Psychology 2012 STEPHENS Celebrity Psychological Disorder Write-up Diagnosing and Treating from Afar

Psychology 2012


Celebrity Psychological Disorder Write-up

Diagnosing and Treating from Afar

These days, people are always engaging in ‘armchair’ diagnosing. People look at celebrities, past and present and assign them mental diagnoses. We also see them displayed with more or less accuracy in movies and television. For this assignment, I want you to take a celebrity or movie/show/play character and persuade me that they have a psychological disorder. Then tell me the best treatment (giving details about what the patient would have to do to follow the treatment).

When writing your armchair diagnosis up, you should have three sections/ paragraphs:

1st section: Define and describe the disorder. Make sure that you tell us what type of disorder it is, the most common symptoms according to the DSM-V, and the lifetime prevalence rate. Make sure you cite this info.

2nd section: Describe the character/celebrity and explain the behaviors that make you think they have that psychological disorder.

3rd section: Lay out the best form of treatment (according to research findings). If there are not good treatments say that, and then give a treatment that is commonly used to treat the disorder stating its strengths and weaknesses. Then describe what the patient would have to do to engage in those treatments.

Include the reference in APA format of the textbook and any other resource you have used in APA format. Do NOT use MLA. You can use this free website to find out how to put any reference in APA format.

The assignment should be at about 1-2 pages typed and doubled-spaced with 1-inch margins (do NOT exceed 4 pages). It should have 12-point font Times New roman type. Make sure that you list your name, this class, and the time we meet on your assignment. You must also provide APA formatted headings for your paper and its three sections. Proofread your paper. You will lose points for misspellings, grammatical errors, and/or awkward sentences. Use the scientific writing style (avoid 2nd person tense, slang, rhetorical questions, and contractions).

This assignment is worth up to 50 points and is due on or before the START of class on the date listed in the syllabus. No late papers will be accepted. You are welcome (and ENCOURAGED) to turn this assignment in early. Papers may ONLY be turned in to me in person directly (no email submissions will be accepted).


Psy 202


Armchair Diagnosis Assignment Grading Form


Title Info


3 pts total

Needs to include a clear and accurate title



Author’s name



Class information




Definitional Paragraph


10 pts total

General information about the psychological disorder with citations





Celebrity Description


5 pts total

Description of the celebrity/character’s behaviors and explanations of how they show disorder symptoms.





Description of Treatment


10 pts total

General information about the best treatment for the disorder with citations. Then a description of what the patient would have to do to follow the treatment.





Quality and Clarity


17 pts total

Paper is appropriate length to address topic (and per assignment guidelines)



1-inch margins throughout; double-spaced; APA formatted headings, no contractions, rhetorical questions, slang, or 2nd person tense; spelling and grammatical mistakes (-1pt per two mistakes); awkward flow (-1pt each)







5 pts total

Reference in APA format.




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Psychology 2012 STEPHENS Celebrity Psychological Disorder Write-up Diagnosing and Treating from Afar
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