Chapters 14 – 18  As you read the assigned chapters of Born a Crime, create a do

Chapters 14 – 18 
As you read the assigned chapters of Born a Crime, create a document with your favorite quotes from each chapter.  After listing your selected quotes, write a reflection on the chapter – what was meaningful to you, what surprised you, what would you like to learn more about, etc.  You choose the direction of your reflection, but make it meaningful.  It should be at least a paragraph.  Do this for each chapter assigned.
**New for the end of the book** Write a final reflection of any closing thoughts you have from the book.  Just a couple of paragraphs is fine.
Please submit as .docx or .pdf.  

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As you read the assigned chapters of Born a Crime, create a do appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

Chapters 14 – 18  As you read the assigned chapters of Born a Crime, create a do
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