• How is Becker’s article ‘Art Worlds’ relevant to the material we have covered so far? ?How is ‘Framing Fat’ (the book summarized in the assigned blog post) relevant to the materia

    The post How is Becker’s article ‘Art Worlds’ relevant to the material we have covered so far? ?How is ‘Framing Fat’ (the book summarized in the assigned blog post) relevant to the materia is a property of College Pal
    College Pal writes Plagiarism Free Papers. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

     How is Becker’s article “Art Worlds” relevant to the material we have covered so far?

     How is “Framing Fat” (the book summarized in the assigned blog post) relevant to the material we have covered so far?

     Select a subculture within US culture, perhaps one that you are a part of such as a religious group, ethnic group, social club, etc. Discuss how this subculture erects and maintains its symbolic boundaries. [HINT: Reading the artilcle on symbolic boundaries posted above will help you better answer this question.]

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    Symbolic Boundaries, Subcultural Capital, and Prescription Drug Misuse across Youth Cultures

    Brian C Kelly1,2, James Trimarco2, Amy LeClair2, Mark Pawson2, Jeffrey T Parsons2,3,4, and Sarit A Golub2,3,4

    1Department of Sociology, Purdue University

    2Center for HIV Educational Studies & Training, CUNY

    3Hunter College, CUNY

    4Graduate Center, CUNY


    Prescription drug misuse among young adults has surged over the past decade. Yet, the contexts

    surrounding this misuse remain unclear, particularly subcultural contexts. Many urban young

    adults participate in youth cultures. This paper describes the subcultural contexts of prescription

    drug misuse within youth subcultures. Drawing on ethnographic data collected over 12 months

    from different youth cultural scenes, the authors describe the subcultural bases of prescription

    drug misuse. The symbolic boundaries and subcultural capital inherent in these scenes shape the

    ways youth think about drugs and behave accordingly. While young adults are often lumped

    together, ethnographic data show considerable variation across these subcultures with regard to

    what may enable or inhibit prescription drug misuse. The broader subcultural ethos in each scene,

    as well as attitudes towards other types of drugs, frame the ways that prescription drugs are

    perceived and used within each of these scenes. In this regard, the findings highlight the role of

    symbolic boundaries and subcultural capital in drug use among young adults by shaping their

    routine practices. These data highlight that education campaigns about prescription drug misuse

    should account for the variability in youth cultural scenes to maximize the efficacy of these

    messages aimed at young adults.


    prescription drug misuse; youth culture; young adults; symbolic boundaries; subcultural capital


    The proliferation of prescription drug misuse during the past decade has permeated the

    worlds that young people inhabit. Indeed, young adults are a key segment of the population

    for the misuse of prescription drugs; “misuse” typically defined as using prescription drugs

    obtained from a non-medical source or using prescription drugs for a non-medical or

    Address for correspondence: Brian C. Kelly, Purdue University, Dept of Sociology, 700 W State St, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA. [email protected].

    HHS Public Access Author manuscript Sociol Health Illn. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 March 01.

    Published in final edited form as: Sociol Health Illn. 2015 March ; 37(3): 325–339. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.12193.

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    recreational purpose (Compton & Volkow, 2006). Young adults involved in nightlife scenes

    have particularly high prevalence of prescription drug misuse (Kelly et al, 2013). They

    engage in a wide range of social activities, and these distinct social patterns differentially

    shape how young people think about and engage in (or don’t engage in) drug use.

    Patterns of interaction among young people often coalesce into youth cultures, which

    provide important cultural frames for young people. While there is certainly flow between

    groups of young people, youth cultures comprise meaningful institutions for those who

    participate in them. In this manner, youth cultures – and the “ways of seeing” within them –

    remain key influences of drug use among young people (Mulder et al., 2007). They provide

    a particular frame of reference for those who participate in them, and this way of thinking

    shapes how youth view themselves in reference to others as well as what they value and

    esteem, thus shaping how youth behave (Thornton, 1995).

    Youth Cultures as Domains of Drug Use

    Nightlife scenes inhabited by young adults remain key contexts shaping drug use. Youth

    cultures have been previously associated with other drug trends, including the use of blunts

    (Dunlap et al., 2005), amphetamines (Hebdige, 1979), and ecstasy (Gourley, 2004). Indeed,

    evidence exists for the presence of taste clusters of musical preferences and substance use

    (Vuolo, Uggen, & Lageson, 2014). Given that youth cultures are themselves numerous and

    diverse, these wide-ranging contexts may differentially shape patterns of prescription drug

    misuse among participants, and understanding this trend across several youth cultures may

    prove important for targeted health promotion efforts.

    Given the significance of youth cultures in the lives of young people, it is important to

    account for how they influence drug trends. While broad epidemiological studies are

    important, they often treat young adults as a monolithic group, failing to account for the

    variation across clusters of young people who share activities, mindsets, tastes, and styles on

    the basis of subcultural affiliation (Vuolo, Uggen & Lageson, 2014). As cultural dynamics

    vary from subculture to subculture, the practices nested within these domains can be

    expected to differ as well, and remain a vehicle for establishing boundaries between

    subcultures. In addition, variations in cultural contexts may support the same practices for

    different reasons, thus differentially shaping the motivations for and conceptions underlying


    Youth cultures function differently and therefore set different patterns for drug use. This

    influence is especially likely while drug trends are incubating within subcultures before

    diffusing more widely (Hamid, 1992). In examining how youth cultures function differently,

    it remains important to consider attempts to articulate boundaries of distinction between

    their own group and others, as well as attempts to cultivate status and position within the

    youth culture itself. In this regard, considerations of symbolic boundaries (Lamont, 1992)

    and subcultural capital (Thornton, 1995) are useful analytic tools.

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    Symbolic Boundaries, Subcultural Capital, & the Organization of Youth Cultures

    Groups of people draw symbolic boundaries to create conceptual distinctions between

    themselves and other types of people (Lamont, 1992). Drawing on the work of Bourdieu,

    Lamont asserts that groups use symbolic boundaries to define status and to identify

    interlopers, thus constructing representational markers that differentiate themselves from

    “others.” In other words, symbolic boundaries mark position within a subcultural world,

    used to differentiate insiders from outsiders. Youth cultures enable young people to

    symbolically distinguish themselves from others. Such elements of distinction not only

    encourage personal identity development, but also reify and legitimize social differences

    among youth. These boundaries of distinction enable young people to coalesce around

    particular sets of ideas, tastes, and practices, which form the basis of subcultures. Such

    distinctions are important for the development of solidarity and draw people together in the

    subcultural realm through a shared purpose. Thus, symbolic boundaries do not represent

    mere differences in taste or preference, but are fundamentally tied to the architecture of

    status and identity in the youth world.

    Beyond the purpose of identifying those whom they are like, symbolic boundaries provide

    the means for people to articulate whom they are unlike (Bryson, 1996). They allow

    subcultural members to reject outsiders. In this regard, symbolic boundaries function as

    measures of exclusion; tastes are defined as much by distaste as they are preference

    (Bourdieu, 1984). Participation in subcultural activities can reinforce both preferences and

    distastes within the practice of a broader subcultural ethos, and function as a public

    validation of group membership. In this regard, symbolic boundaries are formed not merely

    in rhetoric, but forged in the routine practices of members.

    Alongside efforts to render themselves distinct from “others,” youth also negotiate and

    accumulate status by cultivating subcultural capital within their own worlds (Thornton,

    1995). The notion of subcultural capital is an extension of Bourdieu’s classic work on

    cultural capital (1986). Youth cannot forge their identities in the adult realm given their

    marginal position in that world. As such, youth develop a different order of prestige symbols

    that function in accordance with the immediacies of their lives. At this stage, youth focus

    less on things that comprise social position in the adult world and invest heavily in leisure

    and the elements of their lives that cohere with it (Thornton, 1995).

    Subcultural capital directly relates to one’s position in the field of youth social relations.

    Having greater subcultural capital bestows status upon its possessor within that realm. Yet,

    subcultural capital is not something that can simply be bought, sold, or traded in a formal or

    informal market. It is largely an embodied form related to “being in the know” (Thornton,

    1995). In this respect, subcultural capital is far more dependent upon having qualities

    engrained in the individual. These are primarily comprised of social connections, knowledge

    bases, and experiences with the practices holding prestige in that realm. Much like symbolic

    boundaries, these elements of subcultural capital are forged in the routine practices of


    The maintenance of symbolic boundaries and the pursuit of subcultural capital through

    routine practices lead youth to think and act in particular ways, and shape how they make

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    sense of their worlds. In this regard, they set broader parameters that shape actions and

    interactions within these scenes, including drug use. Yet, efforts to define oneself as an

    insider and earn status within the scene do not have consistent influences; the parameters

    they set may either enable or inhibit the use of particular drugs, and these function

    differently in every youth scene. Thus, a key area of inquiry remains how pursuits of status

    and prestige establish cultural parameters within youth cultures that shape patterns of drug


    Current Study

    We describe the subcultural underpinnings of how young adults view prescription drug

    misuse. Specifically, we conducted an ethnography to examine aspects of three youth

    cultures that function either to enable or inhibit the misuse of prescription drugs. This

    approach allows us to examine not only the nature of prescription drug misuse across youth

    cultures, but to consider the ways in which routine practices aimed at maintaining symbolic

    boundaries and accruing subcultural capital shape patterns of drug use among young people

    more broadly.


    This project was designed to examine contextual influences of prescription drug misuse

    among young adults. We utilize the term “misuse” so as to distinguish these patterns of drug

    consumption from medical “use”, while also not pathologizing young people with the term

    “abuse,” which inherently suggests harm or dependence. The first phase centered on an

    ethnography of youth cultures in New York, involving participant-observation and informal

    interviewing. Five ethnographers – ranging in age from 25 through 32 and diverse in gender

    and sexual identity – conducted ethnographic research across six youth cultural scenes, over

    12 months from March 2010 to March 2011. We present results from three youth cultures

    rooted in musical scenes – electronic dance music (EDM) scenes, hip-hop scenes, and indie

    rock scenes.

    The ethnography began with social mapping, which facilitated the development of an

    ethnographic map of the social landscape of nightlife scenes, important since these scenes

    are dispersed throughout the city. At the outset, we attended a range of venues housing

    youth cultures to develop profiles of the scenes and assess social patterns within them

    through observations and informal interviews. The evaluation of these scenes ensured a

    diverse range of settings were attended during ensuing participant-observation.

    We conducted systematic fieldwork by becoming immersed in specific scenes. Rather than

    broad coverage of all scenes, each ethnographer focused on one or two subcultures to enable

    depth and immersion. The key feature was active participation in the social milieus of these

    scenes. We routinely observed cultural processes and social interactions as well as regularly

    engaged in informal interviews. The relative youth of the ethnographers allowed for an

    extended presence and the acquisition of roles within these milieus, which further enabled us

    to develop rapport and insight. Extended ethnographic fieldwork enabled us to connect

    patterns and practices of prescription drug misuse to the social contexts of these scenes. All

    fieldwork resulted in documentation via ethnographic fieldnotes. Over the course of the

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    year, we conducted 266 nights of field observations, each lasting approximately 4 hours.

    Thus, we collectively spent over 1,000 hours immersed within these scenes. Such an

    extended presence enabled thick descriptions of these contexts. Fieldnotes contained

    descriptions of observations and informal interviews. Specific attention was paid to

    normative behaviors, key cultural frameworks, perceived authenticity and other sources of

    subcultural capital, drug use patterns, and modes of social interaction.


    Our analysis occurred through a collective and iterative process. Memoing procedures were

    used throughout the course of fieldnote writing (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). Memos

    highlight potential lines of inquiry and emerging ideas that are grounded in the fieldwork

    data. Such memos were written based upon observations and informal interviews

    documented in fieldnotes. The ethnographers regularly met to review and discuss fieldnotes

    and memos throughout the fieldwork. In this regard, we analyzed ethnographic data

    continuously to further direct our approach (Strauss and Corbin, 1998).

    After the completion of data collection, we analyzed fieldnote data through an iterative

    process. Using NVIVO software for data analysis, we coded fieldnotes to identify aspects of

    each scene that either enable or inhibit prescription drug misuse. Regular process meetings

    were held to discuss emergent findings and permit scrutiny by other ethnographers. Thus,

    the analytic findings were subject to inquiry by the wider team. All fieldnote data reported in

    the results highlight key aspects found in these scenes, not isolated phenomena. The

    fieldnote excerpts presented have codified identifiers indicating the ethnographer and date of



    Young adults misuse prescription drugs for many of the same reasons they use other

    psychoactive drugs. They can provide energy, induce euphoria, alleviate social anxiety, or

    provide a “body buzz,” among other qualities. In this manner, they fit into a broader

    pharmacopeia within nightlife scenes. They also provide a useful window into how the

    cultural contexts of these scenes shape patterns of drug use.

    Indie Rock Scene

    Our research revealed two contrasting factors that enabled prescription drug misuse in the

    indie rock scene: an aesthetic of excess and strict norms of comportment. As we will show,

    the aesthetic of excess tended to be more powerful in underground subscenes, while strict

    norms of comportment were more powerful in commercial ones.

    The aesthetic of excess gets enacted when members believe that to fully enjoy an event, they

    must live in the moment, avoid consideration of consequences, and push themselves to

    “party” as hard as they physically can. In this scene, the aesthetic of excess involved

    behaviors related to the pop-cultural mythology of the “rock star” and related practices of

    physical disinhibition and drug use. The aesthetic of excess suggests a rejection of

    mainstream ideas about how the body should be governed in social situations:

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    A group of five young women were all sitting in a circle. … Then this tall lanky

    character with long, curly black hair would come running over, flailing his legs

    high, grab one of them off the ground, and dance with her in a circle, going faster

    and faster until the centrifugal force flung them away. Then they would both go

    stumbling, tripping, and falling onto the floor, where they would roll around with

    their legs flying up in the air. (JT042410)

    The aesthetic of excess is strongly associated with the consumption of alcohol and drugs,

    especially when consumed socially and in a celebratory manner reminiscent of

    representations of “rock stars” in popular culture.

    People were getting really stoned all around me. Next a bottle of Sobieski vodka

    appeared and the group passed it all around. The beefy guy I’d seen upstairs praised

    Sobieski, saying “Other vodkas won’t make you wake up in the grass at McCarren

    Park like Sobieski will!” Everybody laughed. Josh finished off the vodka with a

    couple of deep swigs. (JT020311)

    The aesthetic of excess becomes a form of prestige cultivation, especially in underground

    circles, and encourages the misuse of prescription drugs in two ways. First, it enables people

    to become more intoxicated, leading to the misuse of prescription drugs to medicate

    hangovers and other after effects of substance use. Second, prescription drugs are

    incorporated directly into the celebratory drug use of the aesthetic of excess:

    A young woman, maybe 19 years old, was talking loudly to all her friends. … “I

    can’t give you any more Adderall!” she shouted, loud enough for the whole

    balcony to hear. “I already gave all my Adderall to Dan! He’s inside dancing! If

    you want Adderall, talk to Dan.” (JT091510)

    While less common than other drugs, the incorporation of prescription drugs into excess-

    oriented patterns of consumption provided the means for this young man to actively

    participate in the scene.

    The second enabling factor observed was the strict norms of comportment that governed

    behavior in commercialized scenes, where – in contrast to the underground – participants

    were more likely to dress stylishly, limit themselves with intoxicants, and remain relatively

    motionless during shows. This was a return to the rules about the body that the aesthetic of

    excess rejects. Generally, strict norms of comportment operated in commercialized venues,

    while the aesthetic of excess operated in underground ones.

    Strict norms of comportment became highly visible when some attempted to engage in the

    aesthetic of excess – often in locales where the underground and commercial scenes came

    together. This was not uncommon because the broader indie scene’s notions of authenticity

    actively promoted excess, through ideas connecting drugs with enhanced perception of

    music or with full participation in the scene. The contradiction between these beliefs and

    strict norms of comportment led to incidents such as the following, in which a young woman

    took drugs at a commercial indie event. The promoter spoke about why that was a problem:

    “I like shrooms as much as the next person,” She said. “But do shrooms at home

    with your friends or whatever. Doing them at a club is crazy.” She looked back at

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    the tripping woman and gave a huff. She and all of her friends seemed unable to

    talk or think about anything else besides the transgressions of the tripping girl.

    They were all staring and pointing and talking about how she was climbing on to

    the stage. Meanwhile, Cole went on singing with the video projecting over himself

    and onto the wall. He did not acknowledge the tripping girl in any way. (JT110710)

    A few minutes later, the promoter addressed the musician and attempted to apologize:

    “I’m so sorry about that girl who was crawling up on the stage!,” she said to him,

    “We couldn’t get her off.” “Oh,” Cole said. “That’s what made it awesome. No,

    seriously, that made it so much better.” (JT110710)

    This exchange clarifies the contradictions that haunt indie rock’s commercial subscene. Do

    members gather for the indie rock tradition of excess, or for a more businesslike practice of

    consuming music and meeting friends? Most gravitated toward one subscene or the other

    depending on how they would answer this question. Yet, ambiguity remained, in which

    some wanted to experience a small amount of excess and remain in control at the same time.

    This condition, nearly ubiquitous in the commercialized subscene, creates an ideal setting

    for prescription drug misuse, which may generate euphoric experiences, yet allow the user to

    appear in control of her body if used carefully.

    These enabling factors appeared together with a powerful set of inhibiting factors: (a)

    incompatibility between prescription drugs and local notions of authenticity; (b) preferences

    for things perceived as natural; and (c) the unsuitability of prescription drugs in rituals of


    First, there is an incompatibility between prescription drugs and the rock scene’s unique

    concepts about authenticity, which provided a way to discern “real” members of the scene

    from interlopers. For example, this is what members did when they criticized bands for

    becoming famous “just because they were friends with” important show promoters

    (JT021111), or because “once they start getting a few good shows, they act like assholes to

    everybody” (JT021111). Another fan put these values into even stronger words:

    “What I like is to see a band that’s really getting into it, you know?” he said. “Not

    some wankers who are making a statement about some idea. (JT060510)

    As these statements imply, authenticity in the indie rock scene is a complex value system in

    which subcultural capital can be earned through the display of such qualities as creativity,

    sincerity, and a willingness to enact excess with others in the scene. Qualities such as

    ambition and a calculating approach to social hierarchy were associated with diminished

    subcultural capital.

    Authenticity affected drug use patterns in several ways. First, participants sought to increase

    their subcultural capital through public consumption of drugs associated with values such as

    creativity, sincerity, and excess. In practice, aside from heavy alcohol use, this usually

    meant marijuana, cocaine, and psychedelics, which were traditional to the scene. Second, the

    indie rock notion of authenticity led people to seek drug experiences worthy of a rock star:

    especially in the underground, drugs were expected to be social and intense, even dangerous.

    Prescription drugs, therefore, were rejected by some in the underground:

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    “Well, you’re not gonna find that with people who are into extreme music,” Dillon

    said. “… They’re proud of their hangovers. It’s like a macho thing. They want their

    hangover to be as bad as possible, so they’re not gonna pop pills to come down.

    And it’s more than that, really. … They’re into extremes of experience, so they’re

    really not going to take those drugs because those drugs make the experience less

    extreme. They make it more under control. We like dangerous drugs and those are

    safe drugs.” “You mean, safe from the law?” I said. “No, safe for your body.

    They’re not going to kill you, you know? People take them so that they don’t get

    too high or too low. They use them to maintain control. You’re not gonna find that

    in any extreme music scene. You should look in the hipster scene, the o

    The post How is Becker’s article ‘Art Worlds’ relevant to the material we have covered so far? ?How is ‘Framing Fat’ (the book summarized in the assigned blog post) relevant to the materia appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

  • Define the IRAC method of legal reasoning.? State what each letter in the IRAC acronym stands for, and provide a definition for each.? Give an example of how IRAC is used in a leg

    The post Define the IRAC method of legal reasoning.? State what each letter in the IRAC acronym stands for, and provide a definition for each.? Give an example of how IRAC is used in a leg is a property of College Pal
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    You have until the end of Week 2 to complete and submit this assignment.  However, please do not procrastinate.  You have a lot of material in Week 2, this extended date is simply to allow a bit of time for late starting students.

    Since this assignment is open for both Weeks 1 and 2, there is not option for late submission.


    Read Ch.1 of the textbook for this assignment.  Then, watch the following video:Paralegal Legal Writing: Using the IRAC MethodLinks to an external site.Paralegal Legal Writing:  Using the IRAC Method

    (Video: Using the IRAC Method, 4:07 mins; cc)


    Submit a 1.5 – 2.5 page paper to discuss:

    Define the IRAC method of legal reasoning.  State what each letter in the IRAC acronym stands for, and provide a definition for each.  Give an example of how IRAC is used in a legal setting, and discuss why the IRAC method is important.  Describe at least two things that you learned from the video (besides the definition of IRAC). 

    If you use wording directly from the video or any other source, use quotation marks and cite the source.  The majority of your paper should be in your original thoughts and wording.  See the “Academic Honesty” section in the syllabus for more information.  Assignments may be submitted to Turnitin. Turnitin is an online tool available to instructors to check for plagiarism.  Thus, it is important that you understand the meaning of plagiarism and complete your assignments without plagiarizing someone else’s work.  Assignments that have been plagiarized will not receive credit.

    Use Times New Roman font (12 pt.), double spaced, only one line for the heading (Your Name – Date – BA113 – IRAC Assignment). Your paper should provide in-depth thought, insight and analysis.  Use proper spelling and grammar.  See grading rubric below.  

    Grading Rubric 

    Click the 3 dot button in the upper right hand corner to view the scoring rubric.  Make sure to review the rubric before starting the assignment so that you understand the scoring expectations.

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    • Discuss the interrelationship among theory, practice, and research. Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words,?formatted and cited in current APA

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      Theory, Practice, & Research

      Discuss the interrelationship among theory, practice, and research.

      Submission Instructions:

      • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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      • Compare the quantitative and qualitative research in healthcare service. The answer may be in narrative or a table format. Provide the information on: When each approach is use

        The post Compare the quantitative and qualitative research in healthcare service. The answer may be in narrative or a table format. Provide the information on: When each approach is use is a property of College Pal
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        Compare the quantitative and qualitative research in healthcare service. The answer may be in narrative or a table format. Provide the information on:

        1. When each approach is used? Can they be applied to the same researchable question? Explain why yes or no.
        2. What type of data is used for each research style? How the data is selected and processed in each research type?
        3. What challenges in data selection researches need to be aware of? How to overcome them?

          The post Compare the quantitative and qualitative research in healthcare service. The answer may be in narrative or a table format. Provide the information on: When each approach is use appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

        • Creatively examine the statement, & political polarization in Congress can be good or bad. You are welcome to agree or disagree with the viewpoints expressed in the online article

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          Please read the instructions carefully that are attached. Use the resources that are listed within the document and attached ONLY.

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          Prompt 1

          Creatively examine the statement, ‘political polarization in Congress can be good or bad’. You are welcome to agree or disagree with the viewpoints expressed in the online articles. 

          ( You must use the required material listed below. No other material allowed .)

          Required material

          1. Book chapter on Congress.

          2. Robert B. Talisse. (2024). When Is Political Polarization Good and When Does It Go Bad?  Greater Good Magazine, April 16, Retrieved from to an external site.

          3. Sarah Fortinsky. (2024). McClintock defends polarized House: ‘Congress is simply a reflection of the country’.   The Hill, June 16, Retrieved from to an external site.

          (All online articles listed above are uploaded on the exam module as word document.)

          Prompt 2

          How has American presidency evolved over the years?

          ( You must use the required material listed below. No other material allowed .)

          Required material

          1. Book chapter on Presidency. 

          2. Matthew Cimitile (2024) Celebrating President’s Day: A conversation about the American presidency, then and now.  USF St. Petersburg News, February 19, Retrieved from to an external site.

          (The online article listed above is uploaded on the exam module as word document.)

          Assignment Details: 

          Each essay should be at least two paragraphs and 400-500 words long (10 words more or less fine) and should be well-cited. In-text citations and references are not included in the word count. The essays should compellingly address the prompts and provide strong evidence from the sources listed above to support your position.  I will follow the writing assignment grading rubric while grading the essays. 

          No plagiarism will be allowed.  The essays will be submitted through plagiarism tool, which automatically flags issues of plagiarism. Give proper quote marks – “….” – to the quotations so that I know that they are quotes. Ensure that you write the essays in your own words. 

          Plagiarism tool of the Canvas makes it easy to find out whether essays are plagiarized or not.  An essay that is plagiarized 25 per cent or more will receive a zero grade.

          If you use AI generated resources, for example ChatGPT, you must give reference to them otherwise the essay will receive zero grade. See this link on how to refer ChatGPT in your essay: to an external site.

          The essays which use AI resources, more than 25 per cent, will receive zero grade.

          You can type the essays on your computer and then copy and paste the text on the assignment submission page, or type directly on the page. Follow the order of essays and write one essay after another essay. Do not upload essays as a word or pdf file. Uploaded files will not be accepted.  I also do not accept email submission. At the end of each essay write the word count of that essay. 

          * The assignment will not be accepted after the deadline.

          The post Creatively examine the statement, & political polarization in Congress can be good or bad. You are welcome to agree or disagree with the viewpoints expressed in the online article appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

        • After reading Moats’ updated Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science 2020, provide a

          After reading Moats’
          updated Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science 2020, provide a summary of the critical information
          presented. Suggestion: beginning with page 4, highlight crucial points, then
          take that information and summarize it into this two page essay. Make sure that
          information flows well and in a logical manner. Remember to include transitions
          when moving from one idea to another. Your audience for the essay is educators
          who are familiar with educational jargon, but they may not have expertise in
          the area of reading. In the essay, you will explain what reading teachers must
          know, and what they must be able to do to be effective reading teachers.
          How to structure the essay:
          ·       Do not create a title page. Write your name on
          the first available line, then begin your essay on the next line.
          ·       Include an introductory paragraph and a
          ·       Double space the Microsoft Word document
          ·       Use Times New Roman size 12 font
          ·       Make sure there is no excess space between
          ·       Check your essay using Grammarly before you
          ·       Do not use direct quotes. Do not copy directly
          from Moats’ document.
          For this essay, you will not include a reference
          page because all of the information is coming from the assigned source.
          Additionally, you will not include in-text citations.
          When you submit the essay, you will be able to
          see the Safeassign match/score. If it is higher than 35%, adjust wording and
          resubmit. There are three attempts for this assignment.
          This assignment and all others in this course
          are to be your original creation. Suspicion of Artificial Intelligence
          technology use will result in a grade of zero. Safeassign is used as a
          plagiarism checker. Self-plagiarism is plagiarism. Do not recycle an assignment
          created for a previous course.
          ******Article is attached 

          The post After reading Moats’
          updated Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science 2020, provide a appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

        • Choose a cultural group that is different from your own background (i am hispanic so it has to be different) ?and plan to interview someone from this culture. The goal is to explo

          The post Choose a cultural group that is different from your own background (i am hispanic so it has to be different) ?and plan to interview someone from this culture. The goal is to explo is a property of College Pal
          College Pal writes Plagiarism Free Papers. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

          • choose a cultural group that is different from your own background (i am hispanic so it has to be different)  and plan to interview someone from this culture. The goal is to explore a culture that you will likely encounter in your nurse practitioner role.
          • Using Module 1’s Mind Map, and the textbook’s FIG 1.1 and FIG 1.2 in Chapter 1, prepare a list of questions that will help you gain insights into the cultural aspects of healthcare for your selected interviewee.
            • Ensure your questions are respectful and culturally sensitive.

            The post Choose a cultural group that is different from your own background (i am hispanic so it has to be different) ?and plan to interview someone from this culture. The goal is to explo appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

          • Applying ?what you learned in weeks 1, 2, and 3, create a PowerPoint presentation ?introducing yourself to a potential employer.? Include concise bullets ?on each slide, an image

            The post Applying ?what you learned in weeks 1, 2, and 3, create a PowerPoint presentation ?introducing yourself to a potential employer.? Include concise bullets ?on each slide, an image is a property of College Pal
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             week1-Intro to work processing

            week2-Intro to Excel

            week 3-Intro to powerpoint


            Applying  what you learned in weeks 1, 2, and 3, create a PowerPoint presentation  introducing yourself to a potential employer.  Include concise bullets  on each slide, an image on at least 2 slides, and transitions between  slides. Provide details explaining the content on each slide as if you  were presenting to an audience.  

            Your presentation should be at least 10 slides, not counting the title slide.

              The post Applying ?what you learned in weeks 1, 2, and 3, create a PowerPoint presentation ?introducing yourself to a potential employer.? Include concise bullets ?on each slide, an image appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

            • Briefly describe the case you have chosen. Categorize the social worker’s experience as vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, or burnout. Provide justification. Identify the s

              The post Briefly describe the case you have chosen. Categorize the social worker’s experience as vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, or burnout. Provide justification. Identify the s is a property of College Pal
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              Submit a 2- to 3-page p**** in which you:  

              • Briefly describe the case you have chosen.
              • Categorize the social worker’s experience as vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, or burnout. Provide justification.
              • Identify the social worker’s score on each of the three scales and provide justification for your assessment.
              • Describe risk and protective factors involved in the case.  

              Use the Learning Resources to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.   

              • attachment


              © 2023 Walden University, LLC

              TRANSCRIPT – Case Studies

              Overview of the Organization

              Berkshire Community Health (BCH) is a comprehensive healthcare facility serving western Massachusetts. BCH’s central campus consists of emergency services; specialty medical units, including a leading oncology department; a behavioral health therapy unit; and a social work team. Social workers are integrated throughout the facility to support behavioral health and interdisciplinary care. The social work team is supervised by Janell Morris, who is empathetic and supportive. Janell communicates effectively and encourages team-building through regular check-in meetings. The team is close and compassionate with one another. However, social workers often experience conflict with other collegial relationships beyond the team. As they are embedded within various units in the facility, they must work in interprofessional collaboration with other disciplines. Overall, social workers are devalued outside of the social work team. Recently, BCH rolled out a public relations campaign in which they declared the organization to be “trauma-informed.” However, no organization-wide policies or procedures have been implemented that reflect trauma-informed principles, nor were social workers consulted in the development of the campaign. To support the health and wellness of staff, the organization has an employee assistance program that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The organization also offers premier health insurance for full-time employees. Full-time constitutes working at least 36 hours a week.

              Social Worker 1: Tyrone Tyrone is a 41-year-old male social worker who identifies as heterosexual, Black, and Latino. He is a divorced dad to a teenage daughter and shares custody with his ex-wife. Tyrone conducts individual therapy with clients at BCH to address mental health and substance use. In his therapeutic role, Tyrone sees individuals with complex trauma who have high therapeutic needs, compounded by high case-management needs. The expectation for this role is to see seven or eight clients per day, a standard that Tyrone has kept up with throughout his employment over the past 4 years. Substance Use and Work Tyrone, who has no recent history of substance use, has started drinking one to three glasses of wine at night and “nips” of alcohol during the workday. Tyrone explains that he “feels emotionally numb” and has difficulty concentrating and completing tasks at home and at work. He has begun to avoid people, places, and things that remind him of

              © 2023 Walden University, LLC

              work with his clients, and he has also canceled sessions with clients who have higher levels of trauma to “stop my heart from pounding.” Tyrone complains of decreased sleep due to nightmares, difficulty falling asleep, and experiencing anxiety, but reports that he can “handle it on my own” by “doing what I need to do.” He has also expressed that he doesn’t know why he continues to meet with clients because “I’m not going to help them in the end anyway.” Social Support and Self-Care Tyrone describes limited social support. He declined invitations to social events for months, and, when he did attend, he’d just frustrate his friends by talking mostly about work. He also started expressing the belief that something bad is going to happen and that there is little hope for anything to change in the future. When friends attempted to confront Tyrone about their concerns, Tyrone became angry and irritable. Tyrone stopped attending church 3 months ago because he was “too tired” to go. He had previously identified church as a primary support. Tyrone reports a positive relationship with his ex-wife. He also reports a good relationship with his parents, who live a couple hours away. For self-care, Tyrone attempts to journal 3 or 4 days a week and takes short walks with his dog in the morning and evening. Anxiety Tyrone describes a recent event in which his 16-year-old daughter came home several minutes late from a social event. He began thinking of a client he was working with whose child had been murdered. Tyrone was pacing, looking out the window, and texting his daughter repeatedly because he became extremely anxious about her whereabouts.

              Social Worker 2: Mei Mei is a 25-year-old female social worker who identifies as heterosexual and Asian American. She lives with her mother 1 hour away from BHC but is planning to move into her own apartment in an area more convenient to work. In her role at BHC, Mei is an emergency room social worker who performs psychological assessments and manages crises. Mei recently had an annual physical with her primary care physician, during which she complained of gastrointestinal (GI) upset. The primary care physician confirmed GI upset as well as high blood pressure and weight gain due to binge eating. The physician has referred Mei to you for therapy. Work Mei explains that work has become difficult for her, especially the unpredictability of the days in the ER. She is expected to work four 10-hour shifts a week and is also expected to take additional shifts as needed, due to a high rate of staffing turnover. Mei finds it

              © 2023 Walden University, LLC

              difficult to separate personal and professional life as a helper, often thinking about her cases on the commute to and from work. On one morning’s commute, a car veered into her lane, and she was slow to react. She regretted that it did not result in an accident because then she “wouldn’t have had to go to work.” Mei reports feeling trapped by her job and that the work no longer satisfies her. She had thought she was doing what she wanted, but is now feeling like she made a mistake in choosing this line of work. Despite feelings of avoidance, Mei has difficulty setting boundaries with work and often stays for 12–14 hours. She feels as though the job is never finished. Her behavior is reinforced by colleagues in the ER telling the team to be “like Mei.” Physical Health Mei’s physical health has declined over the past year. She has gained 50 pounds because she often eats fast food, as it is “easier and more satisfying.” When Mei returns home after work, she eats several snacks and watches dramas on a streaming video service and “zones out.” She does not feel that she has the energy to exercise. Social Support and Self-Care In this same timeframe, Mei has felt herself losing a sense of connectedness to others, both personally and professionally. She has two childhood best friends who hold her accountable and are expressing concerns. However, she has reduced her time engaging socially with her friends and with her younger cousins, who are like siblings to her. In the early mornings at work, Mei feels particularly bad in her stomach and has been avoiding completing assessments in the ER at that time. Mei continues to engage in faith-based practices and has a good relationship with her mother, even though her mother is often already asleep when Mei returns home from work.

              Social Worker 3: Destiny Destiny is a 52-year-old female social worker who identifies as queer and White. She lives with her partner, Candace. At BHC, Destiny serves as a case manager on the specialized oncology interdisciplinary team. Destiny and Candace have been fighting, with Candace reporting that Destiny’s mood is unpredictable and that she gets upset “over the littlest things all the time.” In a recent argument that became particularly hostile, Candace broached the subject. “Hey, I’ve noticed that you are more irritable lately…. What can we do differently?” Destiny denied being irritable. She yelled and threw her phone, and then said, “All you ever do is point out what I do wrong! What about what you’re doing?” Following the argument, Candace urged Destiny to see a therapist.

              © 2023 Walden University, LLC

              Mood Destiny and Candace have been fighting, with Candace reporting that Destiny’s mood is unpredictable and that she gets upset “over the littlest things all the time.” In a recent argument that became particularly hostile, Candace broached the subject. “Hey, I’ve noticed that you are more irritable lately…. What can we do differently?” Destiny denied being irritable. She yelled and threw her phone, and then said, “All you ever do is point out what I do wrong! What about what you’re doing?” Following the argument, Candace urged Destiny to see a therapist. Work Destiny reports that she has been calling out from work on a regular basis. She is enraged by the policies of the organization that require taking on additional shifts due to staffing turnover. Additionally, Destiny had a recent conflict with colleagues in oncology regarding how they treat her and “talk down to her” as the social worker on the team. She made an initial angry comment, but now feels it is “pointless” to try and find a resolution because “it won’t make a difference.” Destiny states that day after day, she sees suffering and pain, and for the past 10 years she’s seen more people die than in all the previous years of her life. Social Media Use Destiny’s partner, friends, and colleagues have all commented on the excessive use of social media. Candace states that Destiny feels the phone is more important and only wants to connect with people who “are social media friends.” Coinciding with the increased use of social media, Destiny has started to withdraw from her partner. When she does communicate with Candace, the communication is filled with anger, yelling, and frustration. Destiny displays limited insight into why she might be irritable or avoidant. Social Support and Self-Care Destiny draws on the supportive relationships with her parents and in-laws and the bond she has with her supervisor, Janell, as they have worked together for 10 years. In the past, Destiny has enjoyed hiking and reading mystery novels. She also loves playing with her cat.

              The post Briefly describe the case you have chosen. Categorize the social worker’s experience as vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, or burnout. Provide justification. Identify the s appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper

            • Apply at least one aspect of the VBM to the following discussion prompt: At some level, a marketer’s job is to convince customers to buy more of their stuff. But is there a limit

              The post Apply at least one aspect of the VBM to the following discussion prompt: At some level, a marketer’s job is to convince customers to buy more of their stuff. But is there a limit is a property of College Pal
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              Apply at least one aspect of the VBM to the following discussion prompt: At some level, a marketer’s job is to convince customers to buy more of their stuff. But is there a limit to how much marketers should push their products and how much customers should buy? Luke 12:15 contains a warning from Jesus about coveting goods and not being concerned with the accumulation of possessions. “And he said to them, ‘Take heed, and beware of all covetousness; for a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’”

              1. What does that mean for marketers?
              2. Do marketers have an obligation to make sure customers really “need” versus “want” a product?
              3. What, if any, is the marketer’s responsibility here? Or is it up to the individual customer with free will to decide what they purchase?

                The post Apply at least one aspect of the VBM to the following discussion prompt: At some level, a marketer’s job is to convince customers to buy more of their stuff. But is there a limit appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper