ENV 320 Final Environmental Policy Analysis Paper Sample Grading Rubric – 30%

ENV 320 Final Environmental Policy Analysis Paper Sample Grading Rubric – 30%

Course Instructor: Donna Schatz

Please pay close attention to assignment instructions and use this rubric as a checklist for what is required.


Excellent (A+)


Excellent (A)


Good (B)


Satisfactory (C)


Marginal (D)


Unsatisfactory (F)


General Formatting Formalities:

Proper Title Page

Word Count

Page Numbering


Times New Roman 12 Point Font with

Normal (1”) Margins

Paragraph Indentations

Follows Specific Instructions:

Sub-headings employed as outlined of pp. 17- 20 of the assignment instructions

Checklist only: No Marks

Checklist only: No Marks

Checklist only: No Marks

Checklist only: No Marks

Checklist only: No Marks

Checklist only:

No Marks

Integration & Quality of 8 Scholarly/

Academic Sources Composed of U of T Library eBooks, Books, or Journal Articles directly connected to your topic focus

Along with Relevant Course Reading Sources as outlined on the course syllabus

1.Introducing the Policy Issue or Objective (1/2-3/4 page)

2.Clear Identification of the Governmental/ Jurisdictional Framework (1/2-3/4 page) according to the Constitutional Division of Power

3. Identification of Actors or Stakeholders Involved

4. Background and Policy Context/ Historic and Current Legislation (1-2pages)

5.Literature Review/ Survey of Existing Literature; Synthesis and Analysis of Research

on Current Environmental Policies, Issues, Laws, Program, or Objectives & Key Concerns (3 pages)

6.Identification of Environmental Policy Alternatives in Contrast to Present Situation (1 ½-pages)

7.Evaluation of Policy Alternatives, Recommendations, and Conclusion (1 page)

8. References list Alphabetized and properly referenced in APA style at the end of the paper

9. In-text Paraphrasing, Citations, & Quotations

Properly referenced in APA style throughout the paper

10. Writing Clarity;

Sentence Style;


Late Penalties 5%/ 24

Hour Period up to 7

Days Late (-35%)

TOTAL = /100 =/30

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ENV 320 Final Environmental Policy Analysis Paper Sample Grading Rubric – 30%
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