GASP 5312 Chapter 10 Notes Shakespeare wrote the line, “Nothing is either

GASP 5312

Chapter 10 Notes

Shakespeare wrote the line, “Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”. This observation places an emphasis not on what happens in the individual’s life, but what the individual THINKS about what happens. What do you THINK about this concept?

Counselors practicing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies (CBT) are very interested in a client’s thoughts, otherwise known as cognitions. In fact, a major emphasis of CBT is helping clients recognize their unproductive cognitions and replace them with cognitions the client believes to be productive. Clients’ affect (or feelings) and behaviors will change in ways desired by the client as a result of changing their cognitions. In other words, our thoughts guide our affect and behaviors.

There are several CBT approaches presented in the chapter along with the individuals most closely associated with the approach. You will notice some variations but the approaches share similar attributes.

CBT approaches are frequently used in counseling with individuals who have substance use problems. Many relapse prevention tools are based in CBT. For example, clients are asked to identify stressful situations in their lives and learn new ways of coping without using ATOD. As you read about CBT, you may think of ways the approaches could be used with clients who have substance use problems.

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GASP 5312 Chapter 10 Notes Shakespeare wrote the line, “Nothing is either
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