Answer this question in at least 3-4 pages using times new roman 12 pts. DO NOT

Answer this question in at least 3-4 pages using times new roman 12 pts. DO NOT rewrite the question or put a lead in discussion, abstract or introduction. DO NOT use first person or a conversational style. DO NOT include personal opinion or content beyond the course or peer reviewed research. you need to begin by clearly defining the concept/ term being asked about. This means not only do you cite the one or two sentence definition from the text, but go further and fully explain the concept using your own words. Fully illustrate what the concept/ term is and its broad application in society or various contexts. After you have provided a comprehensive definition, then illustrate its application to the video/ article assigned with this Research Paper. Discuss the evidence in this video/ clip that does or does not support the term/ concepts meaning as outlined in the textbook research. Be sure to fully explain how the content you selected from the video/ article supports or refutes the research outlined in the textbook or peer reviewed articles. Do not simply give the example without linking it to the research you have put forth.
The video that needs to be used in reference is
The textbook that needs to be used in reference is Psychology of Women & Gender
Authors: Miriam Liss, Kate Richmond & Mindy J Erchull
Publisher: Norton Review the textbook research discussing Sexual Scripts; discuss in detail how any two of these research findings are supported or refuted by Ms. Moreno’s experiences this documentary. Explain in detail how any two research assertions in the of Selling Women’s Bodies section of the textbook emerge as relevant in this documentary and the implications of these. Comprehensively explain the external peer reviewed research findings examining stereotypes of Latina women’s sexuality in the media; discuss how two research findings in your research article support or refute experiences Ms. Moreno shared in this documentary.

Answer this question in at least 3-4 pages using times new roman 12 pts. DO NOT
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