Burgess 1
Impact Venture Plan
Callie Burgess
Northwood University
What is the service or product?
Stylin’ is an online platform for marketing cosmetics and personal hygiene products.
How is this idea different than existing products on the market?
While social media platforms allow professionals and companies in the cosmetics and personal hygiene sector to market their products and services, they are not specific, and users must look for them to find their pages. However, Stylin’ will be specifically dedicated to this industry, allowing these parties to showcase their work and products, interact with clients online, and allow clients to share reviews and experiences with these businesses. Clients can also contact companies and service providers to purchase products or schedule visits.
What is the unmet customer need? (This may be geographic.)
The unmet customer need is difficulty finding good cosmetics, hygiene services, and product companies.
How large in scope is the business opportunity?
The business opportunity has global applications and opportunities.
Pristine Suits
What is the service or product?
Prestin is a custom suitmaker company.
How is this idea different than existing products on the market?
Most custom suits are expensive. Pristine Suits aims to offer custom suits at an affordable price.
What is the unmet customer need? (This may be geographic.)
Customers struggle to find quality custom-design suits.
How large in scope is the business opportunity?
This business opportunity can operate well in the US with a focus on middle and low-economic classes for business and other formal wear needs.
Print Anything
What is the service or product?
Print Anything offers printing services on virtually any surface and for any design.
How is this idea different than existing products on the market?
Most companies have limitations on where they can print.
What is the unmet customer need? (This may be geographic.)
Customers find it challenging to get printing services for any surface.
How large in scope is the business opportunity?
The business opportunity applies to customers of all age groups in the US who may need printing services for unconventional surfaces like walls, plastics, rubber, and utensils.
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