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Home » Additionally, it can even prevent writer’s block because if a particular section seems difficult to write, an author can use their outline to find another section to work on for a while without losing track of the planned order of the work

Additionally, it can even prevent writer’s block because if a particular section seems difficult to write, an author can use their outline to find another section to work on for a while without losing track of the planned order of the work

In this lesson, you will continue planning your informative work by developing an outline. Some writing students feel that outlining is “busy work,” however, skilled authors know that a good outline is like a map: it keeps writers from getting lost during the drafting process by providing a planned route for writing the work

An outline has several benefits. 

  • One benefit is that it makes it easy to change a workflow before a lot of time has been spent writing.
  • Additionally, it can even prevent writer’s block because if a particular section seems difficult to write, an author can use their outline to find another section to work on for a while without losing track of the planned order of the work
  • Also, in a writing class like this, outlining allows your instructor to guide your work before you even begin to write it.


  • Informative work Outline Example
  • Outline for Informative work – use this document to create your outline


  • SmartBook Activity: Prewriting for Informative Texts
  • Lesson 1 Individual Assignment: Planning the Informative work – create a work outline.

Use the instructions above and answer the questions below with a work cited page 200-300 words.


Your instructor’s feedback will focus on the completeness of the assignment and how you integrate quotes.


  1. Use the “Outline for Informative Work document.
  2. Complete the outline as instructed in the document.
  3. Verify the quotes you put in the outline meet proper source integration and in-text citation techniques, as presented in the course learning materials.
  4. Include the Works Cited page you created. Any sources quoted or paraphrased in the outline must appear on the Works Cited page.
  5. Save your outline and upload it here.
    • Remember, Moodle can only display .doc and. PDF files. Do not upload Pages or Google Docs fi

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