A 150 words

    Thought bubbleIn the lecture, you learned about many cognitive processes, including perception. Perception involves how people interpret and make sense of the world around them. As you learned, there are a variety of perceptual errors, including the recency effect and the halo effect. These errors help to explain why an individual’s perceptions might not correspond with reality and why people can have such differing perceptions from one another.

    For discussion, you will apply this material to your personal or professional life. Please address the following in your initial post:

    Summarize a time where your perception differed greatly from that of another person.
    In so doing, make sure to describe your own perception and the other person’s and explain whether either of you might have been displaying one of the perceptual errors you learned about in lecture (halo effect, recency effect, etc.).
    Detail what the results of this perceptual difference were. For instance, did it lead to hostility or difficulty finding common ground?
    Outline specific ways this situation could have been handled differently using tips from lecture.
    Identify some strategies you will use in the future to ensure you are perceiving reality as accurately as possible and not succumbing to perceptual errors
    PART B

    PowerPoint Presentation with Voiceover

    Now it is time to put your research into a format that you can more easily present to others.This week, you will create a PowerPoint Presentation with voiceover to summarize your research findings on your chosen psychological principle of interest and analyze the connections between this topic and collaborative workplace processes. Your presentation will require both written and oral components.As you are working on your PowerPoint Presentation with voiceover, ensure that you are utilizing feedback that your instructor provided on your topic, overview, and research in Week 2.

    All required elements of your presentation are described below. These elements should appear in proper written format and should be explained fully in your voiceover recording.Be sure to proofread for errors and accuracy and follow APA documentation guidelines. You are encouraged to add helpful visuals such as charts, graphs, pictures, diagrams, etc. and cite these as well. See the APA guide and provided examples from your instructor for additional support.

    Your presentation should follow the general formatting sequence of:

    Title slide with your name and date
    Introduction slide
    What are the main points or ideas that will be covered in the presentation?
    Use this slide to prepare your audience for what will be covered in the remainder of the presentation.
    Content slides
    Topic overview
    Define/describe chosen psychological principle.
    Explain what you learned about this topic/principle.
    Summarize how the chosen psychological principle/topic relates to collaborative workplace processes.
    Remember: collaborative workplace processes involve working with others in a team or group.
    Connect your research and knowledge of this psychological principle/topic to past and future experiences
    Be sure to include an analysis of how past experiences working in groups (academically and/or professionally) relates to or builds on the knowledge you gained about your chosen topic.
    Explain how the topic you selected for this assessment relates to your past experiences working in groups.
    Summarize how the knowledge gained from this assessment will influence your future career and/or life success.
    Specifically, what aspects of the project did you find most valuable in relation to your career and life pursuits?
    Conclusion slide
    Summarize the main points or ideas from your presentation.
    Reference slide in APA format
    Although your PowerPoint slides will use bullets, charts, images, etc. to briefly address the above requirements, make sure to fully explain your ideas in your voiceover recording.More detailed instructions on recording narrations in PowerPoint can be found in the Student Resources area of Blackboard.

    PART C 150 words

    In the lecture, you learned about the future of cognition in the workplace, including finding ways to integrate human strengths with technology and artificial intelligence. In your reflection, please address the following:

    Summarize some of the ways that more advanced forms of technology (like artificial intelligence) might be used in your job role and chosen field.
    Explain how you believe technology and artificial intelligence will continue to evolve in your chosen career field.
    Describe the steps you can take to ensure you have the skills necessary to remain relevant and employed within your chosen field, even with advances in technology.

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  • How do customers contribute non-monetary value to an organization?

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    How do customers contribute non-monetary value to an organization? Your task is to establish 3 ways in which they do.

    Use a concrete example for each way or attribute of a company that has benefitted from its customers in this way—and how it facilitated this benefit (NB: you may use the same company for all 3)
    Too often in the past–and often even now–companies would think about the customer purely monetarily.
    Include a bibliography (APA reference): use 5 sources minimum, on or offline (including personal interviews)

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  • Using the tools on the site, do the following:

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    Go to:

    Using the tools on the site, do the following:

    Briefly describe the connection between malaria and education in African countries (5-7 sentences)
    Briefly describe the connection between poverty and natural disasters in Asia (5-7 sentences)
    Briefly describe the connection between historical events and abrupt change in life expectancy (5-7 sentences)
    Just mess around with the site and try to compare these connections each in 5-7 sentences per statement. Shouldn’t take longer than an hour.

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  • Review the Action Assignments located in Sessions 2 and 3.

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    Review the Action Assignments located in Sessions 2 and 3. These assignments may take some planning ahead of time. This is your opportunity to reflect and consider what interventions will be most appropriate and accessible for your submissions in these sessions.

    Submit a one-paragraph response for each session (2 and 3) summarizing a proposal for your action assignments. This will give you the opportunity to plan ahead and receive instructor feedback on your proposed interventions. Cite the text as a support for the plans you have selected.

    Click on the Session 1 Action Assignment Proposal link and submit your assignment as a Word document by the posted due date. Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.

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  • You are the President of Big Cereal, a leading manufacturer of boxed cereals.

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    You are the President of Big Cereal, a leading manufacturer of boxed cereals.

    Over the last few years, both you and other leaders in the company have pushed the company to think outside of the cereal box and how the company can do more to address societal issues. You have developed robust hiring practices that resulted in Big Cereal having a diverse, highly motivated, and highly skilled workforce. You believe this hiring has helped both Big Cereal, the local community and society in general.

    One of your rising stars, Tom Say, is a person you may not have considered prior to the change in how you recruited employees. Tom has exceptionally good business judgment and he has earned your trust. Tom came to you with an idea.

    Tom serves on his local school board (one of the reasons you hired Tom is that he had deep roots in his community and was committed to giving back). As a member of the school board, he is working to improve the poor math scores of his school district. Although the poor scores result from a wide variety of issues, Tom believes he can help on one: the lack of good textbooks and learning materials.

    Tom learns that math has developed a bad reputation among the students as boring, hard, and unnecessary (don’t we all carry computers with us everywhere now?). The teachers complain of boring textbooks that were written years ago and no budget for updates.

    With this background, Tom came to you 18 months ago and suggested that Big Cereal should help with this math education problem.

    Initially, you thought Tom was just asking for a donation. Big Cereal has donated 2% of its revenue for years and has a committee the devotes time each year to picking worthy recipients. However, Tom was thinking bigger (outside the cereal box). Tom wanted to develop a new math textbook that would make learning math more relevant, more engaging, and more fun. He also thought it could be a win-win for Big Cereal by incorporating some of its products into the textbook.

    Tom had already begun working on this idea by connecting with a team of leading math professors from around the country. The team had been working on some of these ideas for years and were looking for a catalyst to get these ideas into schools. The math team agreed they get the new textbook ready for the classroom with a budget of $250,000. Tom asked you for that amount. You agreed.

    It was not an overly difficult decision for you. The Board of Directors’ relatively new ESG effort had set aside $1,000,000 for ESG efforts without much clarity or direction on how to use it. You have not had the time or energy to focus on ESG as cereal sales have been falling as consumers move away from highly processed, less healthy foods. In fact, you need to get back to that as soon as you can as shareholders are demanding a return to revenue growth. You figured putting money into efforts to improve students’ math skills fit the ESG efforts. What’s not good about helping kids learn math? You did not give it too much extra thought.

    Tom just reported to you on the current results of that $250,000 investment from a year and a half ago. The team has been busy. The team has already launched the textbook and tested it in five classrooms. The book is widely successful. Teachers like it. Students like it. It makes teaching and learning math more relevant and fun. Math scores have improved. Tom is exceptional at what he does.

    As you learn more, you learn just how much Tom and the team have incorporated Big Cereal into the textbook. The textbook is full of examples using Big Cereal’s products and even more ground-breaking, it has a fully developed series of math problems using Big Cereal’s actual cereals. To keep with the fun theme, the textbook uses more pictures and graphics in the place of words. These pictures and graphics often incorporate Big Cereal’s products.

    Big Cereal’s biggest product, both in terms of revenue and profits, is Robot Tasties. Robot Tasties is a sugar cereal that comes in the shapes and colors of five different robots. The robots all have names and back stories. The back stories have appeared on the “back” of the cereal boxes for years and most school children know the stories and can relate to them. The math team was able to use this to develop a whole series of interesting math problems. Probability: if you pick a piece out of the box what is the probability it will be Zar Robot? What are the odds of five Zar Robots in a row. Calculus: if you dump Robot Tasties into a cone of a known size, how many Robots will be in the cone? The math group is fun and clever and was able to use both the physical cereal and the Robots’ backstories to make the math interesting and fun. Every chapter is filled with math that can be tested using Robot Tasties. The consistency of this approach makes learning easier and more relevant than old textbooks did.

    Tom is excited. He wants to roll this out nationwide. He proposes that Big Cereal offer the textbook and materials, mostly a lot of free Robot Tasties cereal, to schools for free. He calculates this will cost Big Cereal about $1,000 per school (the book is electronic, and the cereal is at cost), but that it’s worth about $10,000 in advertising per school. Big Cereal spent $25 million advertising Robot Tasties last year, so he thinks it’s a “no brainer” to devote at least some of that to this idea. And, that’s just Robot Tasties advertising budget, the textbook uses some of Big Cereal’s other products in the book too. Tom believes this is better than any other advertising campaign Big Cereal has and wants as much as the $25 million dollar budget as possible.

    In addition to the improved math results, Tom also tested improved “cereal” results. School age children are the target market of Robot Tasties and they eat the vast majority of the product. Although the cereal has always been popular and well known, the new math textbook changed the awareness from 65% of school children knowing about the Robots to 100%. Also, given that children regularly used Robot Tasties cereal in their math activities (a big part of the reason math was more fun), they also regularly sampled the product. They liked it and their home consumption went up as well. Sales of ancillary products also went up. You sell pajamas, stuffed Robot “animals,” t-shirts, and even toy robots modeled after the cereal. You have always viewed this as additional advertising to get people to wear branded clothing and use branded products (lunch boxes, etc.), but now you’re starting to think it could be a revenue source by itself. The textbook builds on the Robot characters and adds this crazy math component (maybe a superpower?). Maybe a TV series? Maybe even a movie?

    You’re impressed. As a bit of due diligence, you call the school district superintendents and principals to get some feedback. All of your calls went about how you expected and the people were glad to have been part of the test and would like to keep using the new textbook.

    You pressed further and you did get consistent comments that they had heard from parents that thought the school had sold out to business. Some of the school staff also felt this way, although you had not heard that through Tom’s testing. Some of the parents felt some pressure from their children to buy Robot Tasties and did not feel it was appropriate for the school to use them in math examples.

    Robot Tasties has been criticized by health professionals as not a good part of a balanced diet for children and as leading to both obesity and tooth decay. Under your leadership, you have worked to partially address this issue, by reducing the amount of sugar in the cereal and by fortifying it with vitamins. You also changed your advertising to include fruit or other healthy choices alongside of a bowl of Robot Tasties to illustrate that it’s not meant to be the only item in a breakfast. With the added vitamins, the cereal meets a lot of minimum daily vitamin requirements, but it remains a high calorie choice without much nutritional value (other than relatively empty calories and added vitamins).

    How do you approach Tom’s request to roll this out on a wider scale?

    Describe the ethical dilemma(s). Describe the personal values you bring to the dilemmas. Choose the corporate values you find relevant, compare them to your own, identify stakeholders whose viewpoints should be considered, and explain who should be involved in decision-making. Explain alternative solutions and their consequences. Explain your choice of action.

    Big Cereal’s core values as follows:

    1. Respect for Relationship with Stakeholders
      We will respect our relationships with our stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers, consumers, vendors, suppliers, local communities, the larger world society and employees, and will strive to maintain relationships that are both appropriate and friendly.
    2. Engage Ethically. We will be well-informed in the regulations, rules, and compliance issues that apply to our businesses around the world. We will apply this knowledge to our conduct as responsible employees and will adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct in all that we do.
    3. Integrity. Each of us brings to the workplace personal values which guide us to meet our commitments to customers, suppliers, colleagues, and others with whom we interact. We embrace truthfulness and trust, and we treat everyone with dignity and respect-as we wish to be treated ourselves. We are each personally accountable for the highest standards of behavior, including honesty and fairness in all aspects of our work.
    4. [Added in 2019] Social, Environmental, and Diversity Integrity. We will make the world better and are committed to enhancing social equity and environmental sustainability.

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  • Review Chapter 1 of Nolasco & MacDonald (2016).

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    Review Chapter 1 of Nolasco & MacDonald (2016). With these concepts in mind, research current events and news articles from reliable sources and identify one that you believe demonstrates suffering as described in the text. Remember, reliable sources do not include blogs, personal websites, Wikipedia, etc. Instead, use valid news outlets at a local, national, or international level to support your research.

    Specifically search for an article that also describes some form of compassion shown by the community or an individual in response to the suffering. Your article should have been published no longer than one year prior to the date of your submission.

    Some ideas of relevant news to investigate include natural disasters, instances of physical illness, homelessness, or response to violent crimes.

    In a three-page written response, please address the following questions:

    Summarize your article. What occurred? What was the suffering? What was the compassionate response?
    What impact did the response have on those who were suffering (or what impact do you believe would have occurred if it is not detailed in the article)?
    Connect the text to your article. Include specific quotes from the introduction or Chapter 1 of Nolasco & MacDonald (2016) that are relevant in relation to the events that occurred. How does this week’s assigned reading cause you to view the article differently?
    Provide a biblical perspective. How can stories, principles, and verses from Scripture connect to your article? Cite specific Scripture passages for this part of your response.
    Examples of articles (please do not use the examples provided, but instead locate your own article):

    Thai Soccer Team Rescued

    Unknown Teen Given a Proper Burial

    Flood Rescues in Japan

    Free Veterinary Care for Pets of the Homeless

    Three pages in length (not including the cover page and reference page).
    Constructed using an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, with quality college-level writing.
    Written in Word using APA format. It should include the following:
    A cover page.
    Assignment written using an APA approved font and size, double spaced.
    In-text citations to support main points.
    A reference page with full APA references for each in-text citation used for support.
    Note: The APA Requirements module is helpful for additional APA requirements.
    Supported by Scripture.
    Click on the Session 1 Paper link and submit your assignment as a Word document by the posted due date. Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.

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  • describe how the flow of blood through veins and arteries, which are flexible,

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    describe how the flow of blood through veins and arteries, which are flexible, as compared to the flow of liquid through a solid structure like a pipe. What impact do you think the elasticity of the veins and arteries might have on the flow of blood through them?

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  • ((Describe the difference between a vulnerability assessment and IT audit. Cite at least two authoritative source.))

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    • ((Describe the difference between a vulnerability assessment and IT audit. Cite at least two authoritative source.))
    • Coherent and focused. Excellent organization and flow of topic content; clear Introduction, Body, and Conclusion/Summary; easy to follow commentary.
    • Ideas expressed coherently and succinctly, using precise word choice. All sentences are well-constructed with correct punctuation throughout.
    • Expressed ideas are supported/contrasted with course content, examples are included.

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  • The selection ends with the following assertion by Drucker: “Each of these requirements—except perhaps the last one—is almost the exact opposite of what is needed

    Please read the selection, “The Productivity of the Knowledge Worker,” by Peter Drucker.

    The selection ends with the following assertion by Drucker: “Each of these requirements—except perhaps the last one—is almost the exact opposite of what is needed to increase the productivity of the manual worker.” If one considers that Drucker held the Scientific Management view of job design, this could be true.

    But now, consider the Jobs Characteristics Model (JCM) of Hackman and Oldham (see Chapter 8 of Robbins and Judge).

    • How does JCM differ from the “scientific management approach” of Frederick Taylor?
    • If factory jobs were designed according to JCM, what attributes of “knowledge work” would apply to them?
    • Would Drucker’s assertion still be valid?
    • Are professional degreed individuals the only ones who can be identified as knowledge workers? Why or why not?

    Be sure to read the materials (readings and video lectures) carefully before you address this topic.

    Your paper should be 4-5 pages long (not including the title page and References).