Health in London.
Rationale for the Module
This module focuses on health care perspectives in the community. Health concepts and health and social policies – issues that are of significance for individuals, families, and carers in relation to the provision of health care in the community context.
As a result of recent changes in health and social care policies initiated by the Government, and with an increased emphasis on the empowerment of communities to provide health care, students need to examine, and acquire an understanding of the implementation and impact of health and social care strategies.
Please consider who this poster would be aimed at and why you are presenting this information. ( family, public, student , children, ….) who is reader ?!
Core Concepts (linked to London) – choose ONE for the focus of your poster
“All research must be based in London or can even be conducted in specific areas within London.”
Top of Form
Health concepts
Historical perspective of health care
Public health
Inter-agency, inter-professional working
Primary Care Networks (PCN’s)
Social enterprises
Care provision statutory voluntary and independent.
Environmental issues
Health in London.
Theory Assessment
Assessment Requirement: Online submitted poster with 250 word reflection
Length: Poster & 250 word reflection & reference list.
The assessment will consist of a poster (one slide/page) and a 250 word reflection.
The poster should demonstrate the student’s understanding of a concept selected from the core concepts list. The new knowledge obtained from the students’ literature review/search findings of the concept should assist in generating links of the theory to practice during the accompanying reflection using the formulated template.
Specific guidelines for the Theoretical Assignment:
(i) For the poster the students are required to utilise the information collected from their personal literature search to produce a well-structured concise description of one selected concept through mapping, by giving consideration in relation to health in London for an individual or family.
(ii) Each student is required to select one core concept that is of interest to them, research fully into the selected topic then prepare the poster on one slide.
(iii) The reflection should be written using the template uploaded and guided by the questions: What? So What? Now What?
(iv) There are 250 words which should be evenly spaced under each of the headings on the template.
(v) The references for the poster and writing should be provided in a list using the referencing guidelines on KEATS. (APA 7th edition with intext citation)
(vi) Word count on the title page (cover sheet) is the total for the reflection and does not include the words on the poster, cover sheet, template headings or reference list.
(ix) Submit the poster and reflection as ONE file via Turnitin as indicated on the template.
Grading criteria
A+ (82%,85%,88%,92%,95%,100%)
Able to demonstrate a full understanding of key facts relating to the chosen topic. Demonstrating for example originality in the work, a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge base and critical judgement.
Depth of knowledge
An extensive range of sources have been used and applied appropriately to support the content of the poster. The sources are of outstanding quality.
Excellently structured poster with a very clear focus on the chosen topic.
Assignment specific (1)
The chosen topic is clearly presented to an excellent standard. The relevance of the subject to health in London has been described very effectively, with a high degree of originality and insight.
Assignment specific (2)
An excellent poster which illustrates the topic and how it links with health in London and its community. Full understanding demonstrated.
Presentation and style
The work has an excellent structure, focused, clear and fluent. The presentation of the work is of a very high standard. The referencing system has been used with a high standard of accuracy.
After creating your poster in a word document or PDF style you have to write your reflection under this template structure.
Reflective account template: (250 words)
What? Briefly describe your poster topic (use references)
So what? How does this impact on the health of people living in London and/or the area you looked at for your formative presentation? (use references)
Now what? What did you learn and how will this help you to understand the patients you may care for in the future?
Reference list
…. All references must be in APA 7th edition style and your writing must be in English British writing not American spelling.
Please take a look at this simple example of an eposter. However, refrain from copying this page, as it is intended solely to provide students with an idea of the work
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