• Leadership and Management Essentials

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    Apply management essentials to effectively manage change in an organization.


    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


    Organization: Electronix R US

    Position: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    Background: As the CEO of Electronix R US, you have decided that the traditional large warehouse retail operations are no longer financially lucrative for the following reasons.

    1. Foot traffic has decreased because more people are choosing to purchase their electronics online or at big box retailers.
    2. Music streaming has mostly taken over the desire for CDs.
    3. Economic instability is pushing people to second guess their technology purchase necessity.
    4. Poor management.
    5. The organizational structure is tall and bureaucratic (many layers of management).
    6. The large warehouse requires excessive overhead expenses.

    Based on the scenario, answer the following questions in traditional APA essay format (not question and answer).

    1. Which internal and external environmental causes require Electronix R US to need to change?
    2. Which change model/approach/theory would you use to implement meaningful change in the organization (must be one from live class, course content, or textbook- citation required).
    3. What change would you implement? Walk through each step of the change approach while specifying what that means for the particular change you want to implement.

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  • Sexual Assault and Media Representation

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    Reflection Paper 1: Sexual Assault and Media Representation 

    Over the past two weeks, we have reviewed foundational information about sexual assault. We have also discussed perpetrators and sexual assault on college campuses.

    Beyond the information we have reviewed in the course, there are ongoing conversations about sexual assault with diverse perspectives represented in the mainstream media.

    For this reflection paper, you will:

    Expand on discussion board conversations by reflecting on how sexual assault is represented in the media (news articles, social media, music, tv, movies, etc.) 

    You have two options for the media content you will analyze in this assignment:

    Option 1: Identify a written or social media source (e.g., online news articles, Tweets, Facebook posts, Reddit posts, TikToks) and discuss at least two examples from that media source (you may mix media platforms; for example, you may write about a news article and a TikTok). If you choose this option, please include links to the posts.

    Option 2: Identify a visual or audio media source (e.g., song, movies, TV shows [an episode, a season, or a show in general]) and discuss at least one example from that media source. If you choose this option, please include links to the posts or enough information that I can find the song/TV show/movie.

    • Discuss the dominant perspectives about sexual assault that you see in the content itself. In doing so, you should discuss:
    • The characterization of the “victim/survivor” and “perpetrator,” as well as whether the victim/survivor or perpetrator are given a voice in the content.

    Whether the content includes any rape myths (for some common rape myths, see this page)

    • A reflection upon your emotional response to consuming the content. Your emotional reaction (or lack thereof) is important, and I encourage you to see your emotions as something that can provide you with insight and understanding throughout the course.

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  • Gastrointestinal Function

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    Gastrointestinal Function:
    R.H. is a 74-year-old black woman, who presents to the family practice clinic for a scheduled appointment. She complains of feeling bloated and constipated for the past month, some-times going an entire week with only one bowel movement. Until this episode, she has been very regular all of her life, having a bowel movement every day or every other day. She reports straining most of the time and it often takes her 10 minutes at a minimum to initiate a bowel movement. Stools have been extremely hard. She denies pain during straining. A recent colonoscopy was negative for tumors or other lesions. She has not yet taken any medications to provide relief for her constipation. Furthermore, she reports frequent heartburn (3–4 times each week), most often occur-ring soon after retiring to bed. She uses three pillows to keep herself in a more upright position during sleep. On a friend’s advice, she purchased a package of over-the-counter aluminum hydroxide tablets to help relieve the heartburn. She has had some improvement since she began taking the medicine. She reports using naproxen as needed for arthritic pain her hands and knees. She states that her hands and knees are extremely stiff when she rises in the morning. Because her arthritis has been getting worse, she has stopped taking her daily walks and now gets very little exercise.

    Case Study Questions

    In your own words define constipation and name the risk factors that might lead to develop constipation. List recommendations you would give to a patient who is suffering from constipation. You might use a previous experience you might have.

    Based on the clinical manifestations on R.H. case study, name and explain signs and symptoms presented that are compatible with the constipation diagnosis. Complement your list with signs and symptoms not present on the case study.

    Sometimes as an associate diagnosis and a complication, patients with constipation could have anemia. Would you consider that possibility based on the information provided on the case study?

    Endocrine Function:
    C.B. is a significantly overweight, 48-year-old woman from the Winnebago Indian tribe who had high blood sugar and cholesterol levels three years ago but did not follow up with a clinical diagnostic work-up. She had participated in the state’s annual health screening program and noticed that her fasting blood sugar was 141 and her cholesterol was 225. However, she felt “perfectly fine at the time” and could not afford any more medications. Except for a number of “female infections,” she has felt fine until recently. Today, she presents to the Indian Hospital general practitioner complaining that her left foot has been weak and numb for nearly three weeks and that the foot is difficult to flex. She denies any other weakness or numbness at this time. However, she reports that she has been very thirsty lately and gets up more often at night to urinate. She has attributed these symptoms to the extremely warm weather and drinking more water to keep hydrated. She has gained a total of 65 pounds since her last pregnancy 14 years ago, 15 pounds in the last 6 months alone.

    Case Study Questions

    In which race and ethnic groups is DM more prevalent? Based on C.B. clinical manifestations, please compile the signs and symptoms that she is exhibiting that are compatible with the Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 diagnosis.

    1. If C.B. develop a bacterial pneumonia on her right lower lobe, how would you expect her Glycemia values to be? Explain and support your answer.
    2. What would be the best initial therapy non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic to be recommended to C.B?

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  • Applied Managerial Economics

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    Respond to the following scenario with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas.

    You’re meeting with Lester in his office to discuss the details of your presentation to the board next week.

    “Given all of the research that you have completed over the past several weeks,” he says, “you should have most of the information you need to make a presentation to the board. The board doesn’t want you to do any more research on all of the topics; rather, we want you to summarize the research that you have already done. “

    “Yes,” you say. “I think I have what I need.”

    “Of course we want your final conclusion and recommendation on what the company should do regarding the location issue, as well,” he says.

    “What type of presentation do you have in mind, Lester?”

    “A PowerPoint presentation would be appropriate for this group,” he says. “I want you to include slide notes, too, in case we have to go back and look at something at a later date. Your PowerPoint presentation should contain between 7-10 slides, not including the title slide and reference slide(s). For each slide, you should have between 150–200 words in the Notes sections. Let’s take a few minutes now to go over how the slides should be organized. I’ve done similar presentations, so I can save you some time with a few pointers.”

    When you get back to your office, you type out your notes about each element you discussed and the overall organization of the presentation. For this presentation, you are addressing the following elements:

    • Legal, social, and financial factor considerations
    • Economic factors: gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, interest rates, unemployment
    • Elasticity of demand
    • Economies of scale and efficiency
    • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)
    • Market structure
    • Risk
    • Costs (marginal, fixed, variable, etc.)
    • International expansion (Five factors that should be considered before making the decision to expand internationally)

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  • Applied Calculus

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    Test on limits Limits by observation of graph Consider the graph of the function f (x) below: 1. Complete the right limit equation lim f (x) = x→−1+ 2. Complete the limit equation lim f (x) = x→−1 3. Write a left limit equation at x = 3 4. Write a right limit equation at x = 3 5. Does the limit at x = 3 exist? 6. Write a right limit equation at x = 1 7. Compute lim f (x) x→1− Polynomial functions 1. Compute the following limit lim x2 + 3x − 1 x→0 2. Compute the following limit lim (x2 − 1)(x + 1) x→1 3. Compute the following limit lim x2 − 10000x x→∞ Logarithmic functions 1. Consider the function f (x) = log (4x + 2) (a) Compute the domain of f (x). (b) Compute lim log (4x + 2) x→2 (c) Compute lim log (4x + 2) x→− 12 + (d) Compute lim log (4x + 2) x→∞ (e) Talk about the following limit equation: lim log(4x + 2) x→−10 Radicals 2. Consider the function √ f (x) = 3x + 1 (a) Compute the domain of f (x). (b) Compute limx→ 1 √ 3x + 1 3 (c) Compute limx→− 1 + √ 3x + 1 3 (d) Talk about the limit equation limx→−10 √ 3x + 1 Rational Functions 1. Consider the function f (x) = 3x + 1 4x − 2 (a) Compute the domain of f (x). (b) Compute lim 3x + 1 x→0 4x − 2 More on Rational Functions 1. Consider the function f (x) = x2 − 5x + 6 x−3 (a) Compute the domain of f (x). (b) Compute x2 − 5x − 6 x→3 x−3 lim 2. Consider the function f (x) = −1/(x + 2) + 1/2 x (a) Compute the domain of f (x). (b) Compute lim x→0 −1/(x + 2) + 1/2 x Other 1. Consider the function √ x−6 f (x) = x − 36 (a) Compute the domain of f (x). (b) Compute √ x−6 x→36 x − 36 lim 2. x4 − 1 x→∞ x5 + x2 − 1 lim 3. x2 − 1 x→∞ x2 + x − 1 lim Exponential Functions 1. Consider the function 2 f (x) = ex +3x−1 (a) Compute the domain of f (x). (b) Compute 2 lim ex +3x−1 x→2 2. Consider the function x2 −1 f (x) = e x−1 (a) Compute the domain of f (x). (b) Compute x2 −1 lim e x−1 x→1 Continuity Find the value of k such that the function ( x2 − x + 3, x ≤ 1 f (x) = 3x + k, x > 1 is continuos.

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  • Quantitative Analysis: Cross-Tabulation, Chi-square, and Non-parametric Association

    SPSS Questions
    Chapter 7
    Using the CollegeStudentData.sav file, do the following problems. Print your outputs after
    typing your interpretations on them. Please circle the key parts of the output that you discuss.
    7.1 Run crosstabs and interpret the results of chi-square and phi (or Cramers V), as discussed
    in Chapter 7 and in the interpretation of Output 7.1, for: (a) academic track and marital status
    and (b) age group and marital status.
    7.2 Select two other appropriate variables; run and interpret the output as we did in Output 7.1.
    7.3 Is there an association between having children or not and watching TV sitcoms?
    7.4 Is there a difference between students who have children and those who do not in regard to
    their age group?
    7.5 Compute an appropriate statistic and effect size measure for the relationship between
    academic track and evaluation of social life.
    Make Sure to:
    1. Attach your word document for review and grading. Other file formats are not
    accepted and will not be graded. Use the following filename format:
    2. Include an APA title block with your name, class title, date, and the assignment number.
    3. Include a table of contents and a reference section. Number your pages in the footer
    along with the date. Include a header starting on page 2 with the Course and
    assignment number.
    4. Write the problem number and the problem title as a level one heading (Example ‐
    A.1.1: Chapter 2, Problem 2.1, and then provide your response.
    5. Use level two headings with short titles for multi part questions (Example ‐ A1.1.a,
    Short Title, A1.1.b, Short Title II, etc.)
    6. Use appropriate level headings for key elements of your discussion such as Research
    Questions, Hypotheses, Descriptive Statistics, Assumptions & Conditions,
    Interpretation, Results, and others. Your goal is to make your analysis easy to follow
    and logical.
    7. Ensure that all tables and graphs are legible and include a figure number.
    8. Carefully review your document prior to submission for formatting, flow, and
    readability. Keep in mind that running the statistical tests is only the first half of the
    challenge; you must be able to clearly communicate your findings to the reader.


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  • required text (must be a reference): School Law and the Public SchoolsvA Practic

    required text (must be a reference): School Law and the Public SchoolsvA Practical Guide for Educational Leaders. Nathan L. Essex 6th edition 
    Interactive PowerPoint that will encourage student participation.
    agree or disagree
    true or false 
    short video 
    pear deck 

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  • Include a description of your agency, your job, and the charge the Executive Director has given you; no references required

    Assignment 1 Directions

    Prepare an 8–10-page report (not counting title page, references, and Appendices) in APA 7th ed. format using the following first-level headings.

    Introduction (Include a description of your agency, your job, and the charge the Executive Director has given you; no references required). Length: One to two paragraphs.

    Job Description (Briefly document the importance of a job description with at least two peer-reviewed, current, scholarly references.  Describe how you have crafted the job description and refer to the actual job description, which is in Appendix A). Length: 1-2 pages.

    Recruitment Strategy (Describe how you will recruit and screen appropriate candidates using at least two current scholarly references). Length: 1 page

    Interviewing Strategy (Identify who will be on the interview committee, how many candidates will be interviewed, timing, and questioning strategy. Incorporate at least two current scholarly references in your answer. Place actual interview questions in Appendix B). Length: 1 -2 pages

    Diversity Strategy (Tie together all of the above to demonstrate that your hiring strategy meets the organization’s diversity goals. Incorporate at least two current, scholarly references). Length: 1 page

    Legal Considerations: (Review the employment laws that affect the hiring process for this new position, using at least two current, scholarly references). Length: 1-2 pages

    Conclusion (no references required in a conclusion). One to two paragraphs.


    Appendix A: Job Description

    Appendix B: Interview Questions

    A note about references:  You are required to include at least two current (2017 and newer), peer-reviewed, scholarly references in each section, as noted above.  Some of the references may be repeated from section to section, but you must use at least eight peer-reviewed references in total. In addition to the eight scholarly articles, you may use textbook references and/or pertinent professional references from websites and publications such as, Forbes, and Fortune Magazines. Please follow the template I posted in the Announcements area of the Canvas course. The grading rubric for Assignment One is located in Appendix B of the official syllabus for the course.


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  • To write a comprehensive 4000-word (10 pages, Arial 12, 1.5 spaced) research paper on designing a customer benefit package for Apple Inc.

    Task Brief for Industry Research Project on Apple Inc.

    Objective: To write a comprehensive 4000-word (10 pages, Arial 12, 1.5 spaced) research paper on designing a customer benefit package for Apple Inc.

    Project Scope:

    1. Identify Apple Inc. and design a customer benefit package.
    2. Explain various key measures of customer benefit packages.
    3. Discuss three types of attributes: search, experience, and credence.
    4. Identify core, management, and support services.
    5. Conduct a critical review of academic literature related to the topic.
    6. Include at least 15 references from academic journals, not older than 10 years.

    Basic Structure:

    1. Introduction
      • Overview of Apple Inc.
      • Importance of customer benefit packages in the technology industry.
    2. Customer Benefit Package Design
      • Core services
      • Management services
      • Support services
    3. Key Measures
      • Customer satisfaction
      • Product performance
      • Market share
    4. Types of Attributes
      • Search attributes
      • Experience attributes
      • Credence attributes
    5. Literature Review
      • Critical review of academic literature
      • Evaluation of authors arguments
      • Comparison of sources
      • Identification of research gaps
    6. Conclusion
      • Summary of findings
      • Implications for Apples future customer benefit packages

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  • The purpose of this speech is to commemorate someone using one of two speech gen

    The purpose of this speech is to commemorate someone using one of two speech genres. You will have between two and three minutes to honor someone through a toast or a eulogy.
    If you choose a toast, pretend one of your friends is getting married. Raise a glass and tell stories that honor the couple and the choice to get married. You should bring in a beverage and cups so everyone in the audience can raise their glass to the happy couple.
    If you choose a eulogy, you will be providing the funeral oration for a fictional character. Create a memorial picture of the character to display next to you while you are performing the speech. Be sure to honor the person’s life, as well as the need of the audience to mourn and rejoice.
    In writing your speech, adhere to the following rules:
    The speech does not have to follow an outline, but, rather, should follow a narrative organizational pattern. In other words, you should tell a story. The organization should, however, make sense and be easy to follow.
    Use Chapter 18 in your course textbook as a guide for writing your speech. The text has lots of good tips for writing these speeches.
    The speech should have authenticity. Think about how you will convey appropriate emotions through your vocal variety, pitch, and tone of voice, pace and rhythm, and volume. Also, consider appropriate body language.
    You must perform the speech in front of an audience of at least 5 people. The people must be shown on the video at both the beginning and end of the speech. Do not splice the video or alter it in any way to make it seem as if you have an audience when you don’t. Failure to display your audience both at the beginning and end of your speech will result in a reduction in the speech grade.
    This is a formal speech. You should dress appropriately and stand while delivering your speech. I should be able to see your whole body while performing your speech.

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