• “Ensuring Quality and Reliability: Buying Foracort Inhaler in Bulk from a Trusted Supplier”

     If you’re wanting to Buy Foracort Inhaler in large quantities, you need to make sure the supplier is reliable and follows quality control and regulatory requirements. Find pharmaceutical producers, distributors, or wholesalers who specialise in respiratory drugs such as Foracort Inhaler to start. Make that they are authorised to distribute pharmaceutical products by looking out their qualifications, licences, and certificates.  
    Find out about options for buying Foracort Inhaler in bulk by getting in touch with the supplier directly. Give particulars such the amount needed, the estimated time of delivery, and any local regulations that may apply. Talk about the cost, bulk purchase discounts, and the conditions of the sale, which include handling and shipment.
    You can Buy Foracort inhaler at genuine pharmacy store like Medzsupplier. It is large scale online pharmacy who sale Dexamethasone Injection, Duolin inhaler or other medicine online.  

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  • “Demand for Settlement: [Client Name] v. [Defendant Name]”

    Using your imagination and creativity, prepare the demand letter (settlement précis) for our client to the defendant following the directions attached below.  These instructions and a template to use for the letter are also found in D2L/Content/Demand Letters.  Rely on the documents found in the case file to assist you in drafting the demand letter.  I am attaching the instruction page, the fact patterns and other information to use and some examples of demand letters. MUST end with Sincerely!

    The post “Demand for Settlement: [Client Name] v. [Defendant Name]” appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

  • Course Project: Combating the Spread of Zoonotic Diseases

    What you’re doing:
    You are completing section 5 (Informational Piece) of your course project. You are also compiling all elements of your course project and submitting them.
    What you need to know:
    Your informational piece can take the form of a video public service announcement (PSA), infographic, or fact sheet.
    For a Factsheet, a simple Word Document will suffice, but you have to style it and organize the information with the audience in mind. A wall of text is not going to effectively communicate the information to a lay audience. Make it digestible and engaging.
    For an infographic, we recommend using Adobe Express . Follow that link for instructions on creating and posting an infographic.
    For a PSA (video), use Canvas Studio to record yourself and request captions. For assistance, see these instructions on Screen Capture .
    Refer to the Course Project Overview for more context.
    Section 5: Informational Piece
    Your information piece will be posted on the clinic’s website and Facebook page. If you choose to do a PSA, it should be no longer than three minutes, and you should use slides to support what you say. An infographic or fact sheet should be no longer than one page. Key points must include:
    The agent
    The agent’s ability to infect animals and humans
    Signs of infection
    Modes of transmission
    Reasonable and effective measures to prevent disease spread
    To other animals of the same species
    To other animals of different species
    To humans
    The information must be succinct, with correct grammar, complete sentences, and language appropriate for the general public. Key points should include a description of the agent, symptoms in animals and humans, source of infection and transmission, and prevention techniques.
    Submission Requirements
    Along with Section 5, please combine all of what you created for Sections 1-4 and submit them here once more. Follow the previous submission guidelines for length and be sure to identify and address each topic. The report should be double-spaced using a 12 pt. Times New Roman font or 11 pt. Calibri font. Your final submission should incorporate modifications based on feedback given for sections 1-4. A complete reference page must be included with the final submission. References can be combined into one reference page and do not count toward the overall page limit. The document name of the final project submission should be LASTNAME_FinalProject. If your section 3 diagram and/or section 5 information piece cannot be included in the word document, submit them as separate sections with the document named as LASTNAME_Section#.
    Please be sure to use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Your responses must be clear and accurate using complete sentences. As with all your work in this course, be sure to cite your sources in APA format within your document and on a separate reference page.

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  • Title: “Experience the Power of Persuasion” Intended Product/Position: A new energy drink called “Boost Blast” Script: Attention all busy, tired, and overworked individuals! Are you in need of a quick energy boost to

    For the Using Rhetorical Devices assignment, you will create an advertisement that uses at least two rhetorical ploys (CO1 and CO4). The list is available in Chapter 2 of Bowell and Kemp.
    To complete the assignment, you will need to complete, Part I: Advertisement Transcript and Part II: Explanation using the attached worksheet.
    Note, if you choose to construct an audio or video component it may enhance your score, but there will be no penalty for submitting just the worksheet.
    Part I: Advertisement Transcript
    The advertisement transcript will include the following:
    State intended product or position (what are you selling) DO NOT use a trademarked product.
    enough words to take between 30 seconds and one minute (80-150 words) to verbalize.
    A word-for-word “script” you could use to create an actual advertisement [this is what a transcript is].
    Use at least 2 Rhetorical Ploys from Chapter 2 of Bowell and Kemp (pages 46-58) intended to manipulate the audience (minimum).
    List and define each Rhetorical Ploy used from the textbook and how it was intended to manipulate the audience.
    Finally, add a few sentences on what you feel you learned from this exercise. Be reflective and discuss your feelings toward such ploys and whether you will be more manipulation-resistant after this assignment.

    The post Title: “Experience the Power of Persuasion”

    Intended Product/Position: A new energy drink called “Boost Blast”


    Attention all busy, tired, and overworked individuals! Are you in need of a quick energy boost to appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

  • A critical analysis paper looking at how females are represented in video games.

    A critical analysis paper looking at how females are represented in video games.  I have provided an extract from the project brief and the key points (K2, S1, S2) we are expected to hit in the paper.

    The post A critical analysis paper looking at how females are represented in video games. appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

  • LO1. Critically evaluate the service user experience to establish potential for improvement in a defined aspect of care/ professional practice. LO2. Critically evaluate the mechanisms that can be used to influence organisational change and public policy, demonstrating the development of political awareness and skills.

    Please refer to hospital setting environment for reference maintaining patient confidentiality 4000-word assignment on Improving Quality of Care for people using Healthcare services (Element 011) Submission deadline: 8th of March 2024 by 14:00 (Canvas submission) In this essay, you will be required to critically reflect on a particular service user experience from clinical practice and generate evidence-based rationale for a service improvement proposal. After presentation of the service user experience episode, you must provide rationale for improvement, utilising relevant evidence. This is followed by a service improvement proposal, which you must describe in detail. This will demonstrate ability to understand the principles of successful implementation and must include an evidence-based discussion on the importance of considering cost-effectiveness. There is no expectation to build a business case, but the evidence behind it should be mentioned. Improvement of health provision must always be linked to the impact on the service user. This Element relates to the following Module Learning Outcomes: LO1. Critically evaluate the service user experience to establish potential for improvement in a defined aspect of care/ professional practice LO2. Critically evaluate the mechanisms that can be used to influence organisational change and public policy, demonstrating the development of political awareness and skills. LO3. Demonstrate an understanding of the processes involved in developing a basic business case for additional care funding by applying knowledge of finance, resources and safe staffing levels. LO4. Apply the principles of health economics and their relevance to resource allocation in health and social care organisations and other 1. Introduction – 250 words Student introduces the reader to the assignment, briefly explaining what will be discussed overall. Introduction is concise but comprehensive to reflect all the different areas that are expected to be covered on the essay. Some subject-specific references may be used in the introduction 2. Critical Evaluation of Experience for people using healthcare services requiring improvement (discussion of the experience and critical appraisal of the issue that need improvement) – 1000 words Identify the experience that requires improvement. Critically discuss the experience considering the benefits and challenges to people using healthcare services. Utilise this discussion to generate a rationale for a quality improvement proposal. 3. Improvement proposal – 2500 words Detail of the proposal Detailed implementation plan, using the guide provided. Key points to consider will be: Impact on people using healthcare services. How are you going to implement it (key aspects of change management, such as resistance to change, leadership). How would you ensure your proposal is successful and how would you know and demonstrate this (measurement, evaluation, spreading good practice) Project and performance management (resources required and keep in mind how they can justify a higher cost in terms of benefit for people and the NHS) 4. Conclusion – 250 words This is where you briefly summarise what has been discussed. Conclusion should not have references, unless there is a specific issue you wish to highlight/ reinforce. It should not contain new information and should contain the key aspects of the essay. I will attach a copy of essay please do not exactly copy the content but use it as a way to refer to. Many thanks Please use reference from past 7 years not older than that and also include nhs england,pub media,royal college of nursing,royal college of physicians and medline etc please

  • Concluded in May 1420 at Troyes, a town on the Seine in northeastern France, the Treaty of Troyes was a historic Anglo-French accord whereby Henry V of England became regent and heir to the throne of France.

    1-Create a 350 to 400 word article disccussion post on the following: Treaty of Troyes and use the following article to write the post: 

    Treaty of Troyes: Hundred Years’ War

    General Resources – Reference Articles

    Concluded in May 1420 at Troyes, a town on the Seine in northeastern France, the Treaty of Troyes was a historic Anglo-French accord whereby Henry V of England became regent and heir to the throne of France. By creating the prospect of a dual monarchy within the English House of Plantagenet, the treaty promised an end to both the Hundred Years’ War and the French Civil War.

    In the spring of 1418, John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, recaptured Paris, driving out Dauphin Charles and his Armagnac supporters and regaining custody of Charles VI. Since the English victory at Agincourt in 1415, the civil war between Burgundians and Armagnacs had divided the French nobiility. In September 1419, during the Montereau Conference to discuss reconciliation, the dauphin’s men murdered John, thereby thrusting Philip III (“the Good”), the new duke of Burgundy, into firm alliance with England and allowing Henry to denounce the dauphin as unfit to inherit the Crown of France.

    On December 2, after a month of negotiations with the English, Philip announced his willingness to recognize Henry as Charles’s rightful heir. Although ambivalent about the prospect of English rule, Philip found it preferable to acknowledging his father’s murderer as king. In January 1420, Henry dispatched representatives to the French court in Troyes and authorized them to draft a formal agreement. This document was ready by early May, when all parties agreed to meet in Troyes to ratify the treaty.

    Largely dictated by Henry, the terms of the agreement called for his marriage to Charles’s daughter, Catherine of Valois, whom Henry took without a dowry; his recognition as Charles’s heir in place of the dauphin, who was thereby disinherited; and his exercise of the French regency until Charles’s death. The treaty envisaged a union of Crowns, a dual monarchy, not a union of kingdoms. France and England would retain separate administrations, laws, and institutions, but the dispute over the French Crown and over the status of English territories in France would be resolved—the king of England and his heirs would rule all.

    On May 20, Philip met Henry outside Troyes and conducted him to a meeting with Charles, his wife Queen Isabella of Bavaria, and their daughter Catherine. Next day, Henry arrived at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Troyes with a party of about 400. Isabella and Philip, acting as deputies for Charles, who was too ill to attend, led a French party of similar size. The text of the treaty was read at the high altar, each party giving assent thereto, and the seals of each king were affixed to the document, with Henry employing the seal Edward III had used to ratify the Treaty of Brétigny 60 years earlier. Led by Philip, the nobles present swore to uphold the treaty (that is, to recognize Henry as heir to the throne) and to obey Henry as regent. Peace between the two realms was then officially proclaimed in both French and English. Next, Henry and Catherine were solemnly betrothed, with the wedding ceremony following on June 2 at the Church of St. John in Troyes.

    The treaty was widely if not enthusiastically accepted in Paris and most of the English and Burgundian regions of northern France, where war weariness and economic distress made the conclusion of peace, on whatever terms, a welcome prospect. However, in most of the realm south of the Loire, loyalty to the dauphin was equally widespread, if often equally unenthusiastic, and the treaty was repudiated there as a settlement forced upon a captive king. How well the treaty would have worked is hard to say, for, to everyone’s surprise, Henry predeceased his father-in-law, dying at the end of August 1422. When Charles VI died in the following October, the Treaty of Troyes made a nine-month-old infant, Henry VI, ruler of both kingdoms, a circumstance that reinvigorated both the war and the dauphin’s cause.

    John A. Wagner

    Further Reading

    Allmand, Christopher. Henry V. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993; Perroy, Edouard. The Hundred Years War. Translated by W. B. Wells. New York: Capricorn Books, 1965.

    MLA Citation

    Wagner, John A. “Treaty of Troyes: Hundred Years’ War.” World at War: Understanding Conflict and Society, ABC-CLIO, 2024, Accessed 19 June 2024.

    Additionally, Your article discussion post  discusses  the information supplied in the reference article  plus finding one other source (Preferably a primary source)  along with the last paragraph of your post is explaining what you learned about this event, era and military history. 

    Incorporate the following as well: You will discuss:

    Who was involved?

    What happened?

    When did it happen?

    Where did it happen?

    How did the action develop?

    Why did things progress as they did?

    What was the significance of the action?

    While answering these questions in your post, you will take in consideration : Military theory and doctrine, Military professionalism, Strategy, Tactics, Logistics and Administration, Technology, Political factors/Diplomacy, Social factors/Culture/Religion, and Economic Factors.


    2-Create a 350 to 400 word writing assistance research involves researching a battle or a military engagement and  writing a  detailed summary writing assistance.  The writing assistance  will focus one one Ancient (Before the Fall of Rome)  battle or military engagement that you researched. 

    You must reference using one of the three formats and following your major’s designated style:  APA MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES! 

    The following should be addressed in your writing assistance:

    Describe the historical context in which the battle occurred.

    Describe the key leaders for both sides of the battle and the decisions they made which affected the outcome of the battle.

    Describe the military groups, discussing the types of soldiers/sailors, the numbers who fought, specific groups for both sides of the battle.

    Describe the technology used, the weapons and new items introduced to this battle.

    Address the who, what, when, where and whys.

    Include influences- how the conflict affected the entire global society, politics, economics, the people and the culture

    Address the overall significance of the battle in regards to the outcome of the larger conflict.

    YOU CHOOSE the battle as long as it follows the guidelines of a battle before  476 A.D.



    3- Create a 300 word discussion post on the following: Find a news article or government report from the last four weeks that demonstrates the policy process in action, and then explain how and which part of the process it demonstrates. The article must be about any country other than the United States.

    You must provide references and sources. 



    The post Concluded in May 1420 at Troyes, a town on the Seine in northeastern France, the Treaty of Troyes was a historic Anglo-French accord whereby Henry V of England became regent and heir to the throne of France. first appeared on Courseside Kick.

  • Apply different scenes from, the 12 Angry Men movie or short film to each of the stages of group development as formulated by Tuckman in Chapter 2 of Leadership Essentials: Practical and Proven Approaches in Leadership and Supervision.


    Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the following resources:

    • Chapter 16 of your textbook Leadership: Theory and Practice
    • Chapter 2 of your textbook Leadership Essentials: Practical and Proven Approaches in Leadership and Supervision
    • Forming, Storming, Norming, and PerformingLinks to an external site. webpage
    • 12 Angry Men – Original Live TV Version 1954Links to an external site. movie
    • Featured: 12 Angry Men (Full Version) 1997Links to an external site. video

    In your post,

    • Apply different scenes from, the 12 Angry Men movie or short film to each of the stages of group development as formulated by Tuckman in Chapter 2 of Leadership Essentials: Practical and Proven Approaches in Leadership and Supervision.
    • Describe at least one lesson that you learned about leading a group through hard times.

    Your discussion post should be 250 words.


    Reply 1 Amoni



    12 Angry Men perfectly displayed the stages of group development as discussed in Chapter 2 of Leadership Essentials. It began with the forming stage when the jury goes into deliberation during the murder trial. Forming is as described by Tuckman, when the group is still individually associated. “Members learn about each other, and plan their work and their new roles around these new relationships.”(Oedekoven, O. O., Lavrenz, J., & Robbins, D., Pg.43) As they make an anonymous vote and a debate breaks out regarding the not guilty vote, they begin exuding the storming stage of group development. This is when the obvious storm strikes the group. Many leaders are tested/revealed during this time because there are many tribulations, arguments, and disagreements to work through. By the conclusion of the film the jurors work together to leverage each others opinions and display the norming phase where things begin to level out. Productivity thrives at this point. Shortly after, they were able to perform by coming up with a proper verdict was their priority. The adjourning stage was shown as we are left with juror 3 and 8, two extreme sides of the previous storm that we had witnessed. 

    Something I had learned about leading groups through hard times was sometimes all stages must be played out in order for majority to hear all opinions. Many times in my friendships, work leadership roles, and even organizations I tried to step in and quietly assert my opinion much like Juror 8 without much discussion to follow. Trying to avoid the storming stage of group dynamics, I would often cause more chaos. If the situations were to simply norm themselves out, the group would move from the dynamic of individuals to then a collaborative state. With my current leadership skills, I have not allowed for that group development. Hopefully with this new lesson, things will change. 


    Reply 2 Emily


    The five stages in team development described by Tuckman can be found as Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning. The use of the Forming stage in the development of the team is used as the beginning stage where the team has a time to understand the situation they have at hand. This can be seen in the movie “12 Angry Men” when one of the jurors proposes that the team takes some time in order to discuss the case at hand rather than going straight to voting. From this scene, the viewer can see the beginning of the formation of the team by the character opening up the discussion to the rest of the jurors. The storming stage is as the name calls a storm that is brought in the team where “They fight and argue. People feel frustration, resentment, and anger as problems fester and work goes undone”(Oedekoven, O. O., Lavrenz, J., & Robbins, D., p.44). The storming stage from the movie can be scene when arguments start to arise between two jurors over the matter of the reliability of one of the important witnesses testimony. While one is arguing to defend his beliefs in the defendants guilt the other juror is still questioning the credibility that the witness even has. The norming stage is can be seen in the group when the team is able to work through their differences in order to build better relationships with one another. The stage of norming is portrayed in “12 Angry Men” through the execution of looking through the evidence piece by piece in order to get everyone’s input on whether what evidence is actually credible and useful for the case at hand. Performing occurs when the team is able to help one another to become a stronger connected team. The best scene to show the development stage of a team of performing would be when the group finally came to a decision and relooks at all of the evidence together as a team. The adjourning stage is when the team has an end and people are no longer working alongside one another. This stage from “12 Angry Men” can be seen through the final stages of the movie in which jurors left the room after the case had been closed. In this scene the team no longer has a purpose and no longer needs to work with one another. What I’ve learned from leading a group through hard times was from my time in leading my robotics team back in school. Before competition, the team needs to develop a design of just one robot. Getting a group of about 20 people to try and decide on one design can be quite hard, but leading the group by making sure everyone’s voice is heard was the best option. Everyone was able to debate back and forth on what designs could be implemented and people bounced ideas off one another in order to create something better than they had thought. Through these hard times the team truly learned that communication was key to our team’s success. 

    Oedekoven, O. O., Lavrenz, J., & Robbins, D. (2014). Leadership essentials: Practical and proven approaches in leadership and supervision. Peregrine Leadership Institute.
    Cantabrigidian. (2011, May 29). 12 Angry Men – “This is what I think!” [Video]. YouTube. to an external site.

    The post Apply different scenes from, the 12 Angry Men movie or short film to each of the stages of group development as formulated by Tuckman in Chapter 2 of Leadership Essentials: Practical and Proven Approaches in Leadership and Supervision. first appeared on Courseside Kick.

  • IDS 105 Project


    IDS 105 Project Guidelines and Rubric


    In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

    • Describe the factors that influence one’s perception of social justice
    • Examine the impact of intercultural competence on collaboration and communication
    • Utilize interpersonal communication strategies to navigate conflict


    In this course, you have explored your identity and how it pertains to justice, fairness, and equality in the classroom, the community, and your personal and professional lives. For this project, you will create a guidebook that will include aspects of social justice, intercultural competence in collaboration and communication, and how you use those interpersonal communication strategies to navigate conflict in your personal and professional lives. A guidebook has multiple benefits; in this case, it will become a resource of tools and tips, which you can continue to add to over time, that explains how you interact, build community, and collaborate with others from intercultural perspectives.


    Choose one of the following scenarios to focus on for your project. The scenarios and some related conflicts to resolve are detailed in the Scenario Profiles document, linked in the Supporting Materials section. For the scenario you choose, you will choose one of the provided conflicts to address in your template responses.

    • Scenario 1: School
      You are interacting with a very diverse group of peers this term who have different races and ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, ability levels, learning styles, career goals, and more.

      • Conflict #1 – Disagreement over feedback or grade from your instructor
      • Conflict #2 – Feeling excluded from a group
      • Conflict #3 – Determining priorities
    • Scenario 2: Personal
      It’s the time of year when you gather with friends and family. Recent events in the news have caused differences of opinion and communication related to issues of justice and fairness, creating conflict with those you care about. You are hosting the next holiday celebration with your family members and friends with diverse thoughts and opinions.

      • Conflict #1 – Disagreement with a family member or friend about a political issue
      • Conflict #2 – Feeling excluded from your friends
      • Conflict #3 – Deciding what holidays to celebrate
    • Scenario 3: Workplace
      The organization you work for is expanding and acquiring an international business, increasing the total employee population from 500 to 10,000. Employees are located in multiple states and countries across the world.

      • Conflict #1 – Disagreement with a colleague over work styles
      • Conflict #2 – Poor communication that resulted in a mistake
      • Conflict #3 – Working with a colleague who is in a different time zone


    Based on your chosen scenario, respond to each part of the project, listed below, using the Project Template, which is linked in the What to Submit section. Each scenario will require you to demonstrate your understanding of social justice, the benefits of intercultural collaboration and communication, and interpersonal communication strategies to navigate conflict. You will use the Scenario Profiles, linked in the Supporting Materials section, to support your work on the project. The Scenario Profiles document contains descriptions of the potential conflicts for each scenario.

    Specifically, you must address the following:

    Part One: Social Justice

    In this section, you will provide a general introduction related to social justice to your guidebook. Address the following criteria in Part One.

    • Explain the difference between justice, fairness, and equality in the scenario.
    • Describe how bias can influence your perception of social justice in the scenario.
    • Describe how different narratives in society can impact your perception of social justice.
    • Describe the core principles of social justice in the scenario.

    Part Two: Intercultural Communication and Collaboration

    In this section, you will describe the benefits of intercultural communication and collaboration in the scenario. Address the following criteria in Part Two.

    • Describe how you would demonstrate cultural fluency in the scenario.
    • Describe how cultural fluency benefits your self-awareness.
    • Describe how an awareness of other cultures can benefit interpersonal communication with people in the scenario. 
    • Describe how exposure to diverse backgrounds can positively influence communication in the scenario. 
    • Explain why an awareness of diversity is beneficial to collaboration in the scenario. 

    Part Three: Communication Strategies to Navigate Conflict

    In this section, you will apply the concepts you shared in Parts One and Two to describe strategies you will use to navigate the conflict represented in the scenario. Address the following criteria in Part Three.

    • Describe the components of the conflict represented in the scenario.
    • Describe different interpersonal communication strategies that can be used in conflict resolution.
    • Choose an appropriate communication strategy you would employ in the scenario and conflict. Include an explanation of why you chose that communication strategy.
    • Describe the potential challenges of communication in the scenario and conflict.
    • Describe the benefits and challenges of using restorative practices to navigate the conflict in the scenario.

    What to Submit

    To complete this project, you must submit the following:

    Submit the completed Project Template as a 3-to-5-page Microsoft Word document. No sources are required. Although Brightspace allows the addition of video notes in assignment submissions, you may not use the Video Note tool to complete this assignment.

    The post IDS 105 Project first appeared on Courseside Kick.

  • 1 Con Vịt


    Mẫu CV Xin Việc Bảo Trì Điện: Hướng Dẫn Chi Tiết và Các Bước Cần Thiết

    Trình độ kỹ thuật trong lĩnh vực bảo trì điện đóng vai trò rất quan trọng trong việc duy trì và cải tiến hệ thống điện trong các công trình và nhà máy sản xuất. Để nổi bật trong quá trình xin việc, một cv mẫu (Curriculum Vitae) xin việc bảo trì điện chuyên nghiệp là cần thiết. Bài viết này sẽ cung cấp cho bạn những hướng dẫn chi tiết và mẫu CV mẫu để giúp bạn tự tin hơn khi chuẩn bị hồ sơ xin việc.

    1. Tại sao mẫu CV xin việc bảo trì điện là quan trọng?

    Một mẫu cv đơn giản bảo trì điện không chỉ là một tài liệu liệt kê kinh nghiệm làm việc và học vấn của bạn, mà còn là cơ hội để bạn thể hiện khả năng kỹ thuật, sự thành thạo trong bảo trì và sửa chữa hệ thống điện. Nhà tuyển dụng thường đánh giá ứng viên dựa trên kiến thức chuyên môn, kinh nghiệm thực tế và khả năng giải quyết vấn đề.

    2. Các thành phần cơ bản của mẫu CV xin việc bảo trì điện

    Để tạo sự ấn tượng và thu hút nhà tuyển dụng, mẫu CV của bạn nên bao gồm các thành phần sau:

    Thông tin cá nhân và liên lạc: Bao gồm tên đầy đủ, địa chỉ, số điện thoại và email. Đảm bảo thông tin này chính xác và dễ dàng tiếp cận.

    Tóm tắt mục tiêu nghề nghiệp: Nêu rõ mục tiêu của bạn trong lĩnh vực bảo trì điện và những gì bạn mong muốn đóng góp khi làm việc tại công ty.

    Kinh nghiệm làm việc: Liệt kê chi tiết các vị trí làm việc trước đó trong lĩnh vực bảo trì điện, bao gồm tên công ty, thời gian làm việc và mô tả các dự án hoặc công việc đã thực hiện.

    Học vấn và chứng chỉ: Đưa ra thông tin về trình độ học vấn của bạn như bằng cử nhân Điện – Điện tử, các khóa đào tạo về bảo trì và sửa chữa hệ thống điện, cũng như các chứng chỉ liên quan.

    Kỹ năng: Liệt kê các kỹ năng chuyên môn như sửa chữa, bảo trì, lắp đặt và nâng cấp hệ thống điện. Các kỹ năng mềm như kỹ năng giao tiếp, quản lý thời gian và làm việc nhóm cũng rất quan trọng.

    3. Mẫu CV xin việc bảo trì điện mẫu

    Dưới đây là một ví dụ về cấu trúc mẫu CV xin việc bảo trì điện:

    Thông tin cá nhân:

    Họ và tên: Nguyễn Văn A

    Địa chỉ: Số 123, Đường ABC, Quận XYZ, TP. HCM

    Số điện thoại: 0987 654 321


    Tóm tắt mục tiêu nghề nghiệp:

    Tôi là một kỹ sư bảo trì điện với hơn 5 năm kinh nghiệm trong việc sửa chữa và bảo trì hệ thống điện. Mong muốn đóng góp kiến thức và kỹ năng của mình để nâng cao hiệu quả và đảm bảo an toàn trong vận hành hệ thống điện của công ty.

    Kinh nghiệm làm việc:

    Công ty ABC (Tháng 5/2018 – Hiện tại)

    Kỹ sư bảo trì điện

    Đảm bảo vận hành liên tục của hệ thống điện trong nhà máy

    Tham gia vào việc đề xuất và triển khai các giải pháp cải tiến

    Công ty XYZ (Tháng 7/2014 – Tháng 4/2018)

    Kỹ thuật viên bảo trì

    Thực hiện bảo trì định kỳ và sửa chữa sự cố cho hệ thống điện công nghiệp

    Học vấn và chứng chỉ:

    Đại học Kỹ thuật TP. HCM (Tháng 9/2009 – Tháng 6/2014)

    Ngành Điện – Điện tử

    Bằng cử nhân Kỹ sư Điện

    Chứng chỉ về bảo trì hệ thống điện và an toàn lao động

    Kỹ năng:

    Sửa chữa và bảo trì hệ thống điện công nghiệp

    Lắp đặt và nâng cấp thiết bị điện

    Kỹ năng giao tiếp và làm việc nhóm

    4. Lời khuyên để tạo một mẫu CV xin việc bảo trì điện thành công

    Để tạo ra một top cv mẫu xin việc bảo trì điện hiệu quả, bạn nên lưu ý các điểm sau:

    Tùy chỉnh cho từng vị trí công việc: Đảm bảo rằng CV của bạn phù hợp với yêu cầu công việc cụ thể mà bạn đang nộp đơn.

    Đánh giá lại và sửa đổi: Luôn kiểm tra lại CV để đảm bảo không có lỗi chính tả và định dạng phù hợp.

    Thể hiện thành tích và kết quả: Đặc biệt là những dự án thành công, các giải pháp bạn đã đề xuất và thực hiện trong quá trình làm việc.

    5. Kết luận

    Việc chuẩn bị một mẫu CV xin việc bảo trì điện chuyên nghiệp là bước quan trọng để bạn có thể nổi bật và thu hút sự chú ý của nhà tuyển dụng trong ngành công nghiệp. Với các hướng dẫn và ví dụ mẫu trên, hy vọng bạn có thêm những thông tin hữu ích để bắt đầu xây dựng CV của mình một cách hiệu quả và thành công. Chúc bạn may mắn trong việc tìm kiếm việc làm mới!

    The post 1 Con Vịt first appeared on Courseside Kick.