Addiction truly is a disease that does not discriminate, and despite fame, fortune and/or occupation, in the eyes of substance abuse, everyone is fair game.

Addiction truly is a disease that does not discriminate, and despite fame, fortune and/or occupation, in the eyes of substance abuse, everyone is fair game. Proof of that can be seen in the all-too-common reports of famous celebrities who publicly struggle with addiction or experience a relapse. There is a very dark side to the access that accompanies fame, and the constant media exposure can make it seem as if celebrities are more prone to addiction than the average person.

For this you will examine drug and alcohol addiction in the life of the rich and famous. You will also discuss their journey toward recovery, relapse, and abstinence. Chose ONE of the celebrities in the URL link below and respond to the following. Your response should be completed using a minimum of 3 pages in proper format, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times Roman, and in APA format. Use a minimum of three credible articles and prepare a reference page. Submit Part I & II via the same drop box.

Click on the link below to choose and conduct research on ONE celebrity to complete this (NOTE: DO NOT use Wikipedia as a resource):

Part I

1) Examine and discuss the history of your chosen celebrity’s drug and alcohol abuse.

2) At what point did the celebrity become aware of their addiction? What method of treatment did they undergo (i.e., treatment center, rehabilitation agency, who was the substance abuse counselor that supported their recovery).

3) What is the celebrity’s current state in the recovery cycle?


1) Discuss the Relapse Prevention Model.

2) Image that the celebrity client you choose experienced a relapse and has been assigned to you as their substance abuse counselor. Use the Relapse Prevention Model to get your celebrity client back on track to abstinence.

  • At what point would you introduce the RPM during therapy? Explain.
  • Two years later, suppose your celebrity client, who has been recovering for sometime, recently begun to make subtle changes in his/her life. You become aware that he/she had stopped going to meetings in his/her support group, that he/she had stopped his/her regular regimen of exercise, and that he/she had started to associate with drug & alcohol-using friends. As the substance abuse counselor, what would you do? Be as specific as possible (include open-end questions, treatment modality, etc.)

The post Addiction truly is a disease that does not discriminate, and despite fame, fortune and/or occupation, in the eyes of substance abuse, everyone is fair game. first appeared on Courseside Kick.

Addiction truly is a disease that does not discriminate, and despite fame, fortune and/or occupation, in the eyes of substance abuse, everyone is fair game.
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