Risk Management Plan Project Name: Learner Name: Course Name: Date: Table of

Risk Management Plan

Project Name:

Learner Name:

Course Name:


Table of Contents

Section 1 – Introduction to the Plan 3

1.1 Benefits of Risk Management 3

1.2 Project Goals and Objectives 3

1.3 Company Background 3

1.4 Risk Identification 3

Section 2 – Risk Scope, Components, and Value 3

2.1 Scope of the Risk Management Plan 3

2.2 Risk Management Plan Components 3

2.3 Expected Monetary Value 3

2.4 Determine the Risks 4

2.5 Evaluate and Assess the Risks 4

2.6 Qualitative and Quantitative Processes 4

Section 3 – Risk Analysis and Assessment 4

3.1 Major and Minor Risks 4

3.2 Risk Probability 5

3.3 Risk Matrix Template 5

3.4 Risk Data Quality Strategy 5

3.5 Risk Reviews 5

Section 4 – Corrective Action and Monitoring 5

4.1 Risk Tolerance 5

4.2 Risk Mitigation 6

4.3 Corrective Risk Management Strategy 6

4.4 Corrective Action Plan 6

Section 5 – Postmortem Plan 6

5.1 Results 6

5.2 Follow Up 6

Section 6 – References 7

6.1 References 7

Templates 8

Risk Matrix Legend Example 8

Risk Matrix Example 8

Risk Monitoring and Control Example 9

Section 1 – Introduction to the Plan

Benefits of Risk Management

A risk management plan defines how the project’s risk management process will be executed. It is an important part of project management as it helps manage potential project risks (Scavetta, 2023). The management process has the following main steps:

Risk identification: to manage project risks, it is important to identify them first.

Risk assessment: Once the project risks are identified, they need to be prioritized depending on the level of impact or likelihood.

Risk mitigation: this step is where a plan to mitigate and manage risks is constructed. It is also important to define which team members will have the responsibility of monitoring and controlling risks.

Risk monitoring: risks must be monitored throughout the duration of the project.

Source: (Scavetta, 2023)

The benefits of risk management include the following:

Ensures that risks are managed properly.

Reduces the impact of negative risks and increases the impact of opportunities.

Details a plan of how the project team will manage risk(s).

Provides levels of each risk to manage it efficiently.

Probability and impact matrix helps assess impact on the project objectives.

Source: (Rahim, 2016)

A risk assessment can be used to identify and prioritize the different types of project risks, and the following steps do it:

Identifying the risk/areas of concern

Determining the risk criteria (likelihood, consequences)

Assessing the risks (three-tiered scale – high, medium, or low)

Prioritizing the risk (ranking risks and determining mitigation strategies)

Source: (Risk Analysis, n.d.)

Project Goals and Objectives

Project/Business Objectives

Become a leading competitor in the wearable technology market.

Increase company’s customer base by 25% at the end of the fiscal year.

Increase product development by 10%

1.3 Company Background

Cosmo, Inc. is a leading developer and distributor of wearable technology. They have products that include fitness coaching, nutritional coaching and lifestyle advising products. They currently hold a 33% market share in the wearable technology market; however, the CEO and President Harold Living of Cosmo, Inc. has discovered increased competition. CEO Harold Living has instructed the marketing team to develop a new marketing strategy that will help increase production, the customer base and grow and maintain the company’s market share.

CEO Harold has provided a budget of $150,000 for the project and a 10-week time frame for completion. The departments included in this project are business analytics, marketing and advertising, customer service and IT/Software development. HR will be involved temporarily in onboarding employees for digital content creation to help the advertising and marketing team.

To obtain a successful marketing strategy and advertise the new product, Cosmo, Inc. must hire four individuals with experience, skills, and training in marketing and digital content creation. They will be responsible for rolling out the marketing strategy and implementing it into advertising activities.

The focus for the marketing campaign will be on the following demographics:

customers who are between the ages of 25-50

college educated individuals.


annual income of $75,000+

live in cities with a large population of 500,000 or more. 

This risk management plan will assist the marketing team in achieving the project goals, managing and growing the company’s market share.

The project stakeholders are the following:





Harold Living, President, and CEO

Project Sponsor

Fund the project, approves budget, business plan and make executive decisions



Tayyaba Chaudhry

Project Manager

Provide resources that impact systematic risk



Eric Phillips

Project Leader

Manage and escalate risks and present extensive issues to project sponsors



Chuck Smith

Software Engineer

Overlook engineering/design of product development as well as risks in the production area



Karen Garett

Business Analytics

Document technical and business requirements, test solutions, and verify project deliverables. Manage risks in the analytics area



Emily Banegas


Manage advertising and marketing execution of the project. Will manage and overlook risks in the marketing/advertising area



Ty Lindsay


Employee onboarding and will handle hiring process risks


1.4 Risk Identification

The risk identification step is where risks are identified along with their level of impact on the project. This process leads to the overall risk management plan as it helps keep the identified risks under control. When project leaders have potential risks identified, it helps the team in responding, managing, and handling them more effectively and proactively.

Below are potential risks for this project:

Unable to find 4 talented digital content creators to execute the marketing strategy and online advertisement.

Unable to meet the project deadline in 10 weeks.

Unable to complete the project within the provided $150,000 budget.

Technical issues delaying the product creation.

Unable to get approval from FDA for the sensors (heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar).

Unable to acquire the resources needed, such as engineering and design for new product development.

Supply shortage for parts/material needed for product development.

The project manager and project leader will work with the respective teams to review and the listed risks. A qualitative and quantitative risk analysis will help identify the level of severity for each risk and its consequences. The following steps will be implemented to prioritize the risks:

Set deadlines to review risks with each team/department.

Plan and mitigate risks at all appropriate levels (project team leader, project manager, CEO)

Communicate with stakeholders on the status of each risk.

Document all risk activity on the project SharePoint.

Conduct risk assessments.

Schedule bi-weekly meetings to update and follow-up on risk activities.

Section 2 – Risk Scope, Components, and Value

2.1 Scope of the Risk Management Plan

Define the boundaries of the risk management plan scope.

2.2 Risk Management Plan Components

Explain the components and the corresponding responsibilities that comprise the Risk Management Plan.

Describe the processes included in a risk management plan.

2.3 Expected Monetary Value

Apply an expected monetary value analysis to estimate the cost of a project without a risk plan.

Articulate the benefits of a risk management plan.

2.4 Determine the Risks

Identify sources of risk and the corresponding potential impact on project outcomes.

Include evidence of at least one of these processes:


The Delphi technique.

Ishikawa diagrams.

Interviewing processes.

2.5 Evaluate and Assess the Risks

Define the elements of the risk breakdown structure for use in evaluating project risk.

Analyze the impact of risk on project outcomes.

Integrate risk analysis techniques to create a risk breakdown structure.

2.6 Qualitative and Quantitative Processes

Apply qualitative and quantitative risk analysis.

Include evidence of at least one of these processes:

Sensitivity analysis.

Expected monetary analysis.

Monte Carlo simulation.

Decision tree analysis.)

Section 3 – Risk Analysis and Assessment

3.1 Major and Minor Risks

Analyze project risk to identify major and minor risks associated with the project.

How were the risks determined?

Were qualitative or quantitative methods used?

Was the most effective method applied to determine risk?)

3.2 Risk Probability

(Integrate qualitative and quantitative risk analysis techniques to identify methods for evaluating the probability of a risk event.

How confident are you in the accuracy of the probabilities used?

What can you do to improve the accuracy of the probability?

3.3 Risk Matrix Template

Insert your completed Risk Matrix Template. See the end of this document for examples.

3.4 Risk Data Quality Strategy

Define the process and tools to be used to determine the quality of data for use in assessing project risk.

How reliable is the data?

What is the evidence of reliability?)

3.5 Risk Reviews

Define the process to be followed for risk reviews to be conducted throughout the project life cycle. Insert your completed Risk Monitoring and Control Template. See the end of this document for an example.

What is being done to proactively reduce risk in the future?

What is being done to communicate risks?

Section 4 – Corrective Action and Monitoring

4.1 Risk Tolerance

Evaluate the organizational and departmental tolerance for risk.

Discuss the different risk tolerances within the organization.)

4.2 Risk Mitigation

Identify risk mitigation approaches in support of the project.

How will you implement the mitigation approaches?

Have you identified specific triggers to initiate mitigation?

4.3 Corrective Risk Management Strategy

Describe your strategy for corrective risk management.

Explain whether you will use auditing, strategic planning, or another type.

Describe the corrective action process and responsibilities.

Will you be performing a risk postmortem? If not, why not?)

4.4 Corrective Action Plan

Assess corrective plan procedures in support of the project.

Is your documentation available to others?

Is it reviewed by the team or others?

Section 5 – Postmortem Plan

5.1 Results

Identify and describe how results data will be collected and reviewed to determine corrective actions.

Did your postmortem results lead to any concrete changes? Explain.

5.2 Follow Up

Evaluate the organization’s view of risk management and approach, resulting from project outcomes.

Did this project change the organization’s approach and management of risk?

Describe the impact of postmortem results on the organization.

Recommend corrective plan procedures to effectively manage risk.

What recommendations would you make for future risk management projects?

What resources did you use to support your assertions?

Section 6 – References

6.1 References

Scavetta, A. (2023, March 6). How to make a risk management plan. ProjectManager. https://www.projectmanager.com/blog/risk-management-plan#:~:text=WhatIsaRiskManagement,assessmentmitigationandmonitoringactivities.

Rahim, E. (2016, June 19). The benefits of risk management planning. Bellevue University Project Management Center of Excellence. https://pmcenter.bellevue.edu/2016/06/19/the-benefits-of-risk-management-planning/

Risk Analysis. Capella stories: (n.d.). https://media.capella.edu/coursemedia/HIS1100element22358/wrapper.asp


You may delete this section once you have copied the tables as directed above.

Risk Matrix Legend Example

If you wish, you may color code risk in addition to using the indicators of high, very high, and so forth. A usual color scheme is green, yellow, orange, red.

Probability Level



Impact Level

Very High (VH)


Very High (VH)


High (H)


High (H)


Medium (M)


Medium (M)


Low (L)

< 69%

Low (L)

No Impact

Probability Level



Impact Level

Risk Matrix Example

The risk matrix is a graphical representation of the identified risks and their evaluation in terms of probability (likelihood) of occurrence and impact on project success factors (costs, time, quality) if they should occur.

The definitions of risk probability and impact levels are specific to the selected project and reflect risk appetite and thresholds.

Risk #: Numerical number of risk.

Risk: Provide a description of the risk (i.e. Weather impacts – storm season).

Probability: Defines the likelihood that risk will occur (i.e. H, M, L).

Impact: Defines the level of impact to project success factors (time, costs, quality) (i.e., H, M, L).

Response to Risk: Avoid, mitigate, transfer and accept.

Action Plan: A detailed explanation of the steps for risk mitigation(s).

Person Responsible: Who will manage the mitigation strategy?

Status: Status of mitigation process.

Risk #




Response to Risk

Action Plan

Person Responsible


Risk Monitoring and Control Example

Continue Review and Action Plan


Time Estimate

Monitoring Process [Define monitoring process of current and new risks]

Review [Define stages or timeframes for specific types of review]

Reporting [provide types of communication channels and deliverables]



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