IR101 – Classwork 3 Classwork 3: Production Question – Describing Research Final

IR101 – Classwork 3

Classwork 3: Production Question – Describing Research

Final Deadline: 17 November, 2022 at 11:59 PM

Submission: Electronically via LMS

Value: 3% of total grade

Task – Read the hypothetical research scenario given below and correctly identify and describe the following:

Research methods (Quantitative or qualitative, mixed methods)

Independent variable

Dependent variable


Data collection tools

Data analysis methods

Students must use the terminology presented and discussed in class.

150-200 words approximately.

Research Scenario

A researcher is asked by a private university for help in identifying the best format to administer an examination (online or paper based) in KSA. The researcher designs the following initial research. He recruits 200 students (100 males) (100 females).

Research Questions:

How does an examination format affect a student’s performance?

Step 1: First, the students are identified. They are approached and given a questionnaire with a set of questions.

Example question 1: Which examination format do you prefer for an examination?

1. Paper-based examinations

2. Online examinations

3. Does not matter.

4. Other___________

Example question 2: Based on your experience, which examination format enabled you to perform well? [Perform well is defined as attaining a B (80%) or better on the examination]

1. Paper-based examinations

2. Online examinations

3. Other___________

Step 2: Three weeks later, the researcher asks the students to participate in an online mock exam. The conditions are that the students show up on a Saturday at 9 am in a computer lab to take a 1.5-hour long online exam.

Step 3: Four weeks later, the researcher asks the students to participate in another mock exam (paper-based). The conditions are that the students show up on a Saturday at 9 am in a classroom next to the computer lab where the first mock exam was administered.

Other than the computers lab, the testing conditions in Stage 2 and Stage 3 are the same.

Step 4: A week later, the researcher interviews the students to gather feedback from the students’ experience during the mock exams.

The data is analyzed using SPSS and thematic analysis. The results of the study are presented to the university’s senior management using graphs and charts to statistically show students’ performance in each format of the mock exam. Moreover, senior management is also presented with a thematic analysis of the interviews giving further context to the research.


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