Question 1, Tell us the specific topic you want to write about. What position do you anticipate you will you take on the topic?
I will write about the measures the aviation industry must take to hit net zero. That is to reduce the environmental degradation caused by this industry and reduce their carbon footprint in the world. The position that I anticipate taking in this is to agree to the notion that, indeed, there are measures needed to be taken by the aviation industry concerning environment conservation.
Question 2, Editorials are published for the public to read in magazines, trade journals, and newspapers (all of which can also be found online). Specifically, by name, what publication could you submit your editorial to? Who is their average audience? Why did you choose this publication?
I could submit my auditorial to an environmental magazine. The average audience for my auditorial is all environmental activists and different states and aviation companies. I chose this publication due to its in-depth analysis of the matters affecting the world caused by our own emissions and environmental pollution.
Question 3, Find an editorial on the topic that you want to write about. This is what you will respond to with your OWN editorial, whether you agree, disagree, or both. Link to the editorial and give a brief (less than 3 sentences) summary of the editorial.
The above editorial gives the figure of greenhouse emissions by the aviation industry and how they declined during the lockdown in 2020 at Covid -19 pandemic. It further gives the problems that are majorly vital to be fixed for the aviation industry to achieve neutrality in their annual carbon footprint in the world. Finally, it mentions some of the efforts that the aviation industry needs to support in achieving a green economy.
Question 4, Write a draft thesis statement responding to that editorial, using a template from this unit’s reading assignments in They Say I Say.
The voice of reason has indeed landed in aviation. Despite its huge success in changing the world into a global village, something needs to be replicated in reducing the carbon footprint of this industry.
Annotated Bibliography on Aviation and Environmental Pollution
Timperley, J. (2021, September 5). The six problems aviation must fix to hit net zero. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/05/the-six-problems-aviation-must-fix-to-hit-net-zero
In “The six problems aviation must fix to hit net zero,” Timperley outlines the challenges the aviation industry faces in achieving carbon neutrality. The article examines six key obstructions: 1) changing to low-carbon powers, 2) tending to non-CO2 environment influences, 3) handling the issue of regular customers, 4) executing solid strategies to check discharges, 5) tracking down answers for the development in flying in emerging nations, and 6) dealing with the possible pessimistic effect of supersonic airplane advancement.
Considering that the article is distributed by The Watchman, a legitimate and notable media source, it is viewed as solid. The data is well-informed and upheld by quotes from specialists in the field. I will utilize this source to outline the principal challenges Aeronautics faces in decreasing its carbon impression and to help my contentions regarding the intricacies of accomplishing net-no discharges in the business.
GÜRÇAM, S. (2022). The neoliberal initiative of the aviation industry to fight the climate crisis: Greenwashing. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 9(3), 178-186.
In this study, Gürçam explores the concept of greenwashing in the aviation industry, focusing on how airlines pretend to be environmentally friendly while continuing to contribute significantly to the climate crisis. The article discusses the increasing greenhouse gas emissions from the aviation sector and the potential impact on the climate crisis. The study highlights the shortcomings of various environmental initiatives undertaken by the industry, such as electric and hydrogen-powered planes and biofuel studies, in combating the climate crisis effectively.
The dependability of the source is tenable as it is distributed in a companion explored scholarly diary, and the creator examines the issue from top to bottom with references to different examinations. In any case, assessing the discoveries related to different sources is fundamental to shaping a complete comprehension.
I will use this source to provide insight into the aviation industry’s greenwashing practices and their insufficient efforts to combat the climate crisis. This article will highlight the discrepancy between the aviation industry’s portrayal of environmentally friendly initiatives and their environmental impact. It will support my argument on the need for more substantial and sustainable solutions to address the aviation sector’s carbon emissions.
Al-Rabeei, S. A. S., Korba, P., Hovanec, M., Šváb, P., Rácek, B., & Spodniak, M. (2021, May). Analysis of aviation pollution in the selected regions of the world. In International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures (pp. 229-239). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
In this research paper, the authors focus on the impact of aircraft on the environment, particularly in Europe. The paper includes various case studies from different authors to estimate the environmental impact using universal indicators. It contrasts the EU’s ecological arrangements and those of the US and Australia. The examination features those avionics, as of now, represent 12% of overall CO2 emanations, which could ascend to 24% by 2050 without significant innovative progressions. The paper explores the potential of hydrogen technology as a greener propulsion method and discusses challenges in its adoption. The authors propose using hydrogen fuel cells, which offer zero emissions and can be generated from renewable sources.
The source is a scientific research paper presented at a worldwide meeting, which expands its dependability. Nonetheless, confirming the cases and information in the paper is critical by cross-referring to other respectable sources. I will utilize this paper to accumulate data about avionics contamination and the capability of hydrogen innovation as an eco-accommodating option in examining flying contamination in chosen locales.
Al-Rabeei, S. A. S., Korba, P., Hovanec, M., Šváb, P., Rácek, B., & Spodniak, M. (2021, May). Analysis of aviation pollution in the selected regions of the world. In International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures (pp. 229-239). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
GÜRÇAM, S. (2022). The neoliberal initiative of the aviation industry to fight the climate crisis: Greenwashing. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 9(3), 178-186.
Timperley, J. (2021, September 5). The six problems aviation must fix to hit net zero. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/05/the-six-problems-aviation-must-fix-to-hit-net-zero
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