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A related purpose statement should be developed once the problem statement has been drafted. The problem and purpose statements are related in content and word

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A related purpose statement should be developed once the problem statement has been drafted. The problem and purpose statements are related in content and wording, yet the focus of each statement is different:  

Statement Focus 

Problem Statement:The sole focus is on the identified problem; the distinction between the current state and what is desired.

Purpose Statement: Focus is on the intent of your applied dissertation project.  


Create an applied dissertation project purpose statement by indicating the intent, goal, and rationale for addressing the problem you identified in Week 3. The purpose statement should begin with “The purpose of this (quantitative or qualitative) applied dissertation project is to….”  

Use the following list to create the purpose statement. At a minimum, your purpose should include items 1-4 from the list below:  

For All Purpose Statements (Minimum Components) 

  1. Project method
  2. Project design
  3. Project setting
  4. Closing statement as to how the study results may inform the field of healthcare leadership, management, or health policy  

Other Components as Applicable

  1. Constructs/variables  
  2. Target population 
  3. Sampling frame  
  4. Sampling method  
  5. Sample size (Justified by scholarly sources and power analysis for quantitative studies)
  6. Data collection method (including instrumentation if applicable)
  7. Data analysis method
  8. Software to be used for analysis 
  • attachment



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The post A related purpose statement should be developed once the problem statement has been drafted. The problem and purpose statements are related in content and word appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper