• Compare and Contrast Barbie Dolls Advertising History

    The post Compare and Contrast Barbie Dolls Advertising History is a property of College Pal
    College Pal writes Plagiarism Free Papers. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

    For this project, you will take a product not a company (Barbie Dolls) that has been on the market at least 40 years (preferably longer). Analyze a minimum of eight ads (if done well, more will result in a better score), in the form of commercials, print ads, radio ads or billboards spanning the life of the product.

    When writing up the response, provide a properly cited link to each of the eight ads,

    Part 1 – Analysis:

    You will analyze each of the ads via the following, (where applicable):

    • Who is/are the target audience(s) of the advertisement
    • What are the main messages of the ad (text)?
    • What are the underlying messages of the ad (subtext)?
    • What about the product isn’t being said in the ad?
    • What kinds of persuasive and psychological techniques and styles are being employed?
    • What kinds of production techniques are utilized?

    Part 2 – Compare and Contrast:

    After analyzing the ads, you will write up how the ads have changed and stayed the same over time comparing and contrasting the following:

    • Has the target audience for the product changed or stayed the same over time? How/why?
    • Has the message about the product changed or stayed the same over time? How/why?
    • Has the primary media/media used to advertise the product changed over time? How/why?
    • How has technology affected the way that the product is advertised?
    • What cultural changes (if any), have impacted changes in the advertisement of the products

    The post Compare and Contrast Barbie Dolls Advertising History appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

  • Christian Theology/Renewal

    The post Christian Theology/Renewal is a property of College Pal
    College Pal writes Plagiarism Free Papers. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

    1. Students will submit, in a single sentence, the topic they would like to write on the research paper. Additionally, students must include an initial list of 10 resources they plan to use. Here are some examples of topics you can choose from:

    The Purpose of the Lord’s Supper

    All right, we should be on recording. This is our second session for PMIN 639. Today we’ll be going over some of the disk elements so that you can apply those and see how that works.

    We’ll also go over the assignment real quick and then I want to take a quick look, if we can, at week five’s assignment, just so I’m not leaving you out in the cold there, in that you’re able to, if you have any questions, ask those questions. That exercise, that practical, I’ve received really good feedback from several people that they did it with their churches and found it really, really invigorating. So hopefully it will for you too.

    • But before we begin, let me go ahead and open us up in prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you for our time together. As we were just talking about storms, not just the figurative storms of life, but the real ones that come about, we want to pray for Rose and her whole area that they would be protected from any type of damage or catastrophic events.

    We just ask even for her electricity to stay on. Anybody who is in harm’s way within that area, would you protect them and guide them? We ask that the things that we say, would they be edifying and build one another up as we are brothers and sisters in Christ? Help us to say things that are out of love, out of building one another up into learning and understanding. And may we do these things so that we can glorify you and exalt you.

    And would your Holy Spirit now be present with us, illuminating us and guiding us in these discussions? It’s in Christ’s name we pray. Amen. All right, so let me go ahead and share my screen here.

    Okay, so now my share screen—all right, one second. Yeah, let me—okay, that’s better. And away we go.

    Now we’re good. All right, yeah, got that. Russ, glad to have you.

    Glad to have all of you. So, if you didn’t know, like, these are all graded. If you haven’t, you know, I always say to all my students, to all of you guys, that I’m for you, not against you.

    So, I want to see you succeed. So, if you’ve missed an assignment, we’re still early in the course. If you’ve missed assignment, if you haven’t submitted something in for a Zoom session, you can do that and you can send it right to me.

    You don’t have to, you know, fill it out in a document. You can fill it out in an email if you want. I’ll try to make it as easy as possible as I can.

    However, it is really good, you know, if you do submit it and you want to do it that way. That was done by several students last time. But if you need to, you can submit it in the grade section or you can just send it to me.

    In an email. And it’s just basically a summary of what we’re discussing. Because these times together are really our practical time where we get to go through things.

    And for me to benefit you on any level that I can. So, with that said, and discussions, if you’ve missed the discussion board, week one or week two, please put something in. And even if I don’t award you full points, I can award points.

    You know, I know professors that won’t do that. But once again, I’m for you, not against you. I’d rather you do the work and then put something in than not put anything in at all.

    Because at least now you’re going through the concepts and the principles instead of just saying, well, you get a zero, you didn’t put it in. I’d rather you do it than work that way. It just works out for me.

    I think that you’re at least you’re applying the concepts that are there. Okay. So, what we’re going to do is look at first what’s new this week, this disc.

    And I don’t know if I have to, sometimes I have to move the little thing over, but everybody can see the screen. We’re all good? Good. Thank you, Janice.

    Yeah, this is an assessment. Now, let’s remember, I say it in all my classes, an assessment is just a tool. It’s not to tell you how superior you are or how inferior you are.

    It’s not to tell you whether you’re rejected or accepted into something. I know that there’s a lot of church planning organizations that can use, that they do utilize the disc. But also there are some organizations that discredit individuals that they’re not getting the exact assessment results that they want.

    Now, if they’re an organization and their criteria is X, whatever that is, so be it. I wouldn’t worry about that. And if it’s because you need funding or something, there’s courses that I’m teaching where you can even learn how to go after funding and things like that.

    And I help with that as well. But don’t neglect what God wants you to do first and maybe put blinders on and say, oh, it has to be this organization. And the organization happens to say, well, we don’t think you’re a right fit at the time.

    I would obey God more than any organization. And I say that with kind of a grand, I think one of our books is by one of my good friends, Peyton Jones in this course, and Peyton will tell you, he was turned down by a church planning organization saying that he wasn’t the right fit. And we laugh about it.

    We’re like, it’s hysterical. Like he’s planned churches before, you know, we just kind of laugh. So I just tell you that because I don’t want you to take this.

    And so we’re going to look at some things tonight or this afternoon, wherever you are. And I don’t want you to feel inadequate or like, oh, I don’t have the right one. There isn’t a right.

    So I just want you to look at and be as honest as you can with your assessments, because it’s only a tool and a tool is only as good as its use. So after you complete the disk, there’s a link there. You can go on to the link and take the assessment.

    After you take the assessment, go to Malfer’s book, and you’ll see in those pages, there’s a temperament tool. It’s another temperament one that’s there. And you’re five to seven pages.

    And you can see why if you go down to look what the paper should have in it, you know, your title page shouldn’t be page one. That should be a blank page. And same thing with your TOC, your table of contents.

    Really, your first numbered page starts with introduction, like I have here. And remember, introduction is only you’re just going to be summarized what the paper is going to be about. You don’t need to write two, three, four paragraphs for an introduction.

    It should be one, possibly two at the most for your introduction. Make it concise and just talk about what you’re going to, the paper is going to reflect upon. Now, you don’t tell me what the disk model is.

    I know what it is, right? So we know that. I want to, you talk about maybe, you know, this paper will identify the behavioral components from the disk model that apply to me and to revitalization or whatever it may be that you’re looking at. Let’s see, what else? Yeah, I wrote in here first person because I want to know what you think.

    I don’t want to, you don’t have to write third person in this. This isn’t, these are practicums. Like I want to know about you because I want to help you.

    So when I read through it, I can make comments on it. So you would put down whatever your dominant, and I wrote temperament. You know, that could be confusing, but whatever your, whatever’s looked at in the temperament and whatever’s looked at in the disk, whatever is the highest in the scoring that you want to note those, right? And assess how the disk assessment results can propel renewal or revitalization or maybe replanting.

    Yeah, I said that one. So you would have basically one to two pages on what your assessments, what the results told you about yourself and about how you can revitalize or plant with now having that understanding of what that is. For instance, I’ll give you, I’ll give you this.

    Why is it important? I would say it’s important in the same manner as especially if you’re revitalizing, when you’re revitalizing a church, you probably have some type of leadership, whether it’s deacons or elders, whatever you call them or committees. And when we work together, we’re going to look at this in the week five vision that we go through when you work together, which is what you’re hoping to do when revitalizing. You’re bringing everybody on not only on board at the same level, but you’re also tapping into the common themes that the spirit is working through the collective whole.

    And so people will have different gifts and different talents or different behaviors, and they can help be highly beneficial for a revitalization. And we’ll get into some of that in a moment, like why, why that would be, whether it’s I or D or S or C. And then applicational insight, like what, yeah, definitely what you learn and then how that’s going to apply. So I would say ministry application should be.

    Probably at least one full, it should be. And remember, you’re, you’re double, you know, it’s a Turabian format, so it’s not single space, it’s double space. Right.

    So one page really isn’t asking for that much. And if you do use any type of sources, you need a bibliography. If you want to put in, if you want to like take a screenshot of your disc results from your computer, you can do that and put that in your appendix.

    This way, when you’re writing, you could say, see appendix A. It doesn’t give you like added bonus points or anything, but it is, it is good for me. Sometimes I can look at, look back and I can see it and say, okay, I see where, where they were with that. Let me say this quick to about bibliography, just so that you know, you’re all graduate students.

    Some of you are already doctoral successes. So you already know that, that anything that you put in quotes should have a citation. Right.

    So if you put it in quotes, even if you’re saying such and such said, blah, blah, blah. Where’d you get that quote from? You know, it’s rare that we use common knowledge quotations. But even if we, we did, I might say, as it’s been said, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

    But then I’d still need a quote. I’d still need a citation. Like who said that? Is it in a book somewhere? Did I find it? So search the internet.

    If you really are dying to put a quote in, um, find a source for it. Right. Let’s, let’s be a master’s level students.

    Let’s see. Yeah. Anything that’s not common knowledge and real and realistically, like, I think a lot of times we think things are common knowledge and we’re like, that needs a citation.

    Um, yeah. Jesse Gallops is one of the world reliefs who I work with. We use Gallop strengths and, uh, and I love that.

    Yeah. It really tells me a lot about myself. So that’s all these are.

    These are just assessments that, uh, like I said, a tool that’s going to tell you about yourself so that it’s going to help you not only communicate with others, but, uh, understand your perspective, see the world through, through, um, your lenses, any questions on that paper? Cause it’s due this week. So I want to make sure we answer those. All right, good.

    Hopefully you’re already at work at that. Hopefully you’ve already taken the, your, your desk, um, assessment already week five. This is the vision lens practicum.

    So, uh, let me make sure there’s not. Yeah. So, uh, Jesse notes, uh, Romans 12 gifts that have been given out.

    So, so there are three different types of gifts that you see in the Bible. There’s administrative gifts, Romans 12, there’s, um, first Corinthians 12 gifts that are manifestations of the spirit. And then there are gifts given by Christ Ephesians, um, and Ephesians four.

    So, uh, there are different modes. Like some say like father gave one spirit and then, uh, Christ possible. Uh, but we do see that Romans 12 are admitted more administrative.

    Um, they’re more vocational, uh, sort of looking and then you have manifestations and first Corinthians 12. Uh, and one of the courses that I teach you actually get into that. Yeah.

    Going through those things. So, um, but not as much on this side, week five, your vision lens is meant to be a practicum that you work with someone else. And I know you are all online, uh, students and that can be difficult, but I’ll, I’ll say this, the reason for this, even if I’ve had students that are like, Hey, I don’t have a church at the moment.

    I don’t have really anyone that I could work with. Could I use someone in my family? And I, and I say, I hate to do that, but I would allow it if, if it was the last case scenario, for this reason only though, because I would want to then take this and apply it later on in life. When you get to that moment where you need to have a solid vision and mission for the church or even nonprofit or organization that you’re working with, even if you’re not going to utilize like, uh, Hey, we’re not really looking for a vision statement or a mission statement.

    What it is going to help you to do is find the commonalities in how the spirit is working in individuals. So, um, if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s, it’s in the book. And, uh, one of the best ways to, to go through it is to, if you’re going to share this with someone, I would say, take a picture like on your phone or something of it, or if you have the ebook, a screenshot it, and then you can share it with others and they can fill it out.

    And then you come back together, like you email it to them, and then you come back and tell them to fill it out. And then you come back together on like a zoom call or something along those lines. And then you say, what does everyone have written down for theirs? And if they share them, or they can send them back to you, right? If they can’t make a meeting, they can send them back to you and what you would do.

    So we do this with a whiteboard and I ask everyone seated, uh, to go through it quietly and they go through it and they’re all writing it down for the values and for strategy and for other things. And then I would say, okay, uh, go up to the board, first person, go up to the board, write down your values, second person, you go write down your values, third person, fourth person, fifth person. And then I walk over and I start circling the same exact words that are in there.

    Now that gives me a gauge to understand that the spirit of God is working in and through not just me, but through others. And so I’m like, okay, I see how all of us are seeing that this one thing. So that means it’s important.

    And this is going to keep us aligned. Everybody’s invested into that one thing. They, they understand that now there could be several and that’s good.

    But when you look at core values, we’re not looking at, um, doctrine necessarily. Like I’m not going to say, well, we believe the gospel is important. Obviously what you’re saying for core values is what are you doing that you cannot do without, right? Like what is the inspiration or what is it like, is it like we serve community and we can’t be who we are without serving community, right? Um, we are effectively going to, uh, deaf individuals as a deaf ministry, right? That’s, that’s who we are.

    We can’t do without that, right? So that’s going to be a core value. That’s going to be something that’s there. It’s not necessarily a dogmatic.

    These are practical things. And then strategy. Well, how are you going to achieve that? Right? What are some strategies that you’re going to do to achieve that? And then second, and then third measurables, because you have to have measurable.

    How would, how do you know when you’ve achieved it? What’s it going to look like? And so each person’s going to go through that and write these down that they have now, someone could have seven, some may have three. Uh, some people can get stuck on some of these and say, I can only come up with three. Okay.

    Okay. Then this is why it’s good. If you have more than one person that’s working with you, uh, and then mission, you know, where’s, where do we think God is taking us? But, um, you’re going to see in your book mission is also direction, right? So I’ve labeled it in the book direction instead of what you see here, but, but it really is the mission because that is where, where do you see that God is taking you in three to five years? What’s that going to look like? Right.

    And you can follow along and go through the book describes that. Can I apply this to my fit? Absolutely. Yeah.

    Working in simple similar initial. Yeah, this is, um, I mean, I think this works all the way across the board, really what it’s doing. And, and Jesse, your, your brain is probably firing right now, like a million miles an hour thinking like I can take this and adapt it.

    And I would say, go for it because anytime we, you know, you can even create these for any, any of you can take these principles right. And then adapt them because I always say these things that I give, if they’re not contextual, if they’re not able to be contextualized or adaptable, then they’re no good because I don’t want cookie cutters. What I wouldn’t want is someone to be like, no, no, you have to do fret wells.

    That’s it. Like, no, I’m giving you, um, you know, some fodder here, some food for thought and saying, Hey, chew on this and think about this and how you can adapt it for that. But obviously for this, um, this assignment, follow it and go through the way the assignment does.

    And then some light bulbs may come on, you know, for you later on to say, Hey, I can really take this and, and do something else with that. Right. And then, and you can work with it from there.

    So, um, do you have any questions at this point, how that works and what you’re looking for? Cause we won’t meet again until I think like week seven is our next one. And we only have three of these assigned. I just want to be clear.

    Um, are we looking at these, the questions that are in chapter four to give out to our group that we’re talking about, or is it something that we need to download? You’re going to look exactly like in the book. You should, I’m looking at page 33. It’s page.

    Mine says page one 19. Are you on the ebook? No. Yeah.

    So in the, in the regular book turned to one 19. Okay. Should say appendices, right.

    And that’s the assessment one vision lens. Okay. Okay.

    Yeah. So it’s from that one to one 24. Yeah.

    And so like, if you just took like a, I used to do all this in a PDF format and it was a tiny bit easier. Um, what happened was the publisher publisher stink, by the way, um, they really do. Yeah.

    Publisher was like, well, you can’t give, give your students, you know, that thing for free as it is. And, and that kind of angered me because the whole reason why I even write books was for students to have that. And so, um, I wrote three books with them, which should have been one book.

    And they, they turned it into three, this side, they’re all volumes and there’s three. So there’s like 390 or 411 pages. And it was supposed to be one, one big, um, book and they, it, they divided it into three.

    Why? Well, I got a church planning class, right. So we can use a book for that one. You got a, a revitalization class, got a book for that one.

    I got a missions class and I got a book for that one. Yeah. That is what it is.

    And it’ll make you a little bit is what it is. Um, anyway, I don’t, that’s another, that’s another, um, okay. So let me just tell you when you get into, when you get into writing and writing books and doing those, yeah.

    Be, be prepared. Um, sometimes doing your work and, uh, doing indie publishing, which means individual by yourself is not a bad idea. It really isn’t anyway.

    Um, what you’re to get out of this is really, um, a group collective Holy spirit inspired, uh, vision and mission for your church. And I, uh, or for the, the strategy that you’re, you know, the plant that you’re working for, uh, or working with, or even an organization. So if I, if I’m using this like a little bit more like Jesse and I have a board, I put, I have the board go through it together, you know, uh, as a nonprofit or something, and it helps us to stay aligned.

    Yeah. So any other questions? All right. Fantastic.

    We’ll get into our thing. So, um, why do we want to use these disc ones? I like, I think disc is the most simple. Um, it’s the, it probably the easiest to discern.

    It’s not as exhaustive. It’s not like Enneagram or, you know, it’s nothing. It’s really not very exhaustive.

    As I just said, it’s a, it’s simple to understand. Um, and it’s, it’s helpful. And so, uh, what I said before, like there are four main behavioral styles, no style is superior to another.

    Um, everybody is going to have all four of them. You’re just going to, one’s going to be higher than the other, right. You’re going to see the D and I and S and a C it’s not like, um, you know, a pest where you’re looking through that and you’re like, Oh, I really have, uh, you know, an evangelist gifting online, but this is different.

    This is, these are behavioral components. And so it shows you how much you, um, really adhere to that behavioral component in your life. So the, the dominant temperament is the person’s natural, quote unquote, gravitational style.

    That’s what you gravitate toward the most. Ideally, most people actively engage in their top two daily activity, you know, um, daily in their daily activities, at least two of those temperaments. Uh, and then understanding the styles, I believe help people can be, I know for me, but I’ve been doing this for so long.

    If you, if you ever get to the stage where you can start teaching these things or writing assessments, you can really see people pretty quickly. And you’re like, Oh, okay. And, and so when I have core groups, like, Hey, you know what, you would be excellent if you could help in this area.

    And they’re like, really, you think so? I’m like, Oh yeah, you’re good at this, this, and this, you know, and they’re like, Oh, I didn’t see that. I don’t really feel comfortable on it. I said, you know, uh, Paul tells Timothy fan, the flame of the gift that’s in you means that sometimes there’s going to be a little bit of uncomfortableness, uh, in, in branching out with that.

    But we’re, we’re to fan that flame, the gifts that are there. So that means put them to really to good use, right? Uh, these help us understand our own perspectives. And like I said, our comfort zones, maybe there’s things that we’re really comfortable at.

    I can tell you, I was at a high letter, uh, about 20 years ago and I started working on this and they, a lot of, a lot of trainers would tell you not to do that, that you should invest in your dominant ones. But I’m so competitive with myself that I saw that I was high in one of them. I won’t admit yet which one, but I was so high in one of them, uh, and a little bit lower in the other that I started really pressing in on weaknesses in one area that now I’m high in that area and a little lower than the other one.

    Um, it’s not as easy as you think to just change like that, your behavioral styles. And some would say you can’t do it, but I can tell you that I have. And, um, it’s been just this process.

    Uh, for me, it’s always about applying my end of my weaknesses and pressing into my weaknesses to become better, you know, at the things that I’m weak at. And then it’s just, but most trainers will, with these will tell you, don’t do that. Focus on what your, what your, uh, dominant one is and utilizing those dominant traits.

    Um, I’m going to tell you the way you feel led, you use those. And, uh, if you want to do what I did, that’s fine, but just understand this, that none of them are superior to the other. So why would you want to do it for me? I can tell you that there was an, there was a, uh, an underlying motive, which I’ll get to in a moment, but here’s what disc really means.

    You have your D I S and C D personalities are a dominant people. Um, we’re going to get in that more dominating toward even, uh, groups that they come into, uh, eyes are very influential people, more charisma, magnetic personalities. They draw people to them, uh, as a real steady personality, uh, probably someone who is organizational.

    Uh, and then there’s conscientious like there, there, uh, can, these can be like sort of, uh, deep thinkers on things and type a kind of personalities as well. But these, you know, the way that these are described, this comes straight from the site. So there’s deep personalities tend to be confident and place an emphasis on accomplishing bottom line results.

    If you’re one of those people like me, and you have like a ton of different post-it notes all over your desk and tons of lists and you’re crossing them off and you may be D uh, right. So, uh, people that are, I tend to be more open and place an emphasis on relationships and influencing on persuading others. S personalities tend to be dependable and place the emphasis on cooperation and sincerity.

    Uh, a C personality.

    3. (Discussion Board Post) (350 words) (APA citation) (in-text citations are a must)

    Regarding church growth and decline, Clifton states that the contemporary church has a “discipleship problem” (Reclaiming Glory, 7).

    What biblical passage of a fruit tree does Clifton believe relates to dying churches and the lack of disciple-making? Read the passage.

    Discerning the vinedresser’s interruption of the vineyard owner’s proclamation, how might this passage convey church revitalization and renewal?

    Jones declared, “When the Holy Spirit is on the move, it’s a restoration of power through the people” (Reaching the Unreached, 52).

    What was Jones inferring?

    How would a restoration of power assist in transforming a dying church?

    Identify one practical way that your ministry could experience “restoration power”?

    4. (Discussion Board Replies) (300 words per reply) (APA citation) (in-text citations are a must)

    Week 4: Assignment – Discussion Board Resurrection, Church Growth and Decline, Restoration of Power

              I enjoyed this week’s readings, the merging-churches video, and the discussion board questions. Mark Clifton author of “Reclaiming Glory states that the contemporary church has a “discipleship problem”, regarding church growth and decline.[1] The discipleship problem is one of which he refers to as disciples not making disciples. People share the gospel with other people. Clifton discusses 1 Thessalonians 2:8 where Paul describes disciple making. “So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” This is a perfect description of what we do and why when we share the gospel with others. It’s because we care for them and because God has commanded that we love others and through that love, we share what Christ has done for us.

    •           The biblical passage in Luke chapter 13 where Jesus speaks about the parable of a barren fig tree  Clifton believes this passage of scripture relates to dying churches and the lack of disciple-making. In this passage of scripture, the vineyard’s owner tells the vinedresser since the tree is not barring fruit then he should cut it down. Clifton says we can have similar expectations of churches that are not growing. Just close them.
    •              In discerning the vinedresser’s interruption of the vineyard owner’s proclamation, this passage conveys church revitalization and renewal to be given another chance. The Vinedresser asks for one more year. In that year the vinedresser knew he would have to break up the hard ground and provide nutrients to the soil. In other words, take special care of the tree to help it to produce fruit. This is the same thing we as pastors as leaders of churches that are not producing fruit have to do. Clifton says” Faced with the removal of the tree that vinedresser is ready to take action. “ It is an interesting statement that Clifton makes when he says” Why he didn’t do that before is anyone’s guess?” [2] That question stood out to me because I am working on discipleship at my church. What I am learning in this class is confirmation. This class reinforces what I’ve been learning: discipleship isn’t a solo act. It requires the collective power of testimonies from our existing disciples alongside my leadership to inspire others. We have to first break up the hard places. That starts with identifying what are the hard places in our church.


    Janis Barnes

    5. (Discussion Board Replies) (300 words per reply) (APA citation) (in-text citations are a must)

    Greetings Class,

    • Mark Clifton in his book Reclaiming Glory writes, “A church that is not producing fruit does not accurately reflect God’s glory.”1 A healthy church should always be reflected by the fruit of the people within it. Clifton addressed that a main reason that churches are dying is due to a discipleship problem.2 Clifton used Matthew 28:19-20 to address this discipleship issue. The Great Commission has a central command to go and make disciples of all nations. This command to make disciples is not an option. People need to be discipled to effectively reach their communities themselves.
    • Clifton goes into detail about the story of the vinedresser in Luke 13 and how it can relate to the church today.3 Many churches and pastors just want to cut down the bad vine rather than trying to tend to the soil. The amazing part of the parable referenced is the vinedresser intervenes and has another year to tend the soil. In churches today, pastors need to be willing to revitalize churches because a dying church does not bring glory to God, but a fruitful church does.
    • Peyton Jones in his book Reaching the Unreached talks about the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through a believer and how it is restorative to the believer. Jones speaks to the origin of power in the church by writing, “The apostles modeled the power of a life consumed with the Holy Spirit, and they fully lived for God, which shouted louder than their words.”4 This is the model that was laid out for us within scriptures. Time and time again there was power displayed by followers of Jesus followed by a Gospel conversation, not the other way around. Power solidifies the work that has already begun in the person being ministered to. Jones addresses how that original power is being restored today by writing, “Earthly revolutions chant to restore power in the people but when the Holy Spirit is on the move, it’s a restoration of power through the people. As the Holy Spirit is channeled through people, his outlet is their gifts.”5

    This restoration of power could greatly benefit dying churches today. I had been a part of a church that was stagnant for years, but as soon as they started utilizing the power of the Holy Spirit, the church grew in every known metric. People that are impacted by the Holy Spirit tend to tell others about it. Peter, once he was filled with power, preached a sermon where 3,000+ people were saved. That is the restoration of power available for all of us today. Churches today need to utilize that power to pray for the sick and see people healed. They need to utilize this power to cast out demons from the oppressed. Lastly, they need to use this power for boldness to reach the lost.

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  • Rhetorical Comparison Paper  Start Assignment Due Jun 30 by 11:59pm Points 100 S

    Rhetorical Comparison Paper 
    Start Assignment
    Due Jun 30 by 11:59pm
    Points 100
    Submitting a file upload
    File Types doc and docx
    The largest paper we will write in this course is a 1800-word long article (referred to in this class as the “Argument Paper”), which could be published in either an academic journal or in a professional magazine. For this paper, you will imitate the writing conventions of your chosen publication. Before you can do this, you obviously have to fully understand those conventions: the style of writing being employed, the rhetorical choices being made, and the topics being covered. These stylistic and rhetorical conventions will vary from the academic journal to the professional magazine. In order to make an informed decision about which type of publication you will write the article for, you will formally compare the two in a Rhetorical Comparison Paper.
    To begin, you will review the common writing styles and conventions evident in both publications. Then, you will make a claim regarding the similarities and the differences in their styles; this claim will be the thesis for your Rhetorical Comp Paper. You will support your claim with a thorough analysis of each publication’s style with examples and evidence drawn from multiple articles from both the academic journal and the professional magazine.
    Find an academic journal in your field of study using KCC’s databases. Make sure it is peer reviewed.
    Find a professional magazine in your field of study online. Make sure it is a professional publication.
    For each publication, you must complete the following steps:
    Read three articles from each
    Analyze the writing (or stylistic) conventions of the articles – tone, diction, organization, sentence structure
    Analyze the rhetorical conventions of the articles – use of rhetorical tools and strategies, use of rhetorical appeals
    Develop a claim regarding the similarities and the differences in the conventions
    Write the Rhetorical Comparison Paper using support from multiple articles in each publication
    The Minimum Requirements for the Rhetorical Comparison Paper
    You are required to write at least 1500 words. You may not write over 2100 words for this assignment. Please note that works cited/reference pages do not count toward minimum length requirements and block quotes (quotes of four lines of text or longer) may not be used in papers for this class without my prior permission.
    You are required to select both one academic journal AND one professional magazine from the same discipline or profession to analyze.
    You are required to read at least 3 articles from each of the 2 publications you’ve selected (for a total of 6 articles) and use specific examples from these articles to support your analysis of the publications’ writing styles and conventions. These 6 articles will count as the 6 required sources for this paper; if you want to use additional sources, however, you are free to do so.
    Required Outline
    Introduction: Be sure to introduce both publications in your introduction. Name the publication and briefly summarize the purpose of the publication – you may have to research this and cite your sources (probably the About page). Do not name all of the articles you will be using to back up your claims as to style. Conclude this section with your claim about their typical writing styles.
    The Academic Journal: Open the section with a brief explanation of the audience for the publication. Write your body paragraphs wherein you analyze specific conventions (at least 3-4 specific features should be analyzed, each in its own well-developed paragraph). Be sure to explain how those stylistic features are appropriate for the publication’s intended audience (discourse community). What effects do you think these stylistic features have on readers and why? How do these style choices support the purpose of this publication?
    The Professional Magazine: Open the section with a brief explanation of the audience for the publication. Write your body paragraphs wherein you analyze specific conventions (at least 3-4 specific features should be analyzed, each in its own well-developed paragraph). Be sure to explain how those stylistic features are appropriate for the publication’s intended audience (discourse community). What effects do you think these stylistic features have on readers and why? How do these style choices support the purpose of this publication?
    Conclusion: This may include brief final reflections on the two publications’ styles, their similarities and their differences. Do not summarize what you have already said in the paper. Be sure to also make some conclusions about which type of style you’d prefer practicing/imitating further as you write the WID paper later in the semester. Do you think it would be more beneficial for you to practice writing as a professional in your field for an academic journal or for a professional magazine?
    Note: I want to emphasize that the body paragraphs in this paper need to be organized around the specific stylistic choices that you’re analyzing, not the individual articles that you’re referencing as examples. The focus should be on the style choice, not the articles themselves.
    Note on Headings:
    Please use the bolded headings above in your paper itself to aid your reader as they read the paper. Think of the above numbered headings as SECTIONS of your PAPER not paragraphs in the paper. You will definitely have more than one paragraph for numbers 2 and 3 and you will may have more than one paragraph for numbers 1 and 4.
    Notes on writing your introduction
    Here are some of the questions you might try to answer when introducing your 2 chosen publications and their discourse communities (each one’s sponsoring organization/publisher, readership, scope, aim, etc.):
    What organization publishes the journal/magazine?
    Who belongs to this organization or who does this organization serve?
    What is that organization’s purpose/mission statement?
    What overall purpose does the publication (the actual journal/magazine) serve? How does the publication want to affect or change the reader?
    Tell me about average lengths, or ranges of lengths: How many articles are in a typical issue of the journal? On average, how long are the articles (average page count)? 
    What are some of the topics covered in the journal? (Skim through a few issues and look at the article titles to get a sense of this.)
    Who subscribes to this publication? Who is the target audience? (Be specific! Not just “professionals”!) How did you determine that?
    These questions are intended to help you get started with introducing your 2 chosen publications and their discourse communities; however, you’re not necessarily required to answer all of these questions in your paper. Furthermore, there may be additional points you wish to make about your chosen publications that I don’t mention here, which is fine too.
    Academic Dishonesty
    As with all assignments in this course, any instance of cheating will result in zero points on the assignment. Instances of intentional cheating, as determined by the instructor – may result in failing the course and being reported to the college. Cheating includes copying from online or print sources, using another person’s paper or part of a paper, using AI to write all or part of your paper, failing to cite sources in text and/or on a works cited page, or using a paper you have written for another class, among others. For the full Academic Dishonesty policy, see the Course Syllabus.
    SimCheck (Turnitin)
    This dropbox uses SimCheck (Turnitin) to check your work for language highly similar to that found online and within other student paper submissions. This program also detects the use of AI to generate papers. 
    You’ll be able to access the Similarity Report very soon after submitting your paper, so you’ll be able to see the same report that I will. I use these similarity reports to make sure that students are appropriately indicating any direct quotes (by means of quotation marks) and correctly citing outsides sources used in the paper.
    You can visit the Turnitin website for more information on SimCheck (including instructions on how to access and interpret your Similarity Score).
    Submission Requirements
    Submit your final Article Analysis Paper (as a Word document file) to this dropbox by the due date. Make sure you are meeting the Minimum Requirements for Grading prior to submission.
    Rhetorical Comparison Paper Rubric
    Rhetorical Comparison Paper Rubric
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductory section
    The introduction contains the necessary info to prepare readers for the paper, including a clear introduction to both publications (their titles, purposes, discourse communities, etc.) and the student’s claim regarding the publications’ writing styles.
    10 to >8.0 pts
    Weaknesses are few to none
    8 to >6.0 pts
    Multiple weaknesses but minimum requirements are met
    6 to >0 pts
    Significant problems are present
    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Journal section
    This section of the paper analyzes at least 3 specific stylistic qualities/features that are part of the journal’s typical writing style; the analysis is well-developed, using textual examples from at least three articles published in the journal and clear explanations. The student discusses the impact of the style choices on the journal’s readers. The paragraphs in this section are well-focused and demonstrate depth of thought (the student’s ideas are insightful, original, relevant, etc.).
    20 to >17.0 pts
    Weaknesses are few to none
    17 to >14.0 pts
    Multiple weaknesses but minimum requirements are met
    14 to >0 pts
    Significant problems are present
    20 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessional Magazine section
    This section of the paper analyzes at least 3 specific stylistic qualities/features that are part of the magazine’s typical writing style; the analysis is well-developed, using textual examples from at least three articles published in the magazine and clear explanations. The student discusses the impact of the style choices on the magazine’s readers. The paragraphs in this section are well-focused and demonstrate depth of thought (the student’s ideas are insightful, original, relevant, etc.).
    20 to >17.0 pts
    Weaknesses are few to none
    17 to >14.0 pts
    Weaknesses are few to none
    Multiple weaknesses but minimum requirements are met
    14 to >0 pts
    Multiple weaknesses but minimum requirements are met
    Significant problems are present
    20 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion section
    The final section of the paper includes the student’s final thoughts on the similarities and differences between the two publications (if this hasn’t already occurred in the body of the paper). The student clearly identifies which publication (s)he plans to write for in the WID paper and explains this choice in some detail.
    10 to >8.0 pts
    Weaknesses are few to none
    8 to >6.0 pts
    Multiple weaknesses but minimum requirements are met
    6 to >0 pts
    Significant problems are present
    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource incorporation
    The student smoothly and appropriately integrates source material into his/her own writing and avoids dropped (standalone) quotes.
    10 to >8.0 pts
    Weaknesses are few to none
    8 to >6.0 pts
    Multiple weaknesses but minimum requirements are met
    6 to >0 pts
    Significant problems are present
    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn-Text Citations
    The student appropriately provides in-text citations as needed, correctly following either MLA or APA citation guidelines.
    10 to >8.0 pts
    Weaknesses are few to none
    8 to >6.0 pts
    Multiple weaknesses but minimum requirements are met
    6 to >0 pts
    Significant problems are present
    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting style
    The student’s own writing style is appropriate and engaging in its tone and voice. The writing exhibits sentence fluency for ease of reading. The editing is strong in terms of grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.
    10 to >8.0 pts
    Weaknesses are few to none
    8 to >6.0 pts
    Multiple weaknesses but minimum requirements are met
    6 to >0 pts
    Significant problems are present
    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEnd Citations
    The student appropriately provides end citations for each source used in the paper, correctly following the guidelines for either a MLA works cited page or an APA reference page.
    10 to >8.0 pts
    Weaknesses are few to none
    8 to >6.0 pts
    Multiple weaknesses but minimum requirements are met
    6 to >0 pts
    Significant problems are present
    10 pts
    Total Points: 100

    The post Rhetorical Comparison Paper 
    Start Assignment
    Due Jun 30 by 11:59pm
    Points 100
    S appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

  • Title: Exploring Contemporary Latin America through Film

    This exam focuses on your understanding of contemporary Latin America through the lens of films we have considered throughout the semester. Below are three pairs of still photos from films that we have viewed and discussed in this class. For each pair, PLEASE CHOOSE ONE PHOTO and write an essay consisting of three parts responding to the following questions in at least 400 words per essay. You will write a total of THREE essays. 
    What is happening in the scene depicted in the photo, and what elements are visually prominent? (people represented, where they are, what are they doing, clothing, time frame, architecture, setting) 
    Based on the visual elements, what you know from your viewing of the film, and your knowledge of Latin America, explain the social, political, and cultural context of the scene. 
    Explain how the scene, and by extension, the film, references, represents, and/or illuminates one or more broader issues facing Latin America today. 
    DO NOT summarize the plot of the film- this is unnecessary.  
    DO provide specific examples to support your arguments. 
    DO use clear, correct, and concise language. 

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  • Title: Quality Improvement Action Plan: Addressing Barriers to Evidence-Based Nursing Care in Clinical Practice

    In the Module 1 Discussion, you selected an issue in your current practice you feel creates barriers to the delivery of high-quality, evidence-based nursing care. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned to create a logic model and an action plan for resolving your issue and implementing the results in practice. The logic model and the action plan will serve as the major components of a Quality Improvement (QI) Action Plan.
    As a prelude to this assignment, view the video, The Stevens Star Model of Knowledge Transformation, which depicts how newly discovered knowledge moves into practice. As you complete your assignment, consider how the steps you are taking toward a quality improvement project align with the Stevens Star Model, also known as the Star Model.
    Step 1. Review
    In Chapter 15 of the Boswell and Cannon text, review Figures 15-2 (p. 352) and 15-3 (p. 356) which show examples of a logic model template and an action plan worksheet used to promote quality improvement in clinical practice.
    Step 2. Access
    Access the Logic Model Template and the Action Plan Worksheet.
    Step 3. Complete
    Complete the Logic Model Template and the Action Plan Worksheet for the clinical practice issue you identified in the Module 1 Discussion and as the major components of a Quality Improvement (QI) Action Plan.
    Step 4. Introduce
    In 1-2 paragraphs, introduce the Quality Improvement (QI) Action Plan, including the completed Logic Model Template and the Action Plan Worksheet for your proposed qualitative or mixed-method research on the selected clinical practice issue.
    Step 5. Present
    Present the final Quality Improvement (QI) Action Plan, including the Logic Model Template and the Action Plan Worksheet, to an administrator or other appropriate party for feedback and implementation consideration. At the conclusion of the presentation, provide the administrator or other party an original evaluation seeking their opinion as to identified strengths or weaknesses in your plan. Will it be implemented? Why or why not?
    Step 6. Reflect
    In 1-2 paragraphs, reflect upon your meeting with the administrator or other administrative party to whom you presented your final Quality Improvement Action Plan. Describe how it was received. Reflect on the administrators or other parties response to your evaluation questions (Were there identified strengths or weaknesses in your plan, for example? Will it be implemented? Why or why not?)
    Step 7 Submit
    Submit an APA-formatted paper of no more than 5 pages in length excluding references and title page including:
    Quality Improvement Action Plan paper
    Attach your completed  Action Worksheet, Model Template, and  the “ Administrator/other Party evaluation” as appendices.
    In your concluding paragraph of your Quality Improvement Action Plan Paper, reflect on:
    The process of creating the logic model and action plan,
    How your quality improvement project aligns with the Stevens Star Model,
    Your overall learning in the course about evidence-based practice (EBP) and quality improvement. 

    The post Title: Quality Improvement Action Plan: Addressing Barriers to Evidence-Based Nursing Care in Clinical Practice appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

  • directions are attached must be done in APA format supported with evidence base

    directions are attached
    must be done in APA format supported with evidence based literature citing 4 recent relevant references

    The post directions are attached
    must be done in APA format supported with evidence base appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

  • Understanding Anxiety through a Biopsychosocial and Cultural Lens: A Case Study of Jonah “Anxiety and Loss: Navigating Life and Artistic Pursuits After Tragedy”

    Critically evaluate through a Biopsychosocial lens one chosen issue from the scenario provided within the course room.
    Describe how the counsellor developed aspects of the biological, psychological, cultural, and social factors.
    Describe how the counsellor understood the CRSJ issues for the client
    Discuss how the counsellor developed the therapeutic relationship.
    Describe the ethical considerations that would be important in the scenario provided.
    Describe the case conceptualization up to and not including a treatment plan.
    Synthesize your understanding of the Biopsychosocial/Cultural lens, explaining what makes the factors for each domain.
    Synthesize your understanding of the complexity of CRSJ and your own self-reflection in providing therapy today.
    Demonstrate a clear and effective understanding by communicating through a narrative format using APA 7th ed style.
    The purpose of this assignment is to assist students to comprehend the BioPsychosocial lens within the therapeutic process. It is important for counsellors to understand the aspects of biology and psychology, culture, and social justice in the therapy session with a client.
    This assignment is structured to allow the student to be the counsellor/researcher. As the student is the counsellor and researcher, the expectation is for the student to recognize what the experience is like and the value of what a trained counsellor brings to the experience. The assignment is to promote the student’s understanding of biological and psychological social just and cultural aspects and their impact in understanding human thinking/feeling and behaviour. The student needs to research what they need to understand in each section of the paper.
    Using the scenario provided select one disorder/topic and assess the client provided through BPS and Cultural/Social/Socially just factors. Briefly explore ethical considerations. You may choose the gender, culture, and race of the individual in the scenario. You may also add or delete sections that would add to the scenario in a more appropriate manner in order to inform your paper depending on the disorder you have chosen.
    Please select the disorder/topic from this list only. Please note you must choose only one of the following disorders:
    Required components: The assignment is to be a twelve-page paper with a conclusion, not including a title page, and references. The paper will cover an: 
    Introduction: a purpose statement; 
    Overview of the BPS lens; 
    Overview of the CRSJ Metatheoretical Lens; 
    Overview of the Disorder/Topic and Case Conceptualization(not including interventions); 
    Application of the BPS model
    Understanding of the CRSJ approaches; 
    Ethical considerations; 
    Counsellor’s professional role in establishing the therapeutic relationship; 
    Development of a Case Conceptualization from Sperry and Sperry (2020) including concepts such as presentation, precipitant, predisposition, perpetuate, protective;
    Conclusion (a summary of the body of your paper).
    Length of Assignment: The text body of the paper (i.e., not including references, title page) should be no more than 12 double-spaced typed pages, Times New Roman font-size: 12 or APA 7th ed).
    Format: Format your assignment in Word Doc (files with extension .doc or .docx), or Rich Text Format (files with extension .rtf). No PDF’s.
    References: Your reference sources will be predominantly from the course reading materials with at least five (5) additional current (last seven years), peer-reviewed resources (from outside the course) to ensure adequate coverage and critique of the topic.
    Jonah is a 35-year-old cis gender, gay man who lives with
    his partner, Stephen, in Ottawa, Canada. Jonah and Stephen met at their place
    of employment, the National Gallery of Canada. Jonah is a curator, while
    Stephen is an archivist. Both have advanced degrees and enjoy dinners out and
    going to cultural events. Both Jonah and Stephen enjoy art and have their own
    studio in which Jonah paints and Stephen designs sculptures. They have both had
    showings in smaller galleries around town and have had some success in selling
    their work. They are considering making this their full-time work but are
    hesitant to give up the steady paychecks the museum provides.  Jonah comes from a large family and is close
    to his three female siblings and his mother. He came out to his family when he
    was 15 and they have been supportive and open to his relationships. He laughs
    and says, “they love Stephen, probably more than they love me!” His father died
    12 months ago from a heart attack and the family went through much turmoil
    during that time. Jonah was close to his father, and while his father always
    struggled with his weight and his heart, the attack and death came as a shock
    to the family. Since his father’s death, Jonah has been experiencing a lot of
    worry – he worries his sister’s will get sick or his mother will fall and no
    one will be there to help her, now that she is on her own. He worries that
    Stephen will get in an accident on the way to the museum and is often found
    checking the traffic report numerous times a day when he knows Stephen may be
    traveling. He worries one of them will be fired and not be able to afford their
    apartment and will have to get rid of the studio. He admits none of these
    worries are founded on fact and Stephen often tells him he is being silly.  Jonah tells you that he feels agitated a lot
    and “on edge.” Jonah tells you this is pretty unusual for him; he has always
    been focused, but this new heightened awareness makes him feel out of control
    and often tires him out to where he finds he cannot muster up the strength to
    go out to dinner or walk the dog as he feels too exhausted. He also notes there
    is “so much danger out there” and it is sometimes easier to stay home. At work,
    he says that he often “blanks out” and is becoming irritable with others on staff,
    which is unlike him. He has increased his weekly massages to twice a week,
    hoping that will help with the muscle tension he now feels all the time, but it
    is not helping.  Jonah tells you that he
    enjoys drinking socially, but is not concerned about his intake. He smokes pot
    on occasion. He finds that neither of these things help with this feeling of
    doom and has stopped both practices, finding sleep his only comfort but even
    this alludes him at times. He used to sleep quite well, but now finds he wakes
    up two or three times a night. Jonah notes he has always been a bit of a
    worrier, but finds that the level of worry he has now feels debilitating and it
    is causing some issues in his relationship and at work. Stephen is becoming
    frustrated with his “needless worry about stuff that is never going to happen”
    and they often get in disagreements now about staying in or going out. Jonah
    agrees it is ridiculous, but he can’t help but think that something bad is
    going to happen. Jonah is seeking help to figure out what this is all about so
    he “can get on with living his life.”

    The post Understanding Anxiety through a Biopsychosocial and Cultural Lens: A Case Study of Jonah “Anxiety and Loss: Navigating Life and Artistic Pursuits After Tragedy” appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

  • “Emergency Preparedness and Response Policy: Addressing the Mental Health Impact of Disasters” POLICY NAME: Emergency Preparedness and Response Policy: Addressing the Mental Health Impact of Disasters PROBLEM: Natural disasters and other emergencies can have a

    Pick a problem that is in need of a policy solution within the realms of Emergency Management. This policy should NOT overlap with any pre-existing policies. Write a policy brief of 2-3 pages. The brief should contain the elements we’ve talked about in this course and should include a minimum of 5 references. The assignment should include the headers:
    POLICY NAME: (Clearly describes the name of the policy). 
    PROBLEM: (Identifies a disaster preparedness or emergency management problem in need of a policy. Problem has an explicit or implied health implication. Implied health implications are identified. Completely describes the problem, including the significance (hint: this will likely include statistics to demonstrate the significance). Must include in-text citations.)
    POLICY DEVELOPMENT: (Succinctly writes the policy statement (What are you proposing?). This should be no more than a 2-3 sentence paragraph. In-text citation if applicable.)
    POLICY IMPLEMENTATION: (Clearly identifies procedures for implementing the policy. Makes a cost/benefit projection for implementation (you may not be able to give accurate dollar amounts but at least talk about items or procedures that generate cost and whether they would be high or low). Includes in-text citations.)
    MONITORING & EVALUATING: (Develops monitoring and evaluating criteria. Describes what this information will convey and how it should be used to revise the policy. Includes in-text citations.)

    The post “Emergency Preparedness and Response Policy: Addressing the Mental Health Impact of Disasters”

    POLICY NAME: Emergency Preparedness and Response Policy: Addressing the Mental Health Impact of Disasters

    PROBLEM: Natural disasters and other emergencies can have a appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

  • Title: “Understanding the Kenyan Protests Against the Finance Bill 2024: Triggers, Generational Involvement, and Global Impact” Introduction: In recent weeks, Kenya has been engulfed in widespread protests against the Finance Bill

    Discuss why Kenyans are rejecting the finance bill 2024. What aspects in the finance bill 2024 may have triggered Kenyans to protest.
    Why are Generation Z and Millenials most involved in the protests?
    Why is the hashtag Reject the Finance Bill 2024 trending even abroad?
    Remember your essay should adhere to APA 7 formating guidelines and have a well developed introduction. You dont have to add any sources since this is a current event.

    The post Title: “Understanding the Kenyan Protests Against the Finance Bill 2024: Triggers, Generational Involvement, and Global Impact”


    In recent weeks, Kenya has been engulfed in widespread protests against the Finance Bill appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

  • “Improving Customer Satisfaction at XYZ Retail: A Case Study”

    Please address all areas required and use the case study template. I will not have time for revision. Read carefully and and follow all instructions.

    The post “Improving Customer Satisfaction at XYZ Retail: A Case Study” appeared first on assignment in 6hours.