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Academic Research and Evidence-Based Writing Sources Template

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Two parts 

Part 1 :  Academic Research 

Part 2 :  Evidence-Based Writing 

Examples of everything is below. These are examples only, do not use in work 


Yasmin Modi


UXM2 Task 1: Academic Research and Evidence-Based Writing Sources Template

Sources Template Section 1:

Instructions: Complete each section of this template following the prompts in the task


For support, please review the “Information Literacy: Evaluating Sources” document found under the Web Links section.

WGU Degree Enrolled Bachelor of Science, Health Information Management

A. Career Role

Privacy Officer/Health Information Manager


B1. Journal or




Retrieved from the WGU Library? Yes ☒ No ☐

Qualified: Explain how

the author’s qualifications and/or

the publisher’s reputation contribute

to the credibility of the resource.

  Published by A.H.I.M.A, who set the gold standard for the field of Health 

Information Technology. The article was written by staff members of the University 

of Central Florida, who are experienced members of the H.I.M. community.

Up-to-Date: Explain

how the resource is current (published

within the last five years).

 Up-to-date source published March 15, 2021

Objective: Explain whether the resource is

objective or still credible even if some

bias or opinion is present.

  The paper is written objectively. It is basically a report of collected data, in the form 

of a report listing statical data collected by the author.  They do state in the article that

it is possible that their may be missing data , due to the inability to confirm that all 

data was reported correctly by the participants.

True: Explain why you

have confidence the information in the

resource is true and

The article was found in Perspectives in Health Information Management a Journal 

published by American.

Health Information Management Association, the gold standard source for H.I.M.


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Yasmin Modi


UXM2 Task 1: Academic Research and Evidence-Based Writing Sources Template


Applicable: Explain

how the resource is relevant to your topic

and how it might be used in a paper.

The article discusses the role of the Privacy Officer and what settings they would  work in.


B2. Book or Book Chapter Information Technology for Healthcare Managers



Retrieved from the WGU Library? Yes ☒ No ☐

Qualified: Explain how the author’s

qualifications and/or the publisher’s

reputation contribute to the credibility of

the resource.

The Authors are all members of the Higher Learning academic community and hold positions in the academic community, Hospital

Corporations, and Government Offices.

Up-to-Date: Explain how the resource is

current (published within the last five


This eBook is current, Published in 2021.

Objective: Explain whether the resource

is objective or still credible even if some

bias or opinion is present.

 The information provided in this book is backed by references and citations from 

notable government and academic sources. It is a recommended text for learning and 

development by The American College of Healthcare Executives, and all of the 

contributing authors come from varied cultural backgrounds, diverse sectors of 

healthcare and technology, and varied backgrounds in learning. This means that the 

information provided is a fair sampling of representation and credible, even some bias is


True: Explain why you have confidence

the information in the resource is true and


 I am confident that the information in the text is true and dependable because the 

Authors are all members of the Higher Learning academic community and hold 

positions in the academic community, Hospital Corporations, and Government Offices.

Applicable: Explain how the resource is

relevant to your topic and how it might be

used in a paper.

The information provided in the text is specifically geared to educate Managers from all

health care aspects on Information Technology.


B3. Reputable

Website or Web Page Rasmussen University


Retrieved from the WGU Library? Yes ☐ No ☒

Qualified: Explain how  The author is a content strategy manager and professional writer.


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Yasmin Modi


UXM2 Task 1: Academic Research and Evidence-Based Writing Sources Template

the author’s

qualifications and/or the publisher’s

reputation contribute to the credibility of the


He has written many journal articles on varied topics during his 20-plus-year career.

Up-to-Date: Explain how the resource is

current (published within the last five


 Published May 2nd, 2023

Objective: Explain whether the resource is

objective or still credible even if some

bias or opinion is present.

 The information contained in this article is clearly stated and objective. It is basically

factual data collected by the author from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. 

Department of Labor.

True: Explain why you

have confidence the information in the

resource is true and dependable.

The author cited sources, that I was able to identify as reputable and able to verify.

Applicable: Explain

how the resource is relevant to your topic

and how it might be used in a paper.

 The information contained in this article is relevant to my topic, because is lists 

career roles that are applicable to the degree of study. I am able to use this 

information to explore possible career choices after earning my degree.

B4. Multimedia Source (e.g., video,

podcast, webinar, or presentation)

Becker’s Healthcare Podcast

Dr. Chris DeFlitch, Vice President and Chief Medical Information Officer at Penn

State Health

Retrieved from the WGU Library? Yes ☐ No ☒

Qualified: Explain how

the author’s qualifications and/or

the publisher’s reputation contribute

to the credibility of the resource.

 The interviewee is an emergency physician. He has an undergraduate degree in 

physics, and he went to medical school at the College of Medicine in Hershey. 

Completed residency at UMass. His experience in informatics, system improvement 

and technology. He deployed the EMR at Penn State Hershey Med Ctr and was 

involved in multiple facilities’ conversions to the EMR platform. He is a professor at 

PSU College of Medicine and is involved in research in healthcare delivery science 

and systems, processing, and advanced decision support. Such as machine learning 

and AI for 25 years.

Up-to-Date: Explain how the resource is

current (published within the last five


 Published March 31, 2024

Objective: Explain whether the resource is

objective or still

 This podcast is a personal interview, so although it is somewhat subjective, the 

speaker is credible in his field, because of his credentialing, his experience, and his 

employment at a credible and noted facility.


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Yasmin Modi


UXM2 Task 1: Academic Research and Evidence-Based Writing Sources Template

credible even if some

bias or opinion is present.

True: Explain why you

have confidence the information in the

resource is true and dependable.

 I am confident the information is true because the speaker is reliant on his 

information being factual. He must stand behind his words in order to remain credible

in his field.

Applicable: Explain

how the resource is relevant to your topic

and how it might be used in a paper.

This is applicable to my paper and topic because this is someone I may encounter in  my chosen role and gives examples of relevant professional skills.


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Yasmin Modi


UXM2 Task 1: Academic Research and Evidence-Based Writing Sources Template

Section 2:

Instructions: Write an evidence-based paper answering the part C prompts found under the Requirements section.

The Career role I have identified is Privacy Officer/ Health Information Manager. Although

these seem to be two different titles, this role is often combined. Working as a health information manager in a healthcare facility, you would be responsible for maintaining and

ensuring the security of all patient records and data—and you’ll likely oversee other positions such as a health information technician, a medical records technician, a data

quality manager and other health information specialists. (Cosker, 2023) This description

also defines the role of a Privacy Officer.

Experiential knowledge, adaptability, and progressive thinking are three relevant

professional skills essential for success in this role. These skills are important and will lend themselves to career success. The knowledge and skills for privacy and security in

healthcare are valuable and need to be considered by employers in terms of the individuals they have working in these areas. (Walden et al., 2021) The skills

one gains with age and tenure at a facility offers them a unique perspective on processes and the people performing them.

Many problems could arise in the area of technology and data security in the healthcare

setting. One problem that may be encountered is data availability and security. This could manifest as data not being readily available to provide care to a patient or the data being

used to provide care not being secured appropriately to maintain privacy. Accurate, comprehensive data are required to produce the information clinical and administrative

decision-makers need, and the ability to access the information at the time it is needed is

crucial. (Glandon et al., 2021)

During these times, one would be able to showcase adaptability, progressive thinking, and

experiential knowledge to come up with creative solutions for increasing the speed and accuracy of data availability while maintaining security. This will often involve learning new

systems, putting a faster system in place and getting team members to embrace change. A leader must learn to inspire employees and convince them to believe firmly that they are

working on something grander than their immediate set of tasks. (Glandon et al., 2021)

This is a case where experiential knowledge can be invaluable. When you have worked for

many years with varied populations, it allows you the scope of vision to see how you can institute change with a specific team or person based on past experiences, even when they

are resistant. Implementing new data systems and software programs is often plagued with problems of all kinds. The ability to make changes or address a problem while putting this

new system in place with a positive attitude and continually moving forward shows amazing adaptability. With the speed of technological advances, one must always remain adaptable

and forward-thinking to succeed in this field.

While working as a privacy officer, you may meet many people. Patients come in all shapes

and sizes, ethnicities, genders, levels of education, and cultures. Your co-workers and care

teams are also included in this broad range. One goal of technology is to improve the

quality of care and outcomes for patients and providers. Cultural competency is essential to

quality care in all aspects, including accessibility. One type of access problem may arise

from people living in remote rural parts of the country that do not have healthcare facilities

and personnel close by. (Glandon et al., 2021) Advancing technology can break down the


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Yasmin Modi

Yasmin Modi

Yasmin Modi


UXM2 Task 1: Academic Research and Evidence-Based Writing Sources Template

cultural barrier to care for these people by providing video care by providers in other


These advances can break down barriers when interacting with the varied demographics you

will encounter. By being culturally intelligent, you can affect outcomes to create positive

experiences. “but at the end of the day, it’s about the people we take care of. And so always

trying to keep the priority, why do we do these things? So making sure the patient is always

first and making sure we’re caring for the people who are caring for people that is our staff,

our physicians, that sort of stuff. And how we deploy technology, how we use technology is

actually really snag dab in the middle of it. So, you know, our, our work and priority is to do

the best we can for our people.” (Dydra, 2024)


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Yasmin Modi

Yasmin Modi


UXM2 Task 1: Academic Research and Evidence-Based Writing Sources Template

Instructions: Create a reference page. Please note that this reference page will need to

include the sources you used for Section 1 and Section 2.

Make sure to review the resources in the course of study and the WGU Academic Coaching Center for support.


Anam, M., & Haque, I. (2020). Anam, & Haque, M. I. (2020). Big Data Analytics in Health

Sector: Need, Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Prospects. . Emerald Publishing 


Cosker, G. (2023, May 2). 7 jobs you can get with a Health Information Management degree. 

Rasmussen University.


Dydra, L. (2024, March 31). Dr. Chris DeFlitch, Vice President and Chief Medical Information 

Officer at Penn State Health. Becker’s Healthcare Podcast. other.

Glandon, G. L., Smaltz, D. H., & Slovensky, D. J. (2021). Information Technology for

Healthcare Managers, Ninth Edition. Health Administration Press.


Ingram, D. (2023). Health Care in the Information Society: Volume 2 – From Anarchy of

Transition to Programme for Reform. OPEN BOOK PUBLISHERS. 2024,


Walden, A., Cortelyou-Ward, K., & Noblin, A. (2021). PRIVACY OFFICERS: WHO THEY 

ARE AND WHERE THEY WORK. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 

Spring(2021), 1–12.




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